
2024-02-06 09:48
文章标签 源码 redis 三十二 漫话



#ifdef __GNUC__
void rdbReportError(int corruption_error, int linenum, char *reason, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
void rdbReportError(int corruption_error, int linenum, char *reason, ...) {va_list ap;char msg[1024];int len;len = snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Internal error in RDB reading offset %llu, function at rdb.c:%d -> ",(unsigned long long)server.loading_loaded_bytes, linenum);va_start(ap,reason);vsnprintf(msg+len,sizeof(msg)-len,reason,ap);va_end(ap);if (!server.loading) {/* If we're in the context of a RESTORE command, just propagate the error. *//* log in VERBOSE, and return (don't exit). */serverLog(LL_VERBOSE, "%s", msg);return;} else if (rdbCheckMode) {/* If we're inside the rdb checker, let it handle the error. */rdbCheckError("%s",msg);} else if (rdbFileBeingLoaded) {/* If we're loading an rdb file form disk, run rdb check (and exit) */serverLog(LL_WARNING, "%s", msg);char *argv[2] = {"",rdbFileBeingLoaded};redis_check_rdb_main(2,argv,NULL);} else if (corruption_error) {/* In diskless loading, in case of corrupt file, log and exit. */serverLog(LL_WARNING, "%s. Failure loading rdb format", msg);} else {/* In diskless loading, in case of a short read (not a corrupt* file), log and proceed (don't exit). */serverLog(LL_WARNING, "%s. Failure loading rdb format from socket, assuming connection error, resuming operation.", msg);return;}serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Terminating server after rdb file reading failure.");exit(1);
}static ssize_t rdbWriteRaw(rio *rdb, void *p, size_t len) {if (rdb && rioWrite(rdb,p,len) == 0)return -1;return len;
}int rdbSaveType(rio *rdb, unsigned char type) {return rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&type,1);
}/* Load a "type" in RDB format, that is a one byte unsigned integer.* This function is not only used to load object types, but also special* "types" like the end-of-file type, the EXPIRE type, and so forth. */
int rdbLoadType(rio *rdb) {unsigned char type;if (rioRead(rdb,&type,1) == 0) return -1;return type;
}/* This is only used to load old databases stored with the RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME* opcode. New versions of Redis store using the RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS* opcode. On error -1 is returned, however this could be a valid time, so* to check for loading errors the caller should call rioGetReadError() after* calling this function. */
time_t rdbLoadTime(rio *rdb) {int32_t t32;if (rioRead(rdb,&t32,4) == 0) return -1;return (time_t)t32;
}int rdbSaveMillisecondTime(rio *rdb, long long t) {int64_t t64 = (int64_t) t;memrev64ifbe(&t64); /* Store in little endian. */return rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&t64,8);
}/* This function loads a time from the RDB file. It gets the version of the* RDB because, unfortunately, before Redis 5 (RDB version 9), the function* failed to convert data to/from little endian, so RDB files with keys having* expires could not be shared between big endian and little endian systems* (because the expire time will be totally wrong). The fix for this is just* to call memrev64ifbe(), however if we fix this for all the RDB versions,* this call will introduce an incompatibility for big endian systems:* after upgrading to Redis version 5 they will no longer be able to load their* own old RDB files. Because of that, we instead fix the function only for new* RDB versions, and load older RDB versions as we used to do in the past,* allowing big endian systems to load their own old RDB files.** On I/O error the function returns LLONG_MAX, however if this is also a* valid stored value, the caller should use rioGetReadError() to check for* errors after calling this function. */
long long rdbLoadMillisecondTime(rio *rdb, int rdbver) {int64_t t64;if (rioRead(rdb,&t64,8) == 0) return LLONG_MAX;if (rdbver >= 9) /* Check the top comment of this function. */memrev64ifbe(&t64); /* Convert in big endian if the system is BE. */return (long long)t64;





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