发个 TSM 招聘的JD, ----- 主要是为了学习 English

2023-11-29 12:58

本文主要是介绍发个 TSM 招聘的JD, ----- 主要是为了学习 English,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

今天 发个 job description:

Job Description:

Storage and Backup Administrator with Linux and virtualization background.

The work consists of performing primarily routine and standardized sets of tasks.
It may invovle a series of repeatable tasks and steps that are followed when addressing service
needs or situations for a particular account.
Running restorations and on demand backups, as well as troubleshooting backup issues is part of daily work.
An amount if project work is required, collaboration on systems built(99% of the time virtual machine) and storage /backup step.

Technical requirements:

Strong Linux administration skills: RHCE or equivant knowledge and at least 5 years experience in Lunix production environment in Lunix production environments: Volume manager, comment on services configuration and setup, network and application troubleshooting.
Ability to quickly identify issue root cause checking log files (This will be tested in interview).

Confident with VMWare administration tasks: vStorage and network troubleshooting skills, familiar with VMware tools at ESX command line level, hot/cold migration, disk/ mechine clonning, VDR, Codinate should be able to manage the storage from physical to virtual without hesitation.

Power shell scripting is a plus.

Familiar with IBM Storage Management products:

1: Support problem and change tickets for storage system support work involveing problem determination and implementation
of Changes to storage devices, data backups, software, applications or network systems.

2: Sizing IBM storage system, virtulization and consolidation for storage system, IBM storage solutions, disks taps and
SAN, IBM TSM and TPC hands on experience.

3: Full confidence on storage reorganization, manage LUNs and volumes in both Lunix and AIX Operation System.

4: Advanced backup troubleshooting.

5: Backup server management (installation, configuration, policy, update).

6: Node / job managment (setting, scheduling, modification).

7: Media management (space reclamation and errors on media, ordering tapes and stock management)

8: Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (fluent in both oral and written English),
  being able to ineract well with customer and partners via calls, meeting, and emails.
9: Be able to conduct small to medium engagement with customers indenpendently, providing regular update / report to the team.

10: An overall of 6-8 years experience in at least one of the areas above isrequired for this position.


Bachelor's Degree at least 3 years experience in Tivoli Storage Managment.

这篇关于发个 TSM 招聘的JD, ----- 主要是为了学习 English的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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