








调用 Ril.java类中内部类RILReceiver的run()方法,代码如下《TAG 1-1》:

 public void
        run() {
            int retryCount = 0;
            String rilSocket = "rild";

            try {for (;;) {
                LocalSocket s = null;
                LocalSocketAddress l;

                if (mInstanceId == null || mInstanceId == 0 ) {
                    rilSocket = SOCKET_NAME_RIL[0];
                } else {
                    rilSocket = SOCKET_NAME_RIL[mInstanceId];

                try {
                    s = new LocalSocket();
                    l = new LocalSocketAddress(rilSocket,
                } catch (IOException ex){
                    try {
                        if (s != null) {
                    } catch (IOException ex2) {
                        //ignore failure to close after failure to connect

                    // don't print an error message after the the first time
                    // or after the 8th time

                    if (retryCount == 8) {
                        Rlog.e (RILJ_LOG_TAG,
                            "Couldn't find '" + rilSocket
                            + "' socket after " + retryCount
                            + " times, continuing to retry silently");
                    } else if (retryCount > 0 && retryCount < 8) {
                        Rlog.i (RILJ_LOG_TAG,
                            "Couldn't find '" + rilSocket
                            + "' socket; retrying after timeout");

                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException er) {


                retryCount = 0;

                mSocket = s;
                Rlog.i(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Connected to '" + rilSocket + "' socket");

                int length = 0;
                try {
                    InputStream is = mSocket.getInputStream();

                    for (;;) {
                        Parcel p;

                        length = readRilMessage(is, buffer);

                        if (length < 0) {
                            // End-of-stream reached

                        p = Parcel.obtain();
                        p.unmarshall(buffer, 0, length);

                        //Rlog.v(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Read packet: " + length + " bytes");

                } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
                    Rlog.i(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "'" + rilSocket + "' socket closed",
                } catch (Throwable tr) {
                    Rlog.e(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Uncaught exception read length=" + length +
                        "Exception:" + tr.toString());

                Rlog.i(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Disconnected from '" + rilSocket
                      + "' socket");

                setRadioState (RadioState.RADIO_UNAVAILABLE);

                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

                mSocket = null;

                // Clear request list on close
                clearRequestList(RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, false);
            }} catch (Throwable tr) {
                Rlog.e(RILJ_LOG_TAG,"Uncaught exception", tr);

            /* We're disconnected so we don't know the ril version */

从上述代码《TAG 1-1》中,RILReceiver接收到短信后,会转到processResponse()--> processUnsolicited()进行处理.其事件类型为RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS/RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS ,先调用responseString()从Parcel中获取数据,再使用newFromCMT()方法获取SmsMessage对象《TAG1-2》;

    private void
    processResponse (Parcel p) {
        int type;

        type = p.readInt();

        if (type == RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED) {
            processUnsolicited (p);
        } else if (type == RESPONSE_SOLICITED) {
            processSolicited (p);


private void
    processUnsolicited (Parcel p) {
        int response;
        Object ret;

        response = p.readInt();

        try {switch(response) {
 cat libs/telephony/ril_unsol_commands.h \
 | egrep "^ *{RIL_" \
 | sed -re 's/\{([^,]+),[^,]+,([^}]+).+/case \1: \2(rr, p); break;/'

            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED: ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: ret =  responseString(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_STATUS_REPORT: ret =  responseString(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM: ret =  responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_ON_USSD: ret =  responseStrings(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED: ret =  responseString(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: ret = responseSignalStrength(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_DATA_CALL_LIST_CHANGED: ret = responseDataCallList(p);break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION: ret = responseSuppServiceNotification(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END: ret = responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_PROACTIVE_COMMAND: ret = responseString(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY: ret = responseString(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_REFRESH: ret =  responseSimRefresh(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CALL_RING: ret =  responseCallRing(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED:  ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS:  ret =  responseCdmaSms(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS:  ret =  responseRaw(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_RUIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL:  ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_ENTER_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE: ret = responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_CALL_WAITING: ret = responseCdmaCallWaiting(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_INFO_REC: ret = responseCdmaInformationRecord(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW: ret = responseRaw(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RINGBACK_TONE: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESEND_INCALL_MUTE: ret = responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_CHANGED: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOl_CDMA_PRL_CHANGED: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_EXIT_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE: ret = responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED: ret = responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_VOICE_RADIO_TECH_CHANGED: ret =  responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST: ret = responseCellInfoList(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_IMS_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: ret =  responseVoid(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_CHANGED: ret =  responseInts(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_ON_SS: ret =  responseSsData(p); break;
            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CC_ALPHA_NOTIFY: ret =  responseString(p); break;

        //dewen.feng@20140426 add     hongxing add
            case RIL_UNSOL_FACTORY_AT_TEST: ret = responseRaw(p); break;
                throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized unsol response: " + response);
            //break; (implied)
        }} catch (Throwable tr) {
            Rlog.e(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Exception processing unsol response: " + response +
                "Exception:" + tr.toString());

        switch(response) {
                /* has bonus radio state int */
                RadioState newState = getRadioStateFromInt(p.readInt());
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogMore(response, newState.toString());

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                    .notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null));
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                    .notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null));
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                    .notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, null, null));
            case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: {
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                // FIXME this should move up a layer
                String a[] = new String[2];

                a[1] = (String)ret;

                SmsMessage sms;

                sms = SmsMessage.newFromCMT(a);
                if (mGsmSmsRegistrant != null) {
                        .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mSmsStatusRegistrant != null) {
                            new AsyncResult(null, ret, null));
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                int[] smsIndex = (int[])ret;

                if(smsIndex.length == 1) {
                    if (mSmsOnSimRegistrant != null) {
                                notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, smsIndex, null));
                } else {
                    if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog(" NEW_SMS_ON_SIM ERROR with wrong length "
                            + smsIndex.length);
            case RIL_UNSOL_ON_USSD:
                String[] resp = (String[])ret;

                if (resp.length < 2) {
                    resp = new String[2];
                    resp[0] = ((String[])ret)[0];
                    resp[1] = null;
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogMore(response, resp[0]);
                if (mUSSDRegistrant != null) {
                        new AsyncResult (null, resp, null));
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                // has bonus long containing milliseconds since boot that the NITZ
                // time was received
                long nitzReceiveTime = p.readLong();

                Object[] result = new Object[2];

                result[0] = ret;
                result[1] = Long.valueOf(nitzReceiveTime);

                boolean ignoreNitz = SystemProperties.getBoolean(
                        TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_IGNORE_NITZ, false);

                if (ignoreNitz) {
                    if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog("ignoring UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED");
                } else {
                    if (mNITZTimeRegistrant != null) {

                            .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult (null, result, null));
                    } else {
                        // in case NITZ time registrant isnt registered yet
                        mLastNITZTimeInfo = result;

                // Note this is set to "verbose" because it happens
                // frequently
                if (RILJ_LOGV) unsljLogvRet(response, ret);

                if (mSignalStrengthRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                mDataNetworkStateRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mSsnRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_SESSION_END:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mCatSessionEndRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCatProCmdRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_EVENT_NOTIFY:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCatEventRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_STK_CALL_SETUP:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCatCallSetUpRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) {

            case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_REFRESH:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mIccRefreshRegistrants != null) {
                            new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_CALL_RING:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mRingRegistrant != null) {
                            new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, ret);
                if (mRestrictedStateRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mIccStatusChangedRegistrants != null) {

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                SmsMessage sms = (SmsMessage) ret;

                if (mCdmaSmsRegistrant != null) {
                        .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant != null) {
                        .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) {

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);

                if (mEmergencyCallbackModeRegistrant != null) {

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCallWaitingInfoRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mOtaProvisionRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_INFO_REC:
                ArrayList<CdmaInformationRecords> listInfoRecs;

                try {
                    listInfoRecs = (ArrayList<CdmaInformationRecords>)ret;
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    Rlog.e(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Unexpected exception casting to listInfoRecs", e);

                for (CdmaInformationRecords rec : listInfoRecs) {
                    if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, rec);

            case RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, IccUtils.bytesToHexString((byte[]) ret));
                ByteBuffer oemHookResponse = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) ret);
                if (isQcUnsolOemHookResp(oemHookResponse)) {
                    Rlog.d(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "OEM ID check Passed");
                } else if (mUnsolOemHookRawRegistrant != null) {
                    Rlog.d(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "External OEM message, to be notified");
                    mUnsolOemHookRawRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null));
            //dewen.feng @20140426 add hongxing add
            case RIL_UNSOL_FACTORY_AT_TEST:
        Rlog.d(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "##########RIL_UNSOL_FACTORY_AT_TEST################");
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, IccUtils.bytesToHexString((byte[])ret));
                ByteBuffer factoryAtResponse = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[])ret);
            case RIL_UNSOL_RINGBACK_TONE:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, ret);
                if (mRingbackToneRegistrants != null) {
                    boolean playtone = (((int[])ret)[0] == 1);
                                        new AsyncResult (null, playtone, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mResendIncallMuteRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mVoiceRadioTechChangedRegistrants != null) {
                            new AsyncResult(null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCdmaSubscriptionChangedRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_ON_SS:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mSsRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCatCcAlphaRegistrant != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

            case RIL_UNSOl_CDMA_PRL_CHANGED:
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mCdmaPrlChangedRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mExitEmergencyCallbackModeRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, null, null));

            case RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED: {
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                // Initial conditions
                setRadioPower(false, null);
                setPreferredNetworkType(mPreferredNetworkType, null);
                setCdmaSubscriptionSource(mCdmaSubscription, null);
                setCellInfoListRate(Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
            case RIL_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST: {
                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mRilCellInfoListRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));

                if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);

                if (mSubscriptionStatusRegistrants != null) {
                                        new AsyncResult (null, ret, null));


    internalNotifyRegistrant (Object result, Throwable exception)
        Handler h = getHandler();

        if (h == null) {
        } else {
            Message msg = Message.obtain();

            msg.what = what;
            msg.obj = new AsyncResult(userObj, result, exception);


调用SMSDispatcher类中的<! GSM><EVENT_NEW_SMS>handlerMessage()  -->得到AsyncResult的对象ar

 public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        AsyncResult ar;

        switch (msg.what) {
        case EVENT_NEW_SMS:
            // A new SMS has been received by the device
            if (DBG) Rlog.d(TAG, "New SMS Message Received");

            SmsMessage sms;

            ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj;

            if (ar.exception != null) {
                Rlog.e(TAG, "Exception processing incoming SMS. Exception:" + ar.exception);

            sms = (SmsMessage) ar.result;
            try {
                int result = dispatchMessage(sms.mWrappedSmsMessage);
                if (result != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                    // RESULT_OK means that message was broadcast for app(s) to handle.
                    // Any other result, we should ack here.
                    boolean handled = (result == Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED);
                    notifyAndAcknowledgeLastIncomingSms(handled, result, null);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                Rlog.e(TAG, "Exception dispatching message", ex);
                notifyAndAcknowledgeLastIncomingSms(false, Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR, null);


调用GSMSmsDispatcher.java类中的dispatchMessage() 方法再调用SMSDispatcher.javadispatchNormalMessage()方法,,  首先获取<SmsHeader smsHeader = sms.getUserDataHeader();>。如果 if ((smsHeader == null) || (smsHeader.concatRef == null))成立,而且 if (smsHeader != null && smsHeader.portAddrs != null) 成立,则调用<WapPushOverSms.java> dispatchWapPdu(),再调用<SMSDispatcher.java>  mSmsDispatcher.dispatch(intent, permission, appOp)<其中permission为android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS> ------>sendOrderedBroadcast();这里的Action为Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION。接下来进入彩信的接收,由PushReceiver开始。

public int dispatchWapPdu(byte[] pdu, String address) {

        if (DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "Rx: " + IccUtils.bytesToHexString(pdu));

        int index = 0;
        int transactionId = pdu[index++] & 0xFF;
        int pduType = pdu[index++] & 0xFF;
        int headerLength = 0;

        if ((pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_PUSH) &&
                (pduType != WspTypeDecoder.PDU_TYPE_CONFIRMED_PUSH)) {
            if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "Received non-PUSH WAP PDU. Type = " + pduType);
            return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;

        pduDecoder = new WspTypeDecoder(pdu);

         * Parse HeaderLen(unsigned integer).
         * From wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section 8.1.2
         * The maximum size of a uintvar is 32 bits.
         * So it will be encoded in no more than 5 octets.
        if (pduDecoder.decodeUintvarInteger(index) == false) {
            if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "Received PDU. Header Length error.");
            return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;
        headerLength = (int)pduDecoder.getValue32();
        index += pduDecoder.getDecodedDataLength();

        int headerStartIndex = index;

         * Parse Content-Type.
         * From wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section
         * Content-type-value = Constrained-media | Content-general-form
         * Content-general-form = Value-length Media-type
         * Media-type = (Well-known-media | Extension-Media) *(Parameter)
         * Value-length = Short-length | (Length-quote Length)
         * Short-length = <Any octet 0-30>   (octet <= WAP_PDU_SHORT_LENGTH_MAX)
         * Length-quote = <Octet 31>         (WAP_PDU_LENGTH_QUOTE)
         * Length = Uintvar-integer
        if (pduDecoder.decodeContentType(index) == false) {
            if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "Received PDU. Header Content-Type error.");
            return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;

        String mimeType = pduDecoder.getValueString();
        long binaryContentType = pduDecoder.getValue32();
        index += pduDecoder.getDecodedDataLength();

        byte[] header = new byte[headerLength];
        System.arraycopy(pdu, headerStartIndex, header, 0, header.length);

        byte[] intentData;

        if (mimeType != null && mimeType.equals(WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_PUSH_CO)) {
            intentData = pdu;
        } else {
            int dataIndex = headerStartIndex + headerLength;
            intentData = new byte[pdu.length - dataIndex];
            System.arraycopy(pdu, dataIndex, intentData, 0, intentData.length);

