
2024-02-16 12:30




If you’re anything like me, you use Google Maps a lot. The thing is, it keeps a detailed history of everywhere you’ve been—regardless of whether you’ve used navigation or not. Here’s how to delete that data.

如果你喜欢我什么,你使用谷歌地图了很多 。 事实是,无论您是否使用导航,它都会保留您去过的所有地方的详细历史记录。 这是删除该数据的方法。

Maps keeps your travel history in a couple of different places: “Your Timeline” and “Maps History.” The former is a very detailed look at everywhere you’ve been, even if you didn’t navigate there (yes, your phone is tracking your every step). The latter, however, is only places that you’ve used navigation to get to. It’s actually kind of confusing that they store this data in two different places, so that’s why we’ll cover both of them.

地图将您的旅行历史记录保存在两个不同的位置:“您的时间轴”和“地图历史记录”。 前者非常详尽地介绍了您到过的所有地方,即使您没有导航到那里(是的,您的手机也正在跟踪您的每个步骤)。 但是,后者仅是您使用导航到达的地方。 他们将数据存储在两个不同的地方实际上有点令人困惑,所以这就是我们要覆盖这两个地方的原因。

如何在Google地图时间轴中编辑或删除单个条目 (How to Edit or Remove Individual Entries from Your Google Maps Timeline)

I’m using Android here, but the steps are the same for iOS, so you should have no trouble following along. To access Your Timeline—the detailed history of everywhere you’ve been, even places you didn’t navigate to—open Maps, then slide open the left menu. You can do this by swiping in from left to right or tapping the three lines in the top left corner. Select “Your timeline.”

我在这里使用的是Android,但步骤与iOS相同,因此后续操作应该没有问题。 要访问您的时间轴-您曾经到过的地方(甚至您没有导航过的地方)的详细历史记录,请打开地图,然后滑动打开左侧菜单。 您可以通过从左向右轻扫或点击左上角的三行来做到这一点。 选择“您的时间轴”。

The default view is a mini-map at the top and a quick look at your most recent locations down below. To edit (or remove) any of these locations, just tap on its entry.

默认视图是顶部的迷你地图,而下方则是您最近位置的快速浏览。 要编辑(或删除)任何这些位置,只需点击其条目。

From here, you can edit it by taping the “Edit” button, which will allow you change the times and specify the exact location if it’s not accurate.


Otherwise, to delete the entry, just tap the trash can icon in the upper right corner. To completely remove it, you’ll just need to verify that you want it gone but tapping “Remove” on the pop up dialog.

否则,要删除条目,只需点击右上角的垃圾桶图标。 要完全删除它,您只需要验证是否要删除它,然后在弹出对话框中点击“删除”即可。

如何阻止Google跟踪您的位置记录(并将其全部删除) (How to Stop Google From Tracking Your Location History (and Delete It All))

You don’t have to just delete entries on a one-by-one basis, though. You can actually go a step further control how Your Timeline works and delete all your data if you want.

但是,您不必只逐个删除条目。 实际上,您可以进一步控制时间轴的工作方式,并根据需要删除所有数据。

In the Your Timeline view, tap the three dots in the upper right corner, then choose “Settings.”


So this is where things can get a little more convoluted, depending on what you’re trying to do. It’s actually kind of difficult to completely disable Your Timeline, because doing so could negatively affect other aspects of navigation. But if that’s what you want to do, scroll to the bottom of the Timeline Settings page, and disable the “Location History is on” option.

因此,这可能会使事情变得更加复杂,具体取决于您要执行的操作。 完全禁用您的时间轴实际上有点困难,因为这样做可能会对导航的其他方面产生负面影响。 但是,如果您要这样做,请滚动到“时间轴设置”页面的底部,然后禁用“打开位置记录”选项。

You can either disable it on that particular device or just in general—just hit the appropriate slider. The top one will disable all Location History tracking across all devices, while the one next to the device name will just disable it on that particular device.

