
2023-12-09 00:18
文章标签 属性 动画 calayer


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表一 CALayer中可以进行动画的属性列表以及它们的默认动画
PropertyDefault animation
anchorPointUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
backgroundColorUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
backgroundFiltersUses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
borderColorUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
borderWidthUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
boundsUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
compositingFilterUses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
contentsUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
contentsRectUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
cornerRadiusUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
doubleSidedThere is no default implied animation.
filtersUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2. Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
frameThis property is not animatable. You can achieve the same results by animating the bounds and position properties.
hiddenUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
maskUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
masksToBoundsUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
opacityUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
positionUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
shadowColorUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
shadowOffsetUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
shadowOpacityUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
shadowPathUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
shadowRadiusUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
sublayersUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
sublayerTransformUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
transformUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
zPositionUses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2.
表二: transform属性内的KeyPath
Field Key PathDescription
rotation.xSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the x axis.
rotation.ySet to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the y axis.
rotation.zSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis.
rotationSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis. This field is identical to setting the rotation.z field.
scale.xSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the x axis.
scale.ySet to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the y axis.
scale.zSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the z axis.
scaleSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the average of all three scale factors.
translation.xSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the x axis.
translation.ySet to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the y axis.
translation.zSet to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the z axis.
translationSet to an NSValue object containing an NSSize or CGSize data type. That data type indicates the amount to translate in the x and y axis.




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