         * Seek for application ID field in WSP header.
         * If application ID is found, WapPushManager substitute the message
         * processing. Since WapPushManager is optional module, if WapPushManager
         * is not found, legacy message processing will be continued.
        if (pduDecoder.seekXWapApplicationId(index, index + headerLength - 1)) {
            index = (int) pduDecoder.getValue32();
            String wapAppId = pduDecoder.getValueString();
            if (wapAppId == null) {
                wapAppId = Integer.toString((int) pduDecoder.getValue32());

            String contentType = ((mimeType == null) ?
                                  Long.toString(binaryContentType) : mimeType);
            if (DBG) Rlog.v(LOG_TAG, "appid found: " + wapAppId + ":" + contentType);

            try {
                boolean processFurther = true;
                IWapPushManager wapPushMan = mWapConn.getWapPushManager();

                if (wapPushMan == null) {
                    if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "wap push manager not found!");
                } else {
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("transactionId", transactionId);
                    intent.putExtra("pduType", pduType);
                    intent.putExtra("header", header);
                    intent.putExtra("data", intentData);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)){
                        intent.putExtra("address", address);

                    int procRet = wapPushMan.processMessage(wapAppId, contentType, intent);
                    if (DBG) Rlog.v(LOG_TAG, "procRet:" + procRet);
                    if ((procRet & WapPushManagerParams.MESSAGE_HANDLED) > 0
                        && (procRet & WapPushManagerParams.FURTHER_PROCESSING) == 0) {
                        processFurther = false;
                if (!processFurther) {
                    return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "remote func failed...");
        if (DBG) Rlog.v(LOG_TAG, "fall back to existing handler");

        if (mimeType == null) {
            if (DBG) Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "Header Content-Type error.");
            return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;

        String permission;
        int appOp;

        if (mimeType.equals(WspTypeDecoder.CONTENT_TYPE_B_MMS)) {
            permission = android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_MMS;
            appOp = AppOpsManager.OP_RECEIVE_MMS;
        } else {
            permission = android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH;
            appOp = AppOpsManager.OP_RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH;

        Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION);
        intent.putExtra("transactionId", transactionId);
        intent.putExtra("pduType", pduType);
        intent.putExtra("header", header);
        intent.putExtra("data", intentData);
        intent.putExtra("contentTypeParameters", pduDecoder.getContentParameters());
        intent.putExtra(MSimConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, mSmsDispatcher.mPhone.getSubscription());
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)){
            intent.putExtra("address", address);

        mSmsDispatcher.dispatch(intent, permission, appOp);

        return Activity.RESULT_OK;

    public void dispatch(Intent intent, String permission, int appOp) {
        // Hold a wake lock for WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT seconds, enough to give any
        // receivers time to take their own wake locks.
        mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, permission, appOp, mResultReceiver,
                this, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null);




                 android的彩信接收应用层部分从PushReceiver类开始。当onReceive被调用后,让屏幕亮5秒( wl.acquire(5000);),然后创建一个ReceivePushTask并使用它的execute方法。ReceivePushTask(内部类)是一个AsyncTask,实现了doInBackground()方法。根据消息类型做出相应的处理。

                调用PushReceiver.java类中的doInBackground()方法,部分代码如下:《TAG 2-1》

                        case MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND: {
                        NotificationInd nInd = (NotificationInd) pdu;

                        if (MmsConfig.getTransIdEnabled()) {
                            byte [] contentLocation = nInd.getContentLocation();
                            if ('=' == contentLocation[contentLocation.length - 1]) {
                                byte [] transactionId = nInd.getTransactionId();
                                byte [] contentLocationWithId = new byte [contentLocation.length
                                                                          + transactionId.length];
                                System.arraycopy(contentLocation, 0, contentLocationWithId,
                                        0, contentLocation.length);
                                System.arraycopy(transactionId, 0, contentLocationWithId,
                                        contentLocation.length, transactionId.length);

                        if (!isDuplicateNotification(mContext, nInd)) {
                            int subId = intent.getIntExtra(MSimConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, 0);
                            ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1);
                            values.put(Mms.SUB_ID, subId);

                            Uri uri = p.persist(pdu, Inbox.CONTENT_URI,

                            SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, cr, uri, values, null, null);
                            if (MessageUtils.isMobileDataDisabled(mContext) &&
                                    !MessageUtils.CAN_SETUP_MMS_DATA) {
                                        MessagingNotification.THREAD_ALL, false);
                            // Start service to finish the notification transaction.
                            Intent svc = new Intent(mContext, TransactionService.class);
                            svc.putExtra(TransactionBundle.URI, uri.toString());
                            svc.putExtra(Mms.SUB_ID, subId); //destination sub id

                            if (MSimTelephonyManager.getDefault().isMultiSimEnabled()) {
                                boolean isSilent = true; //default, silent enabled.
                                if ("prompt".equals(
                                        TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_MMS_TRANSACTION))) {
                                    isSilent = false;

                                if (isSilent) {
                                    Log.d(TAG, "MMS silent transaction");
                                    Intent silentIntent = new Intent(mContext,
                                    silentIntent.putExtras(svc); //copy all extras

                                } else {
                                    Log.d(TAG, "MMS prompt transaction");
                                    triggerPendingOperation(svc, subId);
                            } else {

                        } else if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                            Log.v(TAG, "Skip downloading duplicate message: "
                                    + new String(nInd.getContentLocation()));

上述代码中《TAG 2-1》,将得到的URI对象传入到SqliteWrapper.update()方法中。进行数据库更新,调用SqliteWrapper.java类中的update()方法:

public static int update(Context context, ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri,
    ContentValues values, String where, String[] selectionArgs) {
          try {
             return resolver.update(uri, values, where, selectionArgs);
         } catch (SQLiteException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Catch a SQLiteException when update: ", e);
    checkSQLiteException(context, e);
    return -1;




              调用mServiceHandler,根据业务类型创建一个NotificationTransaction对象,如下代码:《TAG 2-2》

              case Transaction.NOTIFICATION_TRANSACTION:
                                String uri = args.getUri();
                                if (uri != null) {
                                    transaction = new NotificationTransaction(
                                            TransactionService.this, serviceId,
                                            transactionSettings, uri);
                                } else {
                                    // Now it's only used for test purpose.
                                    byte[] pushData = args.getPushData();
                                    PduParser parser = new PduParser(pushData);
                                    GenericPdu ind = parser.parse();

                                    int type = PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND;
                                    if ((ind != null) && (ind.getMessageType() == type)) {
                                        transaction = new NotificationTransaction(
                                                TransactionService.this, serviceId,
                                                transactionSettings, (NotificationInd) ind);
                                    } else {
                                        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid PUSH data.");
                                        transaction = null;


    public void process() {
        new Thread(this, "NotificationTransaction").start();

    public void run() {
        DownloadManager downloadManager = DownloadManager.getInstance();
        boolean autoDownload = allowAutoDownload();
        boolean isMemoryFull = MessageUtils.isMmsMemoryFull();
        boolean isTooLarge = isMmsSizeTooLarge(mNotificationInd);
        boolean isMobileDataDisabled= MessageUtils.isMobileDataDisabled(mContext);
        try {
            if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                Log.v(TAG, "Notification transaction launched: " + this);

            // By default, we set status to STATUS_DEFERRED because we
            // should response MMSC with STATUS_DEFERRED when we cannot
            // download a MM immediately.
            int status = STATUS_DEFERRED;
            // Don't try to download when data is suspended, as it will fail, so defer download
            if (!autoDownload || isMobileDataDisabled) {
                downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_UNSTARTED);

            if (isMemoryFull || isTooLarge) {
                downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_TRANSIENT_FAILURE);

            downloadManager.markState(mUri, DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING);

            if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                Log.v(TAG, "Content-Location: " + mContentLocation);

            byte[] retrieveConfData = null;
            // We should catch exceptions here to response MMSC
            // with STATUS_DEFERRED.
            try {
                retrieveConfData = getPdu(mContentLocation);
            } catch (IOException e) {

            if (retrieveConfData != null) {
                if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.DEBUG)) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "NotificationTransaction: retrieve data=" +
                GenericPdu pdu = new PduParser(retrieveConfData).parse();
                if ((pdu == null) || (pdu.getMessageType() != MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF)) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Invalid M-RETRIEVE.CONF PDU. " +
                            (pdu != null ? "message type: " + pdu.getMessageType() : "null pdu"));
                    status = STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED;
                } else {
                    // Save the received PDU (must be a M-RETRIEVE.CONF).
                    PduPersister p = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mContext);
                    Uri uri = p.persist(pdu, Inbox.CONTENT_URI, true,
                            MessagingPreferenceActivity.getIsGroupMmsEnabled(mContext), null);

                    // Use local time instead of PDU time
                    ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2);
                    values.put(Mms.DATE, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
                    Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(mUri,
                            null, null, null, null);
                    if (c != null) {
                        try {
                            if (c.moveToFirst()) {
                                int subId = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(Mms.SUB_ID));
                                values.put(Mms.SUB_ID, subId);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Exception:" + ex);
                        } finally {
                    SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(),
                            uri, values, null, null);

                    // We have successfully downloaded the new MM. Delete the
                    // M-NotifyResp.ind from Inbox.
                    SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(),
                                         mUri, null, null);
                    Log.v(TAG, "NotificationTransaction received new mms message: " + uri);
                    // Delete obsolete threads
                    SqliteWrapper.delete(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(),
                            Threads.OBSOLETE_THREADS_URI, null, null);

                    // Notify observers with newly received MM.
                    mUri = uri;
                    status = STATUS_RETRIEVED;

            if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                Log.v(TAG, "status=0x" + Integer.toHexString(status));

            // Check the status and update the result state of this Transaction.
            switch (status) {
                case STATUS_RETRIEVED:
                case STATUS_DEFERRED:
                    // STATUS_DEFERRED, may be a failed immediate retrieval.
                    if (mTransactionState.getState() == INITIALIZED) {


            // Make sure this thread isn't over the limits in message count.
            Recycler.getMmsRecycler().deleteOldMessagesInSameThreadAsMessage(mContext, mUri);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(t));
        } finally {
            if (!autoDownload || isMemoryFull || isTooLarge || isMobileDataDisabled) {
                // Always mark the transaction successful for deferred
                // download since any error here doesn't make sense.
            if (mTransactionState.getState() != SUCCESS) {
                Log.e(TAG, "NotificationTransaction failed.");


    protected byte[] getPdu(String url) throws IOException {
        ensureRouteToHost(url, mTransactionSettings);
        return HttpUtils.httpConnection(
                mContext, SendingProgressTokenManager.NO_TOKEN,
                url, null, HttpUtils.HTTP_GET_METHOD,


 public PduParser(byte[] pduDataStream) {
        mPduDataStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pduDataStream);

     * Parse the pdu.
     * @return the pdu structure if parsing successfully.
     *         null if parsing error happened or mandatory fields are not set.
    public GenericPdu parse(){
          if (mPduDataStream == null) {
            return null;

        /* parse headers */
        mHeaders = parseHeaders(mPduDataStream);
        if (null == mHeaders) {
            // Parse headers failed.
            return null;

        /* get the message type */
        int messageType = mHeaders.getOctet(PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE);

        /* check mandatory header fields */
        if (false == checkMandatoryHeader(mHeaders)) {
            log("check mandatory headers failed!");
            return null;

        if ((PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ == messageType) ||
                (PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF == messageType)) {
            /* need to parse the parts */
             mBody = parseParts(mPduDataStream);
            if (null == mBody) {
                // Parse parts failed.
                return null;

        switch (messageType) {
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ");
                SendReq sendReq = new SendReq(mHeaders, mBody);
                return sendReq;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_CONF:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_CONF");
                SendConf sendConf = new SendConf(mHeaders);
                return sendConf;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND");
                NotificationInd notificationInd =
                    new NotificationInd(mHeaders);
                return notificationInd;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFYRESP_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFYRESP_IND");
                NotifyRespInd notifyRespInd =
                    new NotifyRespInd(mHeaders);
                return notifyRespInd;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF");
                RetrieveConf retrieveConf =
                    new RetrieveConf(mHeaders, mBody);

                byte[] contentType = retrieveConf.getContentType();
                if (null == contentType) {
                    return null;
                String ctTypeStr = new String(contentType);
                if (ctTypeStr.equals(ContentType.MULTIPART_MIXED)
                        || ctTypeStr.equals(ContentType.MULTIPART_RELATED)
                        || ctTypeStr.equals(ContentType.MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE)) {
                    // The MMS content type must be "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed"
                    // or "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related"
                    // or "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative"
                    return retrieveConf;
                } else if (ctTypeStr.equals(ContentType.MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE)) {
                    // "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative"
                    // should take only the first part.
                    PduPart firstPart = mBody.getPart(0);
                    mBody.addPart(0, firstPart);
                    return retrieveConf;
                return null;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND");
                DeliveryInd deliveryInd =
                    new DeliveryInd(mHeaders);
                return deliveryInd;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGE_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGE_IND");
                AcknowledgeInd acknowledgeInd =
                    new AcknowledgeInd(mHeaders);
                return acknowledgeInd;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND");
                ReadOrigInd readOrigInd =
                    new ReadOrigInd(mHeaders);
                return readOrigInd;
            case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_REC_IND:
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(LOG_TAG, "parse: MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_REC_IND");
                ReadRecInd readRecInd =
                    new ReadRecInd(mHeaders);
                return readRecInd;
                log("Parser doesn't support this message type in this version!");
            return null;


protected static PduBody parseParts(ByteArrayInputStream pduDataStream) {
        if (pduDataStream == null) {
            return null;

        int count = parseUnsignedInt(pduDataStream); // get the number of parts
        PduBody body = new PduBody();

        for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
            int headerLength = parseUnsignedInt(pduDataStream);
            int dataLength = parseUnsignedInt(pduDataStream);
            PduPart part = new PduPart();
            int startPos = pduDataStream.available();
            if (startPos <= 0) {
                // Invalid part.
                return null;

