Want to send some Geek Love to that special someone? Why not do it with these elementary school throwback valentines, and win their heart this upcoming Valentine’s day—the geek way!
是否想向那个特殊的人发送一些极客之爱? 为什么不与这些小学退学的情人节一起做,并在即将到来的情人节以怪胎的方式赢得他们的心!
Read on to see the simple method to make your own custom Valentines, as well as download a set of eleven ready-made ones any geek guy or gal should be delighted get. It’s amore!
继续阅读以了解制作自己的自定义情人的简单方法,并下载一组11个现成的情人,任何怪胎的家伙或gal都应该高兴。 好了!
HTG自定义情人节是如何在Photoshop中制作的 (How the HTG Custom Valentines Were Made In Photoshop)
A size we’ve used for all of our Valentines is a 3” x 4” at 150 dpi. This is fairly low resolution for print, but makes a great graphic to email.
我们用于所有Valentines的尺寸为3英寸x 4英寸(150 dpi)。 对于打印而言,这是相当低的分辨率,但是可以通过电子邮件发送出精美的图形。
With your new image open, Navigate to Edit > Fill and fill your background layer with a rich, red color (or whatever appeals to you.)
By setting “Use” to “Foreground color as shown above, you’ll paint whatever foreground color you have in your color picker.
Press to select the text tool. Set a few text objects, using whatever fonts appeal to you. Pixel fonts, like this one, are freely downloadable, and we’ve already shared a great list of Valentines fonts.
按选择文本工具。 设置一些文本对象,使用任何吸引您的字体。 象这样的像素字体可以免费下载,而且我们已经共享了很多Valentines字体。
Copy an image from the internet if you’re confident your sweetie won’t mind a bit of fair use of copyrighted imagery. If they do mind, find yourself some great Creative Commons images.
如果您确信亲爱的人不会介意对版权图像的合理使用,请从Internet复制图像。 如果他们愿意,可以为自己找到一些很棒的创用CC图片。
to do a free transform on your image, sizing it to whatever dimensions work best for your design.
Right click your newly added image layer in your panel and Choose “Blending Effects” to pick a Layer Style. “Stroke” with this setting adds a black line around your image.
右键单击面板中新添加的图像图层,然后选择“混合效果”以选择图层样式。 使用此设置的“笔画”会在图像周围添加黑线。
Also turning on “Outer Glow” with this setting puts a dark black shadow around the top and bottom (and sides, although they are hidden).
Add some more text. Double entendre is recommended.
添加更多文本。 推荐双重投标人。
Click and hold down on the “Rectangle Tool” to get the “Custom Shape Tool.” The custom shape tool has useful vector shapes built into it. Find the “Shape” dropdown in the menu to find the heart image.
单击并按住“矩形工具”以获取“自定义形状工具”。 自定义形状工具内置了有用的矢量形状。 在菜单中找到“形状”下拉菜单,以找到心脏图像。
Click and drag to create a vector heart shape in your image.
Your layers panel is where you can change the color, if it happens to use the wrong one at first. Click the color swatch in your panel, highlighted in blue above.
如果刚开始使用错误的颜色,则可以在“图层”面板上更改颜色。 单击面板中的颜色样本,上面以蓝色突出显示。
will transform your vector heart. You can also use it to rotate, if you like.
会改变你的向量心。 如果愿意,还可以使用它旋转。
Add some details, like this Power or Standby symbol, which can be found in symbol fonts, taken from images online, or drawn by hand. Your Valentine is now ready to be saved as a JPG or PNG and sent to the object of your affection! Keep reading to see a list of 11 downloadable How-To Geek Valentines, including this one and the three from the header image.
添加一些详细信息,例如此Power或Standby符号,可以在符号字体中找到这些详细信息,从在线图像中获取或手工绘制。 现在,您的情人就可以将其另存为JPG或PNG,并发送给您的挚爱对象! 继续阅读以查看11个可下载的How-To Geek Valentine的列表,包括其中的一个和顶部图片中的三个。
下载HTG情人节套装 (Download The HTG Set of Valentines)
Download the HTG Geek Valentines (ZIP)
下载HTG Geek Valentines(ZIP)
Download the HTG Geek Valentines (ZIP)
下载HTG Geek Valentines(ZIP)
When he’s not wooing ladies with Valentines cards, you can email the author at ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com with your Photoshop and Graphics questions. Your questions may be featured in a future How-To Geek article!
如果他不喜欢用情人卡来吸引女士,您可以发送电子邮件至ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com向作者发送有关Photoshop和Graphics问题的电子邮件。 您的问题可能会在以后的“ How-To Geek”文章中出现!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42852/inspire-geek-love-with-these-hilarious-geek-valentines/