
2024-01-05 17:18



      etcd-rafthttp的模块主要在 目录下。








 type Transporter interface {// Start starts the given Transporter.// Start MUST be called before calling other functions in the interface.Start() error  //初始化操作// Handler returns the HTTP handler of the transporter.// A transporter HTTP handler handles the HTTP requests// from remote peers.// The handler MUST be used to handle RaftPrefix(/raft)// endpoint.Handler() http.Handler		//创建Handler实例,并关联到指定URL上// Send sends out the given messages to the remote peers.// Each message has a To field, which is an id that maps// to an existing peer in the transport.// If the id cannot be found in the transport, the message// will be ignored.Send(m []raftpb.Message)  //发送消息// SendSnapshot sends out the given snapshot message to a remote peer.// The behavior of SendSnapshot is similar to Send.SendSnapshot(m snap.Message)   //发送快照数据// AddRemote adds a remote with given peer urls into the transport.// A remote helps newly joined member to catch up the progress of cluster,// and will not be used after that.// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the urls are all valid,// or it panics.AddRemote(id types.ID, urls []string)   //在集群中添加一个节点时,其他节点会通过该方法添加该新加入节点的信息// AddPeer adds a peer with given peer urls into the transport.// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the urls are all valid,// or it panics.// Peer urls are used to connect to the remote peer.//Peer接口是当前节点对集群中其他节点的抽象表示,而结构体Peer则是Peer接口的一个具体实现//下面几个方法是对Peer的操作AddPeer(id types.ID, urls []string)// RemovePeer removes the peer with given id.RemovePeer(id types.ID)// RemoveAllPeers removes all the existing peers in the transport.RemoveAllPeers()// UpdatePeer updates the peer urls of the peer with the given id.// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure the urls are all valid,// or it panics.UpdatePeer(id types.ID, urls []string)// ActiveSince returns the time that the connection with the peer// of the given id becomes active.// If the connection is active since peer was added, it returns the adding time.// If the connection is currently inactive, it returns zero time.ActiveSince(id types.ID) time.Time// ActivePeers returns the number of active peers.ActivePeers() int// Stop closes the connections and stops the transporter.Stop()  //关闭操作


 Handler() 创建Handler实例,并关联到指定的URL上,创建HTTP服务时使用







type Raft interface {Process(ctx context.Context, m raftpb.Message) error  //将指定消息传递到etcd-raft模块进行处理IsIDRemoved(id uint64) bool     //检测当前节点是否从当前集群中被移除ReportUnreachable(id uint64)  //通知底层的etcd-raft模块,当前节点与指定的节点无法连通ReportSnapshot(id uint64, status raft.SnapshotStatus)  //通知底层的etcd-raft模块,快照数据是否发送成功




type Peer interface {// send sends the message to the remote peer. The function is non-blocking// and has no promise that the message will be received by the remote.// When it fails to send message out, it will report the status to underlying// raft.//发送单个消息给对端,该方法时非阻塞的,如果出现发送失败,则会将失败信息报告给底层的Raft接口send(m raftpb.Message)// sendSnap sends the merged snapshot message to the remote peer. Its behavior// is similar to send.//发送snap.Message,其他行为与上面的send()方法类似sendSnap(m snap.Message)// update updates the urls of remote peer.//更新对应节点暴露的URL地址update(urls types.URLs)// attachOutgoingConn attaches the outgoing connection to the peer for// stream usage. After the call, the ownership of the outgoing// connection hands over to the peer. The peer will close the connection// when it is no longer used./*将指定连接与当前的Peer绑定,Peer会将该连接作为Stream消息通道使用当Peer不再使用该连接时,会将该连接关闭*/attachOutgoingConn(conn *outgoingConn)// activeSince returns the time that the connection with the// peer becomes active./*activeSince返回与其他端(peer)的连接变为active状态的时间。*/activeSince() time.Time// stop performs any necessary finalization and terminates the peer// elegantly./*关闭当前Peer实例,会关闭底层的网络连接*/stop()






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