1178. Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle(Leetcode每日一题-2021.02.26)--抄答案

2024-01-04 17:58

本文主要是介绍1178. Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle(Leetcode每日一题-2021.02.26)--抄答案,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


With respect to a given puzzle string, a word is valid if both the following conditions are satisfied:

  • word contains the first letter of puzzle.
  • For each letter in word, that letter is in puzzle.
    For example, if the puzzle is “abcdefg”, then valid words are “faced”, “cabbage”, and “baggage”; while invalid words are “beefed” (doesn’t include “a”) and “based” (includes “s” which isn’t in the puzzle).

Return an array answer, where answer[i] is the number of words in the given word list words that are valid with respect to the puzzle puzzles[i].


  • 1 <= words.length <= 10^5
  • 4 <= words[i].length <= 50
  • 1 <= puzzles.length <= 10^4
  • puzzles[i].length == 7
  • words[i][j], puzzles[i][j] are English lowercase letters.
  • Each puzzles[i] doesn’t contain repeated characters.



words = [“aaaa”,“asas”,“able”,“ability”,“actt”,“actor”,“access”],
puzzles = [“aboveyz”,“abrodyz”,“abslute”,“absoryz”,“actresz”,“gaswxyz”]
Output: [1,1,3,2,4,0]
1 valid word for “aboveyz” : “aaaa”
1 valid word for “abrodyz” : “aaaa”
3 valid words for “abslute” : “aaaa”, “asas”, “able”
2 valid words for “absoryz” : “aaaa”, “asas”
4 valid words for “actresz” : “aaaa”, “asas”, “actt”, “access”
There’re no valid words for “gaswxyz” cause none of the words in the list contains letter ‘g’.


class Solution {
public:vector<int> findNumOfValidWords(vector<string>& words, vector<string>& puzzles) {unordered_map<int, int> frequency;for (const string& word: words) {int mask = 0;for (char ch: word) {mask |= (1 << (ch - 'a'));}if (__builtin_popcount(mask) <= 7) {++frequency[mask];}}vector<int> ans;for (const string& puzzle: puzzles) {int total = 0;// 枚举子集方法一// for (int choose = 0; choose < (1 << 6); ++choose) {//     int mask = 0;//     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {//         if (choose & (1 << i)) {//             mask |= (1 << (puzzle[i + 1] - 'a'));//         }//     }//     mask |= (1 << (puzzle[0] - 'a'));//     if (frequency.count(mask)) {//         total += frequency[mask];//     }// }// 枚举子集方法二int mask = 0;for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) {mask |= (1 << (puzzle[i] - 'a'));}int subset = mask;do {int s = subset | (1 << (puzzle[0] - 'a'));if (frequency.count(s)) {total += frequency[s];}subset = (subset - 1) & mask;} while (subset != mask);ans.push_back(total);}return ans;}

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