
2024-02-19 18:59




Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun’s Java Romance: Three Romantic Encounters with the “final” Keyword


In a world called the “Coding Paradise,” two coding geniuses reside – the male lead Lin Haoran and the female lead Yang Lingyun. Not only are they programming wizards, but they also stand out in the Java language kingdom. Their love story, much like the ‘final’ keyword in Java syntax, is unique and immutable.


Chapter One: The Encounter of Final Class


One day, while working on a top-secret project, Lin Haoran created a final class named “EternalKnight.” This class, much like his determination, remains unaltered once created, symbolizing his steadfast commitment to the programming profession. Witnessing this, Yang Lingyun couldn’t help but exclaim, “Brother Lin, this ‘Eternal Knight’ is like our friendship, enduring the test of time, unwavering and uncompromising.” Lin Haoran smiled faintly, thinking, “If only we could elevate this friendship to an eternal love, that would be even more wonderful.”


Chapter Two: The Affection of Final Method


In a collaborative team effort, Yang Lingyun was responsible for defining a final method named “HeartfeltConnection.” This method encapsulated her unique insights into code logic, ensuring its behavior remains consistent throughout the program’s lifecycle. Lin Haoran, captivated by her steadfastness and wisdom, couldn’t help but ponder, “This final method is like Lingyun’s personality, regardless of the changes in the world; she remains true to herself, much like how I hope our relationship can be equally steadfast.”


Chapter Three: The Pledge of Final Variable


Finally, during an intense and thrilling hacker marathon, the duo teamed up to overcome challenges. In a crucial moment, Lin Haoran declared a final variable named “EverlastingLove,” signifying that once assigned, it would never change – symbolizing his unwavering affection for Yang Lingyun. Yang Lingyun, understanding his sentiments, responded, “I am also willing to use the ‘final’ keyword to define my feelings – this love, from now on, will never change.”


Through three clever applications of the ‘final’ keyword, Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun not only co-created robust and reliable code but also left deep imprints on each other’s hearts. In the world of Java, they interpreted a love story in a way unique to programmers. Like the code they wrote, this story went through compilation, execution, and ultimately became a timeless classic.


// 林浩然定义的"永恒骑士"final类,表示这个类不能被其他类继承
public final class EternalKnight {private String name;// 构造器public EternalKnight(String name) {this.name = name;}// 示例方法public void embarkOnQuest() {System.out.println(name + " sets out on an eternal quest.");}
}// 由于EternalKnight是final类,所以无法有子类
// 若尝试创建子类,编译时将会报错
// class JuniorKnight extends EternalKnight { ... } // 编译错误// 使用示例
EternalKnight linHaoran = new EternalKnight("林浩然");
linHaoran.embarkOnQuest(); // 输出:"林浩然 sets out on an eternal quest."


// 杨凌芸定义的类,其中包含一个final方法
public class HeartfeltConnection {// final修饰的方法不可被子类重写public final void communicateThoughts() {System.out.println("心意相通,逻辑清晰。");}
}// 尝试在子类中重写final方法会引发编译错误
// class ImprovedConnection extends HeartfeltConnection {
//     @Override
//     public void communicateThoughts() { // 编译错误
//         System.out.println("深化理解,强化沟通...");
//     }
// }// 使用示例
HeartfeltConnection yangLingyun = new HeartfeltConnection();
yangLingyun.communicateThoughts(); // 输出:"心意相通,逻辑清晰。"


// 在黑客马拉松比赛中,林浩然声明并初始化了一个final变量
public class HackathonChallenge {// final修饰的变量一旦赋值后,其值就不能再改变public final String everlastingLove = "杨凌芸";public void declareLove() {System.out.println("我对" + everlastingLove + "的爱,至死不渝。");}// 注意:final变量必须在声明时或者构造器中初始化// 不能在声明时不初始化,然后在方法或其他地方进行赋值
}// 使用示例
HackathonChallenge challenge = new HackathonChallenge();
challenge.declareLove(); // 输出:"我对杨凌芸的爱,至死不渝。"// 试图再次修改everlastingLove的值将导致编译错误
// challenge.everlastingLove = "另一个人"; // 编译错误


Chapter 1: Encounter with final in Class

// The "EternalKnight" final class defined by Lin Haoran, indicating that this class cannot be extended by other classes
public final class EternalKnight {private String name;// Constructorpublic EternalKnight(String name) {this.name = name;}// Example methodpublic void embarkOnQuest() {System.out.println(name + " sets out on an eternal quest.");}
}// Since EternalKnight is a final class, it cannot have subclasses
// Attempting to create a subclass will result in a compilation error
// class JuniorKnight extends EternalKnight { ... } // Compilation error// Example of usage
EternalKnight linHaoran = new EternalKnight("Lin Haoran");
linHaoran.embarkOnQuest(); // Output: "Lin Haoran sets out on an eternal quest."

Chapter 2: Affection for final in Methods

// A class defined by Yang Lingyun, which contains a final method
public class HeartfeltConnection {// The method marked as final cannot be overridden by subclassespublic final void communicateThoughts() {System.out.println("Heart-to-heart communication, crystal clear logic.");}
}// Attempting to override a final method in a subclass will result in a compilation error
// class ImprovedConnection extends HeartfeltConnection {
//     @Override
//     public void communicateThoughts() { // Compilation error
//         System.out.println("Deepen understanding, strengthen communication...");
//     }
// }// Example of usage
HeartfeltConnection yangLingyun = new HeartfeltConnection();
yangLingyun.communicateThoughts(); // Output: "Heart-to-heart communication, crystal clear logic."

Chapter 3: Pledge of final for Variables

// In a hackathon challenge, Lin Haoran declares and initializes a final variable
public class HackathonChallenge {// Once initialized, the value of a final variable cannot be changedpublic final String everlastingLove = "Yang Lingyun";public void declareLove() {System.out.println("My love for " + everlastingLove + " is everlasting.");}// Note: Final variables must be initialized at declaration or in the constructor// They cannot be declared without initialization and then assigned a value in methods or elsewhere
}// Example of usage
HackathonChallenge challenge = new HackathonChallenge();
challenge.declareLove(); // Output: "My love for Yang Lingyun is everlasting."// Trying to modify the value of everlastingLove again will result in a compilation error
// challenge.everlastingLove = "Another person"; // Compilation error

The above code snippets demonstrate the use of the final keyword to denote immutability for classes, methods, and variables in Java. It signifies the unchanging nature of both the programming elements and the steadfast emotions between Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun.





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