
2024-02-17 15:50



Girl touching a mirror

Photo: credit: Beverley Goodwin


There exists a debate within the User Experience community about whether a user interface should say ‘Your account‘ or ‘My account‘ to refer to the user's account. Should the call to action be ‘Create your account‘ or Create my account?

用户体验社区内部存在着有关用户界面应说“ 您的帐户 ”还是“ 我的帐户 ”来指代用户帐户的争论。 号召性用语应该是“ 创建您的帐户 ”还是“ 创建我的帐户”

Pinterest and Trello are both social web apps that use "boards", yet see how they differ!


  • Pinterest: YOUR Board button

    Pinterest: 您的董事会按钮

  • Trello: MY Boards button

    Trello:“ 我的棋盘”按钮

When it comes time to delete your account, however, they both switch terms:


Pinterest: Deactivate my account

Pinterest: Deactivate MY account


Trello: Permanently delete your entire account forever?

Trello: Permanently delete YOUR entire account forever?


Interestingly, they agree on prompts:


  • Pinterest: What’s YOUR board about?

    Pinterest: 您的董事会是做什么的?

  • Trello: What are YOU planning?

    特雷洛: 您在计划什么?

So how are you to decide? One trick is to consider who is in the room and who is talking.

那么,您如何决定? 一种技巧是考虑谁在房间里,谁在说话。

除用户外,房间里没人 (There's No One in the Room Except the User)

If there's no one else in the room, skip the qualifier entirely. There's no ambiguity. That is, if your user has no reason to acknowledge your brand or anyone else, imagine they're in an empty room. If there's a wrapped present on the table in this empty room, they know it's for them without needing a gift tag and their name on it.

如果房间里没有其他人,则完全跳过该限定词。 没有歧义。 也就是说,如果您的用户没有理由认可您的品牌或其他任何人,请想象他们在空荡荡的房间里。 如果在这个空房间的桌子上有包装好的礼物,他们会知道这是给他们的礼物,而无需礼物标签和名字。

When you avoid the qualifier, you gain the benefit of front-loading interface copy with distinguishing words instead of "your" or "my". For example, "Privacy settings" stands out from "Account" better than "My privacy settings" from "My account". This makes your user interface easier to scan. It also reduces the time it takes a user to understand what they're seeing and take their next action (perhaps, buying your product).

当您避免使用限定词时,您将获得带有区别词而不是“您的”或“我的”的前端加载界面副本。 例如,“隐私设置”在“帐户”中比在“我的帐户”中的“我的隐私设置”更好。 这使您的用户界面更易于扫描。 它还可以减少用户了解他们所看到的内容并采取下一步行动(例如购买产品)所花费的时间。

两家公司-网站和用户 (Two's Company — the website and the user)

Only use "your" or "my" when you need to differentiate between the user and the website speaking:


  • When the website is talking, use "Your".

  • When the user is talking, use "My".


In the first instance, the website may "speak" to:


  • Orient the user through page headings and labels

  • Provide content

  • Tell the user about their content

  • Tell the user there's been an error and how that affects them

  • Provide help and instructions

  • Offer documentation


(This is often expressed through some kind of label — a page label, form label, button label — so for simplicity we'll refer to this type of dialog as a label.)


In the second instance, the user "speaks" when they perform actions. That is, the user lets the website know what they want by:

在第二种情况下,用户在执行操作时会“讲话”。 也就是说,用户通过以下方式让网站知道他们想要什么:

  • Pressing buttons

  • Clicking menu items

  • Entering data

  • Selecting filters

  • Otherwise making some choice and commanding the website


(For simplicity, we'll focus on buttons.)


As such, "My" is appropriate in actions.


Using "Your" or "My" when there are multiple voices removes the ambiguity about who is talking and who they are addressing, however, you still don't need to use both at all times. Assume one person is always talking, then add the qualifying "your" or "my" for exceptions when you need to differentiate between the website and user.

