
2024-01-13 15:32



原文来自: https://dynamicsaxtipoftheday.com/2014/04/15/restrict-field-access-by-security-role/

Restrict Field Access By Security Role

The roles within Dynamics AX are pre-configured to restrict users from accessing areas that they usually don’t need to use, but you don’t have to stop there. You can tweak the security even more by restricting access to the field level data that shows up on the forms through the security role maintenance feature, allowing you to give people read only access, or not even show the field in the case of sensitive information. As an added benefit, if you restrict access this way, then the users will not be able to access the data through the reports, or through the Excel add-in.

If your users are already paranoid that they don’t see all of the data, then redacting access this way may push them over the edge.

How To Do It…

Start off by finding the field that you want to restrict access to. In this case we want to stop particular users from maintaining the VendorsBank Account.

Then find the Role that you want to restrict access through – in this example we are cheating a little and finding theRole through the user account, an then clicking on theEdit Role button within theUser Roles tab.

When the Security Roles maintenance form is displayed, click on theOverride Permissions button within the menu bar.

This will open up the Override Permissions form. To override the permissions on a table, click on theTable/Fieldsnode.

This will open up the Override Permissions form. To override the permissions on a table, click on theTable/Fieldsnode.

This will allow you to browse all of the tables within Dynamics AX. Select the table that you want to restrict access to (in this case theVendTable) and expand it so that you can see all of the fields.

To override the permissions by field, select the parent table and then uncheck theDo Not Override checkbox.

This will allow you to override the general access to the table if you like. In this example though we will leave it with theFull control access level because we want to override the access to an individual field.

Now select the field that you want to restrict access to, and uncheck the Do Not Override checkbox.

Now you can change the access rights to that field by selecting the option from theOverride Access Level dropdown box. You can set it toNo Access,View, orEdit.

Now when the user returns to the form, they are not able to change the field if they belong to that security role.

Access Denied.





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