
2024-01-13 01:48





          if (p->opt.buffer_size == 0)

              p->opt.buffer_size = WIN32_DEFAULT_KERNEL_BUFFER_SIZE;




              snprintf(p->errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "driver error: not enough memory to allocate the kernel buffer");

              goto bad;





BOOLEAN PacketSetBuff(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,int dim)


     DWORD BytesReturned;

     BOOLEAN Result;





     if (AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NDISWAN_ADAPTER)


        Result = WanPacketSetBufferSize(AdapterObject->pWanAdapter, dim);



         return Result;





     if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_AIRPCAP_CARD)


         Result = (BOOLEAN)g_PAirpcapSetKernelBuffer(AdapterObject->AirpcapAd, dim);



         return Result;





     if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NPFIM_DEVICE)


         Result = (BOOLEAN)g_NpfImHandlers.NpfImSetCaptureBufferSize(AdapterObject->NpfImHandle, dim);



         return Result;


#endif // HAVE_NPFIM_API



     if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_DAG_CARD)


         // We can't change DAG buffers


         return TRUE;


#endif // HAVE_DAG_API


     if (AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NDIS_ADAPTER)


         Result = (BOOLEAN)DeviceIoControl(AdapterObject->hFile,BIOCSETBUFFERSIZE,&dim,sizeof(dim),NULL,0,&BytesReturned,NULL);




         TRACE_PRINT1("Request to set buf size on an unknown device type (%u)", AdapterObject->Flags);

         Result = FALSE;





     return Result;









         if(IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof(ULONG))






         // Get the number of bytes to allocate

          dim = *((PULONG)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer);



         if (dim / g_NCpu < sizeof(struct PacketHeader))


              dim = 0; //如果dim的size分到每个cpu后都比包头的size小,且dim=0




              tpointer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, dim, '6PWA'); //分配内存

              if (tpointer == NULL)


                   // no memory  内存分配失败







         // acquire the locks for all the buffers


         for (i = 0; i < g_NCpu ; i++)


#pragma prefast(suppress:8103, "There's no Spinlock leak here, as it's released some lines below.")

              NdisAcquireSpinLock(&Open->CpuData[i].BufferLock); //获取每个cpu的锁




         // free the old buffer, if any


         if (Open->CpuData[0].Buffer != NULL)


              ExFreePool(Open->CpuData[0].Buffer); //释放原有内存



         for (i = 0 ; i < g_NCpu ; i++)


              if (dim > 0)

                   Open->CpuData[i].Buffer=(PUCHAR)tpointer + (dim/g_NCpu)*i;  //对每个cpu平均分配缓冲


                   Open->CpuData[i].Buffer = NULL;

              Open->CpuData[i].Free = dim/g_NCpu;       //剩余缓冲

              Open->CpuData[i].P = 0;               //生产者

              Open->CpuData[i].C = 0;              //消费者

              Open->CpuData[i].Accepted = 0;

              Open->CpuData[i].Dropped = 0;

              Open->CpuData[i].Received = 0;



         Open->ReaderSN=0;                    //读序列号

         Open->WriterSN=0;                     //写序列号


         Open->Size = dim/g_NCpu;             //open上下文的size



         // acquire the locks for all the buffers  释放锁


         i = g_NCpu;






#pragma prefast(suppress:8107, "There's no Spinlock leak here, as it's acquired some lines above.")


         }while(i != 0);






typedef struct _OPEN_INSTANCE


     PDEVICE_EXTENSION   DeviceExtension; ///< Pointer to the _DEVICE_EXTENSION structure of the device on which

                                                   ///< the instance is bound.

     NDIS_HANDLE         AdapterHandle;        ///< NDIS idetifier of the adapter used by this instance.

     UINT               Medium;                ///< Type of physical medium the underlying NDIS driver uses. See the

                                               ///< documentation of NdisOpenAdapter in the MS DDK for details.

     NDIS_HANDLE         PacketPool;           ///< Pool of NDIS_PACKET structures used to transfer the packets from and to the NIC driver.

     KSPIN_LOCK             RequestSpinLock;   ///< SpinLock used to synchronize the OID requests.

     LIST_ENTRY          RequestList;     ///< List of pending OID requests.

     LIST_ENTRY          ResetIrpList;         ///< List of pending adapter reset requests.

    INTERNAL_REQUEST    Requests[MAX_REQUESTS]; ///< Array of structures that wrap every single OID request.

     PMDL               BufferMdl;             ///< Pointer to a Memory descriptor list (MDL) that maps the circular buffer's memory.

     PKEVENT                ReadEvent;             ///< Pointer to the event on which the read calls on this instance must wait.

     PUCHAR                 bpfprogram;            ///< Pointer to the filtering pseudo-code associated with current instance of the driver.

                                                   ///< This code is used only in particular situations (for example when the packet received

                                                   ///< from the NIC driver is stored in two non-consecutive buffers. In normal situations

                                                   ///< the filtering routine created by the JIT compiler and pointed by the next field

                                                   ///< is used. See \ref NPF for details on the filtering process.

#ifdef _X86_

     JIT_BPF_Filter         *Filter;           ///< Pointer to the native filtering function created by the jitter.

                                                   ///< See BPF_jitter() for details.