            /* parse part's content-type */
            HashMap<Integer, Object> map = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
            byte[] contentType = parseContentType(pduDataStream, map);
            if (null != contentType) {
            } else {
                part.setContentType((PduContentTypes.contentTypes[0]).getBytes()); //"*/*"

            /* get name parameter */
            byte[] name = (byte[]) map.get(PduPart.P_NAME);
            if (null != name) {

            /* get charset parameter */
            Integer charset = (Integer) map.get(PduPart.P_CHARSET);
            if (null != charset) {

            /* parse part's headers */
            int endPos = pduDataStream.available();
            int partHeaderLen = headerLength - (startPos - endPos);
            if (partHeaderLen > 0) {
                if (false == parsePartHeaders(pduDataStream, part, partHeaderLen)) {
                    // Parse part header faild.
                    return null;
            } else if (partHeaderLen < 0) {
                // Invalid length of content-type.
                return null;

            /* FIXME: check content-id, name, filename and content location,
             * if not set anyone of them, generate a default content-location
            if ((null == part.getContentLocation())
                    && (null == part.getName())
                    && (null == part.getFilename())
                    && (null == part.getContentId())) {

            /* get part's data */
            if (dataLength > 0) {
                byte[] partData = new byte[dataLength];
                String partContentType = new String(part.getContentType());
                pduDataStream.read(partData, 0, dataLength);
                if (partContentType.equalsIgnoreCase(ContentType.MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE)) {
                    // parse "multipart/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative".
                    PduBody childBody = parseParts(new ByteArrayInputStream(partData));
                    // take the first part of children.
                    part = childBody.getPart(0);
                } else {
                    // Check Content-Transfer-Encoding.
                    byte[] partDataEncoding = part.getContentTransferEncoding();
                    if (null != partDataEncoding) {
                        String encoding = new String(partDataEncoding);
                        if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(PduPart.P_BASE64)) {
                            // Decode "base64" into "binary".
                            partData = Base64.decodeBase64(partData);
                        } else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(PduPart.P_QUOTED_PRINTABLE)) {
                            // Decode "quoted-printable" into "binary".
                            partData = QuotedPrintable.decodeQuotedPrintable(partData);
                        } else {
                            // "binary" is the default encoding.
                    if (null == partData) {
                        log("Decode part data error!");
                        return null;

            /* add this part to body */
            if (THE_FIRST_PART == checkPartPosition(part)) {
                /* this is the first part */
                body.addPart(0, part);
            } else {
                /* add the part to the end */

        return body;

上述代码《TAG:2-3》中,调用PduPersister.java类中的persist()方法;《TAG:2-5》PduPersister类用于管理PDU存储,为什么会要把PDU的存储也封装成PduPersister呢?因为PDU的存储方式 是放在标准的SQLiteDatabase中,通过TelephonyProvider,而SQLiteDatabase中存储不能以直接的PDU的字节流来存储,必须要把PDU拆解成为可读的字段,因此在存储PDU和从存储加载PDU的过程 中涉及到PDU数据上面的处理,因此封装出来,更方便使用。其中persist(GenericPdu, Uri)方法把一个GenericPdu保存到Uri所指定的数据库中,返回指向新生成数据的Uri;load(Uri)方法从数据库把Uri所指的数据加载出来成一个GenericPdu对象;move(Uri, Uri)方法把Pdu从一个地方移到另一个地方,比如从草稿箱移动到发件箱,当MMS已发送时。

 public Uri persist(GenericPdu pdu, Uri uri, boolean createThreadId, boolean groupMmsEnabled,
            HashMap<Uri, InputStream> preOpenedFiles)
            throws MmsException {
        if (uri == null) {
            throw new MmsException("Uri may not be null.");
        long msgId = -1;
        try {
            msgId = ContentUris.parseId(uri);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // the uri ends with "inbox" or something else like that
        boolean existingUri = msgId != -1;

        if (!existingUri && MESSAGE_BOX_MAP.get(uri) == null) {
            throw new MmsException(
                    "Bad destination, must be one of "
                    + "content://mms/inbox, content://mms/sent, "
                    + "content://mms/drafts, content://mms/outbox, "
                    + "content://mms/temp.");
        synchronized(PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE) {
            // If the cache item is getting updated, wait until it's done updating before
            // purging it.
            if (PDU_CACHE_INSTANCE.isUpdating(uri)) {
                if (LOCAL_LOGV) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "persist: " + uri + " blocked by isUpdating()");
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "persist1: ", e);

        PduHeaders header = pdu.getPduHeaders();
        PduBody body = null;
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        Set<Entry<Integer, String>> set;

        set = ENCODED_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set) {
            int field = e.getKey();
            EncodedStringValue encodedString = header.getEncodedStringValue(field);
            if (encodedString != null) {
                String charsetColumn = CHARSET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.get(field);
                values.put(e.getValue(), toIsoString(encodedString.getTextString()));
                values.put(charsetColumn, encodedString.getCharacterSet());

        set = TEXT_STRING_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            byte[] text = header.getTextString(e.getKey());
            if (text != null) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), toIsoString(text));

        set = OCTET_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            int b = header.getOctet(e.getKey());
            if (b != 0) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), b);

        set = LONG_COLUMN_NAME_MAP.entrySet();
        for (Entry<Integer, String> e : set){
            long l = header.getLongInteger(e.getKey());
            if (l != -1L) {
                values.put(e.getValue(), l);

        HashMap<Integer, EncodedStringValue[]> addressMap =
                new HashMap<Integer, EncodedStringValue[]>(ADDRESS_FIELDS.length);
        // Save address information.
        for (int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) {
            EncodedStringValue[] array = null;
            if (addrType == PduHeaders.FROM) {
                EncodedStringValue v = header.getEncodedStringValue(addrType);
                if (v != null) {
                    array = new EncodedStringValue[1];
                    array[0] = v;
            } else {
                array = header.getEncodedStringValues(addrType);
            addressMap.put(addrType, array);

        HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
        int msgType = pdu.getMessageType();
        // Here we only allocate thread ID for M-Notification.ind,
        // M-Retrieve.conf and M-Send.req.
        // Some of other PDU types may be allocated a thread ID outside
        // this scope.
        if ((msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND)
                || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF)
                || (msgType == PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ)) {
            switch (msgType) {
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND:
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF:
                    loadRecipients(PduHeaders.FROM, recipients, addressMap, false);

                    // For received messages when group MMS is enabled, we want to associate this
                    // message with the thread composed of all the recipients -- all but our own
                    // number, that is. This includes the person who sent the
                    // message or the FROM field (above) in addition to the other people the message
                    // was addressed to or the TO field. Our own number is in that TO field and
                    // we have to ignore it in loadRecipients.
                    if (groupMmsEnabled) {
                        loadRecipients(PduHeaders.TO, recipients, addressMap, true);
                case PduHeaders.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ:
                    loadRecipients(PduHeaders.TO, recipients, addressMap, false);
            long threadId = 0;
            if (createThreadId && !recipients.isEmpty()) {
                // Given all the recipients associated with this message, find (or create) the
                // correct thread.
                threadId = Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, recipients);
            values.put(Mms.THREAD_ID, threadId);

        // Save parts first to avoid inconsistent message is loaded
        // while saving the parts.
        long dummyId = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Dummy ID of the msg.

        // Figure out if this PDU is a text-only message
        boolean textOnly = true;

        // Get body if the PDU is a RetrieveConf or SendReq.
        if (pdu instanceof MultimediaMessagePdu) {
            body = ((MultimediaMessagePdu) pdu).getBody();
            // Start saving parts if necessary.
            if (body != null) {
                int partsNum = body.getPartsNum();
                if (partsNum > 2) {
                    // For a text-only message there will be two parts: 1-the SMIL, 2-the text.
                    // Down a few lines below we're checking to make sure we've only got SMIL or
                    // text. We also have to check then we don't have more than two parts.
                    // Otherwise, a slideshow with two text slides would be marked as textOnly.
                    textOnly = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < partsNum; i++) {
                    PduPart part = body.getPart(i);
persistPart(part, dummyId, preOpenedFiles);

                    // If we've got anything besides text/plain or SMIL part, then we've got
                    // an mms message with some other type of attachment.
                    String contentType = getPartContentType(part);
                    if (contentType != null && !ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)
                            && !ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(contentType)) {
                        textOnly = false;

        // Record whether this mms message is a simple plain text or not. This is a hint for the
        // UI.
        values.put(Mms.TEXT_ONLY, textOnly ? 1 : 0);

        Uri res = null;
        if (existingUri) {
            res = uri;
            SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver, res, values, null, null);
        } else {
            res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
            if (res == null) {
                throw new MmsException("persist() failed: return null.");
            // Get the real ID of the PDU and update all parts which were
            // saved with the dummy ID.
            msgId = ContentUris.parseId(res);

        values = new ContentValues(1);
        values.put(Part.MSG_ID, msgId);
        SqliteWrapper.update(mContext, mContentResolver,
                             Uri.parse("content://mms/" + dummyId + "/part"),
                             values, null, null);
        // We should return the longest URI of the persisted PDU, for
        // example, if input URI is "content://mms/inbox" and the _ID of
        // persisted PDU is '8', we should return "content://mms/inbox/8"
        // instead of "content://mms/8".
        // FIXME: Should the MmsProvider be responsible for this???
        if (!existingUri) {
            res = Uri.parse(uri + "/" + msgId);

        // Save address information.
        for (int addrType : ADDRESS_FIELDS) {
            EncodedStringValue[] array = addressMap.get(addrType);
            if (array != null) {
                persistAddress(msgId, addrType, array);

        return res;

  public Uri persistPart(PduPart part, long msgId, HashMap<Uri, InputStream> preOpenedFiles)
            throws MmsException {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/part");
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(8);

        int charset = part.getCharset();
        if (charset != 0 ) {
            values.put(Part.CHARSET, charset);

        String contentType = getPartContentType(part);
        if (contentType != null) {
            // There is no "image/jpg" in Android (and it's an invalid mimetype).
            // Change it to "image/jpeg"
            if (ContentType.IMAGE_JPG.equals(contentType)) {
                contentType = ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG;

            values.put(Part.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
            // To ensure the SMIL part is always the first part.
            if (ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)) {
                values.put(Part.SEQ, -1);
        } else {
            throw new MmsException("MIME type of the part must be set.");

        if (part.getFilename() != null) {
            String fileName = new String(part.getFilename());
            values.put(Part.FILENAME, fileName);


        if (part.getName() != null) {
            String name = new String(part.getName());
            values.put(Part.NAME, name);


        Object value = null;
        if (part.getContentDisposition() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentDisposition());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, (String) value);

Log.d("bill","getContentDisposition"+(String) value);

        if (part.getContentId() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentId());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_ID, (String) value);

Log.d("bill","getContentId"+(String) value);

        if (part.getContentLocation() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentLocation());
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_LOCATION, (String) value);

Log.d("bill","getContentLocation"+(String) value);

        Uri res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
        if (res == null) {
            throw new MmsException("Failed to persist part, return null.");

        persistData(part, res, contentType, preOpenedFiles);
        // After successfully store the data, we should update
        // the dataUri of the part.

        return res;



 public Uri persistPart(PduPart part, long msgId, HashMap<Uri, InputStream> preOpenedFiles)
            throws MmsException {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/part");
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues(8);

        int charset = part.getCharset();
        if (charset != 0 ) {
            values.put(Part.CHARSET, charset);

        String contentType = getPartContentType(part);
        if (contentType != null) {
            // There is no "image/jpg" in Android (and it's an invalid mimetype).
            // Change it to "image/jpeg"
            if (ContentType.IMAGE_JPG.equals(contentType)) {
                contentType = ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG;

            values.put(Part.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
            // To ensure the SMIL part is always the first part.
            if (ContentType.APP_SMIL.equals(contentType)) {
                values.put(Part.SEQ, -1);
        } else {
            throw new MmsException("MIME type of the part must be set.");

        if (part.getFilename() != null) {
            String fileName = new String(part.getFilename());
            values.put(Part.FILENAME, fileName);

        if (part.getName() != null) {
            String name = new String(part.getName());
            values.put(Part.NAME, name);

        String value = null;
        int encode=-1;
        if (part.getContentDisposition() != null) {
            value = toIsoString(part.getContentDisposition());

        if (part.getContentId() != null) {
            byte[] byte_cid=part.getContentId();
            case GB2312:
                             value=new String(byte_cid,"GB2312");
            case ASCII:
                             value=new String(byte_cid,"ASCII");
            case UTF8:
                value=new String(byte_cid,"UTF-8");
            case UNICODE:
                value=new String(byte_cid,"Unicode");
                            value = toIsoString(byte_cid);
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_ID, value);}catch(Exception e){}

        if (part.getContentLocation() != null) {
            byte[] byte_cl=part.getContentLocation();
            case GB2312:
                             value=new String(byte_cl,"GB2312");
            case ASCII:
                             value=new String(byte_cl,"ASCII");
            case UTF8:
                value=new String(byte_cl,"UTF-8");
            case UNICODE:
                value=new String(byte_cl,"Unicode");
                            value = toIsoString(byte_cl);
            values.put(Part.CONTENT_LOCATION,value);}catch(Exception e){}

