
2024-02-01 21:59


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Exploratory Data Analysis — Gonçalo Guimarães Gomes

关于该项目 (About the project)

The dataset stores information — 2008 to 2015 — of a marketing sales operation (telemarketing) implemented by a Portuguese bank’s marketing team to attract customers to subscribe term deposits, classifying the results as ‘yes’ and ‘no’ into a binary categorical variable.


Until that time, the strategy was to reach the maximum number of clients, indiscriminately, and try to sell them the financial product over the phone. However, that approach, besides spending many resources was also very uncomfortable for many clients disturbed by this type of action.

在此之前,策略是不加选择地吸引最大数量的客户,并尝试通过电话向他们出售金融产品。 但是,这种方法除了花费很多资源之外,对于许多受此类操作困扰的客户来说也非常不舒服。

To determine the costs of the campaign, the marketing team has concluded:


  • For each customer identified as a good candidate and therefore defined as a target but doesn’t subscribe the deposit, the bank had a cost of 500 EUR.


  • For each customer identified as a bad candidate and excluded from the target but would subscribe the product, the bank had a cost of 2.000 EUR.


机器学习的问题和目标 (Machine Learning problem and objectives)

We’re facing a binary classification problem. The goal is to train the best machine learning model that should be able to predict the optimal number of candidates to be targeted in order to reduce to the minimum costs and maximize efficiency.

我们正面临一个二进制分类问题 。 目标是训练最佳的机器学习模型,该模型应能够预测要针对的候选候选人的最佳数量,以便将成本降至最低并实现最大效率。

项目结构 (Project structure)

The project divides into three categories:


  1. EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis


  2. Data Wrangling: Cleaning and Feature Engineering


  3. Machine Learning: Predictive Modelling


In this article, I’ll be focusing only on the first section, the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

在本文中,我将仅关注第一部分,即探索性数据分析 (EDA)。

绩效指标 (Performance Metric)

The metric used for evaluation is the total costs since the objective is to determine the minimum costs of the campaign.


You will find the entire code of this project here.The ‘bank_marketing_campaign.csv’ dataset can be downloaded here.

您可以在这里找到该项目的全部代码。“ bank_marketing_campaign.csv”数据集可以在此处下载。

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Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
Danielle MacInnes在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

The first thing to do is to import the libraries and dependencies required.


# import librariesimport pandas as pd
from pandas.plotting import table
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Loading the dataset (I will assign it as ‘df’) and inspect the first rows.

加载数据集(我将其分配为“ df”)并检查第一行。

df = pd.read_csv('bank_marketing_campaign.csv') # load the datasetdf.head() # print the data
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head() is a method used to display the first 'n' rows in a dataframe and head()是一种用于显示数据帧中前“ n”行,而 tail() for the 'n' last rows tail()用于显示“ n”行的方法

The dependent variable or target (on the right as the last column) labeled as ‘y’ is a binary categoric variable. Let’s start by converting it into a binary numeric wich will assume the value of 1 if the client subscribes and 0 if otherwise. A new column ‘target’ will replace the ‘y’ (to be dropped).

标为“ y”的因变量或目标(在最后一列的右侧)是二进制类别变量。 首先,将其转换为二进制数值,如果客户端订阅,则将假定值为1;否则,则假定值为0。 新列“目标”将替换“ y”(将被删除)。

# converting into a binary numeric variabledf['target'] = df.apply(lambda row: 1 if row["y"] == "yes" else 0, axis=1)

I will also rename some columns replacing the dots by underscores.


# Renaming some columns for better typing and calling variablesdf.rename(columns={"emp.var.rate":"emp_var_rate", "cons.price.idx":"cons_price_idx", "cons.conf.idx":"cons_conf_idx", "nr.employed":"nr_employed"}, inplace=True)df.head()
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Converting the binary categoric target into a binary numeric variable and renaming a few columns

数据集的基本信息 (Basic info of the dataset)

  • How many features are available?

  • How many clients are in the dataset?

  • Are there any duplicated records?

  • How many clients subscribed to the term deposit and how many didn’t?

