python实现对布洛赫球(Bloch Sphere)动画可视化的方法

2024-01-07 19:32

本文主要是介绍python实现对布洛赫球(Bloch Sphere)动画可视化的方法,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



当我们只需要在布洛赫球上绘制一个静态的量子态或者一个测量基矢时,只需要import qutip即可:参见Plotting on the Bloch Sphere — QuTiP 4.6 Documentation。


而3d布洛赫球使用mayavi库进行绘图,除了3d的箭头,正确的遮挡关系,甚至可以选择透视关系。但是mayavi库的安装真是一言难尽。。。,具体可以参见(6条消息) python3.7-3.9安装mayavi教程_Dodo·D·Caster的博客-CSDN博客_python安装mayavi



__all__ = ['new_Bloch3d']import numpy as np
from qutip.qobj import Qobj
from qutip.expect import expect
from qutip.operators import sigmax, sigmay, sigmazclass new_Bloch3d():"""Class for plotting data on a 3D Bloch sphere using mayavi.Valid data can be either points, vectors, or qobj objectscorresponding to state vectors or density matrices. fora two-state system (or subsystem).Attributes----------fig : instance {None}User supplied Matplotlib Figure instance for plotting Bloch sphere.font_color : str {'black'}Color of font used for Bloch sphere labels.font_scale : float {0.08}Scale for font used for Bloch sphere labels.frame : bool {True}Draw frame for Bloch sphereframe_alpha : float {0.05}Sets transparency of Bloch sphere frame.frame_color : str {'gray'}Color of sphere wireframe.frame_num : int {8}Number of frame elements to draw.frame_radius : floats {0.005}Width of wireframe.point_color : list {['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']}List of colors for Bloch sphere point markers to cycle through.i.e. By default, points 0 and 4 will both be blue ('r').point_mode : string {'sphere','cone','cube','cylinder','point'}Point marker shapes.point_size : float {0.075}Size of points on Bloch sphere.sphere_alpha : float {0.1}Transparency of Bloch sphere itself.sphere_color : str {'#808080'}Color of Bloch sphere.size : list {[500,500]}Size of Bloch sphere plot in pixels. Best to have both numbers the sameotherwise you will have a Bloch sphere that looks like a football.vector_color : list {['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']}List of vector colors to cycle through.vector_width : int {3}Width of displayed vectors.view : list {[45,65]}Azimuthal and Elevation viewing angles.xlabel : list {['|x>', '']}List of strings corresponding to +x and -x axes labels, respectively.xlpos : list {[1.07,-1.07]}Positions of +x and -x labels respectively.ylabel : list {['|y>', '']}List of strings corresponding to +y and -y axes labels, respectively.ylpos : list {[1.07,-1.07]}Positions of +y and -y labels respectively.zlabel : list {['|0>', '|1>']}List of strings corresponding to +z and -z axes labels, respectively.zlpos : list {[1.07,-1.07]}Positions of +z and -z labels respectively.Notes-----The use of mayavi for 3D rendering of the Bloch sphere comes witha few limitations: I) You can not embed a Bloch3d figure into amatplotlib window. II) The use of LaTex is not supported by themayavi rendering engine. Therefore all labels must be defined usingstandard text. Of course you can post-process the generated figureslater to add LaTeX using other software if needed."""def __init__(self, fig):# ----check for mayavi-----try:from mayavi import mlabexcept:raise Exception("This function requires the mayavi module.")# ---Image options---self.fig = Noneself.user_fig = None# check if user specified figure or axes.if fig:self.user_fig = fig# The size of the figure in inches, default = [500,500].self.size = [500, 500]# Azimuthal and Elvation viewing angles, default = [45,65].self.view = [45, 65]# Image background colorself.bgcolor = 'white'# Image foreground color. Other options can override.self.fgcolor = 'black'# ---Sphere options---# Color of Bloch sphere, default = #808080self.sphere_color = '#808080'# Transparency of Bloch sphere, default = 0.1self.sphere_alpha = 0.1# ---Frame options---# Draw frame?self.frame = True# number of lines to draw for frameself.frame_num = 8# Color of wireframe, default = 'gray'self.frame_color = 'black'# Transparency of wireframe, default = 0.2self.frame_alpha = 0.05# Radius of frame linesself.frame_radius = 0.005# --Axes---# Axes colorself.axes_color = 'black'# Transparency of axesself.axes_alpha = 0.4# Radius of axes linesself.axes_radius = 0.005# ---Labels---# Labels for x-axis (in LaTex), default = ['$x$','']self.xlabel = ['|+>', '|->']# Position of x-axis labels, default = [1.2,-1.2]self.xlpos = [1.07, -1.07]# Labels for y-axis (in LaTex), default = ['$y$','']self.ylabel = ['|L>', '|R>']# Position of y-axis labels, default = [1.1,-1.1]self.ylpos = [1.07, -1.07]# Labels for z-axisself.zlabel = ['|H>', '|V>']# Position of z-axis labels, default = [1.05,-1.05]self.zlpos = [1.07, -1.07]# ---Font options---# Color of fonts, default = 'black'self.font_color = 'black'# Size of fonts, default = 20self.font_scale = 0.08# ---Vector options---# Object used for representing vectors on Bloch sphere.