负缓存 (在 DNS 中较为常见)

2024-01-03 09:28
文章标签 常见 缓存 较为 dns

本文主要是介绍负缓存 (在 DNS 中较为常见),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




  1. 健康检查:负缓存机制会首先检查之前失败的查询结果是否仍然有效。它会向该域名的DNS服务器发送一个健康检查请求,以确认该域名是否解析成功。如果成功解析,则该域名将从负缓存中移除,并将新的解析结果返回给客户端。如果仍然无法解析,则继续保留错误码,并继续使用负缓存。
  2. 缓存时间:负缓存的设计原理是在一定时间内重用错误码。这个时间段(通常称为“负缓存时间”或“负TTL”)由DNS服务器设置,并告知客户端。在此期间内,如果再次请求相同的域名,DNS服务器会直接返回负缓存中的错误码,而无需进行新的查询。这样可以减少服务器负载,并提高响应速度。
  3. 动态更新:负缓存具有动态更新的能力。一旦过了负缓存时间,DNS服务器会再次尝试解析该域名。如果解析成功,则负缓存将被删除,并返回新的解析结果给客户端。如果仍然无法解析,则错误码会继续保留,并继续使用负缓存。


Simply put

Negative caching, which is commonly found in DNS, refers to the mechanism of recording and reusing previously failed query results for a certain period of time, typically several seconds. The concept and design principles of negative caching can be explained as follows:

Concept: Negative caching is a mechanism used by DNS servers to improve performance and reduce the load on upstream servers when resolving domain names that have previously failed to be resolved. When a DNS server encounters a domain name that cannot be resolved, it stores the error code associated with the requested domain and remembers it for a certain amount of time. During this time, if the same domain name is queried again, the DNS server returns the stored error code from the negative cache instead of performing a new query.

Design Principles:

  1. Health Checking: The negative caching mechanism first checks if the previously failed query result is still valid. It sends a health check request to the DNS server of the domain name to confirm if the domain name can be resolved successfully. If the resolution is successful, the domain name is removed from the negative cache, and the new resolution result is returned to the client. If the resolution still fails, the error code is retained, and the negative caching continues.
  2. Cache Time: The negative caching mechanism has a designated time period, often referred to as “negative TTL”, during which the stored error code is reused. The DNS server sets this time period and informs the clients. Within this timeframe, if the same domain name is requested again, the DNS server directly returns the error code from the negative cache without performing a new query. This reduces server load and improves response speed.
  3. Dynamic Update: Negative caching has the capability of dynamic updates. Once the negative TTL has expired, the DNS server attempts to resolve the domain name again. If the resolution is successful, the negative cache is cleared, and the new resolution result is returned to the client. If the resolution still fails, the error code is retained, and the negative caching continues.

Negative caching is an effective mechanism that helps avoid repeated queries for domain names that have previously failed to resolve within a certain time period. It improves DNS server performance, reduces the load on upstream servers, and enhances response speed. However, negative caching may cause expired error codes to be reused, resulting in clients not receiving the latest resolution results in a timely manner. Hence, it is important to strike a balance between performance and real-time requirements when setting the negative cache time.

On K8s




. {forward . /etc/resolv.confcache 30errors

在上述配置中,我们添加了cache 30行来配置一个缓存时间为30秒的负缓存。这意味着如果一个DNS查询失败,查询结果将被记录并在接下来的30秒内重用。




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