# Printing number of observations, variables including the target, and duplicate samplesprint(f"Number of clients: {df.shape[0]}")
print(f"Number of variables: {df.shape[1]} incl. target")
print(f"Number of duplicate entries: {df.duplicated().sum()}")

Number of clients: 41188Number of variables: 16 incl. targetNumber of duplicate entries: 5853

客户数量:41188变量数量:16 incl。 target重复条目数:5853

I must conclude that these apparent duplicated samples are actually from people with an identical profile.


# How many clients have subscribed and how many didn't?absolut = df.target.value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={"target":"clients"})
percent = (df.target.value_counts(normalize=True) *100).to_frame().rename(columns={"target":"%"})
df_bal = pd.concat([absolut,percent],axis=1).round(decimals=2)
print(f"[0] Number of clients that haven't subscribed the term deposit: {df.target.value_counts()[0]}")
print(f"[1] Number of clients that have subscribed the term deposit: {df.target.value_counts()[1]}")
display(df_bal)absolut.plot(kind='pie', subplots=True, autopct='%1.2f%%',
explode= (0.05, 0.05), startangle=80,
legend=False, fontsize=12, figsize=(14,6));

数据集高度不平衡: (The dataset is highly imbalanced:)

[0] Number of clients that haven’t subscribed the term deposit: 36548[1] Number of clients that have subscribed the term deposit: 4640

[0]未订阅定期存款的客户数量:36548 [1]未订阅定期存款的客户数量:4640

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The dataset is imbalanced with the 0: ’no’ being approximately eight times higher than 1: ’yes’

探索性数据分析(EDA) (Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA))

Let’s now check the type of variables, missing values, and correlations as well as displaying statistical descriptions.


# Type of variables
df.dtypes.sort_values(ascending=True)age int64
pdays int64
previous int64
target int64
emp_var_rate float64
cons_price_idx float64
cons_conf_idx float64
euribor3m float64
nr_employed float64
job object
marital object
education object
default object
housing object
loan object
poutcome object
dtype: object# Counting variables by type
df.dtypes.value_counts(ascending=True)int64 4
float64 5
object 7
dtype: int64# Detecting missing values
print(f"Are there any missing values? {df.isnull().values.any()}")Are there any missing values? False# Visualization of correlations (heatmap)
mask = np.triu(df.corr(), 1)
plt.figure(figsize=(19, 9))
sns.heatmap(df.corr(), annot=True, vmax=1, vmin = -1, square=True, cmap='BrBG', mask=mask);
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Seaborn Heatmap (Pearson method)

Variables 'emp_var_rate', 'nr_employed', 'euribor3m' are very redundant. 'nr_employed' is the most correlated with the target.

变量'emp_var_rate''nr_employed''euribor3m'非常冗余。 'nr_employed'与目标最相关。

To have a clear and more accurate sense of the present data I will be displaying general stats.


# General stats of numeric variables adding 'variance' valuesdescribe = df.describe()
describe.append(pd.Series(df.var(), name='variance'))
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General stats of numeric variables

Age: the youngest client has 17 years old and the oldest has 98 years with a median of 38 years whereas the average is 40 years old. The distribution is skewed to the left. This possibly indicates the presence of outliers.

年龄 :最小的客户年龄为17岁,最大的客户年龄为98岁,平均年龄为38岁,而平均年龄为40岁。 分布偏向左侧。 这可能表明存在异常值。

Pdays: number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign. The majority of the clients have the 999 number which indicates most people did not contact nor were contacted by the bank. Those 999 are considered to be 'out of range' values.

Pdays :上一次广告系列中与客户最后一次联系之后经过的天数。 大多数客户的999号码表明大多数人没有联系过银行,也没有联系过银行。 那些999被认为是“超出范围”的值。

Previous: number of contacts performed before this campaign for each client. The vast majority were never been contacted before.

上一个 :此活动之前为每个客户执行的联系数量。 绝大多数人以前从未联系过。

Emp_var_rate: employment variation rate. During the period the index varied from [-3.4, 1.4].

Emp_var_rate :就业变化率。 在此期间,该指数从[-3.4,1.4]变化。

Cons_price_idx: the consumer price index varied from [92.2, 94.8].