当有多个声音时使用“您的”或“我的”消除了关于谁在讲话以及他们正在向谁讲话的歧义,但是,您仍然不需要始终使用两者。 假设一个人一直在讲话,然后在需要区分网站和用户时,添加合格的“您的”或“我的”作为例外。

If the default is that the user is talking, you need to specify when the website is interjecting:


  • Website: “Would you like free gift wrapping with your purchase?” (label)

    网站:“您购买商品时需要免费礼品包装吗?” (标签)
  • User: “Add gift wrapping” (button) — not “wrap my gift”

  • Website: “Your Clients:” (label)

  • User: “Contact Clients” (button) — not “Contact My Clients”


If the default is that the website is talking, you need to specify when the user speaks up:


  • Website: “Gift wrapping:” (label) — not “Wrap your gift:”

  • User: “Wrap my gift” (button)

  • Website: “Clients:” (label) — not “Your Clients:”

  • User: “Contact My Clients” (button)


Whether you emphasize the website's voice or the user's voice may depend on your product or service. A chatty, engaging brand will use "your" extensively. Alternatively, in personal, individual environments, a brand may wish to hide their presence. For example, consider these buttons:

您是否强调网站的声音还是用户的声音取决于您的产品或服务。 一个健谈,引人入胜的品牌将广泛使用“您的”。 或者,在个人,个人环境中,品牌可能希望隐藏其存在。 例如,考虑以下按钮:

  • "Check My Bank Balance"

  • "Update My Medical Records"

  • "Create My Account"


Don't draw attention to other people in the room by saying "Let's review your medical records." It's awkward.

不要说“让我们检查您的病历”来引起房间里其他人的注意。 好尴尬

If you decide to emphasize both voices to highlight the interaction and create a social experience, there's one particular complication I want to highlight: combining labels and buttons, which mixes voices. Let's look at 2 examples.

如果您决定同时强调两种声音以突出交互作用并创建社交体验,那么我要强调的一个特殊复杂之处是:组合标签和按钮,混合声音。 让我们看两个例子。

Firstly, navigation links are sometimes treated as buttons that indicate the user's intent, for example, clicking "My Stuff" in the main navigation menu to "Go to My Stuff". The following page is then labeled "Your Stuff". While on this page, you can see the "My Stuff" nav button and "Your Stuff" page label. Together, this appears inconsistent:

首先,有时将导航链接视为指示用户意图的按钮,例如,在主导航菜单中单击“我的资料”以“转到我的资料”。 接下来的页面被标记为“您的资料”。 在此页面上,您可以看到“我的资料”导航按钮和“您的资料”页面标签。 在一起,这似乎不一致:

WordPress's MY Site button comes with a tooltip that offers to View a list of YOUR sites

Instead of providing a button labeled "My Site", WordPress could say "Your Sites" or label it with the name of the site in question (which is the page label for the subsequent page when you click that button).


Treating navigation links as a label to show the user where they are and as an button when a user clicks it to navigate combines the website's voice and the user's voice into one button.


Secondly, social media buttons such as "Follow me on Twitter" typically express the user's intent to perform an action despite speaking in the website's voice. This wording, however, makes more sense than the user clicking on "I want to follow you on Twitter" or "Follow them on Twitter". The convention used in "Follow me on Twitter" is akin to the website asking, "Would you like to follow me on Twitter?" and the user answering, "Yes", where the question and answer are condensed into one button.

其次,社交媒体按钮(例如“在Twitter上关注我”)通常会表达用户执行操作的意图,尽管会以网站的声音讲话。 但是,这种措辞比用户单击“我想在Twitter上关注您”或“在Twitter上关注他们”更有意义。 “在Twitter上关注我”中使用的约定类似于网站上的询问:“您要在Twitter上关注我吗?” 用户回答“是”,将问题和答案压缩为一个按钮。

To handle these cases, write the button's text using the website's voice. This avoids apparent inconsistency between page and navigation labels, as well as conforming to convention for social media buttons. Alternatively, separate the label and action out from the one button.

要处理这些情况,请使用网站的语音输入按钮的文字。 这样可以避免页面和导航标签之间明显的不一致,并避免社交媒体按钮的约定。 或者,从一个按钮中分离标签并采取措施。

Meanwhile, you only need to differentiate voices when the website may validly be speaking. There's no need to offer the user a button to "Update My Membership" when the website won't have its own "membership". Similarly, showing "Your Cart:" is often unnecessary because the website doesn't have its own cart, and the user doesn't know what's in other users' carts. "Cart" would do just fine.

