P3855 [TJOI2008] Binary Land

2024-01-07 23:10
文章标签 binary land p3855 tjoi2008

本文主要是介绍P3855 [TJOI2008] Binary Land,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

[TJOI2008] Binary Land


Binary Land是一款任天堂红白机上的经典游戏,讲述的是两只相爱的企鹅Gurin和Malon的故事。两只企鹅在一个封闭的迷宫中,你可以控制他们向上下左右四个方向移动。但是他们的移动有一个奇怪的规则,即如果你按“上”或“下”方向键,两只企鹅会同时向上移动或向下移动1格;如果你按“左”方向键,则Malon向左移动1格,同时Gurin向右移动1格;如果你按“右”方向键,则Malon向右移动1格,Gurin向左移动1格。当然,如果某只企鹅被障碍挡住,它就不会移动了。另外,在迷宫的某些格子处有蜘蛛网,如果任何一只企鹅进入这种格子,则游戏失败。两只企鹅不会相互阻挡,即在相向运动时他们可以“穿过”彼此,也可以同时处于同一格子里。迷宫的某个格子上有一颗红心,游戏的任务就是使两只企鹅同时到达这个格子。




第一行包含两个整数R, C 表示迷宫的长和宽。





样例 #1

样例输入 #1

4 7

样例输出 #1




3 ≤ R, C ≤ 30




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int M = 35;
int  r, c;
bool st[M][M][M][M];
char g[M][M];
struct point {int x1, y1;int x2, y2;int u;point(int x1=0, int y1=0, int x2=0, int y2=0,int u=0) :x1(x1), y1(y1), x2(x2), y2(y2),u(u) {}
queue<point> q;
int lsx, lsy;
point read() {point fi;cin >> r >> c;memset(st, false, sizeof(st));for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++)for (int j = 1; j <= c; j++) {char& tmp = g[i][j];cin >> tmp;if (tmp == 'G') fi.x1 = i, fi.y1 = j;if (tmp == 'M') fi.x2 = i, fi.y2 = j;if (tmp == 'T') lsx = i, lsy = j;}st[fi.x1][fi.y1][fi.x2][fi.y2] = 1;fi.u = 0;return fi;
int check(point t) {if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == 'X' or g[t.x2][t.y2] == 'X') return -1;if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == '#' and g[t.x2][t.y2] == '#') return -1;if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == '#') return 1;if (g[t.x2][t.y2] == '#') return 2;return 0;
void update1(point t, int i) {point u(t);u.x1 += i; u.x2 += i; bool f = 1; u.u++;switch (check(u)){case 1: {u.x1-=i; break; }case 2: {u.x2-=i; break; }case 0: {break; }default: {f = 0; break; } }if (f and !st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2]) q.push(u), st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2] =  1;
void updw(point t) {update1(t, 1);update1(t, -1);
void update2(point t, int i,int j) {point u(t);u.y1 += i; u.y2 += j; bool f = 1; u.u++;switch (check(u)){case 1: {u.y1 -= i; break; }case 2: {u.y2 -= j; break; }case 0: {break; }default: {f = 0; break; }}if (f and !st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2]) q.push(u), st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2] = 1;
void lfrg(point t) {update2(t, 1, -1);update2(t, -1, 1);
int bfs() {q.push(read());while (!q.empty()) {point now = q.front(); q.pop();if (now.x1 == lsx and now.x2 == lsx and now.y1 == lsy and now.y2 == lsy) return now.u;updw(now);lfrg(now);}return -1;
}int main() {int ans = bfs();if (ans == -1) cout << "no";else cout << ans;return 0;



int bfs() {q.push(read());while (!q.empty()) {point now = q.front(); q.pop();if (now.x1 == lsx and now.x2 == lsx and now.y1 == lsy and now.y2 == lsy) return now.u;updw(now);lfrg(now);}return -1;

基本的bfs,取队头后再入队其他的值,其中updw(now); lfrg(now);函数的作用分别为尝试上下移动,尝试左右移动

void update1(point t, int i) {point u(t);u.x1 += i; u.x2 += i; bool f = 1; u.u++;switch (check(u)){case 1: {u.x1-=i; break; }case 2: {u.x2-=i; break; }case 0: {break; }default: {f = 0; break; } }if (f and !st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2]) q.push(u), st[u.x1][u.y1][u.x2][u.y2] =  1;


int check(point t) {if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == 'X' or g[t.x2][t.y2] == 'X') return -1;if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == '#' and g[t.x2][t.y2] == '#') return -1;if (g[t.x1][t.y1] == '#') return 1;if (g[t.x2][t.y2] == '#') return 2;return 0;

return 1: 代表第一只企鹅非法移动,所以撤销移动
return 2:同理,第二只企鹅非法移动
return 0:都是合法移动
return -1:都不合法或不存在此状态

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