#endif //_X86_

     UINT               MinToCopy;             ///< Minimum amount of data in the circular buffer that unlocks a read. Set with the

                                                   ///< BIOCSMINTOCOPY IOCTL.

     LARGE_INTEGER      TimeOut;           ///< Timeout after which a read is released, also if the amount of data in the buffer is

                                                   ///< less than MinToCopy. Set with the BIOCSRTIMEOUT IOCTL.


     int                    mode;                  ///< Working mode of the driver. See PacketSetMode() for details.

     LARGE_INTEGER      Nbytes;                ///< Amount of bytes accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.

     LARGE_INTEGER      Npackets;          ///< Number of packets accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.

     NDIS_SPIN_LOCK         CountersLock;      ///< SpinLock that protects the statistical mode counters.

     UINT               Nwrites;           ///< Number of times a single write must be physically repeated. See \ref NPF for an

                                                   ///< explanation

     ULONG                  Multiple_Write_Counter; ///< Counts the number of times a single write has already physically repeated.

     NDIS_EVENT             WriteEvent;            ///< Event used to synchronize the multiple write process.

     BOOLEAN                WriteInProgress;   ///< True if a write is currently in progress. NPF currently allows a single wite on

                                                   ///< the same open instance.

     NDIS_SPIN_LOCK         WriteLock;             ///< SpinLock that protects the WriteInProgress variable.

     NDIS_EVENT             NdisRequestEvent;  ///< Event used to synchronize I/O requests with the callback structure of NDIS.

     BOOLEAN                SkipSentPackets;   ///< True if this instance should not capture back the packets that it transmits.

     NDIS_STATUS            IOStatus;          ///< Maintains the status of and OID request call, that will be passed to the application.

     HANDLE                 DumpFileHandle;        ///< Handle of the file used in dump mode.

     PFILE_OBJECT       DumpFileObject;        ///< Pointer to the object of the file used in dump mode.

     PKTHREAD           DumpThreadObject;  ///< Pointer to the object of the thread used in dump mode.

     HANDLE                 DumpThreadHandle;  ///< Handle of the thread created by dump mode to asynchronously move the buffer to disk.

     NDIS_EVENT             DumpEvent;             ///< Event used to synchronize the dump thread with the tap when the instance is in dump mode.

     LARGE_INTEGER      DumpOffset;            ///< Current offset in the dump file.

     UNICODE_STRING      DumpFileName;         ///< String containing the name of the dump file.

     UINT               MaxDumpBytes;      ///< Maximum dimension in bytes of the dump file. If the dump file reaches this size it

                                                   ///< will be closed. A value of 0 means unlimited size.

     UINT               MaxDumpPacks;      ///< Maximum number of packets that will be saved in the dump file. If this number of

                                                   ///< packets is reached the dump will be closed. A value of 0 means unlimited number of

                                                   ///< packets.

     BOOLEAN                DumpLimitReached;  ///< TRUE if the maximum dimension of the dump file (MaxDumpBytes or MaxDumpPacks) is

                                                   ///< reached.


     MEM_TYPE           mem_ex;                ///< Memory used by the TME virtual co-processor

     TME_CORE           tme;               ///< Data structure containing the virtualization of the TME co-processor



     NDIS_SPIN_LOCK         MachineLock;       ///< SpinLock that protects the BPF filter and the TME engine, if in use.

     UINT               MaxFrameSize;      ///< Maximum frame size that the underlying MAC acceptes. Used to perform a check on the

                                                   ///< size of the frames sent with NPF_Write() or NPF_BufferedWrite().


     // KAFFINITY is used as a bit mask for the affinity in the system. So on every supported OS is big enough for all the CPUs on the system (32 bits on x86, 64 on x64?).

     // We use its size to compute the max number of CPUs.


     CpuPrivateData         CpuData[sizeof(KAFFINITY) * 8];      ///< Pool of kernel buffer structures, one for each CPU.

     ULONG                  ReaderSN;          ///< Sequence number of the next packet to be read from the pool of kernel buffers.

     ULONG                  WriterSN;          ///< Sequence number of the next packet to be written in the pool of kernel buffers.

                                                   ///< These two sequence numbers are unique for each capture instance.

     ULONG                  Size;                  ///< Size of each kernel buffer contained in the CpuData field.

     ULONG                 AdapterHandleUsageCounter;

     NDIS_SPIN_LOCK        AdapterHandleLock;

     ULONG                 AdapterBindingStatus;    ///< Specifies if NPF is still bound to the adapter used by this instance, it's unbinding or it's not bound.   


     NDIS_EVENT            NdisOpenCloseCompleteEvent;

     NDIS_EVENT            NdisWriteCompleteEvent;  ///< Event that is signalled when all the packets have been successfully sent by NdisSend (and corresponfing sendComplete has been called)

     NTSTATUS         OpenCloseStatus;

     ULONG                 TransmitPendingPackets;  ///< Specifies the number of packets that are pending to be transmitted, i.e. have been submitted to NdisSendXXX but the SendComplete has not been called yet.

     ULONG                 NumPendingIrps;

     BOOLEAN               ClosePending;

     NDIS_SPIN_LOCK        OpenInUseLock;









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