        Uri res = SqliteWrapper.insert(mContext, mContentResolver, uri, values);
        if (res == null) {
            throw new MmsException("Failed to persist part, return null.");

        persistData(part, res, contentType, preOpenedFiles);
        // After successfully store the data, we should update
        // the dataUri of the part.

        return res;


    public void initEncodingFormat(){
        GBFreq = new int[94][94];
        GBKFreq = new int[126][191];
        Big5Freq = new int[94][158];
        EUC_TWFreq = new int[94][94];
        codings = new String[TOTAL_ENCODINGS];
        codings[GB2312] = "GB2312";
        //codings[GBK] = "GBK";
        //codings[HZ] = "HZ";
        //codings[BIG5] = "BIG5";
        //codings[EUC_TW] = "CNS11643";
    //    codings[ISO_2022_CN] = "ISO2022CN";
        codings[UTF8] = "UTF8";
        codings[UNICODE] = "Unicode";
        codings[ASCII] = "ASCII";

    * Function : detectEncoding Aruguments: byte array Returns : One of the
    * encodings from the Encoding enumeration (GB2312, HZ, BIG5, EUC_TW, ASCII,
    * or OTHER) Description: This function looks at the byte array and assigns
    * it a probability score for each encoding type. The encoding type with the
    * highest probability is returned.
    public int detectEncoding(byte[] rawtext) {
        int[] scores;
        int index, maxscore = 0;
        int encoding_guess = ASCII;

        scores = new int[TOTAL_ENCODINGS];

        // Assign Scores
        scores[GB2312] = gb2312_probability(rawtext);
        //scores[GBK] = gbk_probability(rawtext);
        //scores[HZ] = hz_probability(rawtext);
        //scores[BIG5] = big5_probability(rawtext);
        //scores[EUC_TW] = euc_tw_probability(rawtext);
        //scores[ISO_2022_CN] = iso_2022_cn_probability(rawtext);
        scores[UTF8] = utf8_probability(rawtext);
        scores[UNICODE] = utf16_probability(rawtext);
        scores[ASCII] = ascii_probability(rawtext);

        // Tabulate Scores
        for (index = 0; index < TOTAL_ENCODINGS; index++) {
            if (scores[index] > maxscore) {
                encoding_guess = index;
                maxscore = scores[index];

        // Return OTHER if nothing scored above 50
        if (maxscore <= 50) {
            encoding_guess = GB2312;

        return encoding_guess;

     * Function: gb2312_probability Argument: pointer to byte array Returns :
     * number from 0 to 100 representing probability text in array uses GB-2312
     * encoding

    int gb2312_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
        int i, rawtextlen = 0;

        int dbchars = 1, gbchars = 1;
        long gbfreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
        float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
        int row, column;

        // Stage 1: Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges

        rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
        for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen - 1; i++) {
            // System.err.println(rawtext[i]);
            if (rawtext[i] >= 0) {
                // asciichars++;
            } else {
                if ((byte) 0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte) 0xF7
                        && (byte) 0xA1 <= rawtext[i + 1]
                        && rawtext[i + 1] <= (byte) 0xFE) {
                    totalfreq += 500;
                    row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
                    column = rawtext[i + 1] + 256 - 0xA1;
                    if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
                        gbfreq += GBFreq[row][column];
                    } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
                        gbfreq += 200;
        rangeval = 50 * ((float) gbchars / (float) dbchars);
        freqval = 50 * ((float) gbfreq / (float) totalfreq);

        return (int) (rangeval + freqval);

     * Function: utf8_probability Argument: byte array Returns : number from 0
     * to 100 representing probability text in array uses UTF-8 encoding of
     * Unicode

    int utf8_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
        int score = 0;
        int i, rawtextlen = 0;
        int goodbytes = 0, asciibytes = 0;

        // Maybe also use UTF8 Byte Order Mark: EF BB BF

        // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
        rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
        for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
            if ((rawtext[i] & (byte) 0x7F) == rawtext[i]) { // One byte
                // Ignore ASCII, can throw off count
            } else if (-64 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= -33
                    && // Two bytes
                    i + 1 < rawtextlen && -128 <= rawtext[i + 1]
                    && rawtext[i + 1] <= -65) {
                goodbytes += 2;
            } else if (-32 <= rawtext[i]
                    && rawtext[i] <= -17
                    && // Three bytes
                    i + 2 < rawtextlen && -128 <= rawtext[i + 1]
                    && rawtext[i + 1] <= -65 && -128 <= rawtext[i + 2]
                    && rawtext[i + 2] <= -65) {
                goodbytes += 3;
                i += 2;

        if (asciibytes == rawtextlen) {
            return 0;

        score = (int) (100 * ((float) goodbytes / (float) (rawtextlen - asciibytes)));

        // If not above 98, reduce to zero to prevent coincidental matches
        // Allows for some (few) bad formed sequences
        if (score > 98) {
            return score;
        } else if (score > 95 && goodbytes > 30) {
            return score;
        } else {
            return 0;


     * Function: utf16_probability Argument: byte array Returns : number from 0
     * to 100 representing probability text in array uses UTF-16 encoding of
     * Unicode, guess based on BOM // NOT VERY GENERAL, NEEDS MUCH MORE WORK

    int utf16_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
        // int score = 0;
        // int i, rawtextlen = 0;
        // int goodbytes = 0, asciibytes = 0;

        if (((byte) 0xFE == rawtext[0] && (byte) 0xFF == rawtext[1]) || // Big-endian
                ((byte) 0xFF == rawtext[0] && (byte) 0xFE == rawtext[1])) { // Little-endian
            return 100;

        return 0;

         * // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges rawtextlen =
         * rawtext.length; for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) { if ((rawtext[i] &
         * (byte)0x7F) == rawtext[i]) { // One byte goodbytes += 1;
         * asciibytes++; } else if ((rawtext[i] & (byte)0xDF) == rawtext[i]) {
         * // Two bytes if (i+1 < rawtextlen && (rawtext[i+1] & (byte)0xBF) ==
         * rawtext[i+1]) { goodbytes += 2; i++; } } else if ((rawtext[i] &
         * (byte)0xEF) == rawtext[i]) { // Three bytes if (i+2 < rawtextlen &&
         * (rawtext[i+1] & (byte)0xBF) == rawtext[i+1] && (rawtext[i+2] &
         * (byte)0xBF) == rawtext[i+2]) { goodbytes += 3; i+=2; } } }
         * score = (int)(100 * ((float)goodbytes/(float)rawtext.length));
         * // An all ASCII file is also a good UTF8 file, but I'd rather it //
         * get identified as ASCII. Can delete following 3 lines otherwise if
         * (goodbytes == asciibytes) { score = 0; }
         * // If not above 90, reduce to zero to prevent coincidental matches if
         * (score > 90) { return score; } else { return 0; }


     * Function: ascii_probability Argument: byte array Returns : number from 0
     * to 100 representing probability text in array uses all ASCII Description:
     * Sees if array has any characters not in ASCII range, if so, score is
     * reduced

    int ascii_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
        int score = 70;
        int i, rawtextlen;

        rawtextlen = rawtext.length;

        for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
            if (rawtext[i] < 0) {
                score = score - 5;
            } else if (rawtext[i] == (byte) 0x1B) { // ESC (used by ISO 2022)
                score = score - 5;

        return score;

    void initializeFrequencies() {
        int i, j;

        for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < 93; j++) {
                GBFreq[i][j] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 126; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < 191; j++) {
                GBKFreq[i][j] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < 157; j++) {
                Big5Freq[i][j] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < 93; j++) {
                EUC_TWFreq[i][j] = 0;

