[转]symbian rodata overlap errors

2024-01-01 19:18
文章标签 symbian errors overlap rodata

本文主要是介绍[转]symbian rodata overlap errors,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




error description:

arm-none-symbianelf-ld: section .rodata [002c8ed0 -> 004488f7] overlaps section .data [00400000 -> 00400083]
arm-none-symbianelf-ld: section .bss [00400084 -> 00400993] overlaps section .rodata [002c8ed0 -> 004488f7]
arm-none-symbianelf-ld: C:/proj/group/Proj_Data/GCCE_UREL/Proj.exe: section .data lma 0x400000 overlaps
previous sections


Your code size (.rodata) is too large so it overlaps the hard coded .data section begining at 0x400000.

I've changed these hard coded .data section in /epoc32/tools/cl_bpabi.pm line 793 & 799 :


I replaced 0x400000 by 0xA00000 and I get my app properly linked linked, and it works fine on phone.

我改了以后好像没什么用,看到这个:For UREL static solution everything is fine as the size is much more less then 4mb, but for UDEB (to be able to debug on hardware) the size goes beyond...

和我情况一样,我也是编译gcce udeb才不成功


EPOCSTACKSIZE                           0x10000
EPOCHEAPSIZE                             0x100000 0x40000000


EPOCSTACKSIZE                           0x100000
EPOCHEAPSIZE                             0x100000 0x4000000








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