
2023-11-30 03:59


You’re making this too hard on yourselves, people. The stress, sleepless nights, and heads banging on keyboards need to stop! UX case studies shouldn’t be the thing that puts gray hairs on your head — let one of my three little boys do that for you.

人民,这让你自己变得太难了。 压力,不眠之夜和键盘敲打声需要停止! UX案例研究不应该使您的头发灰白–让我的三个小男孩之一为您做到这一点。

I want to share with you a simple formula — a 3-step approach to giving a UX case study structure, form, and flow. Follow this, inject some of your glorious personality into it, sprinkle in your gorgeous deliverables, and you’ll be well on your way to writing killer UX case studies. It might even save you a gray hair or two.

我想与您分享一个简单的公式-一种3步方法来提供UX案例研究的结构,形式和流程。 遵循此步骤,在其中注入一些光荣的个性,散布华丽的可交付成果,这样您就可以很好地编写杀手级UX案例研究。 它甚至可以为您节省一两头白发。

It’s as simple as this:


  • Step 1: Say what you’re going to say.

  • Step 2: Say it.

  • Step 3: Say what you said.


The great author Dale Carnegie knew what he was talking about and it just so happens to apply perfectly to a UX case study.

伟大的作家戴尔·卡内基(Dale Carnegie)知道他在说什么,正好恰好适用于UX案例研究。

“Tell the audience what you’re going to say, say it; then tell them what you’ve said.” — Dale Carnegie

“告诉观众您要说的,说出来; 然后告诉他们你说的话。” - 戴尔卡耐基

步骤1:说出您要说的话。 (Step 1: Say what you’re going to say.)

So what exactly do I mean by this?


This is where you introduce the reader to the case study. You’re priming and preparing them for what they’re about to read. Here, you’re giving them a taste of what they’re going to dig into. In essence, you’re, “Saying what you’re going to say.”

在这里您可以向读者介绍案例研究。 您正在为它们准备阅读并准备它们。 在这里,您让他们领略了他们将要研究的内容。 本质上,您是在说“您要说的话”。

This section is short, but, it gives you a chance to paint a roadmap of where you’re taking the reader and what role you played in the upcoming process. Get to the point quickly. This is where you hook them, grab their attention, and make them care to read on.

本节很短,但是,它使您有机会绘制路线图,以了解读者的位置以及在接下来的过程中您扮演的角色。 快速到达重点。 在这里,您可以吸引他们,吸引他们的注意力,并让他们继续阅读。

Convince them that together, if they’ll stick it out with you, you’re going to show them how you tackled this problem.


That’s it — don’t linger here — Move on to step 2.


步骤2:说出来。 (Step 2: Say it.)



Now, you have to hold true to what you promised in step 1. You need to get to the point and get on with the nitty-gritty of the case study. This is where you, in essence, “Say it.”

现在,您必须坚持在步骤1中所做的承诺。您需要直截了当并继续进行案例研究的精髓。 本质上,这就是您“说出来”的地方。

So what exactly do you say?


This is where you talk about all the magic that happened throughout the project. This is the story, the guts, and the narrative flow of the work. Great stories have simple parts: A beginning, a climax, and an end.

在这里,您可以讨论整个项目中发生的所有魔术。 这就是作品的故事,胆量和叙事流程。 精彩的故事包含简单的部分:开始,高潮和结束。

In here, we’re talkin’ deliverables, the challenges and obstacles you faced by yourself or with your team, and we’re getting a clear look into your UX process. You’re taking the reader on a human-centered design journey.

在这里,我们在谈论可交付成果,您自己或团队所面临的挑战和障碍,并且我们正在对您的UX流程进行清晰的了解。 您正在将读者带入以人为本的设计历程。

I can’t tell you how many fancy images to include, nor can I prescribe how much copy will be enough or too much. What I can say is that the power is within you to get it written and see if it feels right.

我无法告诉您要包​​含多少张精美图片,也无法规定多少副本足够或太多。 我能说的是,您有力量将它编写出来,看看它是否感觉正确。

Read it back to yourself multiple times. Record yourself reading it aloud. Memorize it. I promise you, if you don’t, your tongue will fumble and flop when you try to regurgitate back in an interview or presentation.

多次读回自己。 记录自己大声阅读。 记住。 我向您保证,如果您不这样做,当您试图在面试或演讲中反省时,您的舌头会变得虚弱无力。

If you shut your laptop, can you tell the story of your case study? That’s the real question.

如果您关闭笔记本电脑,能否讲述您的案例研究的故事? 那才是真正的问题。

When you can move on to step 3.


步骤3:说出您的意思。 (Step 3: Say what you said.)

Okay, time to wrap things up. This is where you bring everything together for a strong finish. It’s your section for reflection and retrospection. Summarize what it is that you told them. In essence, you’re going to, “Say what you said.” But, don’t use the same verbiage as in step 2.

好了,是时候整理一下了。 在这里,您可以将所有内容组合在一起,以获得出色的效果。 这是您进行反思和回顾的部分。 总结一下你告诉他们的是什么。 本质上,您将要说“说什么”。 但是,请不要使用与步骤2中相同的修饰语。

How is that possible? Talk about the insights that came as a result of the work. Talk about how you learned and what you learned. Talk outcomes and challenges you or the team faced and conquered.

那怎么可能? 谈论工作带来的见解。 谈论您如何学习学到了 什么 。 谈论您或团队面临和克服的结果和挑战。

Unless it absolutely was the case, don’t give the impression that everything went off so beautifully and without a hitch. I’m pretty sure that likely wasn’t the case. Failures and disappointments are okay to include and in fact, they are the secret sauce to the continuous improvement of a product over time. Your ability to write about them shows integrity of character and honesty.

除非绝对是这样,否则不要给人以为一切进行得如此美丽而顺利的印象。 我非常确定情况并非如此。 可以包括失败和失望,实际上,它们是随着时间的推移不断改进产品的秘诀。 您撰写这些文章的能力显示出品格和诚实。

As a final takeaway for the reader, consider their needs here as you close. What would be a memorable nugget for them to know about you and how you work? How might you rephrase the problem & solution here, one last time before they go?

作为读者的最后总结,在关闭时请考虑他们的需求。 对于他们来说,关于您以及您的工作方式,有什么值得纪念的地方? 您如何在这里最后一次提出问题和解决方案?

In no way do I want to imply that writing a case study is easy — I’ve struggled just as much as anyone. That’s not the point of this article. Nor will this produce a perfect case study each time — the words have to come from your head and from your heart.

我绝不想暗示编写案例研究很容易-我和任何人一样努力。 这不是本文的重点。 这也不会每次都产生完美的案例研究-言语必须来自您的头脑和内心。

The purpose of this format is to serve as a guide in helping you structure your thoughts and get them out on digital paper.


The two biggest hurdles for many to overcome in their writing are considering the reader’s needs and having the wherewithal to tell a good story. I’d invite you to try this 3-step method the next time you sit down to write a case study and let me know if it helps.

许多人在写作中要克服的两个最大障碍是考虑读者的需求,并有足够的钱来讲述一个好故事。 下次您坐下编写案例研究时,请您尝试使用此三步法,并告诉我是否有帮助。

Say what you’re going to say. Say it. Say what you said.

说出您要说的话。 说吧 说你说什么。

Don’t be too hard on yourself.


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/stop-overcomplicating-ux-case-studies-b7bacdded958



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