① 用2个数码管显示实时里程数;
② 用2个数码管显示等待时间;
③ 用4个数码管显示价格费用。
(1)设计输入:运用VHDL硬件描述语言根据题目所要求实现的功能和自己设计的拓展部分进行电路设计(开发软件:Quartus Ⅱ 9.0);
p1:process(rst, clk) -- 1s 分频begin if rst = '0' then if clk'event and clk = '1' then if count_1 = 99 then count_1 <= 0;clk1hz <= '1'; else count_1 <= count_1 + 1;clk1hz <= '0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; p2:process(rst, clk) -- 4.5s 分频begin if rst = '0' then if clk'event and clk = '1' then if count_2 = 449 then count_2 <= 0;clklhz_1 <= '1'; else count_2 <= count_2 + 1;clklhz_1 <= '0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; p3:process(rst, clk) -- 6s 分频begin if rst = '0' then if clk'event and clk = '1' then if count = 599 then count <= 0;clklhz_2 <= '1'; else count <= count + 1;clklhz_2 <= '0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; p4:process(rst, clk) -- 9s 分频begin if rst = '0' then if clk'event and clk = '1' then if count_3 = 899 then count_3 <= 0;clklhz_3 <= '1'; else count_3 <= count_3 + 1;clklhz_3 <= '0'; end if;end if; end if; end process;
p9:process(clk2)beginif clk2'event and clk2 = '1' thencase show iswhen "000" =>show <= "001";pianxuan <= "11111110";bt <= c0;flag <= 0;when "001" =>show <= "010";pianxuan <= "11111101";bt <= c1;flag <= 1;when "010" =>show <= "011";pianxuan <= "11111011";bt <= c2;flag <= 0;when "011" =>show <= "100";pianxuan <= "11110111";bt <= c3;flag <= 0;when "100" =>show <= "101";pianxuan <= "11101111";bt <= k0;flag <= 0;when "101" =>show <= "110";pianxuan <= "11011111";bt <= k1;flag <= 1;when "110" =>show <= "111";pianxuan <= "10111111";bt <= m0;flag <= 0;when "111" =>show <= "000";pianxuan <= "01111111";bt <= m1;flag <= 0;end case;end if;end process;p10:process(bt, flag)beginif flag = 1 thencase bt iswhen "0000" => duanxuan <= "11111110"; --0when "0001" => duanxuan <= "10110000";when "0010" => duanxuan <= "11101101";when "0011" => duanxuan <= "11111001";when "0100" => duanxuan <= "10110011";when "0101" => duanxuan <= "11011011";when "0110" => duanxuan <= "11011111";when "0111" => duanxuan <= "11110000";when "1000" => duanxuan <= "11111111";when "1001" => duanxuan <= "11111011"; --9when others => NULL;end case;elsif flag = 0 thencase bt iswhen "0000" => duanxuan <= "01111110"; --0when "0001" => duanxuan <= "00110000";when "0010" => duanxuan <= "01101101";when "0011" => duanxuan <= "01111001";when "0100" => duanxuan <= "00110011";when "0101" => duanxuan <= "01011011";when "0110" => duanxuan <= "01011111";when "0111" => duanxuan <= "01110000";when "1000" => duanxuan <= "01111111";when "1001" => duanxuan <= "01111011"; --9when others => NULL;end case; end if;end process;
p7:process(rst, start, mile_clk) --里程计数begin if rst = '1' then k0 <= "0000"; k1 <= "0000"; mode <= '0';elsif clklhz_3'event and clklhz_3 = '1' thenif wait_signal = '0' and start = '1' then if k1 & k0="00110000" then --超过3kmmode <= '1'; end if; if k0 = "1001" then k0 <= "0000"; if k1 = "1001" then k1 <= "0000"; else k1 <= k1 + '1'; end if; else k0 <= k0 + '1'; end if; end if;end if; end process;
