20180828 com.tencent.mtt 待机功耗现象

2024-02-09 20:32

本文主要是介绍20180828 com.tencent.mtt 待机功耗现象,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1. BugRepot 现象

17:01:21 - 11:01:49 18h 0m 28s 601ms,耗电量(94%-81% = 13%)


2. 功耗现象分析

2.1 待机测试中 com.tencent.mtt 一直处于前台进程


Top app
Aug 21 2018
22:16:11 - 22:17:12
+5h25m58s859ms to +5h26m59s438ms
active duration: 1m 0s 579ms
1 occurencesTop app         | Number of times | Total duration
com.tencent.mtt | 1               | 1m 0s 579ms   

JobScheduler 和 SyncManager 进行唤醒CPU,由于互联网特性,QQ浏览器需要调度网络,导致功耗一直无法减低下来。

Application com.tencent.mtt
Version Name
Version Code    8203950
UID 10128
Device estimated power use  0.01%
Foreground  12 times over 7m 18s 962ms
Vibrator use    17 times over 6s 100ms
CPU user time   43s 15ms
CPU system time 19s 165ms
Device estimated power use due to CPU usage 0.00%
Total number of wakeup alarms   42Network Information:
Mobile data transferred 0.00 bytes total (0.00 bytes received, 0.00 bytes transmitted)
Mobile data transferred in the background   0.00 bytes total (0.00 bytes received, 0.00 bytes transmitted)
Wifi data transferred   6.68 MB total (6.29 MB received, 396.98 KB transmitted)
Wifi data transferred in the background 0.00 bytes total (0.00 bytes received, 0.00 bytes transmitted)
Mobile packets transferred  0 total (0 received, 0 transmitted)
Mobile packets transferred in the background    NaN total (undefined received, undefined transmitted)
Wifi packets transferred    10054 total (5226 received, 4828 transmitted)
Wifi packets transferred in the background  NaN total (undefined received, undefined transmitted)
Mobile active time  
Mobile active count 0
Full wifi lock time 
Wifi scan count 1
Wifi scan time  2s 417.50ms
Wifi idle time  
Wifi transfer time  0ms total ( receiving, transmitting)
Wifi idle time  0s
Wifi transfer time  0ms total (0ms receiving, 0ms transmitting)Syncs:
Show  entriesSearch:
Sync Name   Total Time  Count
com.tencent.mtt.account.sync/com.tencent.mtt.account.sync/QQ浏览器 1s 345ms    23
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entriesPrevious1NextWakelocks:
Show  entriesSearch:
Wakelock Name   Full Time   Full Count  Minimum total partial Time  Partial Count   Window Time Window Count
*vibrator*      0   6s 694ms    7       0
*alarm*     0   328ms   15      0
*sync*/com.tencent.mtt.account.sync/com.tencent.mtt.account.sync/XXX        0   292ms   15      0
*job*/com.tencent.mtt/.browser.push.external.account.JobschedulService      0   94ms    29      0
LocationManagerService      0       0       0
Showing 1 to 5 of 6 entriesPrevious12NextServices:
Show  entriesSearch:
Service Name    Time spent started  # starts    # launches
com.tencent.mtt.browser.push.service.PushRemoteService  3h 51m 53s 815ms    1   1
com.tencent.mtt.browser.push.service.PushRemoteService$InnerService    38ms    1   1
com.tencent.mtt.browser.push.external.account.JobschedulService     0   38
com.tencent.mtt.browser.push.external.account.SyncService       0   23
com.tencent.mtt.BrowserService      0   1
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entriesPrevious1NextProcess info:
Show  entriesSearch:
Process Name    User Time   System Time Foreground Time # Starts    # ANRs  # Crashes
com.tencent.mtt 27s 580ms   9s 290ms    19s 990ms   1   0   0
com.tencent.mtt:service 7s 380ms    7s 870ms        1   0   0
sh  10ms    820ms       0   0   0
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entriesPrevious1NextScheduled Job:
Show  entriesSearch:
Job Name    Total Time  Count
com.tencent.mtt/.browser.push.external.account.JobschedulService    1s 174ms    38
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

3. 功耗现象解决

  1. 根据测试用例进行测试,待机下统一回到桌面进行待机,这样后台管理就可以有效的管住功耗
  2. 待机工程中,尤其是长时间的待机下对JobScheduler 和 SyncManager进行严格管理
  1. 延长深度Doze的持续时间,该模式下BugReport中几乎无应用层唤醒

这篇关于20180828 com.tencent.mtt 待机功耗现象的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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