
I was talking to my friend Rob Caron today. He produces Azure Friday with me - it's our weekly video podcast on Azure and the Cloud. We were talking about the magic for a successful episode, but then realized the ingredients that Rob came up with were generic enough that they were the essential for anyone who is teaching or advocating for a technology.
我今天在和我的朋友罗伯·卡隆(Rob Caron)聊天。 他与我一起制作了Azure Friday-这是我们每周在Azure和Cloud上播放的视频播客。 我们当时谈论的是成功演出的魔力,但后来意识到Rob提出的要素足够通用,以至于对于那些正在教授或倡导技术的人来说都是必不可少的。
Personally I don't believe in "evangelism" in a technical context and I dislike the term "Technology Evangelism." Not only does it evoke unnecessary zealotry but it also implies that your religion technology is not only what's best for someone, but that it's the only solution. Java people shouldn't try to convert PHP people. That's all nonsense, of course. I like the word "advocate" because you're (hopefully) advocating for the right solution regardless of technology.
我个人不相信技术背景下的“福音主义”,而且我不喜欢“技术福音”一词。 它不仅引起了不必要的狂热,而且还意味着您的 宗教 技术不仅对某人最有效,而且是唯一的解决方案。 Java人不应该尝试转换PHP人。 当然,这完全是胡说八道。 我喜欢“倡导者”一词,因为(希望)您在倡导正确的解决方案,而不论技术如何。
Here's the 11 herbs and spices that are needed for a great technical talk, a good episode of a podcast or show, or a decent career talking and teaching about tech.
Empathy for the guest – When talking to another person, never let someone flounder and fail – compensate when necessary so they are successful.
Empathy for the audience – Stay conscious that you're delivering an talk/episode/post that people want to watch/read.
Improvisation – Learn how to think on your feet and keep the conversation going (“Yes, and…”) Consider ComedySportz or other mind exercises.
Listening – Don't just wait to for your turn to speak, just to say something, and never interrupt to say it. Be present and conscious and respond to what you’re hearing
聆听–不要只是等待轮到您说话,只说些什么,而不要打断它。 在场并有意识并回应您所听到的
Speaking experience – Do the work. Hundreds of talks. Hundreds of interviews. Hundreds of shows. This ain’t your first rodeo. Being good means hard work and putting in the hours, over years, whether it's 10 people in a lunch presentation or 2000 people in a keynote, you know what to articulate.
演讲经验–做事。 数以百计的对话。 数以百计的采访。 数百场演出。 这不是您的第一个牛仔竞技表演。 做好工作意味着辛勤工作,并且要花费数年的时间,无论是午餐演示中的10个人还是主题演讲中的2000个人,您都知道要表达什么。
Technical experience – You have to know the technology. Strive to have context and personal experiences to reference. If you've never built/shipped/deployed something real (multiple times) you're just talking.
技术经验–您必须了解技术。 力争有背景和个人经验可供参考。 如果您从未(多次)构建/装运/部署过真实的产品,那么您只是在谈论。
Be a customer – You use the product, every day, and more than just to demo stuff. Run real sites, ship real apps, multiple times. Maintain sites, have sites go down and wake up to fix them. Carry the proverbial pager.
成为客户–您每天都在使用产品,而不仅仅是演示产品。 多次运行真实网站,交付真实应用程序。 维护站点,让站点宕机并唤醒以修复它们。 进行众所周知的传呼机。
Physical mannerisms – Avoid having odd personal ticks and/or be conscious of your performance on video. I know what my ticks are and I'm always trying to correct them. It's not self-critical, it's self-aware.
身体举止–避免出现个人personal嗒声和/或意识到您在视频上的表现。 我知道我的壁虱是什么,我一直在努力纠正它们。 这不是自我批评,而是自我意识。
Personal brand – I'm not a fan of "personal branding" but here's how I think of it. Show up. (So important.) You’re a known quantity in the community. You're reliable and kind. This lends credibility to your projects. Lend your voice and amplify others. Be yourself consistently and advocate for others, always.
个人品牌–我不喜欢“个人品牌”,但是我是这样想的。 出现。 (非常重要。)您是社区中的知名人士。 您是可靠和善良的。 这使您的项目具有信誉。 发挥您的声音并扩大他人。 始终如一地做自己,并始终倡导他人。
Confidence – Don't be timid in what you have to say BUT be perfectly fine with saying something that the guest later corrects. You're NOT the smartest person in the room. It's OK just to be a person in the room.
信心–不要胆小,但要说出客人后来要纠正的话就可以了。 您不是会议室中最聪明的人。 成为房间里的一个人也可以。
Production awareness – Know how to ensure everything is set to produce a good presentation/blog/talk/video/sample (font size, mic, physical blocking, etc.) Always do tech checks. Always.
生产意识–知道如何确保所有设置都能产生良好的演示文稿/博客/谈话/视频/样本(字体大小,麦克风,物理遮挡等)。始终进行技术检查。 总是。
These are just a few tips but they've always served me well. We've done 450 episodes of Azure Friday and I've done nearly 650 episodes of the Hanselminutes Tech Podcast. Please Subscribe!
这些只是一些技巧,但它们一直为我服务很好。 我们已经完成了450集《 Azure Friday》,并且完成了近650集《 Hanselminutes Tech Podcast》 。 请订阅!
相关链接 (Related Links)
VIDEO: How to get started with technical public speaking!
11 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation
Technical Presentations: Be Prepared for Absolute Chaos
Tips for Preparing for a Technical Presentation
* pic from stevebustin used under CC.
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/11-essential-characteristics-for-being-a-good-technical-advocate-or-interviewer