Building OpenNI using a cross-compiler

2024-01-13 00:48

本文主要是介绍Building OpenNI using a cross-compiler,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Building OpenNI using a cross-compiler:
                1) Make sure to define two environment variables:
                   - <platform>_CXX - the name of the cross g++ for platform <platform>
                   - <platform>_STAGING - a path to the staging dir (a directory which simulates the target root filesystem).
                   Note that <platform> should be upper cased.
                   For example, if wanting to compile for ARM from a x86 machine, ARM_CXX and ARM_STAGING should be defined.
                2) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist".
                   Run: "./RedistMaker <platform>" (for example: "./RedistMake Arm").
                   This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux/Redist" directory.
                   It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
                3) To install OpenNI files on the target file system:
                   Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/Redist".
                   Run the script: "./ -c $<platform>_STAGING" (for example: "./ -c $ARM_STAGING").

                     The install script copies key files to the following location:
                       Libs into: STAGING/usr/lib
                       Bins into: STAGING/usr/bin
                       Includes into: STAGING/usr/include/ni
                       Config files into: STAGING/var/lib/ni
                To build the package manually, you can run "make PLATFORM=<platform>" in the "Platform\Linux\Build" directory.
                If you wish to build the Mono wrappers, also run "make PLATFORM=<platform> mono_wrapper" and "make PLATFORM=<platform> mono_samples".



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