
2024-02-10 16:08


<0>About L3G4200D digital output gyroscope sensor

            made by STMicroelectronics.

<1>i2c-client的驱动从板级枚举开始(对应的结构:struct platform_data{})
         >>> e.g: /arch/arm/mach-x/xxx.c    
    b:platform_data, e.g:
#if defined (CONFIG_SENSOR_L3G4200D)
#define L3G4200D_IRQ_PIN PIN5_PA0
static int l3g4200d_board_init(void)
{if(gpio_request(L3G4200D_IRQ_PIN, "l3g4200d_irq") != 0){gpio_free(L3G4200D_IRQ_PIN);printk("> l3g4200d init platform_hw gpio_request error.\n");return -EIO;}gpio_direction_input(L3G4200D_IRQ_PIN);return 0;
}struct l3g4200d_platform_data l3g4200d_pdata = { .poll_interval = 2, .min_interval = 0,.fs_range = 250, .axis_map_x= 0,.axis_map_y= 1,.axis_map_z= 2,.negate_x= 0,.negate_y= 0,.negate_z= 0,.init = l3g4200d_board_init,
#endif  //end->CONFIG_SENSOR_L3D4200D
    c: 芯片特征信息,e.g:
static struct i2c_board_info __initdata board_i2c0_devices[] = {{.type                   = "l3g4200d",.addr                   = 0x69,    /*slave addr*/.flags                  = 0,.irq                    = L3G4200D_IRQ_PIN,.platform_data          = &l3g4200d_pdata,},........

i2c_register_board_info(default_i2c0_data.bus_num, board_i2c0_devices,ARRAY_SIZE(board_i2c0_devices));



a:初始化struct i2c_driver结构,e.g:
static struct i2c_driver l3g4200d_driver = { .driver = { .owner = THIS_MODULE,.name = L3G4200D_GYR_DEV_NAME,.pm = &l3g4200d_pm, /* suspend(), resume() */},  .probe = l3g4200d_probe,.remove = __devexit_p(l3g4200d_remove),.id_table = l3g4200d_id,};

static int  xxx_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id);



	if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {err = -ENODEV;goto exit;}p.s. more in kernel/Documentation/i2c/functionality

        >>>调用板级初始化方法,本例中为dev.platform_data.init() <if there has>;

                e.g: 亦可直接完成:申请gpio, 注册中断等工作.

        >>>检查芯片,通常通过一个叫"WHO_AM_I"的寄存器检查其chip id.


<3>i2c基础方法, read(), write():

/* read method*/
i2c_read();/* write method */

a: input
b: cdev
c: procfs
d: sysfs

/*** ____/|    * \ o.O|*  =(_)= -> to be continue...*    U*/




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​ I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit)是一种两线式串行总线。   ​   一、主要特点 1. 简单性:只使用两根线,即串行数据线(SDA)和串行时钟线(SCL),减少了硬件连接的复杂性。 2. 多设备连接:可以连接多个具有 I2C 接口的设备到同一总线,每个设备都有唯一的地址,通过地址来区分和通信。 3. 双向通信:SDA 线允许数据在主设备和从设备之间双