- %% vncport.erl
- %% Author: Sunny
- %% Created: 2011-7-25
- %% Description: get vncport
- -module(vncport).
- -date("2011.07.25").
- %%
- %% Include Files
- %%
- -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl").
- -record(vnc_counter,
- {
- vncport_num,
- used_flag
- }).
- %%
- %% Exported Functions
- %%
- -export([init/0, stop/0]).
- -export([recovery_one_vncport/1]).
- -export([get_next_vncport/0]).
- %%
- %% Api Functions
- %%
- init() ->
- mnesia:stop(),
- mnesia:delete_schema([node()]),
- mnesia:create_schema([node()]),
- mnesia:start(),
- mnesia:create_table(vnc_counter,[{attributes, record_info(fields, vnc_counter)}]),
- F = fun(N) ->
- insert_to_table(N)
- end,
- for(5908, 5910, F),
- for(5915, 5917, F),
- mnesia:dirty_update_counter(vnc_counter, mac_id, 5900).
- stop() ->
- mnesia:stop().
- get_next_vncport() ->
- Query = qlc:q([X#vnc_counter.used_flag || X <- mnesia:table(vnc_counter),
- X#vnc_counter.vncport_num =:= mac_id]),
- F = fun() ->
- qlc:e(Query)
- end,
- io:format("get the vncport which is not used~n"), %% degug info
- {atomic, [Result]} = mnesia:transaction(F),
- % spawn(fun() -> update_vnc_counter(Result) end),
- update_vnc_counter(Result),
- io:format("get the next vncport is:~p~n", [Result]), %% debug info
- Result.
- recovery_one_vncport(N) ->
- Row = {vnc_counter, N},
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:delete(Row)
- end,
- Result = mnesia:transaction(F),
- io:format("delete ~p successfully~n", [N]), %% debug info
- Result.
- %%
- %% Local Functions
- %%
- update_vnc_counter(X) ->
- io:format("spawn one process to update vnc_counter~n"), %% debug info
- insert_to_table(X),
- io:format("add one used vncport to vnc_counter successfully!~n"), %% debug info
- if
- X+1 > 65535 ->
- N=5900;
- X+1 =< 65535 ->
- N=X+1
- end,
- io:format("now begin check whether in vnc_counter~n"), %% debug info
- case check_in_vnc_counter(N) of
- true ->
- io:format("find ~p is in vnc_counter~n", [N]), %% debug info
- NX = find_not_in_vnc_counter(N), %% find one not in vnc_counter
- Row = #vnc_counter{vncport_num=mac_id, used_flag=NX};
- false ->
- io:format("find ~p is not in vnc_counter~n", [N]), %% debug info
- Row = #vnc_counter{vncport_num=mac_id, used_flag=N}
- end,
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:write(Row)
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F),
- io:format("update vnc_counter over~n"), %% debug info
- ok.
- check_in_vnc_counter(N) ->
- io:format("check ~p is or not in vnc_counter~n", [N]), %% debug info
- Query = qlc:q([X#vnc_counter.vncport_num || X <- mnesia:table(vnc_counter),
- X#vnc_counter.vncport_num =:= N]),
- F = fun() ->
- qlc:e(Query)
- end,
- Result = mnesia:transaction(F),
- io:format("check result is:~p~n", [Result]), %% debug info
- case Result of
- {atomic, []} ->
- Return = false;
- {atomic, [_]} ->
- Return = true
- end,
- Return.
- find_not_in_vnc_counter(N) ->
- if
- N+1 > 65535 ->
- NX = 5900;
- N+1 =< 65535 ->
- NX = N+1
- end,
- case check_in_vnc_counter(NX) of
- true ->
- Result = find_not_in_vnc_counter(N+1);
- false ->
- Result = NX
- end,
- Result.
- insert_to_table(N) ->
- Row = #vnc_counter{vncport_num=N, used_flag=yes},
- F = fun() ->
- mnesia:write(Row)
- end,
- mnesia:transaction(F).
- for(Max, Max, F) ->
- [F(Max)];
- for(Min, Max, F) ->
- [F(Min)|for(Min+1, Max, F)].
- 1> c(vncport).
- {ok,vncport}
- 2> vncport:init().
- 5900
- 3> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5901 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- find 5901 is not in vnc_counter
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5900
- 5900
- 4> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5902 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5902]}
- find 5902 is in vnc_counter
- check 5903 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5903]}
- check 5904 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5904]}
- check 5905 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5905]}
- check 5906 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5906]}
- check 5907 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5907]}
- check 5908 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5908]}
- check 5909 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5909]}
- check 5910 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5910]}
- check 5911 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5901
- 5901
- 5> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5912 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- find 5912 is not in vnc_counter
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5911
- 5911
- 6> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5913 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5913]}
- find 5913 is in vnc_counter
- check 5914 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5914]}
- check 5915 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5915]}
- check 5916 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5916]}
- check 5917 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[5917]}
- check 5918 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5912
- 5912
- 7> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5919 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- find 5919 is not in vnc_counter
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5918
- 5918
- 8> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5920 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- find 5920 is not in vnc_counter
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5919
- 5919
- 9> vncport:get_next_vncport().
- get the vncport which is not used
- spawn one process to update vnc_counter
- add one used vncport to vnc_counter
- now begin check whether in vnc_counter
- check 5921 is or not in vnc_counter
- check result is:{atomic,[]}
- find 5921 is not in vnc_counter
- update vnc_counter over
- get the next vncport is:5920
- 5920
- 10>
mnesia:dirty_update_counter(vnc_counter, mac_id, 5900),
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