本文主要是介绍【SimPy系列博客之官方example学习与解读】—— Example 1: Bank Renege,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Hello,CSDN的各位小伙伴们,拖更了几年后,又重新开始记录这段时间准备学习的东西啦!最近博主在学习 SimPy 的相关知识,发现国内关于 SimPy 的介绍还是相对较少,且缺乏系统性,因此博主打算用1~2周的时间,边学边记,打算从 SimPy 官方给出的几个例子出发分析 SimPy 的使用场景和用法,希望能和大家互勉!那废话不多说,我们直接开始吧!今天要学习的例程是 Bank Renege
- 例程背景
- 例程代码分析
- 结果分析
- 扩展
这个example最初的流程是这样的:有一个银行,银行里面只有一个柜台 (Counter),众多顾客以一个随机时间到达银行,柜台一次只能服务一个用户,并会消耗一定的服务时间。抵达银行的顾客如果发现柜台有人,则需要排队等候。而每一个顾客的等待时间是有限制的,如果超过一定的时间后还没有轮到自己,那么该顾客就会离开。我们的目的就是用 SimPy 对这个流程进行建模。
import simpy
import random
RANDOM_SEED = 2024 # 随机种子
NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS = 5 # 仿真过程中顾客的总数量
INTERVAL_CUSTOMERS = 10.0 # 每个顾客的到达时间大致相差10s
MIN_PATIENCE = 1 # 顾客的最小允许等待时间
MAX_PATIENCE = 3 # 顾客的最大允许等待时间
def customer(env, name, counter, time_in_bank):"""定义用户的行为 (排队等待,使用柜台,离开等):param env: 仿真环境:param name: 用户的标识号:param counter: 柜台资源:param time_in_bank: 用户使用柜台的时间:return:"""arrival_time = env.now # 用户抵达银行的时间print('Customer: ', name, ' arrive the bank at: ', arrival_time)with counter.request() as req:patience = random.uniform(MIN_PATIENCE, MAX_PATIENCE) # 定义该用户的允许等待时间results = yield req | env.timeout(patience)waiting_time = env.now - arrival_time # 该用户的等待时间if req in results:# 说明用户等到了counterprint('Customer: ', name, ' is ready to use the counter at: ', env.now)tib = random.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_bank) # 用户使用柜台的时间yield env.timeout(tib)print('Customer: ', name, ' finished at: ', env.now)else:# 说明等待时间超过了用户的最大允许等待时间print('Customer: ', name, ' has waited for: ', waiting_time, ' cannot wait any longer!')
其中,env是由simpy创建的仿真环境的名字,env.now可以获取到当前仿真的时间。另外,我们看到这句话:with counter.request() as req:
因为 counter是仿真中的一个资源 (Resource) ,resource在simpy中的定义就是在某个时刻只能被一定数量的processes使用,我们在这里定义的customer函数就是一个process。当process使用resource时,它就变成了该resource的owner,当process使用完resource时,就必须将resource释放,以便后面其他process可以继续使用该resource。
那么对于后面的 yield req
语句,它的意思就是:当程序执行到这句话时,customer这个函数就会暂停,并等待,直到resource被分配到这个用户。一旦resource被分配到了这个用户,那么代码将继续从yield req后面的语句开始继续执行。
接下来,我们再看:yield req | env.timeout(patience)
,符号 "|"在simPy中的意思是在多个事件中进行选择,会选择最先发生的那个事件。
至此,我们对单个用户的行为建模已经有所了解,下面我们再来看看如何建模用户到达bank的过程,这就包括:用户什么时候到达bank, 再根据我们上面的代码决定用户到达bank后要干啥。
def customers_arrival(env, num_of_customers, interval_customers, counter):"""定义用户抵达银行的这个随机过程:param env: simpy的仿真环境:param num_of_customers: 用户的总数量:param interval_customers: 用户抵达银行的大致时间间隔:param counter: 银行柜台 (是simpy中的resource):return:"""for i in range(num_of_customers):c = customer(env, str(i), counter, time_in_bank=12.0)env.process(c)t = random.expovariate(1.0 / interval_customers)yield env.timeout(t)
可以看到,对于每一个用户,我们首先定义了它个体到达银行后的行为,c = customer(env, str(i), counter, time_in_bank=12.0)
env = simpy.Environment() # 创建仿真环境counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1) # counter是整个仿真环境的资源,且只有一个柜台
env.process(customers_arrival(env, NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS, INTERVAL_CUSTOMERS, counter))
Customer: 0 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 0 is ready to use the counter at: 0
Customer: 0 finished at: 4.344581265041675
Customer: 1 arrive the bank at: 6.350494539377634
Customer: 1 is ready to use the counter at: 6.350494539377634
Customer: 1 finished at: 21.48185544267454
Customer: 2 arrive the bank at: 28.180599526311216
Customer: 2 is ready to use the counter at: 28.180599526311216
Customer: 3 arrive the bank at: 31.262456454262153
Customer: 3 has waited for: 1.8317442018885792 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 4 arrive the bank at: 38.16001347598838
Customer: 4 has waited for: 2.9264992955047973 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 2 finished at: 48.273541968295305