您可以在特定设备上禁用它,也可以只在一般情况下禁用它-只需点击相应的滑块即可。 顶部的将禁用所有设备上的所有位置记录跟踪,而设备名称旁边的一个将仅在该特定设备上禁用它。

You can also bulk delete your Location History if you’d like. There are two different ways of going about this: Delete All Location History or Delete Location History Range. These are the last two options in the Timeline Settings page.

您也可以根据需要批量删除位置记录。 有两种不同的解决方法:删除所有位置历史记录或删除位置历史记录范围。 这是“时间轴设置”页面中的最后两个选项。

To delete all Location History, tap that option. A warning will show up, telling you that this can’t be undone and it could affect apps that rely on your location history. If you’re cool with that, tick the “I understand and want to delete” box and tap “Delete.”

要删除所有位置记录,请点击该选项。 将会显示一条警告,告诉您此操作无法撤消,并且可能会影响依赖于您的位置记录的应用程序。 如果您对此很满意,请勾选“我了解并想要删除”框,然后点击“删除”。

If you’re just looking to delete a range, tap the last option in this menu, then enter your start and end dates, followed by “Continue.”


The same warning from above will appear—tick the box and tap “Delete.” Poof! It’s all gone, never to be seen again.

从上方将出现相同的警告-选中该框,然后点击“删除”。 of! 一切都消失了,再也看不到了。

如何删除地图的导航历史记录 (How to Delete Maps’ Navigation History)

Removing your navigation history is a bit more difficult, because there’s no way to delete it all in one fell swoop—you can only delete individual entries.


First, fire up Google Maps. From there, slide open the menu by either swiping from left to right or tapping the three lines in the upper left corner. Scroll down until you see “Settings.” Tap it.

首先,启动Google Maps。 从那里,通过从左向右滑动或点击左上角的三行来滑动打开菜单。 向下滚动,直到看到“设置”。 点一下

About halfway down this menu is an option for Maps History. That’s the one you’re looking for.

此菜单大约位于中途,是“地图历史记录”的一个选项。 那就是您要寻找的那个。

Once here, you’ll see a lit of everywhere you’ve navigated to. There’s no way to completely clear this data, so you’ll have to delete each one individually by tapping the little X on the right side.

到达这里后,您将看到导航到的所有地方的灯光。 无法完全清除此数据,因此您必须通过点按右侧的小X来分别删除每个数据。

After tapping the X, you’ll get a little warning telling you that this entry will be removed and deleted from Maps history. If you’re good with that, just tap “Delete.” Done and done.

轻按X后,您会收到一条警告,告诉您该条目将从“地图”历史记录中删除和删除。 如果您对此感到满意,只需点按“删除”。 做完了。

如何在网络上禁用位置记录 (How to Disable Location History on the Web)

You can also control your location history using Google’s My Activity page. This ties into your My Account settings, but it’s a much faster way of accessing your location history and timeline.

您还可以使用Google的“ 我的活动”页面控制位置记录。 这与您的“我的帐户”设置相关联,但这是访问位置历史记录和时间轴的一种更快的方法。

First, head over to My Activity. From there, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner. In the dropdown, choose Activity Controls.

首先,转到“ 我的活动” 。 从那里,单击右上角的三点菜单。 在下拉列表中,选择“活动控件”。

On this page, scroll down a bit and find the Location HIstory card. Toggle the little slider.

在此页面上,向下滚动一点,找到Location HIstory卡。 切换小滑块。

A new box will pop up, confirming that you want to “pause” location history. It will tell you what you’ll be losing by doing so—if you’re okay with that, go ahead and hit “pause” at the bottom.

将会弹出一个新框,确认您要“暂停”位置历史记录。 它会告诉您这样做会造成的损失-如果您对此感到满意,请继续并单击底部的“暂停”。

Boom. Done and done. This will indefinitely pause location tracking across all of your devices untii you turn it back on.

繁荣。 做完了。 这将无限期地暂停所有设备上的位置跟踪,直到您将其重新打开。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230633/how-to-view-and-delete-your-google-maps-history-on-android-and-iphone/






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