Cons_price_idx :消费者价格指数从[ 92.2,94.8 ]起变化。

Cons_conf_idx: the consumer confidence level during that period kept always negative with a range of variation of [-51, -27]. These negative values might be explained by the recession that severely affected Portugal due to the financial global crisis during that same period the data was recorded.

Cons_conf_idx :在此期间,消费者信心水平始终保持为负,变化范围为[-51,-27]。 记录数据的同一时期,由于全球金融危机,衰退对葡萄牙造成了严重影响,这可以解释这些负值。

Euribor3m: there was a huge variation of the Euribor rate during the period of analysis [5% to 0.6%]. This fluctuation together with the negative confidence verified above reinforces the hypothesis that the data provides information from a crisis period.

Euribor3m :在分析期间,Euribor率存在巨大差异[5%至0.6%]。 这种波动以及上面验证的负置信度进一步强化了以下假设:数据可提供来自危机时期的信息。

Nr_employed: the number of employed people varied around 200 during the campaign.

Nr_employed :在竞选期间,就业人数变化了200人左右。

df.describe(include=['object']) # General stats of categoric variables
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General stats of categoric variables

Job: there are 12 types of job recordings in which the administrative role is the most common with almost 10.5k of all clients.

职位 :有12种职位记录,其中管理角色最为常见,几乎所有客户中有10.5k。

Marital: the majority of clients are married with almost 25k records.

婚姻 :大多数客户已婚,拥有近25,000条记录。

Education: more than 12k people have a university degree.

教育程度 :超过12,000人具有大学学历。

Default: from all the 41.188 clients, 32.588 do not have any credit in default.

默认值 :在所有41.188个客户端中,32.588没有默认值。

Housing: almost half of the customers have a housing loan.

住房 :几乎一半的客户都有住房贷款。

Loan: almost 34k clients do not have any personal loans.

贷款 :将近34,000位客户没有任何个人贷款。

Poutcome: there is no information about the outcome of any previous marketing campaign.

成果 :没有关于任何先前营销活动结果的信息。

所有变量的统计描述 (Statistic description of all variables)

To be able to perform the analysis to both numeric and categoric variables, I will start by defining and creating a list of features separately by type of variable.


# creating indexescat_features = list(df.select_dtypes('object').columns)
int_features = list(df.select_dtypes('int64').columns)
float_features = list(df.select_dtypes('float64').columns)
num_features = int_features+float_features

The next step of the EDA process consists of providing a full description of all variables in the dataset starting with the numeric ones.


# Visualization of the numeric distributiondf[num_features].hist(figsize=(10,8), bins=25, xlabelsize=8, ylabelsize=8, alpha=0.9, grid=False)
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Visualization of the numeric distributions

Age (Age)

# creating a dataframe
stats_age = {'Designation': ['Value'],
'Variable': 'age',
'Description': 'clients` age',
'Type of variable': df.age.dtype,
'Type of distribution': 'continuous',
'Total observations': df.age.shape[0],
'Missing values': df.age.isnull().sum(),
'Unique values': df.age.nunique(),
'Min': df.age.min(),
'25%': int(df.age.quantile(q=[.25]).iloc[-1]),
'Median': df.age.median(),
'75%': int(df.age.quantile(q=[.75]).iloc[-1]),
'Max': df.age.max(),
'Mean': df.age.mean(),
'Std dev': df.age.std(),
'Variance': df.age.var(),
'Skewness': scipy.stats.skew(df.age),
'Kurtosis': scipy.stats.kurtosis(df.age)
}st_age = pd.DataFrame(stats_age, columns = ['Designation',
'Type of variable',
'Type of distribution',
'Total observations',
'Missing values',
'Unique values',
'Std dev',
])st_age.set_index("Designation", inplace=True)results = st_age.T # transposing the dataframe
resultsT = st_age
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Full discription presented by dataframe

It is very important to visualize the distribution and dispersion as follows.