同时,您只需要在网站可能有效地讲话时区分声音即可。 当网站没有自己的“会员资格”时,无需为用户提供“更新我的会员资格”的按钮。 同样,通常不需要显示“您的购物车:”,因为网站没有自己的购物车,用户也不知道其他用户的购物车中有什么。 “购物车”就可以了。

三人成群-许多用户 (Three's a Crowd — Many Users)

When your user engages with other users through your website, stick to the guidelines above — "your" for labels, "my" for buttons — and extend the concept to express other users' voices.


  • Labels: "Your Photos:" and "Your friend's photos:"

  • Buttons: "Tag Photos" (lets you tag any photos; note how it's intentionally ambiguous), "Tag My Photos", and "Tag My Friends' Photos"


Imagine you are an administrator of a business system. You're responsible for: system functionality, moderators or staff that use the system, end users of the system, and how you use the system. You might see:

假设您是业务系统的管理员。 你负责:系统功能,使用该系统的版主或工作人员,该系统的最终用户,以及如何使用该系统。 您可能会看到:

  • "System Settings:"

  • "Staff Settings:"

  • "User Settings:"

  • "Your Settings:"


In "Staff Settings:", you might see an "Update Staff Settings" button. In "Your Settings:", you might see "Update My Settings".

在“人员设置:”中,您可能会看到“更新人员设置”按钮。 在“您的设置:”中,您可能会看到“更新我的设置”。

After a point though, if your users have control over other people's things, you will need to start using names. If you have a shared account, for example, "my" could refer to anyone in the account:

不过,如果过了一点,如果您的用户可以控制其他人的事物,则需要开始使用名称。 例如,如果您有一个共享帐户,则“我”可以指代该帐户中的任何人:

Bill Scott, the lead UI Engineer at Netflix (and a renowned patternista himself) tells me that at Netflix they avoid “Your,” preferring “Bill’s recommendations.” Their rationale is that it communicates the personalization (the same way “your” and “my” are supposed to), and it also clarifies that “it is you and not your kid (when using multiple profiles in a household).” But then again, for most people Netflix may be more of a personal utility than a social environment. — Designing Social Interfaces: Your vs. My

Netflix的首席UI工程师比尔·斯科特(Bill Scott)(他自己也是著名的patternista)告诉我,在Netflix,他们避免使用“您的”,而更喜欢“比尔的建议”。 他们的理由是,它传达了个性化信息(应该以“您的”和“我的”相同的方式)进行交流,并且还阐明了“(不是您的孩子,而是您(当在家庭中使用多个配置文件时))”。 但是话又说回来,对于大多数人而言,Netflix可能更多是个人用途,而不是社交环境。 — 设计社交界面:您与我

Similarly, a gift card could be "your gift card" because you bought it to give to someone, or "your gift card" because it was given to you to spend. Using names removes ambiguity.

类似地,礼品卡可能是“您的礼品卡”,因为您购买了它是为了赠予某人,或者是“您的礼品卡”,因为它是提供给您进行花钱的。 使用名称可以消除歧义。

As one of many system administrators, you might be able to see "Sheldon's Settings" and hit the "Update Sheldon's Settings" button.

作为许多系统管理员之一,您也许可以看到“ Sheldon的设置”,然后单击“更新Sheldon的设置”按钮。

结论 (Conclusion)

In summary, if you don't absolutely need to use "your account" or "my account", don’t use either, use: "account". If you must use "your" or "my" to indicate who is talking, use "your" for labels, and use "my" for buttons sparingly. If the interface is private or personal, use "my" for buttons, and use "your" for labels sparingly. If there are many users, address people by name.

总而言之,如果您绝对不需要使用“您的帐户”或“我的帐户”,则不要使用两者,请使用:“帐户”。 如果必须使用“您的”或“我的”来表示正在讲话,请使用“您的”作为标签,并使用“我的”作为按钮。 如果界面是私人的或个人的,请在按钮上使用“我的”,并在标签上使用“您的”。 如果有很多用户,请按名称给人寻址。

And if all else fails, be consistent!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/better-user-interfaces-copy/






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