# List of colors for Bloch vectors, default = ['b','g','r','y']self.vector_color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']self.v_color = []# Transparency of vectorsself.vector_alpha = 1.0# Width of Bloch vectors, default = 2self.vector_width = 2.0# Height of vector headself.vector_head_height = 0.15# Radius of vector headself.vector_head_radius = 0.075# ---Point options---# List of colors for Bloch point markers, default = ['b','g','r','y']self.point_color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']self.p_color = []# Size of point markersself.point_size = 0.02# Shape of point markers# Options: 'cone' or 'cube' or 'cylinder' or 'point' or 'sphere'.# Default = 'sphere'self.point_mode = 'sphere'# ---Data lists---# Data for point markersself.points = []# Data for Bloch vectorsself.vectors = []# Number of times sphere has been savedself.savenum = 0# Style of points, 'm' for multiple colors, 's' for single colorself.point_style = []# clear coneself.ccs = []def __str__(self):s = ""s += "Bloch3D data:\n"s += "-----------\n"s += "Number of points:  " + str(len(self.points)) + "\n"s += "Number of vectors: " + str(len(self.vectors)) + "\n"s += "\n"s += "Bloch3D sphere properties:\n"s += "--------------------------\n"s += "axes_alpha:         " + str(self.axes_alpha) + "\n"s += "axes_color:         " + str(self.axes_color) + "\n"s += "axes_radius:        " + str(self.axes_radius) + "\n"s += "bgcolor:            " + str(self.bgcolor) + "\n"s += "fgcolor:            " + str(self.fgcolor) + "\n"s += "font_color:         " + str(self.font_color) + "\n"s += "font_scale:         " + str(self.font_scale) + "\n"s += "frame:              " + str(self.frame) + "\n"s += "frame_alpha:        " + str(self.frame_alpha) + "\n"s += "frame_color:        " + str(self.frame_color) + "\n"s += "frame_num:          " + str(self.frame_num) + "\n"s += "frame_radius:       " + str(self.frame_radius) + "\n"s += "point_color:        " + str(self.point_color) + "\n"s += "point_mode:         " + str(self.point_mode) + "\n"s += "point_size:         " + str(self.point_size) + "\n"s += "sphere_alpha:       " + str(self.sphere_alpha) + "\n"s += "sphere_color:       " + str(self.sphere_color) + "\n"s += "size:               " + str(self.size) + "\n"s += "vector_alpha:       " + str(self.vector_alpha) + "\n"s += "vector_color:       " + str(self.vector_color) + "\n"s += "vector_width:       " + str(self.vector_width) + "\n"s += "vector_head_height: " + str(self.vector_head_height) + "\n"s += "vector_head_radius: " + str(self.vector_head_radius) + "\n"s += "view:               " + str(self.view) + "\n"s += "xlabel:             " + str(self.xlabel) + "\n"s += "xlpos:              " + str(self.xlpos) + "\n"s += "ylabel:             " + str(self.ylabel) + "\n"s += "ylpos:              " + str(self.ylpos) + "\n"s += "zlabel:             " + str(self.zlabel) + "\n"s += "zlpos:              " + str(self.zlpos) + "\n"return sdef add_points(self, points, p_color, meth='s'):"""Add a list of data points to bloch sphere.Parameters----------points : array/listCollection of data points.p_color : 元组(RGB)指定点的颜色是什么,例如(1.0,0,0)meth : str {'s','m'}Type of points to plot, use 'm' for multicolored."""self.p_color.append(p_color)if not isinstance(points[0], (list, np.ndarray)):points = [[points[0]], [points[1]], [points[2]]]points = np.array(points)if meth == 's':if len(points[0]) == 1:pnts = np.array([[points[0][0]], [points[1][0]], [points[2][0]]])pnts = np.append(pnts, points, axis=1)else:pnts = pointsself.points.append(pnts)self.point_style.append('s')else:self.points.append(points)self.point_style.append('m')def add_states(self, state, s_color, kind='vector'):"""Add a state vector Qobj to Bloch sphere.Parameters----------state : qobjInput state vector.kind : str {'vector','point'}Type of object to plot."""