Black Tea: Things You Don‘t Know About It

2023-11-27 22:59
文章标签 black know things tea

本文主要是介绍Black Tea: Things You Don‘t Know About It,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Black Tea: Things You Don't Know About It

    • How Does Black Tea be Categorized?
    • Where Are Black Tea Coming From?
    • Which Kind of Black Tea Is Used for Bubble Milk Tea?
    • Choose Your Best Black Tea for Bubble Tea!

Choose your favorite black tea. With the improvement in people’s living standards, more and more people drink milk tea. But some health-conscious people don’t like to buy milk tea from outside. We can make milk tea by ourselves. Adding black tea to milk tea makes it taste better. But what black tea is better than milk tea?

How Does Black Tea be Categorized?

Black tea is divided into red broken tea, small kinds of black tea, and Gongfu black tea, making milk tea generally uses crushed black tea, because crushed black tea is chopped and processed granular tea, making milk tea will have a relatively strong tea taste, so it is more suitable for making milk tea.The most suitable area for crushed black tea growth is in the upper tropics, therefore the quality of black tea in India, Kenya, and so on is the best. In our country, the best quality black tea is the big-leaf black tea of Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian only. In addition, