Import - Export Excel XLSX Files in JavaScript SpreadJS

2023-12-10 18:30

本文主要是介绍Import - Export Excel XLSX Files in JavaScript SpreadJS,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Import - Export Excel XLSX Files in JavaScript SpreadJS

December 5, 2023

Use SpreadJS by MESCIUS to add complete JavaScript Spreadsheets to your Enterprise Apps.

SpreadJS is a complete enterprise JavaScript spreadsheet solution used to create financial reports and dashboards, budgeting and forecasting models, scientific, engineering, healthcare, education, science lab notebooks, and other similar JavaScript business applications. Spreadsheets are a primary medium for displaying and sharing vital company data and it is crucial that this data can be easily viewed and updated in your JavaScript applications.

In this blog post, MESCIUS Product Manager Kevin Ashley shows you how to leverage the power of SpreadJS to import and export Excel spreadsheets into your enterprise web applications. Steps include:

  • Setting up the JavaScript Spreadsheet Project
  • Adding Excel Import Code
  • Adding Data to the Imported Excel File
  • Adding a Sparkline
  • Adding Excel Export Code

View the complete blog and start working directly with Excel files in your JavaScript applications.

SpreadJS is a complete enterprise JavaScript spreadsheet solution used to create financial reports and dashboards, budgeting and forecasting models, scientific, engineering, healthcare, education, science lab notebooks, and other similar JavaScript business applications. Leverage the high-speed calculation engine with over 500 Excel built-in functions in 19 languages, to deliver true Excel-like spreadsheet experiences with zero dependencies on Excel. Fully customize your application’s needs with SpreadJS’s optional deployment add-on components for Pivot Tables UI, and an Excel-like Designer ribbon, allowing your users to perform complex interactive analysis and data visualization. Full support for React, Vue, Angular, and TypeScript.


SpreadJS's TableSheet and DataManagerTableSheet is a fast, data-bound table view with grid-like behavior, a spreadsheet user interface and calculation engine which uses the Data Manager to pull data from the server, interact with it and then creates a view of the fetched data to bind to a tablesheet.

SpreadJS's TableSheet and DataManagerTableSheet is a fast, data-bound table view with grid-like behavior, a spreadsheet user interface and calculation engine which uses the Data Manager to pull data from the server, interact with it and then creates a view of the fetched data to bind to a tablesheet.

SpreadJS Designer ComponentSpreadJS offers a Designer Component as an optional deployment add-on. This component provides developers the ability to embed an Excel-like ribbon bar and UI functionality into their web applications for their users to customize the spreadsheet.

Create Kanban ChartsEasily create an interactive Kanban chart for your JavaScript application using SpreadJS's PivotTables, slicers, dynamic arrays, and different functions and formulas.

Pivot TablesSpreadJS includes support for Pivot Tables as an optional deployment add-on. PivotTables are a powerful data analysis tool used to group, calculate, summarize, and present large amounts of data.

Advanced Interactive DashboardsEasily create dashboards that quickly provide a snapshot of your business data.

SpreadJS Features

  • The Industry Leader in Spreadsheets - 25+ years of experience creating award-winning spreadsheets for professional developers
  • Deliver True Excel-like Spreadsheet Experiences, Fast - Import, modify and export your most complex Excel .xlsx spreadsheets. SpreadJS offers a complete Excel-like experience, including tables, charts, shapes, sparklines, conditional formatting, filtering, and an extensive library with no Excel dependencies to create the most advanced data visualizations...

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