Sicily 1099 Packing Passengers

2024-01-14 18:10
文章标签 packing sicily 1099 passengers

本文主要是介绍Sicily 1099 Packing Passengers,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB
PTA, Pack ‘em Tight Airlines is attempting the seemingly impossible—to fly with only full planes and still make a profit. Their strategy is simplicity and efficiency. Their fleet consists of 2 types of equipment (airline lingo for airplanes). Type A aircraft cost costA dollars to operate per flight and can carry passengersA passengers. Type B aircraft cost costB dollars to operate per flight and can carry passengersB passengers.
PTA has been using software that works well for fewer than 100 passengers, but will be far too slow for the number of passengers they expect to have with larger aircraft. PTA wants you to write a program that fills each aircraft to capacity (in keeping with the name Pack 'em Tight) and also minimizes the total cost of operations for that route.
The input file may contain data sets. Each data set begins with a line containing the integer n (1 <= n <= 2,000,000,000) which represents the number of passengers for that route. The second line contains costA and passengersA, and the third line contains costB and passengersB. There will be white space between the pairs of values on each line. Here, costA, passengersA, costB, and passengersB are all nonnegative integers having values less than 2,000,000,001.
After the end of the final data set, there is a line containing “0” (one zero) which should not be processed.
For each data set in the input file, the output file should contain a single line formatted as follows:
Data set : aircraft A, aircraft B
Where is an integer number equal to 1 for the first data set, and incremented by one for each subsequent data set, is the number of airplanes of type A in the optimal solution for the test case, and is the number of airplanes of type B in the optimal solution. The ‘optimal’ solution is a solution that lets PTA carry the number of passengers specified in the input for that data set using only airplanes loaded to their full capacity and that minimizes the cost of operating the required flights. If multiple alternatives exist fitting this description, select the one that uses most airplanes of type A. If no solution exists for PTA to fly the given number of passengers, the out line should be formatted as follows:
Data set : cannot be flown
Sample Input
30 20
20 40
1 13
2 29
1 13
2 29
1 2
3 7
11 20
22 40
Sample Output
Data set 1: 0 aircraft A, 15 aircraft B
Data set 2: 20 aircraft A, 10 aircraft B
Data set 3: 11 aircraft A, 14 aircraft B
Data set 4: 6 aircraft A, 285714284 aircraft B
Data set 5: cannot be flown

using namespace std;
int main(){int n;int times=1;while(cin>>n&&n!=0){bool flag=false;int costa,costb;int numa,numb;cin>>costa>>numa>>costb>>numb;if(numa==0){if(n%numb==0){int num=n/numb;cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": 0 aircraft A, "<<num<<" aircraft B"<<endl;}else{cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": cannot be flown"<<endl;}continue;}if(numb==0){if(n%numa==0){int num=n/numa;cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": "<<num<<" aircraft A, "<<"0 aircraft B"<<endl;}else{cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": cannot be flown"<<endl;}continue;}double pera,perb;pera=(double)costa/(double)numa;perb=(double)costb/(double)numb;if(pera<=perb){int max=n/numb;int a,b;for(int i=0;i<=max;i++){int left=n-i*numb;if(left%numa==0&&left!=0){a=left/numa;b=i;flag=true;break;}if(left==0){a=0;b=max;flag=true;}}if(flag){cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": "<<a<<" aircraft A, "<<b<<" aircraft B"<<endl;}}else{int max=n/numa;//cout<<max;int a,b;for(int i=0;i<=max;i++){int left=n-i*numa;if(left%numb==0&&left!=0){b=left/numb;a=i;flag=true;break;}if(left==0){b=0;a=max;flag=true;}}if(flag){cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": "<<a<<" aircraft A, "<<b<<" aircraft B"<<endl;}}if(!flag){cout<<"Data set "<<times++<<": cannot be flown"<<endl;}}

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