[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error on opening a connection to ip:port

2024-01-15 16:58

本文主要是介绍[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error on opening a connection to ip:port,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  • 问题描述
  • 解决方法
    • centos6
      • 防火墙常用命名
    • centos7
      • firewalld常用命令


使用MySQL5.7.24 做组复制实验,模式选择主模式,第一台主模式服务器已配置成功,但是在配置第二台服务器加入到配置的组中时报错:

2018-11-28T10:31:51.423293+08:00 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error on opening a connection to on local port: 33061.'
2018-11-28T10:31:51.423976+08:00 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error on opening a connection to on local port: 33061.'
2018-11-28T10:31:51.424072+08:00 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error connecting to all peers. Member join failed. Local port: 33061'
2018-11-28T10:31:51.424738+08:00 0 [Warning] Plugin group_replication reported: 'read failed'
2018-11-28T10:31:51.478391+08:00 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] The member was unable to join the group. Local port: 33061'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.316147+08:00 2 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Timeout on wait for view after joining group'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.316280+08:00 2 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Requesting to leave the group despite of not being a member'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.316343+08:00 2 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] The member is leaving a group without being on one.'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.316875+08:00 2 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'auto_increment_increment is reset to 1'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.316950+08:00 2 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'auto_increment_offset is reset to 1'
2018-11-28T10:32:47.317598+08:00 7 [Note] Error reading relay log event for channel 'group_replication_applier': slave SQL thread was killed
2018-11-28T10:32:47.317690+08:00 7 [Note] Slave SQL thread for channel 'group_replication_applier' exiting, replication stopped in log 'FIRST' at position 0
2018-11-28T10:32:47.320066+08:00 4 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'The group replication applier thread was killed'





# 查看防火墙状态
service iptables status# 停止防火墙
service iptables stop# 启动防火墙
service iptables start# 重启防火墙
service iptables restart# 永久关闭防火墙
chkconfig iptables off# 永久关闭后重启
chkconfig iptables on


vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables


-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -M tcp -p tcp --dport 33061 -j ACCEPT


service iptables restart



# 启动 
systemctl start firewalld
# 关闭
systemctl stop firewalld
# 查看状态
systemctl status firewalld 
# 开机禁用 
systemctl disable firewalld
# 开机启用
systemctl enable firewalld
# 查看所有打开的端口
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports


#  --permanent永久生效,没有此参数重启后失效
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=33061/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --reload


这篇关于[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error on opening a connection to ip:port的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




matlab读取NC文件(含group): NC文件数据结构: 代码: % 打开 NetCDF 文件filename = 'your_file.nc'; % 替换为你的文件名% 使用 netcdf.open 函数打开文件ncid = netcdf.open(filename, 'NC_NOWRITE');% 查看文件中的组% 假设我们想读取名为 "group1" 的组groupName

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可以在同一台电脑上运行,在一个终端上运行服务器端,在一个终端上运行客户端。 服务器端的IP地址要和本地的IP相同,并分配端口号,客户端的默认设置为本地,端口号自动分配。 服务器端: #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <errno.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/types.