
2023-12-31 08:40




Do you use Rainlendar Lite on multiple computers, or would you like to share your calendars with others?  Here’s how you can keep your calendars synced and shared for free with Dropbox.

您是在多台计算机上使用Rainlendar Lite,还是想与他人共享日历? 您可以通过以下方式与Dropbox免费保持日历同步和共享。

Rainlendar is a great simple desktop calendar application that looks stylish and runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux.  The free Rainlendar Lite has only one major problem: you can’t sync calendars between computers.  If you want to share your calendars with friends or coworkers or simply want to sync your calendars between all of your computers, here’s how you can put Dropbox to use to keep your calendars synced and shared quickly and easily.

Rainlendar是一款出色的简单桌面日历应用程序,外观时尚,可在Windows,OS X和Linux上运行。 免费的Rainlendar Lite仅存在一个主要问题:您无法在计算机之间同步日历。 如果您想与朋友或同事共享日历,或者只是想在所有计算机之间同步日历,可以使用以下方法放置Dropbox来保持日历的快速和轻松共享。

By default, Rainlendar saves your calendar, including appointments, events, and to-dos, in a .Rainlendar folder in your user profile.  To keep your calendars synced, we’ll need to move the default calendar and make sure Rainlendar knows where it is.  To do this, right-click on Rainlendar, and select Options.

默认情况下,Rainlendar将日历(包括约会,事件和待办事项) 保存在用户个人资料中的.Rainlendar文件夹中。 为了使您的日历保持同步,我们需要移动默认日历,并确保Rainlendar知道它在哪里。 为此,右键单击Rainlendar,然后选择选项


In the Options window, select the Calendars tab, then select your default calendar or the one you wish to sync from the list.

在“选项”窗口中,选择“ 日历”选项卡,然后从列表中选择默认日历或希望同步的日历。


Select the Filename field on the bottom, and click the button to change where your calendar is saved.

选择底部的“ 文件名”字段,然后单击“ …”按钮以更改日历的保存位置。


This will open the default Rainlendar folder so you can see where your calendar is currently.  Copy this file, then browse to your Dropbox folder and paste it there or in a Dropbox subfolder.

这将打开默认的Rainlendar文件夹,以便您可以查看日历的当前位置。 复制此文件,然后浏览到您的Dropbox文件夹并将其粘贴到其中或Dropbox子文件夹中。


Back in the Rainlendar settings window, be sure to check the Monitor changes box on the bottom so your calendar will automatically add any new events added from another computer once you’re syncing.  Apply the changes, and you’re ready to sync.

返回Rainlendar设置窗口,请确保选中底部的“ 监视器更改”框,以便您的日历在同步后会自动添加从另一台计算机添加的所有新事件。 应用更改,即可开始同步。


Now, on your other computer, add your new calendar from Dropbox as a new calendar, or swap the default calendar with the one you just started syncing as above.  You can even share your calendar with coworkers, family, or friends by placing your calendars in a shared folder or sharing a new folder with them in Dropbox.  Or, you could place your calendars in your public Dropbox folder to share them with the world if you wish!

现在,在另一台计算机上,从Dropbox中添加新日历作为新日历,或将默认日历与如上所述刚刚开始同步的日历交换。 您甚至可以通过将日历放在共享文件夹中或在Dropbox中与他们共享新文件夹来与同事,家人或朋友共享日历。 或者,您也可以将日历放在公共Dropbox文件夹中,以便与世界共享!


With this simple trick, you’ll be able to keep your calendars synced for free with Dropbox while still keeping your calendar accessible and stylish in Rainlendar.  Dropbox makes syncing files dead simple, and it’s amazing what neat tricks you can do with a quick, dependable syncing service.

通过这个简单的技巧,您将能够通过Dropbox免费同步日历,同时在Rainlendar中仍可保持日历的访问性和时尚性。 Dropbox使同步文件变得非常简单,令人惊奇的是,您可以使用快速,可靠的同步服务执行各种巧妙的操作。

Hat tip to Richard Guay for the tip.  Thanks Dad!

向Richard Guay推荐小费。 感谢爸爸!

链接 (Links)

Download Rainlendar Lite

下载Rainlendar Lite

Signup for and Download Dropbox


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32393/sync-your-rainlendar-calendars-for-free-with-dropbox/






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