# Visualization of 'age'
# creating a distribution graph and bloxplot combinedage = df.age
np.median(age)f, (ax_box, ax_hist) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw= {"height_ratios": (0.5, 2)})mean=np.array(age).mean()
median=np.median(age)sns.boxplot(age, ax=ax_box)
ax_box.axvline(mean, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_box.axvline(median, color='g', linestyle='-')sns.distplot(age, ax=ax_hist)
ax_hist.axvline(mean, color='r', linestyle='--')
ax_hist.axvline(median, color='g', linestyle='-')plt.legend({'Mean':mean,'Median':median})
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Distribution and dispersion of the data

Calculus of percentiles: 1%, 5%, 95%, 99%


display(df.age.quantile(q=[.01, .05, .95, .99]))0.01    23.0
0.05 26.0
0.95 58.0
0.99 71.0
Name: age, dtype: float64

To be able to visualize the variable against the target we must start by defining two groups: those clients who had to subscribe and those who hadn’t (let’s call them “Good” and “Bad” clients, respectively).


# Visualization variable vs. targetage_0 = df[df.target == 0].iloc[:,:1]
age_1 = df[df.target == 1].iloc[:,:1]a = np.array(age_0)
b = np.array(age_1)np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')plt.hist(a, bins=40, density=True, color="r", alpha = 0.6, label='Bad client')
plt.hist(b, bins=40, density=True, color="g", alpha = 0.6, label='Good client')plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.title('age', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('absolute frequency');
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Variable ‘age’ against the target

Proportionally there are more subscribers aged between less than 30 and more than 60 years old than between those from 30 to 60 years old.


Let’s take a step further and group the clients that subscribed, by age, in 3 buckets: young (<=30), adult (>30 to <=60), and senior (>60) using the cut method.

让我们更进一步,使用cut方法将订阅的客户按年龄划分为3个类别:年轻(<= 30),成人(> 30到<= 60)和高级(> 60)。

df['age_bins'] = pd.cut(df['age'], bins = [df['age'].min(), 30, 60, df['age'].max()],labels=['Young', 'Adult', 'Senior'])​group_age_target = df.groupby(['age_bins'])['target'].mean().multiply(100)display(group_age_target)group_age_target.plot.barh()
plt.xlabel('Subscribed [%]');
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Grouping subscribing clients using the cut() method
  • 45.5% of Seniors (+60 years old) subscribed to the term deposit.

  • Less than 1 in 10 Adults (>30 and <=60 years old) subscribed.

    不到十分之一的成年人(> 30岁且<= 60岁)订阅。
  • Young people were the 2nd group that subscribed to the deposit corresponding to 1/6 of all young people.

  • Senior subscribers alone were almost as much as Young and Adults subscribers, respectively, all together.


Pdays (Pdays)

Following the previous structure, I’ll be only displaying visuals for a greater understanding. The full code can be seen here.

按照先前的结构,我将仅显示视觉效果以供进一步了解。 完整的代码可以在这里看到。

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Full discription presented by dataframe

Calculus of percentiles: 1%, 5%, 95%, 99%


display(df.pdays.quantile(q=[.01, .05, .95, .99]))0.01      3.0
0.05 999.0
0.95 999.0
0.99 999.0
Name: pdays, dtype: float64

Next, visualizing the distribution of the data and also the variable against the target.


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Distribution on the left and the variable against the target on the right side

Considering only the clients who had to subscribe, let’s count the days that passed by after contact from a previous campaign. Most of the people will respond on the 6th day as well as within 7 to 8 days, you can observe below.

仅考虑必须订阅的客户,让我们计算上一个广告系列联系后经过的天数。 大多数人会在第6天以及7到8天内做出回应,您可以在下面进行观察。

dummy = df.loc[(df['pdays']!=999) & (df['target'] == 1), 'pdays']
print('Median: {:.2}'.format(dummy.median()))
plt.xlabel('Couting days after contact \n for those who subscribed')
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Previous (Previous)

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Full discription presented by dataframe

Calculus of percentiles: 1%, 5%, 95%, 99%


display(df.previous.quantile(q=[.01, .05, .95, .99]))0.01    0.0
0.05 0.0
0.95 1.0
0.99 2.0
Name: previous, dtype: float64
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The graph below shows that the clients that were previously contacted have subscribed to the term deposit at a much higher rate.


Considering only clients that never got reached only 10% subscribed whereas clients that have been previously contacted twice and more the success of the campaign increased up to >45%.

