xbmc_从iPhone或iPod Touch控制XBMC

2023-12-12 04:10
文章标签 控制 iphone touch ipod xbmc

本文主要是介绍xbmc_从iPhone或iPod Touch控制XBMC,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




There’s no need to navigate your media center like it’s the 20th century anymore. The future is now and you can zip through your media and control XBMC with the touchscreen of your iOS device.

无需再像20世纪那样浏览媒体中心。 未来就在眼前,您可以浏览媒体并使用iOS设备的触摸屏控制XBMC。

Today we’re taking a look at how you can ditch the ol’ pushbutton remote and start browsing and interacting with your media via your iPhone or iPod Touch. You’ll find no shortage of remotes for their big brother the iPad, but we’re focusing on the small members of the family because of their traditional remote size.

今天,我们正在研究如何放弃ol'按钮遥控器,并开始通过iPhone或iPod Touch浏览媒体并与媒体互动。 您的大哥哥iPad不会缺少遥控器,但是由于它们的传统遥控器尺寸很大,我们将重点放在家庭的小成员上。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


It’s a safe bet you already have everything you need for this guide. Just to play it safe however, you’ll need:

可以肯定的是,您已经掌握了本指南所需的一切。 为了安全起见,您需要:

  • An iOS device such as the iPhone or iPod Touch.

    iOS设备,例如iPhone或iPod Touch。
  • A media center running XBMC (it can be the original Xbox or a newer computer-based HTPC with XBMC on it).

  • A copy of XBMC Remote by Collect3 installed on your iOS device.

    在您的iOS设备上安装的Collect3 XBMC Remote的副本。

A Note on our selection: For our guide we’re using XBMC Remote by Collect3. It’s not free but it’s quite reasonably priced at $2.99. All of the free iOS remotes we tested were too flaky or too light on features. Many of the most expensive remotes in the $4.99 and up category didn’t offer twice the number of useful features as Collect3’s modestly priced app. That said, the following setup instructions will help you setup any XBMC remote you decide to go with if XBMC by Collect3 doesn’t fit your needs.

关于选择的注意事项:对于我们的指南,我们使用的是Collect3的XBMC Remote 。 它不是免费的,但价格相当合理,为2.99美元。 我们测试的所有免费iOS遥控器功能过于脆弱或过于轻巧。 在$ 4.99及以上价格类别中,许多最昂贵的遥控器所提供的有用功能的数量没有Collect3价格适中的应用程序的两倍。 也就是说,如果Collect3的XBMC不符合您的需求,则以下设置说明将帮助您设置要使用的任何XBMC遥控器。

配置XBMC接受外部输入 (Configuring XBMC to Accept External Input)


Nearly every remote for XBMC relies on the web server built into XBMC to function. In order to use XBMC Remote we’ll need to turn it on.

几乎每个XBMC远程控制器都依赖于XBMC内置的Web服务器来运行。 为了使用XBMC Remote,我们需要将其打开。

In this tutorial we’ll be using the Confluence skin, the default for XBMC 9.04 onward, to keep the visual elements clear and easy to understand. The steps should be the same regardless of the skin. Navigate to System –> Network –> Services and then check “Allow control of XBMC via HTTP” and “Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC”.

在本教程中,我们将使用Confluence皮肤(XBMC 9.04及更高版本的默认皮肤)来使视觉元素清晰易懂。 无论皮肤如何,步骤均应相同。 导航至系统–>网络–>服务 ,然后选中“允许通过HTTP控制XBMC”和“允许其他系统上的程序控制XBMC”。


From that same interface you can set the port number, a username, and a password. Since we’re just using it within our home network we left it at 8080 and made the login and password xbmc/xbmc.

在同一界面中,您可以设置端口号,用户名和密码。 由于我们只是在家庭网络中使用它,因此我们将其保留在8080,并设置了登录名和密码xbmc / xbmc。

Next, return to the main menu in XBMC and navigate to the Info menu. Check the summary page to see the IP address of your XBMC. If you haven’t assigned a static IP to your XBMC via your router, now would be an ideal time to do so. If you leave the IP dynamic you’ll have to check it and update the remote every time you want to use it.

