本文主要是介绍blogger_通过Blogger拓展活动来占领您的利基市场– 2011年会员西部峰会,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Those of you who are following us on twitter know that @syedbalkhi is attending Affiliate Summit West. He will be sharing some awesome notes from the conference with those who weren’t able to attend. So let’s see what he got to say. P.S the thumbnail really shows that this guy (John Chow) dominates his niche because that shirt is his party invite, RSVP, and ticket.
那些在Twitter上关注我们的人都知道@syedbalkhi正在参加Affiliate Summit West。 他将与那些无法参加会议的人分享会议中的一些精彩笔记。 那么,让我们看看他怎么说。 PS缩略图确实显示此人(John Chow)主导着他的利基市场,因为那件衬衫是他的聚会邀请,RSVP和门票。
Hey Everyone,
Syed here. All post about this event will be covered in the first person tone, so please bare with me. Today, I had the pleasure to attend a session with some of the master minds including the famous Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan), John Chow (@johnchow), Jonathan Volk, Greg Rollett, and Eric Schechter. The session was about how to dominate your niche by finding and contacting related bloggers, building relationships, and getting them to write about your product or site.
在这里。 有关此活动的所有帖子都将以第一人称的语调显示,因此请裸露在我身上。 今天,我很高兴与一些大师们一起参加了会议,其中包括著名的克里斯·布罗根(@chrisbrogan), 约翰·乔 (@johnchow),乔纳森·沃尔克,格雷格·罗莱特和埃里克·谢克特。 本次会议的主题是如何通过查找和联系相关博客作者,建立关系并让他们撰写有关您的产品或网站的信息来主导您的利基市场。
How to Find the related bloggers? What type of blogger should you look for to reach out to?
如何找到相关的博客? 您应该寻找哪种类型的博客作者才能接触?
You need to look for people who have the right audience. Find out who is the blogger appealing to, and see if that is the audience that you are seeking. Each panelist stressed what I stress out a lot, go for quality over quantity. So the amount of subscribers to the site is not what it is about, rather it is about the interaction that is within the site (Comments, Retweets, Sharing etc). These days quantitative measures can be manipulated easily, so you need to look for influence and authority. Often these experts look for bloggers that are passionate because normally these type of sites have more interaction. So do not discount smaller blogs because sometimes these blogs have the highest level of interaction. Also Littler Bloggers do grow up, so they might be a good contact to have.
您需要寻找具有合适受众的人。 找出谁是吸引博客的人,然后查看您所寻找的受众群体。 每个小组成员都强调我要强调的很多,追求质量胜于数量。 因此,该网站的订户数量与其说的不是问题,而是网站内部的互动(评论,转推,共享等)。 如今,量化度量很容易操纵,因此您需要寻找影响力和权威。 这些专家通常会寻找热情高涨的博客作者,因为通常这类网站之间的互动更多。 因此,请勿打折较小的博客,因为有时这些博客的交互程度最高。 而且Littler Blogger确实长大了,因此他们可能是一个很好的联系人。
Some of the places to look for related bloggers are: AllTop.com, Technorati, Google Blog Search, Google Alert, Twitter, and Facebook Reach.
寻找相关博客作者的一些地方是:AllTop.com,Technorati,Google Blog Search,Google Alert,Twitter和Facebook Reach。
How Should You send your First Email?
Building a relationship is important, so your first email should never be a pitch. If it is a pitch, then you will be one of John’s 1700 unread emails, at least that’s what it is as I am typing this post. Before you send an email, a good way to get in their radar is by retweeting their tweets, and comment on their site. This way the blogger will be familiar with your name, so they will open your email. Sometimes, top bloggers are getting over 500 emails / day, so they can’t possibly go through all the email and reply to them. The important part that you need to do is show genuine interest in their blog. Don’t be cheesy, and don’t automate the process. Don’t send a mass email to all bloggers about promotion.
建立关系很重要,因此您的第一封电子邮件绝不该太过推销。 如果这是一个推销,那么您将成为John的1700封未读电子邮件中的一封,至少在我键入此帖子时,就是这样。 在发送电子邮件之前,一种吸引他们注意的好方法是转发他们的推文,并在他们的网站上发表评论。 这样,博客将熟悉您的名字,因此他们将打开您的电子邮件。 有时,顶级博客作者每天会收到500封电子邮件,因此他们不可能浏览所有电子邮件并回复它们。 您需要做的重要部分是对他们的博客表现出真正的兴趣。 不要俗气,也不要自动化这个过程。 不要向所有博主发送有关促销的大量电子邮件。
Eric gave a great example of how he sent John an electronic picture frame, but he loaded pictures of him and his daughter that he has previously posted on his site. But that certainly got John’s attention. Market Leverage sent John a special care package that had stuff for his daughter. A shirt saying Future Blogger. They also sent me that for my little brother Zain Balkhi. They certainly got our attention and tons of link love.
埃里克(Eric)举了一个很好的例子,说明了他如何向约翰发送电子相框,但是他加载了他和他的女儿的照片,这些照片他以前已经在他的网站上发布过。 但这当然引起了约翰的注意。 Market Leverage向John发送了一个特别护理包裹,里面有给女儿的东西。 一件衬衫,上面写着Future Blogger。 他们还寄给我我的弟弟Zain Balkhi 。 他们的确吸引了我们的注意力和大量的联系爱。
Chris Brogan created a new word on the spot and called this technique “Swagout Reach”. I see a lot of affiliate companies sending personalize swags.
克里斯·布罗根(Chris Brogan)当场创造了一个新词,并将其称为“ Swagout Reach”。 我看到许多会员公司发送个性化赃物。
Once you have a good relationship, then you can go ahead and pitch.
Making a relationship
The best method that I have for this is to attend conferences. Most of the speakers emphasized this as well. Conferences are a great place to start a new relationship, and foster existing ones. Face to face meetups are very helpful because then I can remember the guy. I always tend to associate an adjective with each person, so I remember them easily. This also helps when you want to get mentioned in top blogs because most of the time guys like Shoemoney only cover those who he knows

