如何使用Amazon Echo从Amazon订购几乎所有商品

2023-12-17 17:10

本文主要是介绍如何使用Amazon Echo从Amazon订购几乎所有商品,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Recently Amazon added the functionality to order almost any product it offers through the Amazon Echo. Here’s how to set it up and begin doing some online shopping with nothing but your voice.

最近,亚马逊增加了该功能,以订购通过Amazon Echo提供的几乎所有产品。 这是设置方法并开始进行在线购物的过程,只需要您的声音即可。

Previously, the Echo was only able to re-order products that you already purchased in the past, as well as order a handful of select products. However, the selection has been expanded to include pretty much everything on Amazon’s website. The main caveat is that whatever you order using the Amazon Echo must be offered through Amazon Prime. Some categories are also ineligible, including apparel, shoes, jewelry, watches, Amazon Fresh items, Amazon Prime Pantry items, Amazon Prime Now items, and Add-On items.

以前,Echo只能重新订购您过去已购买的产品,以及订购一些精选产品。 但是,选择范围已扩大到包括亚马逊网站上的几乎所有内容。 主要警告是,您使用Amazon Echo订购的任何商品都必须通过Amazon Prime提供。 有些类别也不符合条件,包括服装,鞋子,珠宝,手表,Amazon Fresh项目,Amazon Prime Pantry项目,Amazon Prime Now项目和Add-On项目。

Other than that, you can go crazy and order all sorts of stuff right from your Amazon Echo. Here’s how to get started.

除此之外,您可以发疯并直接从Amazon Echo订购各种东西。 这是入门方法。

在Alexa应用程序中启用语音购买 (Enable Voice Purchasing in the Alexa App)

First off, you’ll need to turn on voice purchasing, which allows you to order products on Amazon through the Echo in the first place. You can also set up a four-digit PIN code of sorts that Alexa asks for when you buy something on the Echo, to prevent other people from spending your money.

首先,您需要打开语音购买功能,这首先允许您通过Echo在Amazon上订购产品。 您还可以设置一种四位数的PIN码,以防止他人在您的钱上花钱时在Alexa上购买时要求Alexa要求。

Start by opening up the Alexa app on your phone and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.



Select “Settings” from the list.



Scroll down and tap on “Voice Purchasing”.



Tap on the toggle switch to turn on voice purchasing if it isn’t already.



That’s all you need to do to enable voice purchasing, but if you want to prevent others from ordering items on the Echo, you can tap inside of the text box right above “Save Changes” and enter in a four-digit PIN code. This can be comprised of either letters or numbers, or a mixture of both. Tap on “Save Changes” when you’re done.

这就是启用语音购买所需要做的全部工作,但是如果要阻止其他人在Echo上订购商品,则可以点击“保存更改”正上方的文本框内部,然后输入四位数的PIN码。 它可以由字母或数字组成,也可以由两者组成。 完成后,点击“保存更改”。


It’s also a good idea to check your 1-click settings to make sure the right shipping address and credit card will be used with voice ordering on the Amazon Echo. To do this. tap on “Payment settings” at the bottom.

检查您的一键式设置以确保在Amazon Echo上进行语音订购时使用正确的送货地址和信用卡也是一个好主意。 去做这个。 点击底部的“付款设置”。


Tap on “Edit Payment Method” to make changes.



Select the credit card and then the correct shipping address that you want used for voice purchasing.


IMG_2772_stomped copy

Once you’re back on the “Payment Settings” screen, tap the “X” button in the top-right corner to close it out.

返回“付款设置”屏幕后,点击右上角的“ X”按钮将其关闭。


You can now exit out of the Alexa app and begin ordering items from Amazon using your Echo device.


使用您的Amazon Echo订购商品 (Use Your Amazon Echo to Order Items)


After you have voice purchasing set up, it’s time to use the power of your voice to buy things off the internet. All you have to do is simply say, “Alexa, order (product name)”. You can also say something more generic, like “Alexa, order dog food”.

设置好语音购买功能后,就可以使用语音功能从互联网上购买商品了。 您所要做的只是简单地说:“ Alexa,订单(产品名称)”。 您还可以说一些更通用的名称,例如“ Alexa,点狗粮”。

Alexa will then give you the top search result and if that’s not it, you can say “No” when it asks if you want to order it and Alexa will read off the next result. Simply say “Yes” when Alexa reads off the correct item and asks if you want to order it. You’ll then be prompted to enter in your your Voice Code if you have it enabled.

然后,Alexa将为您提供搜索结果的顶部,如果不是,您可以在询问是否要订购时说“ No”,Alexa会读取下一个结果。 当Alexa读取正确的物品并询问是否要订购时,只需说“是”。 如果启用了语音代码,则系统将提示您输入语音代码。

Once the item is ordered, the order details will appear in the Alexa app.



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262561/how-to-order-almost-anything-from-amazon-using-the-amazon-echo/

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