
2023-12-21 18:48






PKIPublic Key Cryptography. Public-key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, is any cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys: public keys which may be disseminated widely, and private keys which are known only to the owner. This accomplishes two functions: authentication, where the public key verifies that a holder of the paired private key sent the message, and encryption, where only the paired private key holder can decrypt the message encrypted with the public key.
PKCSIn cryptography, PKCS stands for “Public Key Cryptography Standards”. These are a group of public-key cryptography standards devised and published by RSA Security Inc, starting in the early 1990s. The company published the standards to promote the use of the cryptography techniques to which they had patents, such as the RSA algorithm, the Schnorr signature algorithm and several others. Though not industry standards (because the company retained control over them), some of the standards in recent years have begun to move into the “standards-track” processes of relevant standards organizations such as the IETF and the PKIX working-group.
RSARSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is one of the first public-key cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem, the encryption key is public and it is different from the decryption key which is kept secret (private). In RSA, this asymmetry is based on the practical difficulty of the factorization of the product of two large prime numbers, the “factoring problem”. The acronym RSA is made of the initial letters of the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, who first publicly described the algorithm in 1978. Clifford Cocks, an English mathematician working for the British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), had developed an equivalent system in 1973, but this was not declassified until 1997.A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers must be kept secret. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but with currently published methods, and if the public key is large enough, only someone with knowledge of the prime numbers can decode the message feasibly. Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem. Whether it is as difficult as the factoring problem remains an open question.
Private KeyA Private Key is a secret key, used in Asymmetric Encryption. It is mathematically equivalent to a Public Key, but is kept secret. This is one half of a matching key-pair.
Public KeyA Public Key is a publicly distributed key, used in Asymmetric Encryption. It is mathematically equivalent to a Private Key, but is widely distributed. This is the other half of a matching key-pair.
PKCS#1In cryptography, PKCS #1 is the first of a family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), published by RSA Laboratories. It provides the basic definitions of and recommendations for implementing the RSA algorithm for public-key cryptography. It defines the mathematical properties of public and private keys, primitive operations for encryption and signatures, secure cryptographic schemes, and related ASN.1 syntax representations.
PKCS#8In cryptography, PKCS #8 is a standard syntax for storing private key information. PKCS #8 is one of the family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) created by RSA Laboratories. The latest version, 1.2, is available as RFC 5208.
Base64Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding. Each base64 digit represents exactly 6 bits of data. Three 8-bit bytes (i.e., a total of 24 bits) can therefore be represented by four 6-bit base64 digits.
DERDER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) is a restricted variant of BER for producing unequivocal transfer syntax for data structures described by ASN.1. Like CER, DER encodings are valid BER encodings. DER is the same thing as BER with all but one sender’s options removed. DER is a subset of BER providing for exactly one way to encode an ASN.1 value. DER is intended for situations when a unique encoding is needed, such as in cryptography, and ensures that a data structure that needs to be digitally signed produces a unique serialized representation. DER can be considered a canonical form of BER. For example, in BER a Boolean value of true can be encoded as any of 255 non-zero byte values, while in DER there is one way to encode a boolean value of true.
ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is an interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a standard, cross-platform way. It is broadly used in telecommunications and computer networking, and especially in cryptography.
PEMPEM is a de facto file format for storing and sending cryptography keys, certificates, and other data, based on a set of 1993 IETF standards defining “privacy-enhanced mail.” While the original standards were never broadly adopted, and were supplanted by PGP and S/MIME, the textual encoding they defined became very popular. The PEM format was eventually formalized by the IETF in RFC 7468.Many cryptography standards use ASN.1 to define their data structures, and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) to serialize those structures. Because DER produces binary output, it can be challenging to transmit the resulting files through systems, like electronic mail, that only support ASCII. The PEM format solves this problem by encoding the binary data using base64. PEM also defines a one-line header, consisting of “—–BEGIN “, a label, and “—–“, and a one-line footer, consisting of “—–END “, a label, and “—–“. The label determines the type of message encoded. Common labels include “CERTIFICATE”, “CERTIFICATE REQUEST”, and “PRIVATE KEY”. PEM data is commonly stored in files with a “.pem” suffix, a “.cer” or “.crt” suffix (for certificates), or a “.key” suffix (for public or private keys).[2] The label inside a PEM file represents the type of the data more accurately than the file suffix, since many different types of data can be saved in a “.pem” file.



* convert the pkcs1 public key to pbkcs8
var BIT_STRING_TAG int = 0x03
var SEQUENCE_TAG int = 0x30
var NO_UNUSED_BITS = []byte{0x00}
0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00,
}func CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfoEncoding(pkcs1PublicKeyEncoding []byte) []byte  {subjectPublicKeyBitString := createDEREncoding(BIT_STRING_TAG, concat(NO_UNUSED_BITS, pkcs1PublicKeyEncoding))subjectPublicKeyInfoValue := concat(RSA_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER_SEQUENCE, subjectPublicKeyBitString)subjectPublicKeyInfoSequence := createDEREncoding(SEQUENCE_TAG, subjectPublicKeyInfoValue)return subjectPublicKeyInfoSequence
}func concat(bas ... []byte) []byte {var buf  []bytefor i := 0; i < len(bas); i++ {buf = append(buf, bas[i] ...)}return buf
}func createDEREncoding(tag int, value []byte) []byte {if tag < 0 || tag >= 0xFF {return nil}lengthEncoding := createDERLengthEncoding(len(value))var derEncodingBuf []bytederEncodingBuf = append(derEncodingBuf, createDERLengthEncoding(tag) ...)derEncodingBuf = append(derEncodingBuf, lengthEncoding ...)derEncodingBuf = append(derEncodingBuf, value ...)return derEncodingBuf
}func createDERLengthEncoding(size int) (b2 []byte) {if size <= 0x7F {res := uint8(size)b2 = append(b2, res)return b2} else if size <= 0xFF {
//X86 little-endianb2 = append(b2, uint8(0x81))var b  [2]byteb[0] = uint8(size)b[1] = uint8(size >> 8)b2 = append(b2, b[1])b2 = append(b2, b[0])return b2} else if size <= 0xFFFF {
//X86 little-endianb2 = append(b2, uint8(0x82))var b  [4]byteb[0] = uint8(size)b[1] = uint8(size >> 8)b[2] = uint8(size >> 16)b[3] = uint8(size >> 24)b2 = append(b2, b[1])b2 = append(b2, b[0])if size >> 16 == 0 {return b2}b2 = append(b2, b[3])b2 = append(b2, b[2])return b2}return nil






1. 转换链的概念 在开发AI Agent(智能体)时,我们经常需要对输入数据进行预处理,这样可以更好地利用LLM。LangChain提供了一个强大的工具——转换链(TransformChain),它可以帮我们轻松实现这一任务。 转换链(TransformChain)主要是将 给定的数据 按照某个函数进行转换,再将 转换后的结果 输出给LLM。 所以转换链的核心是:根据业务逻辑编写合适的转换函


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