考虑到只有从未达到目标的客户才订阅了10%,而以前曾联系过两次或更多次的客户则使广告系列的成功率增加了> 45%。

group = df.groupby(['previous'])['target'].mean().multiply(100)
plt.xlabel('Subscribed [%]');print('How many people got previously contacted? {}'.format(df.loc[df['previous']!=0].shape[0]))print('How many people got contacted 7 times? {}'.format(df.loc[df['previous']==7, 'previous'].count()))print('How many people got previously contacted with success? {}'.format(df.poutcome.value_counts()[1]))print('How many people got previously contacted without success? {}'.format(df.poutcome.value_counts()[2]))
  • How many people got previously contacted? 5625

    以前有多少人联系过? 5625
  • How many people got contacted 7 times? 1

    有多少人被联系了7次? 1个
  • How many people got previously contacted with success? 4525

    以前有多少人联系过成功? 4525
  • How many people got previously contacted without success? 1373

    先前有多少人没有成功联系? 1373
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索引变量 (Indexes variables)

There are 4 macro rating variables, or economic indexes, present in the dataset: ‘emp_var_rate’, ‘cons_price_idx’, ‘cons_conf_idx’ and ‘euribor3m’.

数据集中存在4个宏观评级变量或经济指标: 'emp_var_rate''cons_price_idx''cons_conf_idx''euribor3m'

Let’s dig a bit further and briefly investigate their correlation and check if there are any trends or patterns between those indexes and also with each other against the target. To do that I must create a list only with these specific variables and display them side by side (pairplot method).

让我们进一步挖掘并简要研究它们的相关性,并检查这些指标之间以及针对目标彼此之间是否存在任何趋势或模式。 为此,我必须仅使用这些特定变量创建一个列表,并将它们并排显示(pairplot方法)。

Note: we will return to the correlation subject later on this project (but in another article) in the section Data Wrangling: Cleaning and Feature Engineering.


# creating a list
idx_list = ["cons_price_idx", "cons_conf_idx", "euribor3m", "emp_var_rate", "target"]df[idx_list].corr()
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We can see that euribor3m, cons_price_idx, and emp_Var_rate are highly correlated. Next, visualize the correlations between the indexes variables using the pairplot method.

我们可以看到euribor3mcons_price_idxemp_Var_rate高度相关。 接下来,使用pairplot方法可视化索引变量之间的相关性。

sns.pairplot(df[idx_list], hue="target")
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Visualization of indexes variables’ correlations (pairplot)

What can we observe from the scatter plots? Please keep in mind that (blue) 0=NO and (orange) 1=YES

我们可以从散点图中观察到什么? 请记住,(蓝色)0 =否,(橙色)1 =是

  • euribor3m increases when there is a positive variation of emp_var_rate.

    euribor3m有正向变化时, emp_var_rate.

  • cons_conf_idx varies linearly with cons_price_idx and emp_var_rate: the higher the prices and rate of employment get, the lower the confidence level index becomes.


  • when emp_var_rate (employment rate) increases cons_price_idx (price index) also increases.

    emp_var_rate (就业率)增加时, cons_price_idx (价格指数)也增加。

Can the output of the campaign be affected by the indexes variables? The answer comes from the observation of the distribution plots.

广告活动的输出会受到index变量的影响吗? 答案来自对分布图的观察。

  • the lower the euribor3m is, the higher the number of subscriptions.


  • when the cons_price_idx (consumer price index) increases there is a strong negative response from the clients' subscriptions.

    cons_price_idx (消费者价格指数)增加时,客户的订阅会产生强烈的负面响应。

  • when the emp_var_rate (the employment rate) is negative there is a higher positive response to the campaign.

    如果emp_var_rate (就业率)为负,则对竞选活动的积极响应较高。

Nr_employed (Nr_employed)

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Full discription presented by dataframe

Calculus of percentiles: 1%, 5%, 95%, 99%


display(df.nr_employed.quantile(q=[.01, .05, .95, .99]))0.01    4963.6
0.05 5017.5
0.95 5228.1
0.99 5228.1
Name: nr_employed, dtype: float64
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From the analysis, we have known that people that were contacted had higher rates of subscription. The above histogram shows that the first contacts were exclusively made to known clients resulting in a much more efficient campaign with a low number of employed people.

