Simple thoughts

2023-11-27 23:48
文章标签 simple thoughts

本文主要是介绍Simple thoughts,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

• Don’t believe in myths—reason for yourself.
• Don’t follow “conventional wisdom”—often the things everybody knows are simply wrong!
• Don’t trust rumors or opinions—test things for yourself and base decisions on proven examples.
• Break apart a problem into simpler questions, and assemble the answers to each step into an elegant, efficient solution.
• Don’t do things in your programs when the database can do them better and faster.
• Understand the differences between the ideal and the real.
• Ask questions about and be skeptical of unjustified “company policies” for technical standards.
• Consider the big picture of what’s best overall for the requirements at hand.
• Take the time to THINK.

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Simple calculations

纯公式推导。。。,不谢。。  Simple calculations  The Problem There is a sequence of n+2 elements a0, a1,…, an+1 (n <= 3000; -1000 <=  ai 1000). It is known that ai = (ai–1 + ai+1)/2 – ci   for each i=1

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