
2024-01-17 10:18




  • 顶级猎头对变化和拒绝处之泰然
  • 顶级猎头资源丰富
  • 顶级猎头是高级侦探
  • 顶级猎头竞争性极强
  • 顶级猎头愿意尝试新方法和新事物
  • 顶级猎头受到周围人的喜欢
  • 顶级猎头热爱招聘,并视之为职业
  • 顶级猎头能够把生活和工作进行无缝衔接
  • 顶级猎头能够自我激励并享受过程
  • 顶级猎头相信自己给别人创造更好机会

德卡猎头 (www.dacare.com)


by David Szary

Over the last few years, much has been written about the skills required to be considered (or to become) a world-class recruiter.

Some of these skills include:

  • The ability to source passive candidates who are not looking for employment
  • The ability to attain high customer satisfaction ratings with all clients (hiring managers, candidates, key executive stakeholders)
  • The ability to effectively screen candidates and differentiate between those who are qualified and those who are unqualified
  • The ability to defuse counteroffers
  • The ability to lure top talent to join your organization
  • The ability to effectively negotiate equitable compensation packages

The list could go on from there. I don't think anyone would disagree that world-class recruiters possess (or should possess) the skills listed above.

I've found, however, that there is actually a separate set of "success attributes" common to world-class recruiters, regardless of:

  • The type of recruiting they do (corporate, staffing, direct placement)
  • The type of people they recruit for (non-exempt, exempt, executive)
  • The industry sector they are in (manufacturing, retail, financial services, etc.)

Unlike a particular recruiting skill (such as Internet sourcing, objection handling, behavioral interviewing), these "success attributes" are often difficult to teach. Not to be cynical, but I've found that frequently these are qualities that people either do or do not possess.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Hire for attitude, train for skill"? These 10 success attributes are the "attitude" piece of the world-class recruiter.

10 "Success Attributes" of World-Class Recruiters

By no means do I think the following is an inclusive list of recruiter success attributes. These are simply 10 attributes I find common in the top-notch recruiters I have met and worked with in my career. I'm sure that I am missing others that I just can't think of right now. Please feel free share your thoughts with me and add to this list!

  1. World-class recruiters respond to ongoing change and rejection well. Recruiting can be a thankless business. You fill 10 reqs; you get 10 more. You source out five candidates for a position; it goes on hold. You think you have the perfect candidate; they change the specifications. For many recruiters I talk to, these are all catastrophic tragedies. For world-class recruiters, this is just part of the job.
  2. World-class recruiters are resourceful. World-class recruiters don't need a big budget, expensive sourcing tools, or technology gadgets to get the job done. Many of the best recruiters I know (to this day) do not have big budgets for sourcing tools. They don't use a Palm Pilot; they do not have (or use) an ATS. But they still manage to out-produce their peers while maintaining the highest customer satisfaction ratings. They are resourceful and get the job done regardless.
  3. World-class recruiters are savvy investigators. While technology has provided us with the ability to access millions of applicants quickly, it often leads us into a false sense of security, lulling us into thinking that these are actually quality candidates! Recruiters who have grown up in this new technology age often do not possess the investigative (or networking) skills necessary to generate new candidate leads from unqualified candidates. In the old days (and I am not that old), you viewed every resume (since they were hard to come by) and every phone call as a chance to investigate. The mentality was, "Everybody knows somebody." If the person you were talking to wasn't right, the goal was to extract out names (or at least clues) that would lead you to the right person. World-class recruiters excel at this! They are savvy investigators. They know what questions to ask to generate leads to fill a position, and when to ask them.
  4. World-class recruiters are competitive. I've found that most people who can handle change and rejection are also very competitive. They play the game to win. And when you play the game to win, you often lose. In recruiting, as we all know, you are either the hero or the goat. You're only as good as your last placement. Competitive people rise to the occasion, don't sweat the small stuff, and play to win!
  5. World-class recruiters have the discipline to try new things. How many times have you sat in a meeting to brainstorm new ways to find candidates or new ideas to improve the hiring process? World-class recruiters actually leave those meetings with the discipline to implement the ideas discussed. Since they are competitive and handle rejection well, they don't consider it a tragedy if the new ideas don't work. They just move on to the next.
  6. World-class recruiters are likable within the circles they recruit for. This doesn't mean you were voted "most popular" in school, that you were the homecoming queen, or that you are the life of the party. All it means is that you have an excellent rapport with your clients (candidates, hiring managers, employees, etc.). This attribute is tough to explain, but it is easy to spot. A "likable" world-class recruiter gets gifts from candidates and employees, gets a ton of quality referrals without asking, and often gets employee lists from former employers and alumni rosters from candidates without much effort. People like them. This is a key to their success!
  7. World-class recruiters are proud to be recruiters and view recruiting as a profession. Unfortunately, many recruiters view recruiting as a "stepping stone" to bigger and better things. If you work for a staffing company, your goal is to get into sales or to get your own accounts. If you work within a corporation, you goal is to get your HR certification and become an HR director. While I have worked with many good recruiters who thought this way, the majority of world-class recruiters view recruiting as their chosen profession.
  8. Work and life are seamless for world-class recruiters. Get in a room full of world-class recruiters and start talking "shop," and you'll see that they have a seamless work/life balance. This doesn't mean they work 14 hours a day, seven days a week. On the contrary, they are efficient, productive, and work the hours necessary to get the job done. They think nothing of doing a phone screen in the evening, contacting a candidate on the weekend before they start their new job, responding to emails when the kids go to bed, or sourcing candidates off the Internet at 6:00 am to beat their competition to the quality candidates. World-class recruiters recognize that recruiting is not a nine-to-five job. They measure themselves by results — quickly filling positions with quality people — not hours worked.
  9. World-class recruiters are self-motivated and enjoy the recruiting game. For some people, recruiting becomes a laborious, repetitive job. To world-class recruiters, it's always about playing and winning the game. They see the challenge in filling an orientation session with 20 new customer services reps (not 18). They see the challenge in coming up with candidates for a senior vice president position. They see the challenge in filling 10 requisitions no one else can fill. Day in and day out, they view this laborious, repetitive job as one big game — and in a sick, twisted way, they enjoy it! They are self-motivated and need minimal direction because they are focused on winning the game.
  10. World-class recruiters believe they provide people with better opportunities. Why don't many recruiters cold call passive candidates? Walk up to a group of people to talk about their job opportunities? Recruit at family events? They don't do these things either because they think they are bugging other people or because they fear being rejected — and they fear they will be rejected because they think they are bugging people. World-class recruiters see things in a whole different light. I've always said that recruiting is the best sales job in the world. Unlike a traditional sales position, recruiters are not selling anything, they are offering something — potentially a better position than the one a candidate is currently in.

