Getting Ledger transactions in Ax 2012

2024-01-13 15:32

本文主要是介绍Getting Ledger transactions in Ax 2012,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Continuing with my blogs on Chart of accounts, in this blog, I will help you find the ledger transactions between a particular period.

In Ax 2009, it was pretty simple as you had to just loop through LedgerTrans table, Ax 2012 it has changed a bit.

Lets take an example and see how we can achieve this. Say you want to display following information in a report (for example purpose we will use infolog, I will cover reports in other blog entries).

Main account number – Main account name, Transaction date, voucher number, amount in base currency, amount in transaction currency and currency code.

To fetch transactions, now there are two tables that we need to use:

GeneralJournalEntry, GeneralJournalAccountEntry (There are more tables with GeneralJournalPrefix, I have not found there use yet but will update this post once I find more use of them).

staticvoid findLedgerTransactions(Args _args)


   MainAccount                         mainAccount; //Holds the main accounts

   GeneralJournalEntry                 generalJournalEntry; //Used to hold Ledger transactions

   GeneralJournalAccountEntry          generalJournalAccountEntry;//Used to hold Ledger transactions

   SubledgerJournalEntry               subLedgerJournalEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)

   SubledgerJournalAccountEntry        subLedgerJournalAccountEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)

   DimensionAttributeValueCombination  dimAttrValueComb; //Used to store the combination of main accounts and dimensions


   whileselect AccountingCurrencyAmount, TransactionCurrencyAmount, TransactionCurrencyCode

           from generalJournalAccountEntry

           join dimAttrValueComb

               wheredimAttrValueComb.RecId == generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension

           join AccountingDate, JournalNumberfrom generalJournalEntry

               where generalJournalAccountEntry.GeneralJournalEntry ==generalJournalEntry.RecId

                  && generalJournalEntry.AccountingDate == 017\2010

                  && generalJournalEntry.PostingLayer == OperationsTax::Current

                  && generalJournalEntry.Ledger == Ledger::current()

               join MainAccountId, Namefrom mainAccount

                   wheremainAccount.RecId == dimAttrValueComb.MainAccount

                       && mainAccount.MainAccountId == ‘130100’

           join subLedgerJournalAccountEntry

               where subLedgerJournalAccountEntry.GeneralJournalAccountEntry ==generalJournalAccountEntry.RecId

                  && subLedgerJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension == generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension

               join Voucherfrom subLedgerJournalEntry

                   where subLedgerJournalAccountEntry.SubledgerJournalEntry ==subLedgerJournalEntry.RecId

                      //&& subLedgerJournalEntry.Ledger == Ledger::current()



       info(strFmt("%1-%2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8", mainAccount.MainAccountId,mainAccount.Name,

                   generalJournalEntry.AccountingDate, subLedgerJournalEntry.Voucher,

                   generalJournalAccountEntry.TransactionCurrencyCode, generalJournalAccountEntry.TransactionCurrencyAmount,






The output is as follows:



这篇关于Getting Ledger transactions in Ax 2012的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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