通过分析,我们知道联系的人的订阅率更高。 上面的直方图显示,最初的联系是专门针对已知客户的,从而可以在工作人员较少的情况下提高效率。

Let’s move on to the categoric variables description.


工作 (Job)

‘Job’ has 12 unique values. There is a class labeled as ‘unknown’ considered a missing value (I’ll not do anything about missing values for the time being).

“作业”具有12个唯一值。 有一个标记为“未知”的类,被认为是缺失值(暂时不做任何关于缺失值的操作)。

stats_job = {'Designation': ['Value'],
'Variable': 'job',
'Description': 'type of job',
'Type of variable': df.job.dtype,
'Total observations': df.job.shape[0],
'Unique values': df.job.nunique(),
}st_job = pd.DataFrame(stats_job, columns = ['Designation',
'Type of variable',
'Total observations',
'Unique values',
])st_job.set_index("Designation", inplace=True)​results = st_job.T
resultsT = st_job
display(results)print(f"List of unique values: {df.job.unique()}")
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Full discription presented by dataframe

How are the clients distributed concerning their jobs?


data_count = df['job'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(6,4), fontsize=12)
plt.title('Categorical variable \'job\'', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Absolute frequency');
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Below, we can find the absolute values (sum of jobs) and their proportions. The 5 most common jobs are enough to represent 80% of the data.

在下面,我们可以找到绝对值(工作总和)及其比例。 这5个最常见的作业足以代表80%的数据。

num_obs = df.job.value_counts()
num_o = pd.DataFrame(num_obs)
num_o.rename(columns={"job":"Freq abs"}, inplace=True)
num_o_pc = (df.job.value_counts(normalize=True) * 100).round(decimals=2)
num_obs_pc = pd.DataFrame(num_o_pc)
num_obs_pc.rename(columns={"job":"percent %"}, inplace=True)
n_obs = pd.concat([num_o,num_obs_pc], axis=1)display(n_obs)
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job_0 = df[df.target == 0].iloc[:,1:2]
job_1 = df[df.target == 1].iloc[:,1:2]a = np.array(job_0)
b = np.array(job_1)np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')plt.hist(a, bins=40, color="r", alpha = 0.8, label='Bad client', align="left")
plt.hist(b, bins=40, color="g", alpha = 0.8, label='Good client', align="right")plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.title('job', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Professional ocupation')
plt.ylabel('Absolute frequency');
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The classes ‘admin.’, ‘blue-collar’, ‘technician’, ‘management’ and ‘ services’ are the jobs where most clients had to subscribe but in terms of proportion, ‘student’ and ‘retired’ are the most representative.


Below we see that ‘retired’ and ‘housemaid’ are the oldest clients and the ones who have accepted the subscription more than any of the other classes.


type_pivot = df.pivot_table(
values="age", aggfunc=np.mean)type_pivot.sort_values(by=["job"], ascending=True).plot(kind="bar", title=("Type of customer by professional occupation and age"), figsize=(6,4), fontsize = 12);
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婚姻 (Marital)

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Full discription presented by dataframe

‘Marital’ has 4 unique values. Bellow, the chart and table show us the dominant class is the ‘married’ people with 61% and the ‘divorced’ clients correspond to 11% of all clients.

“婚姻”具有4个唯一值。 在贝娄,图表向我们展示了占主导地位的阶层是“已婚”人士,占61%,而“离婚”客户占所有客户的11%。

# pie chart
df['marital'].value_counts(dropna=False).plot(kind='pie', figsize=(14,9), explode = (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01), autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=120);# table
marital_obs = df.marital.value_counts()
marital_o = pd.DataFrame(marital_obs)
marital_o.rename(columns={"marital":"Freq abs"}, inplace=True)
marital_o_pc = (df.marital.value_counts(normalize=True) *100).round(decimals=2)
marital_obs_pc = pd.DataFrame(marital_o_pc)
marital_obs_pc.rename(columns={"marital":"percent %"}, inplace=True)
marital_obs = pd.concat([marital_o,marital_obs_pc], axis=1)
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Observations by class
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教育 (Education)

‘Education’ has 8 unique values. The top 4 education levels correspond to 80% of the data. Clients with 4 years basic or illiterate are the oldest and prone to subscribe to the product.