        GBFreq[20][35] = 599;
        GBFreq[49][26] = 598;
        GBFreq[41][38] = 597;
        GBFreq[17][26] = 596;
        GBFreq[32][42] = 595;
        GBFreq[39][42] = 594;
        GBFreq[45][49] = 593;
        GBFreq[51][57] = 592;
        GBFreq[50][47] = 591;
        GBFreq[42][90] = 590;
        GBFreq[52][65] = 589;
        GBFreq[53][47] = 588;
        GBFreq[19][82] = 587;
        GBFreq[31][19] = 586;
        GBFreq[40][46] = 585;
        GBFreq[24][89] = 584;
        GBFreq[23][85] = 583;
        GBFreq[20][28] = 582;
        GBFreq[42][20] = 581;
        GBFreq[34][38] = 580;
        GBFreq[45][9] = 579;
        GBFreq[54][50] = 578;
        GBFreq[25][44] = 577;
        GBFreq[35][66] = 576;
        GBFreq[20][55] = 575;
        GBFreq[18][85] = 574;
        GBFreq[20][31] = 573;
        GBFreq[49][17] = 572;
        GBFreq[41][16] = 571;
        GBFreq[35][73] = 570;
        GBFreq[20][34] = 569;
        GBFreq[29][44] = 568;
        GBFreq[35][38] = 567;
        GBFreq[49][9] = 566;
        GBFreq[46][33] = 565;
        GBFreq[49][51] = 564;
        GBFreq[40][89] = 563;
        GBFreq[26][64] = 562;
        GBFreq[54][51] = 561;
        GBFreq[54][36] = 560;
        GBFreq[39][4] = 559;
        GBFreq[53][13] = 558;
        GBFreq[24][92] = 557;
        GBFreq[27][49] = 556;
        GBFreq[48][6] = 555;
        GBFreq[21][51] = 554;
        GBFreq[30][40] = 553;
        GBFreq[42][92] = 552;
        GBFreq[31][78] = 551;
        GBFreq[25][82] = 550;
        GBFreq[47][0] = 549;
        GBFreq[34][19] = 548;
        GBFreq[47][35] = 547;
        GBFreq[21][63] = 546;
        GBFreq[43][75] = 545;
        GBFreq[21][87] = 544;
        GBFreq[35][59] = 543;
        GBFreq[25][34] = 542;
        GBFreq[21][27] = 541;
        GBFreq[39][26] = 540;
        GBFreq[34][26] = 539;
        GBFreq[39][52] = 538;
        GBFreq[50][57] = 537;
        GBFreq[37][79] = 536;
        GBFreq[26][24] = 535;
        GBFreq[22][1] = 534;
        GBFreq[18][40] = 533;
        GBFreq[41][33] = 532;
        GBFreq[53][26] = 531;
        GBFreq[54][86] = 530;
        GBFreq[20][16] = 529;
        GBFreq[46][74] = 528;
        GBFreq[30][19] = 527;
        GBFreq[45][35] = 526;
        GBFreq[45][61] = 525;
        GBFreq[30][9] = 524;
        GBFreq[41][53] = 523;
        GBFreq[41][13] = 522;
        GBFreq[50][34] = 521;
        GBFreq[53][86] = 520;
        GBFreq[47][47] = 519;
        GBFreq[22][28] = 518;
        GBFreq[50][53] = 517;
        GBFreq[39][70] = 516;
        GBFreq[38][15] = 515;
        GBFreq[42][88] = 514;
        GBFreq[16][29] = 513;
        GBFreq[27][90] = 512;
        GBFreq[29][12] = 511;
        GBFreq[44][22] = 510;
        GBFreq[34][69] = 509;
        GBFreq[24][10] = 508;
        GBFreq[44][11] = 507;
        GBFreq[39][92] = 506;
        GBFreq[49][48] = 505;
        GBFreq[31][46] = 504;
        GBFreq[19][50] = 503;
        GBFreq[21][14] = 502;
        GBFreq[32][28] = 501;
        GBFreq[18][3] = 500;
        GBFreq[53][9] = 499;
        GBFreq[34][80] = 498;
        GBFreq[48][88] = 497;
        GBFreq[46][53] = 496;
        GBFreq[22][53] = 495;
        GBFreq[28][10] = 494;
        GBFreq[44][65] = 493;
        GBFreq[20][10] = 492;
        GBFreq[40][76] = 491;
        GBFreq[47][8] = 490;
        GBFreq[50][74] = 489;
        GBFreq[23][62] = 488;
        GBFreq[49][65] = 487;
        GBFreq[28][87] = 486;
        GBFreq[15][48] = 485;
        GBFreq[22][7] = 484;
        GBFreq[19][42] = 483;
        GBFreq[41][20] = 482;
        GBFreq[26][55] = 481;
        GBFreq[21][93] = 480;
        GBFreq[31][76] = 479;
        GBFreq[34][31] = 478;
        GBFreq[20][66] = 477;
        GBFreq[51][33] = 476;
        GBFreq[34][86] = 475;
        GBFreq[37][67] = 474;
        GBFreq[53][53] = 473;
        GBFreq[40][88] = 472;
        GBFreq[39][10] = 471;
        GBFreq[24][3] = 470;
        GBFreq[27][25] = 469;
        GBFreq[26][15] = 468;
        GBFreq[21][88] = 467;
        GBFreq[52][62] = 466;
        GBFreq[46][81] = 465;
        GBFreq[38][72] = 464;
        GBFreq[17][30] = 463;
        GBFreq[52][92] = 462;
        GBFreq[34][90] = 461;
        GBFreq[21][7] = 460;
        GBFreq[36][13] = 459;
        GBFreq[45][41] = 458;
        GBFreq[32][5] = 457;
        GBFreq[26][89] = 456;
        GBFreq[23][87] = 455;
        GBFreq[20][39] = 454;
        GBFreq[27][23] = 453;
        GBFreq[25][59] = 452;
        GBFreq[49][20] = 451;
        GBFreq[54][77] = 450;
        GBFreq[27][67] = 449;
        GBFreq[47][33] = 448;
        GBFreq[41][17] = 447;
        GBFreq[19][81] = 446;
        GBFreq[16][66] = 445;
        GBFreq[45][26] = 444;
        GBFreq[49][81] = 443;
        GBFreq[53][55] = 442;
        GBFreq[16][26] = 441;
        GBFreq[54][62] = 440;
        GBFreq[20][70] = 439;
        GBFreq[42][35] = 438;
        GBFreq[20][57] = 437;
        GBFreq[34][36] = 436;
        GBFreq[46][63] = 435;
        GBFreq[19][45] = 434;
        GBFreq[21][10] = 433;
        GBFreq[52][93] = 432;
        GBFreq[25][2] = 431;
        GBFreq[30][57] = 430;
        GBFreq[41][24] = 429;
        GBFreq[28][43] = 428;
        GBFreq[45][86] = 427;
        GBFreq[51][56] = 426;
        GBFreq[37][28] = 425;
        GBFreq[52][69] = 424;
        GBFreq[43][92] = 423;
        GBFreq[41][31] = 422;
        GBFreq[37][87] = 421;
        GBFreq[47][36] = 420;
        GBFreq[16][16] = 419;
        GBFreq[40][56] = 418;
        GBFreq[24][55] = 417;
        GBFreq[17][1] = 416;
        GBFreq[35][57] = 415;
        GBFreq[27][50] = 414;
        GBFreq[26][14] = 413;
        GBFreq[50][40] = 412;
        GBFreq[39][19] = 411;
        GBFreq[19][89] = 410;
        GBFreq[29][91] = 409;
        GBFreq[17][89] = 408;
        GBFreq[39][74] = 407;
        GBFreq[46][39] = 406;
        GBFreq[40][28] = 405;
        GBFreq[45][68] = 404;
        GBFreq[43][10] = 403;
        GBFreq[42][13] = 402;
        GBFreq[44][81] = 401;
        GBFreq[41][47] = 400;
        GBFreq[48][58] = 399;
        GBFreq[43][68] = 398;
        GBFreq[16][79] = 397;
        GBFreq[19][5] = 396;
        GBFreq[54][59] = 395;
        GBFreq[17][36] = 394;
        GBFreq[18][0] = 393;
        GBFreq[41][5] = 392;
        GBFreq[41][72] = 391;
        GBFreq[16][39] = 390;
        GBFreq[54][0] = 389;
        GBFreq[51][16] = 388;
        GBFreq[29][36] = 387;
        GBFreq[47][5] = 386;
        GBFreq[47][51] = 385;
        GBFreq[44][7] = 384;
        GBFreq[35][30] = 383;
        GBFreq[26][9] = 382;
        GBFreq[16][7] = 381;
        GBFreq[32][1] = 380;
        GBFreq[33][76] = 379;
        GBFreq[34][91] = 378;
        GBFreq[52][36] = 377;
        GBFreq[26][77] = 376;
        GBFreq[35][48] = 375;
        GBFreq[40][80] = 374;
        GBFreq[41][92] = 373;
        GBFreq[27][93] = 372;
        GBFreq[15][17] = 371;
        GBFreq[16][76] = 370;
        GBFreq[51][12] = 369;
        GBFreq[18][20] = 368;
        GBFreq[15][54] = 367;
        GBFreq[50][5] = 366;
        GBFreq[33][22] = 365;
        GBFreq[37][57] = 364;
        GBFreq[28][47] = 363;
        GBFreq[42][31] = 362;
        GBFreq[18][2] = 361;
        GBFreq[43][64] = 360;
        GBFreq[23][47] = 359;
        GBFreq[28][79] = 358;
        GBFreq[25][45] = 357;
        GBFreq[23][91] = 356;
        GBFreq[22][19] = 355;
        GBFreq[25][46] = 354;
        GBFreq[22][36] = 353;
        GBFreq[54][85] = 352;
        GBFreq[46][20] = 351;
        GBFreq[27][37] = 350;
        GBFreq[26][81] = 349;
        GBFreq[42][29] = 348;
        GBFreq[31][90] = 347;
        GBFreq[41][59] = 346;
        GBFreq[24][65] = 345;
        GBFreq[44][84] = 344;
        GBFreq[24][90] = 343;
        GBFreq[38][54] = 342;
        GBFreq[28][70] = 341;
        GBFreq[27][15] = 340;
        GBFreq[28][80] = 339;
        GBFreq[29][8] = 338;
        GBFreq[45][80] = 337;
        GBFreq[53][37] = 336;
        GBFreq[28][65] = 335;
        GBFreq[23][86] = 334;
        GBFreq[39][45] = 333;
        GBFreq[53][32] = 332;
        GBFreq[38][68] = 331;
        GBFreq[45][78] = 330;
        GBFreq[43][7] = 329;
        GBFreq[46][82] = 328;
        GBFreq[27][38] = 327;
        GBFreq[16][62] = 326;
        GBFreq[24][17] = 325;
        GBFreq[22][70] = 324;
        GBFreq[52][28] = 323;
        GBFreq[23][40] = 322;
        GBFreq[28][50] = 321;
        GBFreq[42][91] = 320;
        GBFreq[47][76] = 319;
        GBFreq[15][42] = 318;
        GBFreq[43][55] = 317;
        GBFreq[29][84] = 316;
        GBFreq[44][90] = 315;
        GBFreq[53][16] = 314;
        GBFreq[22][93] = 313;
        GBFreq[34][10] = 312;
        GBFreq[32][53] = 311;
        GBFreq[43][65] = 310;
        GBFreq[28][7] = 309;
        GBFreq[35][46] = 308;
        GBFreq[21][39] = 307;
        GBFreq[44][18] = 306;
        GBFreq[40][10] = 305;
        GBFreq[54][53] = 304;
        GBFreq[38][74] = 303;
        GBFreq[28][26] = 302;
        GBFreq[15][13] = 301;
        GBFreq[39][34] = 300;
        GBFreq[39][46] = 299;
        GBFreq[42][66] = 298;
        GBFreq[33][58] = 297;
        GBFreq[15][56] = 296;
        GBFreq[18][51] = 295;
        GBFreq[49][68] = 294;
        GBFreq[30][37] = 293;
        GBFreq[51][84] = 292;
        GBFreq[51][9] = 291;
        GBFreq[40][70] = 290;
        GBFreq[41][84] = 289;
        GBFreq[28][64] = 288;
        GBFreq[32][88] = 287;
        GBFreq[24][5] = 286;
        GBFreq[53][23] = 285;
        GBFreq[42][27] = 284;
        GBFreq[22][38] = 283;
        GBFreq[32][86] = 282;
        GBFreq[34][30] = 281;
        GBFreq[38][63] = 280;
        GBFreq[24][59] = 279;
        GBFreq[22][81] = 278;
        GBFreq[32][11] = 277;
        GBFreq[51][21] = 276;
        GBFreq[54][41] = 275;
        GBFreq[21][50] = 274;
        GBFreq[23][89] = 273;
        GBFreq[19][87] = 272;
        GBFreq[26][7] = 271;
        GBFreq[30][75] = 270;
        GBFreq[43][84] = 269;
        GBFreq[51][25] = 268;
        GBFreq[16][67] = 267;
        GBFreq[32][9] = 266;
        GBFreq[48][51] = 265;
        GBFreq[39][7] = 264;
        GBFreq[44][88] = 263;
        GBFreq[52][24] = 262;
        GBFreq[23][34] = 261;
        GBFreq[32][75] = 260;
        GBFreq[19][10] = 259;
        GBFreq[28][91] = 258;
        GBFreq[32][83] = 257;
        GBFreq[25][75] = 256;
        GBFreq[53][45] = 255;
        GBFreq[29][85] = 254;
        GBFreq[53][59] = 253;
        GBFreq[16][2] = 252;
        GBFreq[19][78] = 251;
        GBFreq[15][75] = 250;
        GBFreq[51][42] = 249;
        GBFreq[45][67] = 248;
        GBFreq[15][74] = 247;
        GBFreq[25][81] = 246;
        GBFreq[37][62] = 245;
        GBFreq[16][55] = 244;
        GBFreq[18][38] = 243;
        GBFreq[23][23] = 242;
        GBFreq[38][30] = 241;
        GBFreq[17][28] = 240;
        GBFreq[44][73] = 239;
        GBFreq[23][78] = 238;
        GBFreq[40][77] = 237;
        GBFreq[38][87] = 236;
        GBFreq[27][19] = 235;
        GBFreq[38][82] = 234;
        GBFreq[37][22] = 233;
        GBFreq[41][30] = 232;
        GBFreq[54][9] = 231;
        GBFreq[32][30] = 230;
        GBFreq[30][52] = 229;
        GBFreq[40][84] = 228;
        GBFreq[53][57] = 227;
        GBFreq[27][27] = 226;
        GBFreq[38][64] = 225;
        GBFreq[18][43] = 224;
        GBFreq[23][69] = 223;
        GBFreq[28][12] = 222;
        GBFreq[50][78] = 221;
        GBFreq[50][1] = 220;
        GBFreq[26][88] = 219;
        GBFreq[36][40] = 218;
        GBFreq[33][89] = 217;
        GBFreq[41][28] = 216;
        GBFreq[31][77] = 215;
        GBFreq[46][1] = 214;
        GBFreq[47][19] = 213;
        GBFreq[35][55] = 212;
        GBFreq[41][21] = 211;
        GBFreq[27][10] = 210;
        GBFreq[32][77] = 209;
        GBFreq[26][37] = 208;
        GBFreq[20][33] = 207;
        GBFreq[41][52] = 206;
        GBFreq[32][18] = 205;
        GBFreq[38][13] = 204;
        GBFreq[20][18] = 203;
        GBFreq[20][24] = 202;
        GBFreq[45][19] = 201;
        GBFreq[18][53] = 200;

