本文主要是介绍excel 合并excel_重新查看Excel笑脸图,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
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A few years ago, I added a sample workbook on my site, that features an adjustable Smiley Face Chart. Type a number between 0 and 100, and the mouth changes from a smile to a frown, based on the score.
几年前,我在自己的网站上添加了一个示例工作簿,其中包含一个可调整的“笑脸人脸图表”。 键入一个介于0到100之间的数字,并且根据得分,嘴巴会从微笑变成皱眉。
The Score cell, H3, has data validation, to ensure that users enter a valid number.
Below, you can see the data validation settings that are used in the Score cell.
When you change the value in the Score cell, the Worksheet Change event code runs, and changes the curve of the mouth. You can see the code in the next section of this article.
当您更改“分数”单元格中的值时,将运行“工作表更改”事件代码,并更改嘴巴的曲线。 您可以在本文的下一部分中看到代码。
A couple of years ago, John Walkenbach announced his scientific breakthrough in Smiley Chart development, using a scatter chart to create the smile. I remained loyal to my version though, and it has served me well over the years.
几年前,约翰·沃肯巴赫(John Walkenbach)宣布了他在笑脸图开发方面的科学突破,使用散点图创建了笑脸。 不过,我仍然忠于自己的版本,多年来一直为我服务。
在Excel 2007中使用笑脸图 (Using the Smiley Chart in Excel 2007)
The Smiley Face chart is still very popular, and is downloaded hundreds of times every month. So, I opened it in Excel 2007 recently, and was surprised to find that it didn't work correctly. I changed the score, and nothing happened.
笑脸图仍然很受欢迎,并且每月下载数百次。 因此,我最近在Excel 2007中将其打开,但惊讶地发现它无法正常工作。 我改变了分数,没有任何React。
First, I made sure that I had enabled macros, because the event code needs to run when the code is changed. Sometimes it's easy to overlook that Security warning, just above the Formula bar.
首先,我确保启用了宏,因为更改代码后需要运行事件代码。 有时,很容易在公式栏上方忽略该安全警告。
Macros were enabled, so that wasn't the problem. Eventually, I figured out that the degree settings for the smile are different in Excel 2007, so I added a new page to the sample workbook, using those settings.
启用了宏,所以这不是问题。 最终,我发现在Excel 2007中,微笑的度数设置是不同的,因此我使用这些设置将新页面添加到示例工作簿中。
Why did the setting change? I have no idea. Anyway, here's the code, showing the minimum and maximum settings, for both Excel 2007 and Excel 2003.
为什么更改设置? 我不知道。 无论如何,这是代码,显示Excel 2007和Excel 2003的最小和最大设置。
下载笑脸图表示例文件 (Download the Smiley Chart Sample File)
You can download the zipped Smiley Chart sample file from my Contextures site. On the Sample Files page, look for DV0018 - Happy Face Gauge. __________
您可以从我的Contextures网站下载压缩的Smiley Chart示例文件。 在“ 样本文件”页面上,查找DV0018-Happy Face Gauge 。 __________
翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2009/09/21/the-excel-smiley-face-chart-revisited/
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