本文主要是介绍Mac OS X病毒:如何删除和防止Mac Protector恶意软件,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Every Apple fanboy will tell you that Macs are safe from malware, but it’s just not true. Recently a fake AV program has been targeting and infecting OS X computers in the wild. Here’s a quick look at how it works, how to remove it, and also how to prevent it in the first place.
每个苹果迷都会告诉您,Mac可以抵御恶意软件的侵害,但事实并非如此。 最近,一个虚假的AV程序在野外瞄准并感染了OS X计算机。 快速浏览一下它的工作原理,如何删除它,以及首先如何防止它。
The virus in question is actually a fake antivirus and trojan which goes by a few different names. It may present itself as Apple Security Center, Apple Web Security, Mac Defender, Mac Protector, and possibly many other names.
有问题的病毒实际上是假冒的防病毒和特洛伊木马,名称不同。 它可能会以Apple安全中心,Apple Web Security,Mac Defender,Mac Protector以及可能的许多其他名称显示。
Note: we encountered this malware on a handful of user workstations at my day job, and then spent some time doing analysis of how it works. This is a real piece of malware, that’s really infecting people.
注意:在我的日常工作中,我们在少数用户工作站上遇到了该恶意软件,然后花了一些时间来分析其工作方式。 这是真正的恶意软件,确实感染了人们。
Mac Protector恶意软件感染的屏幕快照 (Screenshot Tour of a Mac Protector Malware Infection)
The infection comes about from a webpage redirect which will present the user with the following page, that makes it appear like a real Mac OS X popup dialog.
感染来自网页重定向,该网页重定向将向用户显示以下页面,使其看起来像真正的Mac OS X弹出对话框。
If the user clicks remove all they will immediately begin downloading a package which will install the virus.
Once downloaded your computer will probably automatically begin installation. Luckily, for now, you still have to manu
这篇关于Mac OS X病毒:如何删除和防止Mac Protector恶意软件的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!