struct flock 结构体详解及用法

2023-12-17 18:58

本文主要是介绍struct flock 结构体详解及用法,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


功能 :定义一些文件的锁的选项


The flock structure in the /usr/include/sys/flock.h file, which describes a lock, contains the following fields:


l_type Describes the type of lock. If the value of the Command parameter to the fcntl subroutine is F_SETLK orF_SETLKW, the l_type field indicates the type of lock to be created. Possible values are:
A read lock is requested.
A write lock is requested.
Unlock. An existing lock is to be removed.

If the value of the Command parameter to the fcntl subroutine is F_GETLK, the l_typefield describes an existing lock. Possible values are:

A conflicting read lock exists.
A conflicting write lock exists.
No conflicting lock exists.
l_whence Defines the starting offset. The value of this field indicates the point from which the relative offset, the l_startfield, is measured. Possible values are:
The relative offset is measured from the start of the file.
The relative offset is measured from the current position.
The relative offset is measured from the end of the file.

These values are defined in the unistd.h file.

l_start Defines the relative offset in bytes, measured from the starting point in the l_whence field.
l_len Specifies the number of consecutive bytes to be locked.
l_sysid Contains the ID of the node that already has a lock placed on the area defined by the fcntlsubroutine. This field is returned only when the value of the Command parameter isF_GETLK.
l_pid Contains the ID of a process that already has a lock placed on the area defined by thefcntl subroutine. This field is returned only when the value of the Command parameter isF_GETLK.


Specifies the file system type of the node identified in the l_sysid field.


int cfg_save()
{int fd = -1;struct flock lock;struct stat stat_buf;char *p = NULL;char description[200] = {0};fd = open(cfg_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);if (fd == -1){sprintf(description,"open error %s.", cfg_file);write_log(time(NULL), SER_ERR, CFG_LOG, "cfg_func", "cfg_save",description);return -1;}/* Set a write lock */lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;lock.l_start = 0;lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;lock.l_len = 0;if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) == -1 || fstat(fd, &stat_buf) == -1) {close(fd);fprintf(stderr,"lock cfg_file error\n");return -1;}save_to_tree();if(tree == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"cfg_save  error\n");write_log(time(NULL), SER_ERR, CFG_LOG, "cfg_func", "cfg_save","cfg_save  error.");close(fd);return -1;}mxmlSaveFd(tree, fd, whitespace_cb);//把值写入配置文件if (tree!=NULL) {mxmlDelete(tree);tree = NULL;}close(fd);return 0;

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