# self.v_color.append(s_color)if isinstance(state, Qobj):state = [state]for st in state:if kind == 'vector':vec = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st),expect(sigmaz(), st)]self.add_vectors(vec, s_color)elif kind == 'point':pnt = [expect(sigmax(), st), expect(sigmay(), st),expect(sigmaz(), st)]self.add_points(pnt, s_color)def add_vectors(self, vectors, v_color):"""Add a list of vectors to Bloch sphere.Parameters----------vectors : array/listArray with vectors of unit length or smaller.v_color : 元组(RGB)指定箭头的颜色是什么,例如(1.0,0,0)"""self.v_color.append(v_color)if isinstance(vectors[0], (list, np.ndarray)):for vec in vectors:self.vectors.append(vec)else:self.vectors.append(vectors)def plot_vectors(self):"""Plots vectors on the Bloch sphere."""from mayavi import mlabfrom tvtk.api import tvtkimport matplotlib.colors as colorsii = 0# print(self.vectors, self.v_color)for k in range(len(self.vectors)):vec = np.array(self.vectors[k])norm = np.linalg.norm(vec)theta = np.arccos(vec[2] / norm)phi = np.arctan2(vec[1], vec[0])vec -= 0.5 * self.vector_head_height * \np.array([np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi),np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)])# color = colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(#     self.vector_color[np.mod(k, len(self.vector_color))])color = self.v_colormlab.plot3d([0, vec[0]], [0, vec[1]], [0, vec[2]],name='vector' + str(ii), tube_sides=100,line_width=self.vector_width,opacity=self.vector_alpha,color=color[k])cone = tvtk.ConeSource(height=self.vector_head_height,radius=self.vector_head_radius,resolution=100)cone_mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input_connection=cone.output_port)prop = tvtk.Property(opacity=self.vector_alpha, color=color[k])cc = tvtk.Actor(mapper=cone_mapper, property=prop)cc.rotate_z(np.degrees(phi))cc.rotate_y(-90 + np.degrees(theta))cc.position = vecself.ccs.append(cc)# print(self.fig)self.fig.scene.add_actor(self.ccs[k])# print(self.ccs)# self.fig.scene.remove_actors()def clear(self):"""Resets the Bloch sphere data sets to empty."""from mayavi import mlabfrom tvtk.api import tvtkself.points = []self.vectors = []self.point_style = []if self.fig != None:self.fig.scene.remove_actors(self.ccs)self.ccs = []# return(self.fig)# mlab.clf()def plot_points(self):"""Plots points on the Bloch sphere."""from mayavi import mlabimport matplotlib.colors as colorsfor k in range(len(self.points)):num = len(self.points[k][0])dist = [np.sqrt(self.points[k][0][j] ** 2 +self.points[k][1][j] ** 2 +self.points[k][2][j] ** 2) for j in range(num)]if any(abs(dist - dist[0]) / dist[0] > 1e-12):# combine arrays so that they can be sorted together# and sort rates from lowest to highestzipped = sorted(zip(dist, range(num)))dist, indperm = zip(*zipped)indperm = np.array(indperm)else:indperm = range(num)if self.point_style[k] == 's':# color = colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(#     self.point_color[np.mod(k, len(self.point_color))])# ############### color = (1.0,1.0,0)# print(color)##############mlab.points3d(self.points[k][0][indperm], self.points[k][1][indperm],self.points[k][2][indperm], figure=self.fig,resolution=100, scale_factor=self.point_size,mode=self.point_mode, color=self.p_color[k])elif self.point_style[k] == 'm':# pnt_colors = np.array(self.point_color * np.ceil(#     num / float(len(self.point_color))))# pnt_colors = pnt_colors[0:num]# pnt_colors = list(pnt_colors[indperm])print('ok')pnt_colors = [(1.0,1.0,0),(1.0,0,1.0)]for kk in range(num):mlab.points3d(self.points[k][0][indperm[kk]], self.points[k][1][indperm[kk]],self.points[k][2][indperm[kk]], figure=self.fig, resolution=100,scale_factor=self.point_size, mode=self.point_mode,color=pnt_colors[kk])def make_sphere(self):"""Plots Bloch sphere and data sets."""