class Customer():def __init__(self, env, name, counter, time_in_bank):self.env = envself.name = nameself.counter = counterself.time_in_bank = time_in_bankself.action = env.process(self.waiting())def waiting(self):arrival_time = self.env.now # 用户抵达银行的时间print('Customer: ', self.name, ' arrive the bank at: ', arrival_time)with counter.request() as req:patience = random.uniform(MIN_PATIENCE, MAX_PATIENCE) # 定义该用户的允许等待时间results = yield req | env.timeout(patience)waiting_time = env.now - arrival_time # 该用户的等待时间if req in results:# 说明用户等到了counterprint('Customer: ', self.name, ' is ready to use the counter at: ', env.now)tib = random.expovariate(1.0 / self.time_in_bank) # 用户使用柜台的时间yield env.timeout(tib)print('Customer: ', self.name, ' finished at: ', env.now)else:# 说明等待时间超过了用户的最大允许等待时间print('Customer: ', self.name, ' has waited for: ', waiting_time, ' cannot wait any longer!')
其中,用户类里面的waiting方法就是我们原本的process,但是我们加了一句话:self.action = env.process(self.waiting())
env = simpy.Environment()
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1) # counter是整个仿真环境的资源,且只有一个柜台
C0 = Customer(env, name='C0', counter=counter, time_in_bank=12.0)
Customer: C0 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: C0 is ready to use the counter at: 0
Customer: C0 finished at: 1.7192205283488458
def customers_arrival(env, num_of_customers, interval_customers, counter):"""定义用户抵达银行的这个随机过程:param env: simpy的仿真环境:param num_of_customers: 用户的总数量:param interval_customers: 用户抵达银行的大致时间间隔:param counter: 银行柜台 (是simpy中的resource):return:"""for i in range(num_of_customers):Customer(env, name=str(i), counter=counter, time_in_bank=12.0)t = random.expovariate(1.0 / interval_customers)yield env.timeout(t)
env = simpy.Environment()
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1) # counter是整个仿真环境的资源,且只有一个柜台
env.process(customers_arrival(env, NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS, INTERVAL_CUSTOMERS, counter))
Customer: 0 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 0 is ready to use the counter at: 0
Customer: 0 finished at: 2.185043045116575
Customer: 1 arrive the bank at: 27.834642847492574
Customer: 1 is ready to use the counter at: 27.834642847492574
Customer: 1 finished at: 30.715420426177218
Customer: 2 arrive the bank at: 47.63187135568359
Customer: 2 is ready to use the counter at: 47.63187135568359
Customer: 3 arrive the bank at: 52.263879692999126
Customer: 3 has waited for: 2.0577798944440318 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 4 arrive the bank at: 69.6644022591966
Customer: 4 has waited for: 2.1264195985524026 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 2 finished at: 86.37400774992372
env = simpy.Environment()
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1) # counter是整个仿真环境的资源,且只有一个柜台customers = []
for i in range(NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS):customers.append(Customer(env, name=str(i), counter=counter, time_in_bank=12.0))
def customers_arrival(env, num_of_customers, interval_customers, counter):"""定义用户抵达银行的这个随机过程:param env: simpy的仿真环境:param num_of_customers: 用户的总数量:param interval_customers: 用户抵达银行的大致时间间隔:param counter: 银行柜台 (是simpy中的resource):return:"""for i in range(num_of_customers):Customer(env, name=str(i), counter=counter, time_in_bank=12.0)# t = random.expovariate(1.0 / interval_customers)# yield env.timeout(t)env = simpy.Environment()
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1) # counter是整个仿真环境的资源,且只有一个柜台
customers_arrival(env, NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS, INTERVAL_CUSTOMERS, counter)
# env.process(customers_arrival(env, NUM_OF_CUSTOMERS, INTERVAL_CUSTOMERS, counter))
Customer: 0 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 1 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 2 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 3 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 4 arrive the bank at: 0
Customer: 0 is ready to use the counter at: 0
Customer: 1 has waited for: 1.1659990389377906 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 3 has waited for: 1.5290675757676708 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 2 has waited for: 2.3110494692657597 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 4 has waited for: 2.856268835569244 cannot wait any longer!
Customer: 0 finished at: 18.837525165283687
这篇关于【SimPy系列博客之官方example学习与解读】—— Example 1: Bank Renege的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!