接下来,返回XBMC中的主菜单,然后导航到“ 信息”菜单。 检查摘要页面以查看XBMC的IP地址。 如果您尚未通过路由器为XBMC分配静态IP,那么现在是理想的时机。 如果您不使用动态IP,则每次使用它时都必须对其进行检查并更新遥控器。

Once you’ve updated the settings in XBMC and noted the IP address it’s time to configure the remote.


配置XBMC远程 (Configuring the XBMC Remote)

Configuring XBMC Remote is a breeze. Fire it up on your iOS device and click Settings. It will prompt you to do so the first time you run it and it discovers you have no XBMC units set up. At this point it will attempt to automatically find XBMC units on your network. We’re going to assume it fails for you (as it did for us) and skip right to entering the information manually. Click on Manually add a host and dismiss the error message if you get it again.

轻松配置XBMC Remote。 在您的iOS设备上启动它,然后点击设置 。 它将在第一次运行时提示您这样做,并且发现没有设置XBMC单元。 此时,它将尝试自动在网络上查找XBMC单元。 我们将假设它对您来说失败(对我们而言也是失败的),并跳过手动输入信息的权利。 单击“ 手动添加主机” ,然后再次删除错误消息。


Click Done and then on the main settings screen click the new entry for XBMC. All the media available to the XBMC including music, movies, television shows, podcasts, photos, and more, should all be visible to the remote. Since we predominately use our media center for TV shows we’re going to hop right in and take a peek to make sure everything is OK.

单击“完成” ,然后在主设置屏幕上,单击XBMC的新条目。 XBMC可用的所有媒体,包括音乐,电影,电视节目,播客,照片等等,都应该对遥控器可见。 由于我们主要使用媒体中心进行电视节目播放,因此我们将直接跳入并进行窥视以确保一切正常。


All our shows are neatly organized by season with episode summaries and a quick check in on the world of 30 Rock shows that Tracy Jordan is still, well, Tracy Jordan.

我们所有的节目都按季节整齐地整理,并附有剧集摘要,并快速查看30个摇滚世界,这些节目表明Tracy Jordan仍然是Tracy Jordan。

If you haven’t watched the demo video at the top of this section now is the time to do so. XBMC Remote offers so much more than simple remote navigation of your media sources. With XBMC Remote you can use your phone as a keyboard, use the interface as a remote touch screen to control your media center as if you were using a mouse, use the onscreen remote, search for artists and media, and more.

如果您尚未观看本节顶部的演示视频,那么现在该这样做了。 XBMC Remote提供的不仅仅是媒体资源的简单远程导航。 使用XBMC Remote,您可以将手机用作键盘,将接口用作远程触摸屏,就像使用鼠标一样控制媒体中心,使用屏幕遥控器,搜索艺术家和媒体,等等。

One of the handiest (but easiest to over look) features in XBMC is one-click access to items normally buried in sub-menus. If you want to toggle the subtitles on, change the resolution, zoom in or out, or a dozen other obscure but useful tricks, all you have to do is click the Action button while watching your media and click the appropriate button for the task. No more digging around in the sub-menus of XBMC and interrupting your viewing in the process.

XBMC中最方便(但最容易查看)的功能之一是一键式访问通常隐藏在子菜单中的项目。 如果要打开字幕,更改分辨率,放大或缩小,或者其他许多晦涩但有用的技巧,那么您要做的就是在观看媒体的同时单击“ 操作”按钮,然后为该任务单击相应的按钮。 不再需要在XBMC子菜单中四处挖掘并在此过程中中断您的查看。

Have a favorite remote or other XBMC-related tip to share? Let’s hear about it in the comments.

有喜欢的遥控器或其他与XBMC相关的技巧可以分享吗? 让我们在评论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40951/control-xbmc-from-your-iphone-or-ipod-touch/


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