# setup plot# Figure instance for Bloch sphere plotfrom mayavi import mlabimport matplotlib.colors as colorsif self.user_fig:self.fig = self.user_figelse:self.fig = mlab.figure(1, size=self.size,bgcolor=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.bgcolor),fgcolor=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.fgcolor))sphere = mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, figure=self.fig, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=2,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.sphere_color),resolution=100, opacity=self.sphere_alpha, name='bloch_sphere')# Thse commands make the sphere look = = = True# make frame for sphere surfaceif self.frame:theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)for angle in np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, self.frame_num):xlat = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(angle)ylat = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(angle)zlat = np.ones_like(theta) * np.sin(angle)xlon = np.sin(angle) * np.sin(theta)ylon = np.cos(angle) * np.sin(theta)zlon = np.cos(theta)mlab.plot3d(xlat, ylat, zlat,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.frame_color),opacity=self.frame_alpha, tube_radius=self.frame_radius)mlab.plot3d(xlon, ylon, zlon,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.frame_color),opacity=self.frame_alpha, tube_radius=self.frame_radius)# add axesaxis = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 10)other = np.zeros_like(axis)mlab.plot3d(axis, other, other,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.axes_color),tube_radius=self.axes_radius, opacity=self.axes_alpha)mlab.plot3d(other, axis, other,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.axes_color),tube_radius=self.axes_radius, opacity=self.axes_alpha)mlab.plot3d(other, other, axis,color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.axes_color),tube_radius=self.axes_radius, opacity=self.axes_alpha)# add data to sphereself.plot_points()self.plot_vectors()# #add labelsmlab.text3d(0, 0, self.zlpos[0], self.zlabel[0],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)mlab.text3d(0, 0, self.zlpos[1], self.zlabel[1],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)mlab.text3d(self.xlpos[0], 0, 0, self.xlabel[0],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)mlab.text3d(self.xlpos[1], 0, 0, self.xlabel[1],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)mlab.text3d(0, self.ylpos[0], 0, self.ylabel[0],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)mlab.text3d(0, self.ylpos[1], 0, self.ylabel[1],color=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(self.font_color),scale=self.font_scale)return(self.fig)def show(self):"""Display the Bloch sphere and corresponding data sets."""from mayavi import mlabself.make_sphere()mlab.view(azimuth=self.view[0], elevation=self.view[1], distance=5)if save(self, name=None, format='png', dirc=None):"""Saves Bloch sphere to file of type ``format`` in directory ``dirc``.Parameters----------name : strName of saved image. Must include path and format as well.i.e. '/Users/Paul/Desktop/bloch.png'This overrides the 'format' and 'dirc' arguments.format : strFormat of output image. Default is 'png'.dirc : strDirectory for output images. Defaults to current working directory.Returns-------File containing plot of Bloch sphere."""from mayavi import mlabimport osself.make_sphere()mlab.view(azimuth=self.view[0], elevation=self.view[1], distance=5)if dirc:if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc)):os.makedirs(os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc))if name is None:if dirc:mlab.savefig(os.getcwd() + "/" + str(dirc) + '/bloch_' +str(self.savenum) + '.' + format)else:mlab.savefig(os.getcwd() + '/bloch_' + str(self.savenum) +'.' + format)else:mlab.savefig(name)self.savenum += 1if self.fig:mlab.close(self.fig)


import mayavi.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import moviepy.editor as mpy
from new_bloch3d import new_Bloch3dduration= 4
fps = 25fig_myv = mlab.figure(1, size=[800, 800],bgcolor=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb('white'),fgcolor=colors.colorConverter.to_rgb('black'))b3d = new_Bloch3d(fig=fig_myv)


这篇关于python实现对布洛赫球(Bloch Sphere)动画可视化的方法的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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