【blood group -list -w】

2023-12-03 18:15
文章标签 list group blood

本文主要是介绍【blood group -list -w】,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

ISBT No.System nameSystem symbolStructure / functionChromosomeAntigensNotes
1ABOABOCarbohydrate (N-Acetylgalactosaminegalactose).9q34.2A, B, HMainly elicit IgM antibody reactions, although anti-H is very rare, see the Hh antigen system (Bombay phenotype, ISBT #18).
2MNSMNSGPA / GPB (glycophorins A and B).4q31.21M, N, S, s 
3P1PKPGlycolipid22q13.2P1, P, and Pk 
4RhesusRHProtein and glucose.1p36.11C, c, D, E, eThere is no "d" antigen; lowercase "d" indicates the absence of D.
5LutheranLUProtein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily).19q13.3221 antigens 
6KellKELGlycoprotein.7q34K, k, Kpa, Kpb, Jsa and Jsb 
7LewisLECarbohydrate (fucose residue).19p13.3Mainly Lea and LebAssociated with tissue ABH antigen secretion.
8DuffyFYProtein (chemokine receptor).1q23.2Mainly Fya and FybIndividuals lacking Duffy antigens altogether are immune to malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi.
9KiddJKProtein (urea transporter).18q12.3Jka and Jkb 
10DiegoDIGlycoprotein (band 3, AE 1, or anion exchange).17q21.31 Positive blood is found only among East Asians and Native Americans.
11YtYTProtein (AChE, acetylcholinesterase).7q22.1  
14DombrockDOGlycoprotein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI, or glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol).12p12.3  
15ColtonCOAquaporin 1.7p14.3Mainly Co(a) and Co(b) 
16Landsteiner-WienerLWProtein (member of the immunoglobulin superfamily).19p13.2  
17Chido/RodgersCHC4A C4B (complement fractions).6p21.3  
18HhHCarbohydrate (fucose residue).19q13.33  
20GerbichGEGPC / GPD (Glycophorins C and D).2q14.3  
21CromerCROMGlycoprotein (DAF or CD55, regulates complement fractions C3 and C5, attached to the membrane by GPI).1q32.2  
22KnopsKNGlycoprotein (CR1 or CD35, immune complex receptor).1q32.2  
23IndianINGlycoprotein (CD44 adhesion function?).11p13  
24OkOKGlycoprotein (CD147).19p13.3  
25RaphRAPHTransmembrane glycoprotein.11p15.5  
26JMHJMHProtein (fixed to cell membrane by GPI). Also known as Semaphorin 7A or CD108.15q24.1  
27IiIBranched (I) / unbranched (i) polysaccharide.6p24.2  
28GlobosideGLOBGlycolipid. Antigen P.3q26.1  
29GILGILAquaporin 3.[citation needed]9p13.3  
30Rh-associated glycoproteinRHAgRh-associated glycoprotein.[citation needed]6p21-qter  
31ForssmanFORSGloboside alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GBGT1).[citation needed]9q34.13  
32LangereisLANABCB6, human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, mitochondrial porphyrin transporter.2q36  
33JuniorJRABCG2. Multi-drug transporter protein.[citation needed]4q22  
34VelVelHuman red cell antigens.[citation needed]1p36.32  
36AugustineAUGProtein (transporter).6p21.1  
38SIDSID 17q21.32  
39CTL2CTL2 19p13.2  
40PELPEL 13q32.1  
41MAMMAM 19q13.33  
42EMMEMM 4p16.3  
43ABCC1ABCC1 16p13.11  
44ErErProtein Era, Erb, Er3, Er4, and Er5Illustrates potential antigenicity of low abundance membrane proteins and contributes to understanding of in vivo characteristics of the Piezo1 protein in transfusion biology

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