p5:process(rst, clk1hz, start, wait_signal) --等待时间计数begin if rst = '1' then --乘客离开m0 <= "0000";m1 <= "0000"; elsif start = '0' then --没开车wait_clk <= '0'; elsif clklhz_2'event and clklhz_2 = '1' then if wait_signal = '1' then --停车if sec = 9 thensec <= 0;if m0 = "1001" then m0 <= "0000"; if m1 = "0101" thenm1 <= "0000"; else m1 <= m1 + '1'; end if; else m0 <= m0 + '1'; end if;else wait_clk <= '0'; sec <= sec + 1;if m0 = "1001" then m0 <= "0000"; if m1 = "0101" thenm1 <= "0000"; else m1 <= m1 + '1'; end if; else m0 <= m0 + '1'; end if; end if; else wait_clk <= '0'; end if; end if; end process;
p6:process(rst, clklhz_1, clklhz_2) --检测mile上升沿beginif wait_clk = '1' or rst = '1' thenmile_clk <= '0';elsif rst = '0' and wait_clk = '0' thenmile_clk <= clklhz_1;end if; end process; cost_clk <= clklhz_2 when wait_signal = '1' else mile_clk when mode = '1' else '0'; p8:process(rst, start, cost_clk) --计费begin if rst = '1' then --计价结束c0 <= "0000";c1 <= "0000"; c2 <= "0000";c3 <= "0000"; elsif start = '1' and mode = '0' then --还在起步范围c0 <= "0000";c1 <= "1000"; --8.0元c2 <= "0000"; c3 <= "0000"; elsif cost_clk'event and cost_clk = '1' then --50m每个上升沿/中途停车等待if mode = '1' and start = '1' then if c0 = "1001" then c0 <= "0000"; if c1 = "1001" then c1 <= "0000"; if c2 = "1001" then c2 <= "0000";if c3 = "1001" thenc3 <= "0000";elsec3 <= c3 + '1';end if;else c2 <= c2 + '1'; end if; else c1 <= c1 + '1'; end if; else c0 <= c0 + '1'; end if; end if;end if; end process;
xiaodou:process(clk, start_in, wait_signal_in, rst_in)beginif clk'event and clk = '1' thenif count < 1 thencount <= count + 1;elsecount <= 0;if start_in = '1' thenstart <= '1';elsif wait_signal_in = '1' thenwait_signal <= '1';elsif rst_in = '1' thenrst <= '1';end if;end if;end if;end process;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity taxi is
port(clk:in std_logic; --时钟信号start:inout std_logic;wait_signal:inout std_logic;rst:inout std_logic;numViewOutputSg:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);numViewOutputBt:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);clk2: in std_logic --高频时钟);
end; architecture bhv of taxi is signal mile_clk,clk1hz,clklhz_1,clklhz_2,clklhz_3:std_logic; --clklhz:分频后的时钟信号signal count:integer range 0 to 599;signal count_1:integer range 0 to 99; signal count_2:integer range 0 to 449;signal count_3:integer range 0 to 899;signal sec:integer range 0 to 59 :=0; --秒数signal c0,c1,c2,c3:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --费用(从低到高)signal k0,k1,m0,m1:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --k指公里 m指时间signal en0:std_logic :='0'; signal wait_clk,cost_clk:std_logic; signal temp:std_logic;signal show:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="000";signal bt:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);signal flag:integer range 0 to 1;--signal rst:std_logic; --判断是否停车--signal start:std_logic; --使能信号--signal wait_signal:std_logic; --停车信号
-- begin
-- if clk'event and clk='1' then
-- if count<1 then
-- count<=count+1;
-- else
-- count<=0;
-- if start_in='1' then
-- start<='1';
-- elsif wait_signal_in='1' then
-- wait_signal<='1';
-- elsif rst_in='1' then
-- rst<='1';