为此,我最好的方法是参加会议。 大多数发言者也强调了这一点。 会议是建立新关系并促进现有关系的好地方。 面对面的聚会非常有帮助,因为这样我就可以记住那个家伙。 我总是倾向于将形容词与每个人相关联,因此我很容易记住它们。 当您想在热门博客中被提及时,这也很有帮助,因为大多数时候,像Shoemoney这样的人只会覆盖他认识的人
Often when you have relationship, the pitches are more like favors which works much better.
After they promoted you, you need to stay in constant communication with these bloggers. Once or twice a week through a tweet, or you can simply retweet them. Chris Brogan suggested that you create a spreadsheet to see how many times you touched them. Because you might think you are in contact, but you may lose touch.
在他们晋升您之后,您需要与这些博客保持经常的交流。 通过推文每周一次或两次,或者您可以简单地转发它们。 克里斯·布罗根(Chris Brogan)建议您创建一个电子表格,以查看您触摸过多少次。 因为您可能认为自己已经联系了,但可能会失去联系。
One of the best tip is to be helpful and be transparent. This was a tip that everyone gave to build influence and authority. Here is a quote:
最好的提示之一是有所帮助并保持透明。 这是每个人建立影响力和权威的秘诀。 这是一个报价:
Stay transparent. Don’t put a front, be yourself. Brand yourself on your site. Make yourself relevant to others. Give others something that they can relate to. Act like that you are real rather than some spammer fake person.
保持透明。 不要摆在前面,做你自己。 在网站上为自己打上烙印。 使自己与他人相关。 给别人一些他们可以关联的东西。 表现得像您是真实的,而不是一些垃圾邮件发送者的假冒人。
Chris asked a very cool question which you need to know when you are the one dominating your niche: How to solve problems or a problematic issue?
克里斯问了一个很酷的问题,当您是一个主导利基市场时,您需要知道的一个问题 : 如何解决问题或有问题的问题?
Trust me, this will happen to everyone at least once. It happened to us here at WPBeginner as well. First thing you need to do is apologize. Second thing you need to do is don’t freak out. Because when you freak out, you start to point fingers which is another thing you don’t want to do. Then you want to make sure that you attempt to fix the issue. Make your user feel that you really care about the issue, and you are doing all what you can to fix it. Another best thing that you can do is keep the people updated by being transparent. This shows the user that you are really working on it.
相信我,这至少每个人都会发生一次。 这也是我们在WPBeginner发生的。 您需要做的第一件事就是道歉。 您需要做的第二件事就是不要惊慌。 因为当您惊慌失措时,您开始指向手指,这是您不想做的另一件事。 然后,您要确保尝试解决此问题。 让您的用户感觉到您真的很在乎这个问题,并且您将尽一切可能解决它。 您可以做的另一件事是通过保持透明来保持人员的最新状态。 这向用户显示您确实在处理它。
I really enjoyed this session. I hope you can dominate your niche with blogger outreach as well.
我真的很喜欢这次会议。 我希望您也可以通过博客扩展来占领自己的利基市场。
感谢赞助商 (Thanks to the Sponsors)
Two awesome companies sponsored my trip here.

MaxCDN is a Content Delivery Network of highly-optimized servers all around the world working together to distribute your content (CSS and Javascript files, downloadable objects, applications, real-time media streams, and much more) through hundreds of servers instead of a single host. This “smart route” technology makes sure each visitor to your site gets their data from the city closest to them thus increasing site performance dramatically. (Check out how to use MaxCDN in WordPress). Get 25% off if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”.
MaxCDN是一个内容分发网络 ,由遍布全球的高度优化的服务器组成,它们通过数百台服务器(而不是单个服务器)一起分发您的内容(CSS和Javascript文件,可下载对象,应用程序,实时媒体流等)主办。 这种“智能路线”技术可确保您网站的每个访问者都从距离他们最近的城市中获取数据,从而显着提高网站性能。 (查看如何在WordPress中使用MaxCDN )。 如果使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,可享受25%的折扣。

BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.
BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。
翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/dominating-your-niche-with-blogger-outreach-affiliate-summit-west-2011/
这篇关于blogger_通过Blogger拓展活动来占领您的利基市场– 2011年会员西部峰会的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!