本文主要是介绍unity switch_Unity开发人员在Switch上大放异彩,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
unity switch
It’s here! Today we’re celebrating the launch of the Nintendo Switch – Unity’s newest target platform that is now available for purchase. With the option to play docked console-style or handheld on-the-go, the Nintendo Switch offers a compelling opportunity for creators to think a bit differently about their games. And Made With Unity devs have done just that.
它在这里! 今天,我们庆祝Nintendo Switch的发布-Ninetendo Switch是Unity最新的目标平台,现在可以购买。 Nintendo Switch可以选择以对接式控制台或手持移动设备进行游戏,这为创作者提供了令人信服的机会,使创作者对他们的游戏有所不同。 而使用Unity制作的开发人员就做到了这一点。
Below is just a selection of some of the made with Unity titles coming to Nintendo Switch. Varying art styles, multiplayer and co-op, puzzles, side-scrollers: you name it, it’s coming. And we can’t wait to get our hands on them. Do you have any early favorites? Know of other can’t-miss titles? Give us a shout in the comments!
以下只是Nintendo Switch附带的一些Unity制作字幕。 多种艺术风格,多人游戏和合作社,拼图,侧卷轴:您的名字,它来了。 我们迫不及待地想要得到它们。 您有任何早期的最爱吗? 知道其他不容错过的头衔吗? 给我们留言!
Snipperclips – Cut it out, together!, SFB Games I Am Setsuna, Square Enix Yooka Laylee, Playtonic Games Overcooked, Ghost Town Games GoNNer, Art in Heart Hollow Knight, Team Cherry Mr Shifty, Teayookm Shifty Tumbleseed, Benedict Fritz Project Mekuru, Over Fence Super Bomberman R, Konami Enter the Gungeon, Dodge Roll Ittle Dew, Nicalis ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove, Humanature Studios
Snipperclips –一起剪掉! ,SFB游戏我刹那 ,Square Enix公司Yooka Laylee ,Playtonic游戏过头 ,鬼城游戏GoNNer ,艺术心空心骑士 ,团队樱桃狡猾的先生 ,Teayookm狡猾Tumbleseed ,本笃弗里茨项目Mekuru,篱笆超级炸弹[R ,小浪进入地牢 ,道奇· 劳特·伊特·露露 , 尼卡利斯·托姆贾姆 &伯爵:回到槽中,Humanature Studios
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/03/03/unity-devs-shine-on-switch/
unity switch
这篇关于unity switch_Unity开发人员在Switch上大放异彩的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!