        Big5Freq[9][89] = 600;
        Big5Freq[11][15] = 599;
        Big5Freq[3][66] = 598;
        Big5Freq[6][121] = 597;
        Big5Freq[3][0] = 596;
        Big5Freq[5][82] = 595;
        Big5Freq[3][42] = 594;
        Big5Freq[5][34] = 593;
        Big5Freq[3][8] = 592;
        Big5Freq[3][6] = 591;
        Big5Freq[3][67] = 590;
        Big5Freq[7][139] = 589;
        Big5Freq[23][137] = 588;
        Big5Freq[12][46] = 587;
        Big5Freq[4][8] = 586;
        Big5Freq[4][41] = 585;
        Big5Freq[18][47] = 584;
        Big5Freq[12][114] = 583;
        Big5Freq[6][1] = 582;
        Big5Freq[22][60] = 581;
        Big5Freq[5][46] = 580;
        Big5Freq[11][79] = 579;
        Big5Freq[3][23] = 578;
        Big5Freq[7][114] = 577;
        Big5Freq[29][102] = 576;
        Big5Freq[19][14] = 575;
        Big5Freq[4][133] = 574;
        Big5Freq[3][29] = 573;
        Big5Freq[4][109] = 572;
        Big5Freq[14][127] = 571;
        Big5Freq[5][48] = 570;
        Big5Freq[13][104] = 569;
        Big5Freq[3][132] = 568;
        Big5Freq[26][64] = 567;
        Big5Freq[7][19] = 566;
        Big5Freq[4][12] = 565;
        Big5Freq[11][124] = 564;
        Big5Freq[7][89] = 563;
        Big5Freq[15][124] = 562;
        Big5Freq[4][108] = 561;
        Big5Freq[19][66] = 560;
        Big5Freq[3][21] = 559;
        Big5Freq[24][12] = 558;
        Big5Freq[28][111] = 557;
        Big5Freq[12][107] = 556;
        Big5Freq[3][112] = 555;
        Big5Freq[8][113] = 554;
        Big5Freq[5][40] = 553;
        Big5Freq[26][145] = 552;
        Big5Freq[3][48] = 551;
        Big5Freq[3][70] = 550;
        Big5Freq[22][17] = 549;
        Big5Freq[16][47] = 548;
        Big5Freq[3][53] = 547;
        Big5Freq[4][24] = 546;
        Big5Freq[32][120] = 545;
        Big5Freq[24][49] = 544;
        Big5Freq[24][142] = 543;
        Big5Freq[18][66] = 542;
        Big5Freq[29][150] = 541;
        Big5Freq[5][122] = 540;
        Big5Freq[5][114] = 539;
        Big5Freq[3][44] = 538;
        Big5Freq[10][128] = 537;
        Big5Freq[15][20] = 536;
        Big5Freq[13][33] = 535;
        Big5Freq[14][87] = 534;
        Big5Freq[3][126] = 533;
        Big5Freq[4][53] = 532;
        Big5Freq[4][40] = 531;
        Big5Freq[9][93] = 530;
        Big5Freq[15][137] = 529;
        Big5Freq[10][123] = 528;
        Big5Freq[4][56] = 527;
        Big5Freq[5][71] = 526;
        Big5Freq[10][8] = 525;
        Big5Freq[5][16] = 524;
        Big5Freq[5][146] = 523;
        Big5Freq[18][88] = 522;
        Big5Freq[24][4] = 521;
        Big5Freq[20][47] = 520;
        Big5Freq[5][33] = 519;
        Big5Freq[9][43] = 518;
        Big5Freq[20][12] = 517;
        Big5Freq[20][13] = 516;
        Big5Freq[5][156] = 515;
        Big5Freq[22][140] = 514;
        Big5Freq[8][146] = 513;
        Big5Freq[21][123] = 512;
        Big5Freq[4][90] = 511;
        Big5Freq[5][62] = 510;
        Big5Freq[17][59] = 509;
        Big5Freq[10][37] = 508;
        Big5Freq[18][107] = 507;
        Big5Freq[14][53] = 506;
        Big5Freq[22][51] = 505;
        Big5Freq[8][13] = 504;
        Big5Freq[5][29] = 503;
        Big5Freq[9][7] = 502;
        Big5Freq[22][14] = 501;
        Big5Freq[8][55] = 500;
        Big5Freq[33][9] = 499;
        Big5Freq[16][64] = 498;
        Big5Freq[7][131] = 497;
        Big5Freq[34][4] = 496;
        Big5Freq[7][101] = 495;
        Big5Freq[11][139] = 494;
        Big5Freq[3][135] = 493;
        Big5Freq[7][102] = 492;
        Big5Freq[17][13] = 491;
        Big5Freq[3][20] = 490;
        Big5Freq[27][106] = 489;
        Big5Freq[5][88] = 488;
        Big5Freq[6][33] = 487;
        Big5Freq[5][139] = 486;
        Big5Freq[6][0] = 485;
        Big5Freq[17][58] = 484;
        Big5Freq[5][133] = 483;
        Big5Freq[9][107] = 482;
        Big5Freq[23][39] = 481;
        Big5Freq[5][23] = 480;
        Big5Freq[3][79] = 479;
        Big5Freq[32][97] = 478;
        Big5Freq[3][136] = 477;
        Big5Freq[4][94] = 476;
        Big5Freq[21][61] = 475;
        Big5Freq[23][123] = 474;
        Big5Freq[26][16] = 473;
        Big5Freq[24][137] = 472;
        Big5Freq[22][18] = 471;
        Big5Freq[5][1] = 470;
        Big5Freq[20][119] = 469;
        Big5Freq[3][7] = 468;
        Big5Freq[10][79] = 467;
        Big5Freq[15][105] = 466;
        Big5Freq[3][144] = 465;
        Big5Freq[12][80] = 464;
        Big5Freq[15][73] = 463;
        Big5Freq[3][19] = 462;
        Big5Freq[8][109] = 461;
        Big5Freq[3][15] = 460;
        Big5Freq[31][82] = 459;
        Big5Freq[3][43] = 458;
        Big5Freq[25][119] = 457;
        Big5Freq[16][111] = 456;
        Big5Freq[7][77] = 455;
        Big5Freq[3][95] = 454;
        Big5Freq[24][82] = 453;
        Big5Freq[7][52] = 452;
        Big5Freq[9][151] = 451;
        Big5Freq[3][129] = 450;
        Big5Freq[5][87] = 449;
        Big5Freq[3][55] = 448;
        Big5Freq[8][153] = 447;
        Big5Freq[4][83] = 446;
        Big5Freq[3][114] = 445;
        Big5Freq[23][147] = 444;
        Big5Freq[15][31] = 443;
        Big5Freq[3][54] = 442;
        Big5Freq[11][122] = 441;
        Big5Freq[4][4] = 440;
        Big5Freq[34][149] = 439;
        Big5Freq[3][17] = 438;
        Big5Freq[21][64] = 437;
        Big5Freq[26][144] = 436;
        Big5Freq[4][62] = 435;
        Big5Freq[8][15] = 434;
        Big5Freq[35][80] = 433;
        Big5Freq[7][110] = 432;
        Big5Freq[23][114] = 431;
        Big5Freq[3][108] = 430;
        Big5Freq[3][62] = 429;
        Big5Freq[21][41] = 428;
        Big5Freq[15][99] = 427;
        Big5Freq[5][47] = 426;
        Big5Freq[4][96] = 425;
        Big5Freq[20][122] = 424;
        Big5Freq[5][21] = 423;
        Big5Freq[4][157] = 422;
        Big5Freq[16][14] = 421;
        Big5Freq[3][117] = 420;
        Big5Freq[7][129] = 419;
        Big5Freq[4][27] = 418;
        Big5Freq[5][30] = 417;
        Big5Freq[22][16] = 416;
        Big5Freq[5][64] = 415;
        Big5Freq[17][99] = 414;
        Big5Freq[17][57] = 413;
        Big5Freq[8][105] = 412;
        Big5Freq[5][112] = 411;
        Big5Freq[20][59] = 410;
        Big5Freq[6][129] = 409;
        Big5Freq[18][17] = 408;
        Big5Freq[3][92] = 407;
        Big5Freq[28][118] = 406;
        Big5Freq[3][109] = 405;
        Big5Freq[31][51] = 404;
        Big5Freq[13][116] = 403;
        Big5Freq[6][15] = 402;
        Big5Freq[36][136] = 401;
        Big5Freq[12][74] = 400;
        Big5Freq[20][88] = 399;
        Big5Freq[36][68] = 398;
        Big5Freq[3][147] = 397;
        Big5Freq[15][84] = 396;
        Big5Freq[16][32] = 395;
        Big5Freq[16][58] = 394;
        Big5Freq[7][66] = 393;
        Big5Freq[23][107] = 392;
        Big5Freq[9][6] = 391;
        Big5Freq[12][86] = 390;
        Big5Freq[23][112] = 389;
        Big5Freq[37][23] = 388;
        Big5Freq[3][138] = 387;
        Big5Freq[20][68] = 386;
        Big5Freq[15][116] = 385;
        Big5Freq[18][64] = 384;
        Big5Freq[12][139] = 383;
        Big5Freq[11][155] = 382;
        Big5Freq[4][156] = 381;
        Big5Freq[12][84] = 380;
        Big5Freq[18][49] = 379;
        Big5Freq[25][125] = 378;
        Big5Freq[25][147] = 377;
        Big5Freq[15][110] = 376;
        Big5Freq[19][96] = 375;
        Big5Freq[30][152] = 374;
        Big5Freq[6][31] = 373;
        Big5Freq[27][117] = 372;
        Big5Freq[3][10] = 371;
        Big5Freq[6][131] = 370;
        Big5Freq[13][112] = 369;
        Big5Freq[36][156] = 368;
        Big5Freq[4][60] = 367;
        Big5Freq[15][121] = 366;
        Big5Freq[4][112] = 365;
        Big5Freq[30][142] = 364;
        Big5Freq[23][154] = 363;
        Big5Freq[27][101] = 362;
        Big5Freq[9][140] = 361;
        Big5Freq[3][89] = 360;
        Big5Freq[18][148] = 359;
        Big5Freq[4][69] = 358;
        Big5Freq[16][49] = 357;
        Big5Freq[6][117] = 356;
        Big5Freq[36][55] = 355;
        Big5Freq[5][123] = 354;
        Big5Freq[4][126] = 353;
        Big5Freq[4][119] = 352;
        Big5Freq[9][95] = 351;
        Big5Freq[5][24] = 350;
        Big5Freq[16][133] = 349;
        Big5Freq[10][134] = 348;
        Big5Freq[26][59] = 347;
        Big5Freq[6][41] = 346;
        Big5Freq[6][146] = 345;
        Big5Freq[19][24] = 344;
        Big5Freq[5][113] = 343;
        Big5Freq[10][118] = 342;
        Big5Freq[34][151] = 341;
        Big5Freq[9][72] = 340;
        Big5Freq[31][25] = 339;
        Big5Freq[18][126] = 338;
        Big5Freq[18][28] = 337;
        Big5Freq[4][153] = 336;
        Big5Freq[3][84] = 335;
        Big5Freq[21][18] = 334;
        Big5Freq[25][129] = 333;
        Big5Freq[6][107] = 332;
        Big5Freq[12][25] = 331;
        Big5Freq[17][109] = 330;
        Big5Freq[7][76] = 329;
        Big5Freq[15][15] = 328;
        Big5Freq[4][14] = 327;
        Big5Freq[23][88] = 326;
        Big5Freq[18][2] = 325;
        Big5Freq[6][88] = 324;
        Big5Freq[16][84] = 323;
        Big5Freq[12][48] = 322;
        Big5Freq[7][68] = 321;
        Big5Freq[5][50] = 320;
        Big5Freq[13][54] = 319;
        Big5Freq[7][98] = 318;
        Big5Freq[11][6] = 317;
        Big5Freq[9][80] = 316;
        Big5Freq[16][41] = 315;
        Big5Freq[7][43] = 314;
        Big5Freq[28][117] = 313;
        Big5Freq[3][51] = 312;
        Big5Freq[7][3] = 311;
        Big5Freq[20][81] = 310;
        Big5Freq[4][2] = 309;
        Big5Freq[11][16] = 308;
        Big5Freq[10][4] = 307;
        Big5Freq[10][119] = 306;
        Big5Freq[6][142] = 305;
        Big5Freq[18][51] = 304;
        Big5Freq[8][144] = 303;
        Big5Freq[10][65] = 302;
        Big5Freq[11][64] = 301;
        Big5Freq[11][130] = 300;
        Big5Freq[9][92] = 299;
        Big5Freq[18][29] = 298;
        Big5Freq[18][78] = 297;
        Big5Freq[18][151] = 296;
        Big5Freq[33][127] = 295;
        Big5Freq[35][113] = 294;
        Big5Freq[10][155] = 293;
        Big5Freq[3][76] = 292;
        Big5Freq[36][123] = 291;
        Big5Freq[13][143] = 290;
        Big5Freq[5][135] = 289;
        Big5Freq[23][116] = 288;
        Big5Freq[6][101] = 287;
        Big5Freq[14][74] = 286;
        Big5Freq[7][153] = 285;
        Big5Freq[3][101] = 284;
        Big5Freq[9][74] = 283;
        Big5Freq[3][156] = 282;
        Big5Freq[4][147] = 281;
        Big5Freq[9][12] = 280;
        Big5Freq[18][133] = 279;
        Big5Freq[4][0] = 278;
        Big5Freq[7][155] = 277;
        Big5Freq[9][144] = 276;
        Big5Freq[23][49] = 275;
        Big5Freq[5][89] = 274;
        Big5Freq[10][11] = 273;
        Big5Freq[3][110] = 272;
        Big5Freq[3][40] = 271;
        Big5Freq[29][115] = 270;
        Big5Freq[9][100] = 269;
        Big5Freq[21][67] = 268;
        Big5Freq[23][145] = 267;
        Big5Freq[10][47] = 266;
        Big5Freq[4][31] = 265;
        Big5Freq[4][81] = 264;
        Big5Freq[22][62] = 263;
        Big5Freq[4][28] = 262;
        Big5Freq[27][39] = 261;
        Big5Freq[27][54] = 260;
        Big5Freq[32][46] = 259;
        Big5Freq[4][76] = 258;
        Big5Freq[26][15] = 257;
        Big5Freq[12][154] = 256;
        Big5Freq[9][150] = 255;
        Big5Freq[15][17] = 254;
        Big5Freq[5][129] = 253;
        Big5Freq[10][40] = 252;
        Big5Freq[13][37] = 251;
        Big5Freq[31][104] = 250;
        Big5Freq[3][152] = 249;
        Big5Freq[5][22] = 248;
        Big5Freq[8][48] = 247;
        Big5Freq[4][74] = 246;
        Big5Freq[6][17] = 245;
        Big5Freq[30][82] = 244;
        Big5Freq[4][116] = 243;
        Big5Freq[16][42] = 242;
        Big5Freq[5][55] = 241;
        Big5Freq[4][64] = 240;
        Big5Freq[14][19] = 239;
        Big5Freq[35][82] = 238;
        Big5Freq[30][139] = 237;
        Big5Freq[26][152] = 236;
        Big5Freq[32][32] = 235;
        Big5Freq[21][102] = 234;
        Big5Freq[10][131] = 233;
        Big5Freq[9][128] = 232;
        Big5Freq[3][87] = 231;
        Big5Freq[4][51] = 230;
        Big5Freq[10][15] = 229;
        Big5Freq[4][150] = 228;
        Big5Freq[7][4] = 227;
        Big5Freq[7][51] = 226;
        Big5Freq[7][157] = 225;
        Big5Freq[4][146] = 224;
        Big5Freq[4][91] = 223;
        Big5Freq[7][13] = 222;
        Big5Freq[17][116] = 221;
        Big5Freq[23][21] = 220;
        Big5Freq[5][106] = 219;
        Big5Freq[14][100] = 218;
        Big5Freq[10][152] = 217;
        Big5Freq[14][89] = 216;
        Big5Freq[6][138] = 215;
        Big5Freq[12][157] = 214;
        Big5Freq[10][102] = 213;
        Big5Freq[19][94] = 212;
        Big5Freq[7][74] = 211;
        Big5Freq[18][128] = 210;
        Big5Freq[27][111] = 209;
        Big5Freq[11][57] = 208;
        Big5Freq[3][131] = 207;
        Big5Freq[30][23] = 206;
        Big5Freq[30][126] = 205;
        Big5Freq[4][36] = 204;
        Big5Freq[26][124] = 203;
        Big5Freq[4][19] = 202;
        Big5Freq[9][152] = 201;