“教育”具有8个独特的价值。 排名前4位的教​​育水平对应80%的数据。 具有4年基本或不识字经验的客户年龄最大,并且倾向于订阅该产品。

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默认 (Default)

With 3 unique values, the class ‘yes’ is meaningless, the variable is unexpressive and totally imbalanced.


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住房 (Housing)

This variable has 3 unique values with the ‘unknown’, interpreted as a missing value, representing 2% of observations. The proportion of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is very tight might reduce its predictive power.

此变量具有3个唯一值,“未知”值被解释为缺失值,占观察值的2%。 “是”和“否”的比例非常严格,可能会降低其预测能力。

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贷款 (Loan)

Although, generally speaking, ‘Loan’ shows a high number of non-subscribers, this variable has some similarities with ‘housing’ in the sense that, proportionally, ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are very even. Once again, it might reduce its predictive power.

虽然通常来说,“贷款”显示出大量的非订户,但该变量与“住房”有一些相似之处,即“是”和“否”成比例。 再一次,它可能会降低其预测能力。

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成果 (Poutcome)

Interesting fact: between the clients previously contacted from previous promotional campaigns that actually succeed, the majority subscribed this time.


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最常见的类别是什么? (What are the most common categories?)

The detailed analysis gave us a ton of information about the data, the customers, and the variables’ behavior. Let’s take an overview.

详细的分析为我们提供了有关数据,客户和变量行为的大量信息。 让我们来概述一下。

n = len(cat_features)
plt.figure(figsize=(16,14))for feature in df[cat_features]:
plt.subplot(round(n/2),round(n/3), i)
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Most common:


  • job: administrative

  • marital state: married

  • education: university degree

  • credit in default: no

  • housing: yes, however not having a housing loan is very close

  • loan: no

  • poutcome: did not participate in previous campaigns


Notice that all the features include the category ‘unknown’ except the ‘poutcome’ variable.

请注意,除“ poutcome”变量外,所有功能都包括“未知”类别。

这些类别如何影响目标变量? (How these categories influence the target variable?)

n = len(cat_features)
plt.figure(figsize=(16,14))for feature in df[cat_features]:
plt.subplot(round(n/2),round(n/3), i)
plt.xlabel('Subscribed [%]')
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  • ‘Student’ and ‘retired’ have the highest percentage of subscriptions (>25%) whereas ‘blue-collar’ and ‘services’ have the lowest.

    “学生”和“退休”的订阅比例最高(> 25%),而“蓝领”和“服务”的订阅比例最低。
  • ‘Illiterate’ people have the highest percentage of subscriptions (>20%), on the other hand ‘basic 9y’, ‘basic 6y’ and ‘basic 4y’ have the lowest.

    “文盲”用户的订阅比例最高(> 20%),而“基本9y”,“基本6y”和“基本4y”的订阅比例最低。
  • People with credit in default did not subscribe.

  • More than 60% of the people previously contacted to other campaigns subscribed.

  • Marital state, existence of loans, and housing do not influence much the subscription rate.


结论 (Conclusion)

I’ve focused on how to begin a machine learning project starting by one of the most important parts which allow us to look beyond the data, the Exploratory Data Analysis. This is a very important procedure because if you don’t deeply understand the data you’re about to be dealing with, it will be a total mess.

我专注于如何从最重要的部分之一开始机器学习项目,该部分使我们能够查看数据之外的数据,即探索性数据分析。 这是一个非常重要的过程,因为如果您不深刻了解将要处理的数据,那将是一团糟。

In the next article (Data Wrangling) I’ll be doing feature engineering and feature selection, cleaning the dataset, and taking care of anomalies we might find along the way as well as imputations and transformations.


In the last part and third article (Machine Learning: Predictive Modelling) we are going to train some machine learning models to be able to choose the best one and find out the most important features in predicting the minimum costs for the marketing campaign.


That’s it! I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.

而已! 我希望您喜欢阅读这篇文章,也喜欢阅读它。

  • You can find the entire code of this project here.


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Good readings, great codings!


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning-costs-prediction-of-a-marketing-campaign-exploratory-data-analysis-part-i-758b8f0ff5d4



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