1. API
1)int datacall_init(); 初始化网络
2)int start_dataCall(app_tech_e tech, int ip_family, int profile); //建立数据链接
输入 | tech: 使用制式(枚举) 1.umts 2.cdma 3.1x 。。。 ip_family: ip类型 4:ip4 6:ip6 profile: 序列号 |
输出 | 无 |
返回值 | 0:成功 -1:失败 |
3)int stop_dataCall(int profile); //断开链接
4)int get_datacall_info_by_profile(int profile, datacall_info_type *callinfo)
功能 | 获取数据链接参数 |
输入 | profile 序列号 |
输出 | callinfo 链接参数结构体 |
返回值 | 0:成功 -1:失败 |
5)int datacall_deinit(); //释放网络资源
2. 数据回调函数
void simcom_datacall_test()
{const char *options_list[] = {"1. start data call","2. stop data call","3. get call Info","4. back",};int opt = 0;int i,j;char scan_string[100] = {0};if(datacall_init() != 0){return;}while(1){printf("\nPlease select an option to test from the items listed below.\n");print_option_menu(options_list, sizeof(options_list)/sizeof(options_list[0]));printf("Option > ");memset(scan_string, 0, sizeof(scan_string));if (fgets(scan_string, sizeof(scan_string), stdin) == NULL)continue;/* Convert the option to an integer, and switch on the option entered. */opt = atoi(scan_string);switch(opt){case 1: /* start data call*/{int profile;printf("\nPlease input profile index:\n"); memset(scan_string, 0, sizeof(scan_string));if (fgets(scan_string, sizeof(scan_string), stdin) == NULL)break;profile = atoi(scan_string);if(profile > 16 || profile == 6) //Profile = 1 for system. profile=6 for wifi{printf("please select other profile.\n");break;}start_dataCall(app_tech_auto, DSI_IP_VERSION_4, profile);}break;case 2: /*stop data call*/{int profile;printf("\nPlease input profile index:\n"); memset(scan_string, 0, sizeof(scan_string));if (fgets(scan_string, sizeof(scan_string), stdin) == NULL)break;profile = atoi(scan_string);if(profile <= 1 || profile > 16 || profile == 6) //Profile = 1 for system. profile=6 for wifi{printf("please select other profile.\n");break;}stop_dataCall(profile);}break;case 3:{/* get data call infomation*/int profile;int ret;datacall_info_type callinfo;printf("\nPlease input profile index:\n"); memset(scan_string, 0, sizeof(scan_string));if (fgets(scan_string, sizeof(scan_string), stdin) == NULL)break;profile = atoi(scan_string);ret = get_datacall_info_by_profile(profile,&callinfo);if(ret == 0){printf("DC: profile=%d\n", callinfo.profile); printf("DC: handle=%d\n", callinfo.handle);printf("DC: if_name=%s\n", callinfo.if_name);printf("DC: ip_str=%s\n", callinfo.ip_str);printf("DC: mask=%d\n", callinfo.mask);printf("DC: pri_dns_str=%s\n", callinfo.pri_dns_str);printf("DC: sec_dns_str=%s\n", callinfo.sec_dns_str);printf("DC: handle=%d\n", callinfo.status);}}break;case 4:break;default:break;}if(opt == 4){break;}}datacall_deinit();