Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt(1)

2024-02-11 11:08
文章标签 python qt programming gui rapid

本文主要是介绍Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt(1),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt


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The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming 

作者:Mark Summerfield

Foreword -前言

As PyQt’s creator, I’m delighted to see that this book has been written. Although I served as one of the book’s technical reviewers, I’m happy to confess that I learned a few things myself.


The PyQt documentation covers the APIs of all the PyQt classes. This book shows you how to use all those classes, how tocombine them to createdialogs, main windows, andentire applications—all of which look good and work well,with noarbitrary limits, and using a programming language that is a joy to use.

PyQt的文档涵盖了所有的PyQt类的API。这本书展示了如何使用所有这些类,如何将它们结合起来,创造对话,主窗口和整个应用程序 - 所有这一切看起来好,工作好,没有任何限制,并使用一种编程语言,是一种享受使用。

What I particularly like about the book is that the examples aren’t trivial ones designed to illustrate a simple point, but are potentially useful in their own right. The way that different approachesare considered will reward the reader who wants to develop a deeper understanding of how to apply PyQt to the development of large scale, production quality applications.


I began the PyQt story back in the late 1990s. I had been using Tcl/Tk for some time, but I felt that Tk applications looked ugly, especially when I saw what had been achieved with the first version of KDE. I had wanted to switch to Python, and so I thought I would combine the change of language with a change of GUI library.

我开始PyQt的故事早在上世纪90年代末。使用Tcl / Tk的一段时间我一直,但我觉得,传统知识的应用显得难看,尤其是当我看到一直与KDE的第一个版本实现。我本来想切换到Python的,所以我想我会用GUI库的变化相结合语言的变化。

Initially I used some wrappers that had been written using SWIG, but I concluded that I could produce a more suitable wrapper tool myself. I set to work creating SIP, and released PyQt 0.1 supporting Qt 1.41 in November 1998.Development has continued regularly ever since, both to keep up with new releases of Qt and to broaden the scope of PyQt with, for example, the addition of support tools and improved documentation. By 2000, PyQt 2.0 supported Qt 2.2 on both Linux and Windows. Qt 3 support appeared in 2001, and Mac OS X support in 2002. The PyQt4 series began with PyQt 4.0 in June 2006with support for Qt 4.

起初我用已经使用痛饮写了一些包装,但我的结论是,我可能会产生一个更合适的包装工具自己。我开始工作创造SIP,并于十一月1998.Development发布的PyQt 0.1支持Qt的1.41继续定期至今,既使用Qt的新版本保持并扩大PyQt的与范围,例如,增加了支持工具和改进的文档。到2000年,PyQt的2.0支持的Qt 2.2在Linux和Windows。 Qt的3支出现于2001年,并于2002年的Mac OS X支持的PyQt4的系列在六月2006with支撑始于PyQt的4.0的Qt 4。

Initially I used some wrappers that had been written using SWIG, but I concluded that I could produce a more suitable wrapper tool myself. I set to work creating SIP, and released PyQt 0.1 supporting Qt 1.41 in November 1998.Development has continued regularly ever since, both to keep up with new releases of Qt and to broaden the scope of PyQt with, for example, the addition of support tools and improved documentation. By 2000, PyQt 2.0 supported Qt 2.2 on both Linux and Windows. Qt 3 support appeared in 2001, and Mac OS X support in 2002. The PyQt4 series began with PyQt 4.0 in June 2006with support for Qt 4.

起初我用已经使用痛饮写了一些包装,但我的结论是,我可能会产生一个更合适的包装工具自己。我开始工作创造SIP,并于十一月1998.Development发布的PyQt 0.1支持Qt的1.41继续定期至今,既使用Qt的新版本保持并扩大PyQt的与范围,例如,增加了支持工具和改进的文档。到2000年,PyQt的2.0支持的Qt 2.2在Linux和Windows。 Qt的3支出现于2001年,并于2002年的Mac OS X支持的PyQt4的系列在六月2006with支撑始于PyQt的4.0的Qt 4。

My primary goal has always been to allow Python and Qt to work together in a way that feels natural to Python programmers, while allowing them to do anything they want in Python that can be done in C++. The key to achieving this was the development of SIP. This gave me a specialized code generator over which I had complete control and ensures that Python and Qt will always fit snugly together.
我的主要目标一直是让Python和Qt来的,感觉自然的Python程序员的方式一起工作,同时让他们做他们在Python想要的东西,可以在C ++来完成。实现这一点的关键是SIP协议的发展。这给了我一个专门的代码生成了,我有完全的控制,并确保Python和Qt的永远紧贴在一起。

The essential process of developing and maintaining PyQt is now well established. Much of the work is now automated,which means that keeping up with new releases of Qt from Trolltech is no longer the problem it once was, and ensurs that PyQt will continue for years to come.

开发和维护的PyQt的基本过程,现在是公认的。大部分工作现在是自动的,这意味着跟上来自Trolltech的Qt的新版本不再是它曾经是这个问题,那ensurs PyQt的将持续多年。

It’s been very gratifying to watch the growth of the PyQt community over the years. If this book is part of your introduction to PyQt, then welcome!


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摘要: 本文深入探讨了嵌入式 QT 相关的各个方面。从 QT 框架的基础架构和核心概念出发,详细阐述了其在嵌入式环境中的优势与特点。文中分析了嵌入式 QT 的开发环境搭建过程,包括交叉编译工具链的配置等关键步骤。进一步探讨了嵌入式 QT 的界面设计与开发,涵盖了从基本控件的使用到复杂界面布局的构建。同时也深入研究了信号与槽机制在嵌入式系统中的应用,以及嵌入式 QT 与硬件设备的交互,包括输入输出设


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