

安装AWS s3fs

yum install epel-release
yum install s3fs-fuse


echo ACCESS_KEY_ID:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY > ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fschmod 600 ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs


id nginx
# 查询nginx用户信息
uid=1003(nginx) gid=1003(nginx) groups=1003(nginx)
s3fs -o uid=1003,gid=1003 static-xxx-pro /mnt/s3bucket -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs


s3fs#static-xxx-pro /mnt/s3bucket fuse _netdev,allow_other,uid=1003 ,gid=1003 0 0


ll  /mnt/s3bucket/



server  {listen 80;server_name localhost;location / {alias /mnt/s3bucket/;}

S3挂载参考来源 https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse



s3fs allows Linux and macOS to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE.
s3fs preserves the native object format for files, allowing use of other
tools like AWS CLI.


  • large subset of POSIX including reading/writing files, directories, symlinks, mode, uid/gid, and extended attributes
  • compatible with Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and other S3-based object stores
  • allows random writes and appends
  • large files via multi-part upload
  • renames via server-side copy
  • optional server-side encryption
  • data integrity via MD5 hashes
  • in-memory metadata caching
  • local disk data caching
  • user-specified regions, including Amazon GovCloud
  • authenticate via v2 or v4 signatures


Many systems provide pre-built packages:

  • Amazon Linux via EPEL:

    sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
    sudo yum install s3fs-fuse
  • Arch Linux:

    sudo pacman -S s3fs-fuse
  • Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04 or newer:

    sudo apt install s3fs
  • Fedora 27 or newer:

    sudo dnf install s3fs-fuse
  • Gentoo:

    sudo emerge net-fs/s3fs
  • RHEL and CentOS 7 or newer through via EPEL:

    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install s3fs-fuse
  • SUSE 12 and openSUSE 42.1 or newer:

    sudo zypper install s3fs
  • macOS via Homebrew:

    brew cask install osxfuse
    brew install s3fs

Otherwise consult the compilation instructions.


s3fs supports the standard
AWS credentials file
stored in ${HOME}/.aws/credentials. Alternatively, s3fs supports a custom passwd file.

The default location for the s3fs password file can be created:

  • using a .passwd-s3fs file in the users home directory (i.e. ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs)
  • using the system-wide /etc/passwd-s3fs file

Enter your credentials in a file ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs and set
owner-only permissions:

chmod 600 ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs

Run s3fs with an existing bucket mybucket and directory /path/to/mountpoint:

s3fs mybucket /path/to/mountpoint -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs

If you encounter any errors, enable debug output:

s3fs mybucket /path/to/mountpoint -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg

You can also mount on boot by entering the following line to /etc/fstab:

mybucket /path/to/mountpoint fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other 0 0


mybucket /path/to/mountpoint fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other 0 0

If you use s3fs with a non-Amazon S3 implementation, specify the URL and path-style requests:

s3fs mybucket /path/to/mountpoint -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs -o url=https://url.to.s3/ -o use_path_request_style


mybucket /path/to/mountpoint fuse.s3fs _netdev,allow_other,use_path_request_style,url=https://url.to.s3/ 0 0

To use IBM IAM Authentication, use the -o ibm_iam_auth option, and specify the Service Instance ID and API Key in your credentials file:

echo SERVICEINSTANCEID:APIKEY > /path/to/passwd

The Service Instance ID is only required when using the -o create_bucket option.

Note: You may also want to create the global credential file first

echo ACCESS_KEY_ID:SECRET_ACCESS_KEY > /etc/passwd-s3fs
chmod 600 /etc/passwd-s3fs

Note2: You may also need to make sure netfs service is start on boot


Generally S3 cannot offer the same performance or semantics as a local file system. More specifically:

  • random writes or appends to files require rewriting the entire object, optimized with multi-part upload copy
  • metadata operations such as listing directories have poor performance due to network latency
  • eventual consistency can temporarily yield stale data(Amazon S3 Data Consistency Model)
  • no atomic renames of files or directories
  • no coordination between multiple clients mounting the same bucket
  • no hard links
  • inotify detects only local modifications, not external ones by other clients or tools


  • goofys - similar to s3fs but has better performance and less POSIX compatibility
  • s3backer - mount an S3 bucket as a single file
  • S3Proxy - combine with s3fs to mount Backblaze B2, EMC Atmos, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack Swift buckets
  • s3ql - similar to s3fs but uses its own object format
  • YAS3FS - similar to s3fs but uses SNS to allow multiple clients to mount a bucket

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQ wiki page
  • s3fs on Stack Overflow
  • s3fs on Server Fault


Copyright © 2010 Randy Rizun rrizun@gmail.com

Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2




CentOS7安装配置mysql5.7 tar免安装版

一、CentOS7.4系统自带mariadb # 查看系统自带的Mariadb[root@localhost~]# rpm -qa|grep mariadbmariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7.centos.x86_64# 卸载系统自带的Mariadb[root@localhost ~]# rpm -e --nodeps mariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7


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