I recently had the pleasure of working with a woman who is approaching her 70th birthday. Each day, she gets up and starts recruiting candidates at 7:00 a.m. She spends well over six hours a day (on the phone, not hiding behind email) sourcing candidates! I am humbled and amazed at her tenacity and stamina!

I recently asked her, How do you stay motivated? How do you stay fresh? How come you haven't burned out after all these years?

"David, I truly love what I do," she replied. "I get to spend all day talking to interesting people.

They become my friends and I often get the opportunity to find them new positions that they are

truly grateful for. I enjoy finding that one person for a position that has been open for a long time.

It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It is a lot of fun."

Now that is a world-class recruiter in my book!





OWASP(开放式Web应用程序安全项目)发布的“十大安全漏洞”列表是Web应用程序安全领域的权威指南,它总结了Web应用程序中最常见、最危险的安全隐患。以下是对OWASP十大安全漏洞的详细解析: 1. 注入漏洞(Injection) 描述:攻击者通过在应用程序的输入数据中插入恶意代码,从而控制应用程序的行为。常见的注入类型包括SQL注入、OS命令注入、LDAP注入等。 影响:可能导致数据泄


OmniGlue论文详解(特征匹配) 摘要1. 引言2. 相关工作2.1. 广义局部特征匹配2.2. 稀疏可学习匹配2.3. 半稠密可学习匹配2.4. 与其他图像表示匹配 3. OmniGlue3.1. 模型概述3.2. OmniGlue 细节3.2.1. 特征提取3.2.2. 利用DINOv2构建图形。3.2.3. 信息传播与新的指导3.2.4. 匹配层和损失函数3.2.5. 与Super

《计算机视觉工程师养成计划》 ·数字图像处理·数字图像处理特征·概述~

1 定义         从哲学角度看:特征是从事物当中抽象出来用于区别其他类别事物的属性集合,图像特征则是从图像中抽取出来用于区别其他类别图像的属性集合。         从获取方式看:图像特征是通过对图像进行测量或借助算法计算得到的一组表达特性集合的向量。 2 认识         有些特征是视觉直观感受到的自然特征,例如亮度、边缘轮廓、纹理、色彩等。         有些特征需要通


文章目录 简介一、边缘特征提取二、角点特征提取三、区域特征提取四、纹理特征提取五、形状特征提取 简介   图像特征提取是图像处理中的一个重要步骤,用于从图像中提取有意义的特征,以便进行进一步的分析和处理。HalconDotNet提供了多种图像特征提取方法,每种方法都有其特定的应用场景和优缺点。 一、边缘特征提取   边缘特征提取是图像处理中最基本的特征提取方法之一,通过检


1首先下载Node.js,我是跟着这篇下载的,https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/77594251,不过这后面的我没弄对Cesium环境配置也没影响。 另外:我看其他推文说,在终端写node -v和npm-v查node和npm的版本可以检测node和npm是否下载成功。 2然后我在CesiumB站官号看的教学视频,跟着下载Cesium源代码。 Cesium基础入门1-零


90后用菜刀,95后用蚁剑,00后用冰蝎和哥斯拉,以phpshell连接为例,本文主要是对后三款经典的webshell管理工具进行流量分析和检测。 什么是一句话木马? 1、定义 顾名思义就是执行恶意指令的木马,通过技术手段上传到指定服务器并可以正常访问,将我们需要服务器执行的命令上传并执行 2、特点 短小精悍,功能强大,隐蔽性非常好 3、举例 php一句话木马用php语言编写的,运行


图结构在多个领域中扮演着重要角色,它能有效地模拟实体间的连接关系,通过从图中提取有意义的特征,可以获得宝贵的信息提升机器学习算法的性能。 本文将介绍如何利用NetworkX在不同层面(节点、边和整体图)提取重要的图特征。 本文将以NetworkX库中提供的Zachary网络作为示例。这个广为人知的数据集代表了一个大学空手道俱乐部的社交网络,是理解图特征提取的理想起点。 我们先定义一些辅助函数


最近项目要加一个微信登录的功能,发现登录成功后进入WXEntryActivity界面,这个界面是微信来处理接受登录,分享等结果的。关闭的时候this.finish();界面闪烁,虽然不影响功能,但看起来狠辣眼,然后我就想是不是主题的原因,我索性将这个界面的主题设置为透明的 <activity android:name=".wxapi.WXEntryActivity"android:label="



解决解压缩时的错误提示 “无法成功完成操作, 因为文件包含病毒或者潜在垃圾文件“

近期, 有一些朋友反馈在解压zip压缩包, 或者在安装软件的过程中出现了下面的错误提示: "无法成功完成操作, 因为文件包含病毒或者潜在垃圾文件" "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software" 上述错误一般