        EUC_TWFreq[48][49] = 599;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][65] = 598;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][27] = 597;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][0] = 596;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][19] = 595;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][42] = 594;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][66] = 593;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][8] = 592;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][6] = 591;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][66] = 590;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][14] = 589;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][80] = 588;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][48] = 587;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][71] = 586;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][10] = 585;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][52] = 584;
        EUC_TWFreq[51][21] = 583;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][2] = 582;
        EUC_TWFreq[67][35] = 581;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][78] = 580;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][18] = 579;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][23] = 578;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][83] = 577;
        EUC_TWFreq[79][47] = 576;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][82] = 575;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][7] = 574;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][29] = 573;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][77] = 572;
        EUC_TWFreq[54][67] = 571;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][80] = 570;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][74] = 569;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][37] = 568;
        EUC_TWFreq[74][8] = 567;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][83] = 566;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][75] = 565;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][63] = 564;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][58] = 563;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][33] = 562;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][76] = 561;
        EUC_TWFreq[62][39] = 560;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][21] = 559;
        EUC_TWFreq[70][19] = 558;
        EUC_TWFreq[77][88] = 557;
        EUC_TWFreq[51][14] = 556;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][17] = 555;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][51] = 554;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][72] = 553;
        EUC_TWFreq[74][90] = 552;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][48] = 551;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][69] = 550;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][86] = 549;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][20] = 548;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][53] = 547;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][87] = 546;
        EUC_TWFreq[84][67] = 545;
        EUC_TWFreq[70][56] = 544;
        EUC_TWFreq[71][54] = 543;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][70] = 542;
        EUC_TWFreq[80][1] = 541;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][59] = 540;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][51] = 539;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][44] = 538;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][4] = 537;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][24] = 536;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][4] = 535;
        EUC_TWFreq[54][26] = 534;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][31] = 533;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][22] = 532;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][9] = 531;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][0] = 530;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][46] = 529;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][93] = 528;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][25] = 527;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][8] = 526;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][73] = 525;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][48] = 524;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][83] = 523;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][92] = 522;
        EUC_TWFreq[70][11] = 521;
        EUC_TWFreq[63][84] = 520;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][65] = 519;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][45] = 518;
        EUC_TWFreq[63][49] = 517;
        EUC_TWFreq[63][50] = 516;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][93] = 515;
        EUC_TWFreq[68][20] = 514;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][84] = 513;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][34] = 512;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][58] = 511;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][0] = 510;
        EUC_TWFreq[59][1] = 509;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][8] = 508;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][17] = 507;
        EUC_TWFreq[53][87] = 506;
        EUC_TWFreq[67][26] = 505;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][46] = 504;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][61] = 503;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][9] = 502;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][83] = 501;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][88] = 500;
        EUC_TWFreq[85][20] = 499;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][36] = 498;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][6] = 497;
        EUC_TWFreq[86][77] = 496;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][70] = 495;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][78] = 494;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][40] = 493;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][71] = 492;
        EUC_TWFreq[58][49] = 491;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][20] = 490;
        EUC_TWFreq[76][20] = 489;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][25] = 488;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][34] = 487;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][76] = 486;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][1] = 485;
        EUC_TWFreq[59][0] = 484;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][70] = 483;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][14] = 482;
        EUC_TWFreq[68][77] = 481;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][55] = 480;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][78] = 479;
        EUC_TWFreq[84][44] = 478;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][41] = 477;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][62] = 476;
        EUC_TWFreq[65][67] = 475;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][66] = 474;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][55] = 473;
        EUC_TWFreq[71][49] = 472;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][87] = 471;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][33] = 470;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][61] = 469;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][7] = 468;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][49] = 467;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][14] = 466;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][49] = 465;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][81] = 464;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][76] = 463;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][19] = 462;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][47] = 461;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][15] = 460;
        EUC_TWFreq[82][59] = 459;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][43] = 458;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][0] = 457;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][83] = 456;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][46] = 455;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][0] = 454;
        EUC_TWFreq[70][88] = 453;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][22] = 452;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][58] = 451;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][34] = 450;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][24] = 449;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][55] = 448;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][91] = 447;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][51] = 446;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][19] = 445;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][90] = 444;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][35] = 443;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][54] = 442;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][61] = 441;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][67] = 440;
        EUC_TWFreq[88][34] = 439;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][17] = 438;
        EUC_TWFreq[65][69] = 437;
        EUC_TWFreq[74][89] = 436;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][31] = 435;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][48] = 434;
        EUC_TWFreq[89][27] = 433;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][79] = 432;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][57] = 431;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][13] = 430;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][62] = 429;
        EUC_TWFreq[65][47] = 428;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][8] = 427;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][79] = 426;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][64] = 425;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][64] = 424;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][53] = 423;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][31] = 422;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][81] = 421;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][22] = 420;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][4] = 419;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][90] = 418;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][62] = 417;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][85] = 416;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][1] = 415;
        EUC_TWFreq[59][40] = 414;
        EUC_TWFreq[58][93] = 413;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][43] = 412;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][49] = 411;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][2] = 410;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][35] = 409;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][22] = 408;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][91] = 407;
        EUC_TWFreq[78][1] = 406;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][14] = 405;
        EUC_TWFreq[82][29] = 404;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][86] = 403;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][16] = 402;
        EUC_TWFreq[91][52] = 401;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][75] = 400;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][30] = 399;
        EUC_TWFreq[90][78] = 398;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][52] = 397;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][87] = 396;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][5] = 395;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][31] = 394;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][35] = 393;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][50] = 392;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][8] = 391;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][87] = 390;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][55] = 389;
        EUC_TWFreq[92][3] = 388;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][43] = 387;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][10] = 386;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][25] = 385;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][68] = 384;
        EUC_TWFreq[51][46] = 383;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][0] = 382;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][30] = 381;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][85] = 380;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][54] = 379;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][6] = 378;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][28] = 377;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][19] = 376;
        EUC_TWFreq[62][69] = 375;
        EUC_TWFreq[81][66] = 374;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][32] = 373;
        EUC_TWFreq[76][31] = 372;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][10] = 371;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][37] = 370;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][82] = 369;
        EUC_TWFreq[91][72] = 368;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][29] = 367;
        EUC_TWFreq[56][30] = 366;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][80] = 365;
        EUC_TWFreq[81][56] = 364;
        EUC_TWFreq[70][3] = 363;
        EUC_TWFreq[76][15] = 362;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][47] = 361;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][88] = 360;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][58] = 359;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][37] = 358;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][22] = 357;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][23] = 356;
        EUC_TWFreq[90][66] = 355;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][60] = 354;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][0] = 353;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][87] = 352;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][2] = 351;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][56] = 350;
        EUC_TWFreq[58][11] = 349;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][10] = 348;
        EUC_TWFreq[74][4] = 347;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][42] = 346;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][52] = 345;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][92] = 344;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][50] = 343;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][88] = 342;
        EUC_TWFreq[88][36] = 341;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][73] = 340;
        EUC_TWFreq[82][3] = 339;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][36] = 338;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][33] = 337;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][27] = 336;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][83] = 335;
        EUC_TWFreq[65][24] = 334;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][10] = 333;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][13] = 332;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][27] = 331;
        EUC_TWFreq[59][50] = 330;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][45] = 329;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][19] = 328;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][77] = 327;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][31] = 326;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][7] = 325;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][88] = 324;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][56] = 323;
        EUC_TWFreq[50][50] = 322;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][37] = 321;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][82] = 320;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][25] = 319;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][67] = 318;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][40] = 317;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][81] = 316;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][14] = 315;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][13] = 314;
        EUC_TWFreq[78][0] = 313;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][51] = 312;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][67] = 311;
        EUC_TWFreq[64][23] = 310;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][65] = 309;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][50] = 308;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][69] = 307;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][89] = 306;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][48] = 305;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][56] = 304;
        EUC_TWFreq[44][82] = 303;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][35] = 302;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][3] = 301;
        EUC_TWFreq[49][69] = 300;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][93] = 299;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][34] = 298;
        EUC_TWFreq[60][82] = 297;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][61] = 296;
        EUC_TWFreq[86][42] = 295;
        EUC_TWFreq[89][60] = 294;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][31] = 293;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][75] = 292;
        EUC_TWFreq[91][39] = 291;
        EUC_TWFreq[53][19] = 290;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][72] = 289;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][59] = 288;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][7] = 287;
        EUC_TWFreq[54][13] = 286;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][28] = 285;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][6] = 284;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][75] = 283;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][61] = 282;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][21] = 281;
        EUC_TWFreq[45][14] = 280;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][43] = 279;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][63] = 278;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][30] = 277;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][51] = 276;
        EUC_TWFreq[68][87] = 275;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][26] = 274;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][76] = 273;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][15] = 272;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][40] = 271;
        EUC_TWFreq[79][60] = 270;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][7] = 269;
        EUC_TWFreq[65][72] = 268;
        EUC_TWFreq[69][88] = 267;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][18] = 266;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][0] = 265;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][49] = 264;
        EUC_TWFreq[67][37] = 263;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][91] = 262;
        EUC_TWFreq[75][48] = 261;
        EUC_TWFreq[75][63] = 260;
        EUC_TWFreq[83][87] = 259;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][44] = 258;
        EUC_TWFreq[73][54] = 257;
        EUC_TWFreq[51][61] = 256;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][57] = 255;
        EUC_TWFreq[55][21] = 254;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][66] = 253;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][11] = 252;
        EUC_TWFreq[52][8] = 251;
        EUC_TWFreq[82][81] = 250;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][57] = 249;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][54] = 248;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][81] = 247;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][42] = 246;
        EUC_TWFreq[40][18] = 245;
        EUC_TWFreq[80][90] = 244;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][84] = 243;
        EUC_TWFreq[57][15] = 242;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][87] = 241;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][32] = 240;
        EUC_TWFreq[53][53] = 239;
        EUC_TWFreq[89][29] = 238;
        EUC_TWFreq[81][53] = 237;
        EUC_TWFreq[75][3] = 236;
        EUC_TWFreq[83][73] = 235;
        EUC_TWFreq[66][13] = 234;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][7] = 233;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][35] = 232;
        EUC_TWFreq[35][86] = 231;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][20] = 230;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][80] = 229;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][24] = 228;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][68] = 227;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][21] = 226;
        EUC_TWFreq[43][32] = 225;
        EUC_TWFreq[38][20] = 224;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][59] = 223;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][77] = 222;
        EUC_TWFreq[59][57] = 221;
        EUC_TWFreq[68][59] = 220;
        EUC_TWFreq[39][43] = 219;
        EUC_TWFreq[54][39] = 218;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][28] = 217;
        EUC_TWFreq[54][28] = 216;
        EUC_TWFreq[41][44] = 215;
        EUC_TWFreq[51][64] = 214;
        EUC_TWFreq[47][72] = 213;
        EUC_TWFreq[62][67] = 212;
        EUC_TWFreq[42][43] = 211;
        EUC_TWFreq[61][38] = 210;
        EUC_TWFreq[76][25] = 209;
        EUC_TWFreq[48][91] = 208;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][36] = 207;
        EUC_TWFreq[80][32] = 206;
        EUC_TWFreq[81][40] = 205;
        EUC_TWFreq[37][5] = 204;
        EUC_TWFreq[74][69] = 203;
        EUC_TWFreq[36][82] = 202;
        EUC_TWFreq[46][59] = 201;

