CCProtocols(各种协议CCRGBAProtocol:函数-透明度是否改变RGB、颜色是否下传。混合协议+CCTextureProtocol+字体协议+导演协议 )

本文主要是介绍CCProtocols(各种协议CCRGBAProtocol:函数-透明度是否改变RGB、颜色是否下传。混合协议+CCTextureProtocol+字体协议+导演协议 ),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

#ifndef __CCPROTOCOLS_H__

#define __CCPROTOCOLS_H__

#include "ccTypes.h"

#include "textures/CCTexture2D.h"

#include <string>



 * RGBA protocol that affects CCNode's color and opacity   //RGBA协议 影响到节点的颜色和透明度 


class CC_DLL CCRGBAProtocol //RGBA协议 包含了大量接口(需要继承后实现)setColor getColor getDisplayedColor Opacity setOpacityModifyRGB(bool)透明度是否改变RGB

setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled) = 0;//颜色是否传播给子类 Cascade层叠





     * Changes the color with R,G,B bytes


     * @param color Example: ccc3(255,100,0) means R=255, G=100, B=0


    virtual void setColor(const ccColor3B& color) = 0;  


     * Returns color that is currently used.


     * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.


    virtual const ccColor3B& getColor(void) = 0;



     * Returns the displayed color.


     * @return The ccColor3B contains R,G,B bytes.


    virtual const ccColor3B& getDisplayedColor(void) = 0;



     * Returns the displayed opacity.


     * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255


    virtual GLubyte getDisplayedOpacity(void) = 0;


     * Returns the opacity.


     * The opacity which indicates how transparent or opaque this node is.

     * 0 indicates fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.


     * @return  The opacity of sprite, from 0 ~ 255


    virtual GLubyte getOpacity(void) = 0;


     * Changes the opacity.


     * @param   value   Goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent.


    virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte opacity) = 0;

    // optional


     * Changes the OpacityModifyRGB property. 

     * If thie property is set to true, then the rendered color will be affected by opacity.

     * Normally, r = r * opacity/255, g = g * opacity/255, b = b * opacity/255.


     * @param   bValue  true then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(R,G,B,opacity);

     *                  false then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);


    virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue) = 0;


     * Returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity) 

     * or glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity)


     * @return  Returns opacity modify flag.


    virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB(void) = 0;



     *  whether or not color should be propagated(传播) to its children.


    virtual bool isCascadeColorEnabled(void) = 0; 

    virtual void setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled) = 0;//颜色是否传播给子类



     *  recursive method that updates display color 


    virtual void updateDisplayedColor(const ccColor3B& color) = 0;



     *  whether or not opacity should be propagated to its children.


    virtual bool isCascadeOpacityEnabled(void) = 0;

    virtual void setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) = 0;



     *  recursive method that updates the displayed opacity.


    virtual void updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte opacity) = 0;



 * Specify the blending function according glBlendFunc

 * Please refer to glBlendFunc in OpenGL ES Manual

 * for more details.


class CC_DLL CCBlendProtocol //混合协议




     * Sets the source blending function.


     * @param blendFunc A structure with source and destination factor to specify pixel arithmetic, 

     *                  e.g. {GL_ONE, GL_ONE}, {GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}.



    virtual void setBlendFunc(ccBlendFunc blendFunc) = 0;  //设置混合函数接口(来自OpenGL  glBlendFunc


     * Returns the blending function that is currently being used.


     * @return A ccBlendFunc structure with source and destination factor which specified pixel arithmetic.


    virtual ccBlendFunc getBlendFunc(void) = 0; //得到混合函数接口(来自OpenGL)



 * CCNode objects that uses a CCTexture2D to render the images.

 * The texture can have a blending function.

 * If the texture has alpha premultiplied the default blending function is:


 * else


 * But you can change the blending function at any time.


class CC_DLL CCTextureProtocol : public CCBlendProtocol  //纹理协议




     * Returns the currently used texture


     * @return  The texture that is currenlty being used.


    virtual CCTexture2D* getTexture(void) = 0;


     * Sets a new texuture. It will be retained.


     * @param   texture A valid CCTexture2D object, which will be applied to this sprite object.


    virtual void setTexture(CCTexture2D *texture) = 0;



 * Common(一般的) interface(接口) for Labels


class CC_DLL CCLabelProtocol  //字体协议




     * Sets a new label using an string


     * @param A null terminated string 


    virtual void setString(const char *label) = 0;


     * Returns the string that is currently being used in this label 


     * @return The string that is currently being used in this label


    virtual const char* getString(void) = 0;



 * OpenGL projection(投影) protocol 


class CC_DLL CCDirectorDelegate //导演协议




     * Will be called by CCDirector when the projection is updated, and "custom"(习惯) projection is used


    virtual void updateProjection(void) = 0; //当投影更新时 这个方法将被调用 



#endif // __CCPROTOCOLS_H__

这篇关于CCProtocols(各种协议CCRGBAProtocol:函数-透明度是否改变RGB、颜色是否下传。混合协议+CCTextureProtocol+字体协议+导演协议 )的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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