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;U1:process(rst,clk) -- 1s 分频begin if rst='0' then if clk'event and clk='1' then if count_1=99 then count_1<=0;clk1hz<='1'; else count_1<=count_1+1;clk1hz<='0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; U0:process(rst,clk) -- 4.5s 分频begin if rst='0' then if clk'event and clk='1' then if count_2=449 then count_2<=0;clklhz_1<='1'; else count_2<=count_2+1;clklhz_1<='0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; U6:process(rst,clk) -- 6sbegin if rst='0' then if clk'event and clk='1' then if count=599 then count<=0;clklhz_2<='1'; else count<=count+1;clklhz_2<='0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; U9:process(rst,clk) -- 9sbegin if rst='0' then if clk'event and clk='1' then if count_3=899 then count_3<=0;clklhz_3<='1'; else count_3<=count_3+1;clklhz_3<='0'; end if;end if; end if; end process; U2:process(rst,clk1hz,start,wait_signal) --等待时间计数begin if rst='1' then --乘客离开m0<="0000";m1<="0000"; elsif start='0' then --没开车wait_clk<='0'; elsif clk1hz'event and clk1hz='1' then if wait_signal='1' then --停车if sec=59 thensec<=0;elsif ((sec+1) mod 6)=0 thensec<=sec+1; if m0="1001" then m0<="0000"; if m1="0101" thenm1<="0000"; else m1<=m1+'1'; end if; else m0<=m0+'1'; end if;else wait_clk<='0'; sec<=sec+1;if m0="1001" then m0<="0000"; if m1="0101" thenm1<="0000"; else m1<=m1+'1'; end if; else m0<=m0+'1'; end if; end if; else wait_clk<='0'; end if; end if; end process; U3:process( rst,clklhz_1,clklhz_2) --检测mile上升沿beginif wait_clk='1' or rst='1' thenmile_clk<='0';elsif rst='0' and wait_clk='0' thenmile_clk<=clklhz_1;end if; end process; cost_clk<=clklhz_2 when wait_signal='1' else mile_clk when en0='1' else '0'; U4:process(rst,start,mile_clk) --里程计数begin if rst='1' then k0<="0000"; k1<="0000"; en0<='0';elsif clklhz_3'event and clklhz_3='1' thenif wait_signal='0' and start='1' then if k1 & k0="00000011" then --超过3kmen0<='1'; end if; if k0="1001" then k0<="0000"; if k1="1001" then k1<="0000"; else k1<=k1+'1'; end if; else k0<=k0+'1'; end if; end if;end if; end process; U5:process( rst,start,cost_clk) --计费begin if rst='1' then --计价结束c0<="0000";c1<="0000"; c2<="0000";c3<="0000"; elsif start='1' and en0='0' then --还在起步范围c0<="0000";c1<="1000"; --8.0元c2<="0000"; c3<="0000"; elsif cost_clk'event and cost_clk='1' then --50m每个上升沿/中途停车等待if en0='1' and start='1' then if c0="1001" then c0<="0000"; if c1="1001" then c1<="0000"; if c2="1001" then c2<="0000";if c3="1001" thenc3<="0000";elsec3<=c3+'1';end if;else c2<=c2+'1'; end if; else c1<=c1+'1'; end if; else c0<=c0+'1'; end if; end if;end if; end process;p4:process(clk2)beginif clk2'event and clk2='1' thencase show iswhen "000" =>show <= "001";numViewOutputSg <= "11111110";bt <= c0;flag <= 0;when "001" =>show <= "010";numViewOutputSg <= "11111101";bt <= c1;flag <= 1;when "010" =>show <= "011";numViewOutputSg <= "11111011";bt <= c2;flag <= 0;when "011" =>show <= "100";numViewOutputSg <= "11110111";bt <= c3;flag <= 0;when "100" =>show <= "101";numViewOutputSg <= "11101111";bt <= k0;flag <= 0;when "101" =>show <= "110";numViewOutputSg <= "11011111";bt <= k1;flag <= 1;when "110" =>show <= "111";numViewOutputSg <= "10111111";bt <= m0;flag <= 0;when "111" =>show <= "000";numViewOutputSg <= "01111111";bt <= m1;flag <= 0;end case;end if;end process p4;p5:process(bt, flag)beginif flag = 1 thencase bt iswhen "0000" => numViewOutputBt <= "11111110";--0when "0001" => numViewOutputBt <= "10110000";when "0010" => numViewOutputBt <= "11101101";when "0011" => numViewOutputBt <= "11111001";when "0100" => numViewOutputBt <= "10110011";when "0101" => numViewOutputBt <= "11011011";when "0110" => numViewOutputBt <= "11011111";when "0111" => numViewOutputBt <= "11110000";when "1000" => numViewOutputBt <= "11111111";when "1001" => numViewOutputBt <= "11111011";--9when others => NULL;end case;elsif flag = 0 thencase bt iswhen "0000" => numViewOutputBt <= "01111110";--0when "0001" => numViewOutputBt <= "00110000";when "0010" => numViewOutputBt <= "01101101";when "0011" => numViewOutputBt <= "01111001";when "0100" => numViewOutputBt <= "00110011";when "0101" => numViewOutputBt <= "01011011";when "0110" => numViewOutputBt <= "01011111";when "0111" => numViewOutputBt <= "01110000";when "1000" => numViewOutputBt <= "01111111";when "1001" => numViewOutputBt <= "01111011";--9when others => NULL;end case;end if;end process p5;
3、本题中需要实现对价格费用、里程和等待时间的显示,而在VHDL硬件描述语言的编程设计过程中,在Pin Planner(引脚规划器)的设置中各个数字都出现了4个引脚选择,而EDA实验板上只有8个数码管而不够使用;
4、 实验过程中设置引脚后发现没有解决小数点的问题,在应该精确到0.1的地方没有显示小数点;
DataB <= Din when CE = '1' and Rd = '0' else
Others => 'Z';
Dout <= DataB when CE = '1' and Rd = '1' else
Others => '1';
通过查阅相关书籍及在CSDN等平台上查找相关的资料,了解到教材上仅仅只提到了端口的双向模式允许信号双向传输(即既可以进入实体,也可以离开实体),可代替IN、OUT和BUFFER。但在实际编程时还必须要注意的细节是,当双向端口DataB作为输出且空闲时,必须将其设为高阻态挂起,即在上述程序的部分代码中需要有“Others => 'Z'”这一条语句,否则实现后会导致端口死锁;而当双向端口DataB作为有效输入时,DataB输出必须处于高阻态,即在上述程序的部分代码中需要有“CE = '1' and Rd = '1'”这一条语句,否则同样也会出现问题。
2、通过对实验电路板的结构分析以及在其他相关课程(如计算机组成原理)的学习中,了解到本次实验中使用的实验电路板的按键为机械式开关结构,由于机械式开关的核心部件为弹性金属簧片,因而在开关切换的瞬间会在接触点出现来回弹跳的现象,因此虽然看上去只是进行了一次按键,结果却可能是在按键的信号稳定的前后出现了多个不规则的脉冲,如果将这样的脉冲信号直接送给微处理器进行扫描采集的话,将可能把按键稳定前后出现的脉冲信号当作按键信号,这就会导致人为的一次按键但是微处理器以为是执行多次按键的现象。因此为了确保按键识别的准确性,应当使得在按键信号产生抖动的情况之下禁止进入状态输入,为此就必须对按键进行消抖处理,消除出现抖动时的不稳定的、随机的电压信号。测试过程中发现机械式按键的抖动次数、抖动时间、抖动波形都是随机的,而不同类型的按键其最长抖动时间也有差别,进一步查阅相关资料可知抖动时间的长短和按键的机械特性有关,一般为5-10ms,但是有些按键的抖动时间可达到20 ms,甚至更长。所以在具体设计过程中要具体分析,根据实际情况来调整设计。
通过本次数字系统设计实验设计,首先我学到了很多关于数字逻辑和数字系统的知识,基本理解了一些系统的设计理念以及设计方案的制定和流程。同时通过对VHDL硬件描述语言的学习,我深刻的感受到了软硬件相结合的强大,基于软件设计硬件的方法十分高效,同时代码相对于电路更具备可读性,能更好的理解系统设计原理和方法。本次我选择的出租车计价器设计难度中等偏上,在我完成实验设计的过程中遇到了很多问题,比如对VHDL硬件描述语言的基本语法掌握得不够熟练,亦或者是对数字逻辑的相关知识和一些基础的实验元件的认识不足,因此设计过程举步维艰,对信号量的设计也有很多的不合理之处,比如输出信号量cost、kilogram和minute,最早设计的时候采取的方案是单独设置输出信号量out static_logic_vector(3 downto 0),输出对应的二进制数,但没有考虑到数码管的译码部分,从而导致无法正确选择合适的引脚进行数码显示。之后我意识到这个问题后决定将其包装一下,对四位BCD码进行译码后,再送入后续改进设计的段选模块和片选模块进行输出,从而解决了这一问题。在完成实验之后我也尝试思考一些实验过程中的问题,尝试去改进一些方法策略,后来发现了按键抖动的问题之后设计了消除抖动的模块,为了进行更好的演示将等待时间计时的分钟显示改为秒钟显示……通过不断的思考,我也渐渐掌握了一定的设计能力,培养了创新思想。但仅仅是对VHDL硬件描述语言的掌握是远远不够完成实验的,管脚的连接、实验板的操作或是软件的安装使用都出现过问题,而只是学习书本上的知识也是不够的,书本上的知识往往偏向理论,实际实验涉及到的范围往往更广,因此也应该要不断学习,自觉拓展知识面,开拓视野,一步一步的完成每一件学习任务,这样才能更好的掌握EDA这门课程。