        GBKFreq[52][132] = 600;
        GBKFreq[73][135] = 599;
        GBKFreq[49][123] = 598;
        GBKFreq[77][146] = 597;
        GBKFreq[81][123] = 596;
        GBKFreq[82][144] = 595;
        GBKFreq[51][179] = 594;
        GBKFreq[83][154] = 593;
        GBKFreq[71][139] = 592;
        GBKFreq[64][139] = 591;
        GBKFreq[85][144] = 590;
        GBKFreq[52][125] = 589;
        GBKFreq[88][25] = 588;
        GBKFreq[81][106] = 587;
        GBKFreq[81][148] = 586;
        GBKFreq[62][137] = 585;
        GBKFreq[94][0] = 584;
        GBKFreq[1][64] = 583;
        GBKFreq[67][163] = 582;
        GBKFreq[20][190] = 581;
        GBKFreq[57][131] = 580;
        GBKFreq[29][169] = 579;
        GBKFreq[72][143] = 578;
        GBKFreq[0][173] = 577;
        GBKFreq[11][23] = 576;
        GBKFreq[61][141] = 575;
        GBKFreq[60][123] = 574;
        GBKFreq[81][114] = 573;
        GBKFreq[82][131] = 572;
        GBKFreq[67][156] = 571;
        GBKFreq[71][167] = 570;
        GBKFreq[20][50] = 569;
        GBKFreq[77][132] = 568;
        GBKFreq[84][38] = 567;
        GBKFreq[26][29] = 566;
        GBKFreq[74][187] = 565;
        GBKFreq[62][116] = 564;
        GBKFreq[67][135] = 563;
        GBKFreq[5][86] = 562;
        GBKFreq[72][186] = 561;
        GBKFreq[75][161] = 560;
        GBKFreq[78][130] = 559;
        GBKFreq[94][30] = 558;
        GBKFreq[84][72] = 557;
        GBKFreq[1][67] = 556;
        GBKFreq[75][172] = 555;
        GBKFreq[74][185] = 554;
        GBKFreq[53][160] = 553;
        GBKFreq[123][14] = 552;
        GBKFreq[79][97] = 551;
        GBKFreq[85][110] = 550;
        GBKFreq[78][171] = 549;
        GBKFreq[52][131] = 548;
        GBKFreq[56][100] = 547;
        GBKFreq[50][182] = 546;
        GBKFreq[94][64] = 545;
        GBKFreq[106][74] = 544;
        GBKFreq[11][102] = 543;
        GBKFreq[53][124] = 542;
        GBKFreq[24][3] = 541;
        GBKFreq[86][148] = 540;
        GBKFreq[53][184] = 539;
        GBKFreq[86][147] = 538;
        GBKFreq[96][161] = 537;
        GBKFreq[82][77] = 536;
        GBKFreq[59][146] = 535;
        GBKFreq[84][126] = 534;
        GBKFreq[79][132] = 533;
        GBKFreq[85][123] = 532;
        GBKFreq[71][101] = 531;
        GBKFreq[85][106] = 530;
        GBKFreq[6][184] = 529;
        GBKFreq[57][156] = 528;
        GBKFreq[75][104] = 527;
        GBKFreq[50][137] = 526;
        GBKFreq[79][133] = 525;
        GBKFreq[76][108] = 524;
        GBKFreq[57][142] = 523;
        GBKFreq[84][130] = 522;
        GBKFreq[52][128] = 521;
        GBKFreq[47][44] = 520;
        GBKFreq[52][152] = 519;
        GBKFreq[54][104] = 518;
        GBKFreq[30][47] = 517;
        GBKFreq[71][123] = 516;
        GBKFreq[52][107] = 515;
        GBKFreq[45][84] = 514;
        GBKFreq[107][118] = 513;
        GBKFreq[5][161] = 512;
        GBKFreq[48][126] = 511;
        GBKFreq[67][170] = 510;
        GBKFreq[43][6] = 509;
        GBKFreq[70][112] = 508;
        GBKFreq[86][174] = 507;
        GBKFreq[84][166] = 506;
        GBKFreq[79][130] = 505;
        GBKFreq[57][141] = 504;
        GBKFreq[81][178] = 503;
        GBKFreq[56][187] = 502;
        GBKFreq[81][162] = 501;
        GBKFreq[53][104] = 500;
        GBKFreq[123][35] = 499;
        GBKFreq[70][169] = 498;
        GBKFreq[69][164] = 497;
        GBKFreq[109][61] = 496;
        GBKFreq[73][130] = 495;
        GBKFreq[62][134] = 494;
        GBKFreq[54][125] = 493;
        GBKFreq[79][105] = 492;
        GBKFreq[70][165] = 491;
        GBKFreq[71][189] = 490;
        GBKFreq[23][147] = 489;
        GBKFreq[51][139] = 488;
        GBKFreq[47][137] = 487;
        GBKFreq[77][123] = 486;
        GBKFreq[86][183] = 485;
        GBKFreq[63][173] = 484;
        GBKFreq[79][144] = 483;
        GBKFreq[84][159] = 482;
        GBKFreq[60][91] = 481;
        GBKFreq[66][187] = 480;
        GBKFreq[73][114] = 479;
        GBKFreq[85][56] = 478;
        GBKFreq[71][149] = 477;
        GBKFreq[84][189] = 476;
        GBKFreq[104][31] = 475;
        GBKFreq[83][82] = 474;
        GBKFreq[68][35] = 473;
        GBKFreq[11][77] = 472;
        GBKFreq[15][155] = 471;
        GBKFreq[83][153] = 470;
        GBKFreq[71][1] = 469;
        GBKFreq[53][190] = 468;
        GBKFreq[50][135] = 467;
        GBKFreq[3][147] = 466;
        GBKFreq[48][136] = 465;
        GBKFreq[66][166] = 464;
        GBKFreq[55][159] = 463;
        GBKFreq[82][150] = 462;
        GBKFreq[58][178] = 461;
        GBKFreq[64][102] = 460;
        GBKFreq[16][106] = 459;
        GBKFreq[68][110] = 458;
        GBKFreq[54][14] = 457;
        GBKFreq[60][140] = 456;
        GBKFreq[91][71] = 455;
        GBKFreq[54][150] = 454;
        GBKFreq[78][177] = 453;
        GBKFreq[78][117] = 452;
        GBKFreq[104][12] = 451;
        GBKFreq[73][150] = 450;
        GBKFreq[51][142] = 449;
        GBKFreq[81][145] = 448;
        GBKFreq[66][183] = 447;
        GBKFreq[51][178] = 446;
        GBKFreq[75][107] = 445;
        GBKFreq[65][119] = 444;
        GBKFreq[69][176] = 443;
        GBKFreq[59][122] = 442;
        GBKFreq[78][160] = 441;
        GBKFreq[85][183] = 440;
        GBKFreq[105][16] = 439;
        GBKFreq[73][110] = 438;
        GBKFreq[104][39] = 437;
        GBKFreq[119][16] = 436;
        GBKFreq[76][162] = 435;
        GBKFreq[67][152] = 434;
        GBKFreq[82][24] = 433;
        GBKFreq[73][121] = 432;
        GBKFreq[83][83] = 431;
        GBKFreq[82][145] = 430;
        GBKFreq[49][133] = 429;
        GBKFreq[94][13] = 428;
        GBKFreq[58][139] = 427;
        GBKFreq[74][189] = 426;
        GBKFreq[66][177] = 425;
        GBKFreq[85][184] = 424;
        GBKFreq[55][183] = 423;
        GBKFreq[71][107] = 422;
        GBKFreq[11][98] = 421;
        GBKFreq[72][153] = 420;
        GBKFreq[2][137] = 419;
        GBKFreq[59][147] = 418;
        GBKFreq[58][152] = 417;
        GBKFreq[55][144] = 416;
        GBKFreq[73][125] = 415;
        GBKFreq[52][154] = 414;
        GBKFreq[70][178] = 413;
        GBKFreq[79][148] = 412;
        GBKFreq[63][143] = 411;
        GBKFreq[50][140] = 410;
        GBKFreq[47][145] = 409;
        GBKFreq[48][123] = 408;
        GBKFreq[56][107] = 407;
        GBKFreq[84][83] = 406;
        GBKFreq[59][112] = 405;
        GBKFreq[124][72] = 404;
        GBKFreq[79][99] = 403;
        GBKFreq[3][37] = 402;
        GBKFreq[114][55] = 401;
        GBKFreq[85][152] = 400;
        GBKFreq[60][47] = 399;
        GBKFreq[65][96] = 398;
        GBKFreq[74][110] = 397;
        GBKFreq[86][182] = 396;
        GBKFreq[50][99] = 395;
        GBKFreq[67][186] = 394;
        GBKFreq[81][74] = 393;
        GBKFreq[80][37] = 392;
        GBKFreq[21][60] = 391;
        GBKFreq[110][12] = 390;
        GBKFreq[60][162] = 389;
        GBKFreq[29][115] = 388;
        GBKFreq[83][130] = 387;
        GBKFreq[52][136] = 386;
        GBKFreq[63][114] = 385;
        GBKFreq[49][127] = 384;
        GBKFreq[83][109] = 383;
        GBKFreq[66][128] = 382;
        GBKFreq[78][136] = 381;
        GBKFreq[81][180] = 380;
        GBKFreq[76][104] = 379;
        GBKFreq[56][156] = 378;
        GBKFreq[61][23] = 377;
        GBKFreq[4][30] = 376;
        GBKFreq[69][154] = 375;
        GBKFreq[100][37] = 374;
        GBKFreq[54][177] = 373;
        GBKFreq[23][119] = 372;
        GBKFreq[71][171] = 371;
        GBKFreq[84][146] = 370;
        GBKFreq[20][184] = 369;
        GBKFreq[86][76] = 368;
        GBKFreq[74][132] = 367;
        GBKFreq[47][97] = 366;
        GBKFreq[82][137] = 365;
        GBKFreq[94][56] = 364;
        GBKFreq[92][30] = 363;
        GBKFreq[19][117] = 362;
        GBKFreq[48][173] = 361;
        GBKFreq[2][136] = 360;
        GBKFreq[7][182] = 359;
        GBKFreq[74][188] = 358;
        GBKFreq[14][132] = 357;
        GBKFreq[62][172] = 356;
        GBKFreq[25][39] = 355;
        GBKFreq[85][129] = 354;
        GBKFreq[64][98] = 353;
        GBKFreq[67][127] = 352;
        GBKFreq[72][167] = 351;
        GBKFreq[57][143] = 350;
        GBKFreq[76][187] = 349;
        GBKFreq[83][181] = 348;
        GBKFreq[84][10] = 347;
        GBKFreq[55][166] = 346;
        GBKFreq[55][188] = 345;
        GBKFreq[13][151] = 344;
        GBKFreq[62][124] = 343;
        GBKFreq[53][136] = 342;
        GBKFreq[106][57] = 341;
        GBKFreq[47][166] = 340;
        GBKFreq[109][30] = 339;
        GBKFreq[78][114] = 338;
        GBKFreq[83][19] = 337;
        GBKFreq[56][162] = 336;
        GBKFreq[60][177] = 335;
        GBKFreq[88][9] = 334;
        GBKFreq[74][163] = 333;
        GBKFreq[52][156] = 332;
        GBKFreq[71][180] = 331;
        GBKFreq[60][57] = 330;
        GBKFreq[72][173] = 329;
        GBKFreq[82][91] = 328;
        GBKFreq[51][186] = 327;
        GBKFreq[75][86] = 326;
        GBKFreq[75][78] = 325;
        GBKFreq[76][170] = 324;
        GBKFreq[60][147] = 323;
        GBKFreq[82][75] = 322;
        GBKFreq[80][148] = 321;
        GBKFreq[86][150] = 320;
        GBKFreq[13][95] = 319;
        GBKFreq[0][11] = 318;
        GBKFreq[84][190] = 317;
        GBKFreq[76][166] = 316;
        GBKFreq[14][72] = 315;
        GBKFreq[67][144] = 314;
        GBKFreq[84][44] = 313;
        GBKFreq[72][125] = 312;
        GBKFreq[66][127] = 311;
        GBKFreq[60][25] = 310;
        GBKFreq[70][146] = 309;
        GBKFreq[79][135] = 308;
        GBKFreq[54][135] = 307;
        GBKFreq[60][104] = 306;
        GBKFreq[55][132] = 305;
        GBKFreq[94][2] = 304;
        GBKFreq[54][133] = 303;
        GBKFreq[56][190] = 302;
        GBKFreq[58][174] = 301;
        GBKFreq[80][144] = 300;
        GBKFreq[85][113] = 299;







知识星球:https://articles.zsxq.com/id_fxvgc803qmr2.html 目录 一.定义: 精确模式(默认模式): 全模式: 搜索引擎模式: paddle 模式(基于深度学习的分词模式): 二 自定义词典 三.文本解析   调整词出现的频率 四. 关键词提取 A. 基于TF-IDF算法的关键词提取 B. 基于TextRank算法的关键词提取


俗话说:天时不如地利,不是随便说说,诸葛亮六出祁山,连关中陇右的几座小城都攻不下来,行军山高路险,无法携带和建造攻城器械,是最难的,所以在汉中,无论从哪一方进攻,防守方都是一夫当关,万夫莫开;再加上千里运粮,根本不需要打,司马懿只需要坚守城池拼消耗就能不战而屈人之兵。 另一边,洛阳的虎牢关,一旦突破,洛阳就无险可守,这样的进军路线,才是顺势而为的用兵之道。 读历史的时候我们常常看到某一方势


jdk下载地址 安装方式可以看之前的博客: mac安装jdk oracle 版本:https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ Eclipse Temurin版本:https://adoptium.net/zh-CN/temurin/releases/ 阿里版本: github:https://github.com/

Linux 网络编程 --- 应用层

一、自定义协议和序列化反序列化 代码: 序列化反序列化实现网络版本计算器 二、HTTP协议 1、谈两个简单的预备知识 https://www.baidu.com/ --- 域名 --- 域名解析 --- IP地址 http的端口号为80端口,https的端口号为443 url为统一资源定位符。CSDNhttps://mp.csdn.net/mp_blog/creation/editor


客户有些需求需要设置默认壁纸和锁屏壁纸  在默认情况下 这两个壁纸是相同的  如果需要默认的锁屏壁纸和桌面壁纸不一样 需要额外修改 Android13实现 替换默认桌面壁纸: 将图片文件替换frameworks/base/core/res/res/drawable-nodpi/default_wallpaper.*  (注意不能是bmp格式) 替换默认锁屏壁纸: 将图片资源放入vendo

如何解决线上平台抽佣高 线下门店客流少的痛点!

目前,许多传统零售店铺正遭遇客源下降的难题。尽管广告推广能带来一定的客流,但其费用昂贵。鉴于此,众多零售商纷纷选择加入像美团、饿了么和抖音这样的大型在线平台,但这些平台的高佣金率导致了利润的大幅缩水。在这样的市场环境下,商家之间的合作网络逐渐成为一种有效的解决方案,通过资源和客户基础的共享,实现共同的利益增长。 以最近在上海兴起的一个跨行业合作平台为例,该平台融合了环保消费积分系统,在短


多年前,写过几篇《Boost.Asio C++网络编程》的学习文章,一直没机会实践。最近项目中用到了Asio,于是抽空写了个网络调试助手。 开发环境: Win10 Qt5.12.6 + Asio(standalone) + spdlog 支持协议: UDP + TCP Client + TCP Server 独立的Asio(http://www.think-async.com)只包含了头文件,不依

poj 3181 网络流,建图。

题意: 农夫约翰为他的牛准备了F种食物和D种饮料。 每头牛都有各自喜欢的食物和饮料,而每种食物和饮料都只能分配给一头牛。 问最多能有多少头牛可以同时得到喜欢的食物和饮料。 解析: 由于要同时得到喜欢的食物和饮料,所以网络流建图的时候要把牛拆点了。 如下建图: s -> 食物 -> 牛1 -> 牛2 -> 饮料 -> t 所以分配一下点: s  =  0, 牛1= 1~

poj 3068 有流量限制的最小费用网络流

题意: m条有向边连接了n个仓库,每条边都有一定费用。 将两种危险品从0运到n-1,除了起点和终点外,危险品不能放在一起,也不能走相同的路径。 求最小的费用是多少。 解析: 抽象出一个源点s一个汇点t,源点与0相连,费用为0,容量为2。 汇点与n - 1相连,费用为0,容量为2。 每条边之间也相连,费用为每条边的费用,容量为1。 建图完毕之后,求一条流量为2的最小费用流就行了

poj 2112 网络流+二分

题意: k台挤奶机,c头牛,每台挤奶机可以挤m头牛。 现在给出每只牛到挤奶机的距离矩阵,求最小化牛的最大路程。 解析: 最大值最小化,最小值最大化,用二分来做。 先求出两点之间的最短距离。 然后二分匹配牛到挤奶机的最大路程,匹配中的判断是在这个最大路程下,是否牛的数量达到c只。 如何求牛的数量呢,用网络流来做。 从源点到牛引一条容量为1的边,然后挤奶机到汇点引一条容量为m的边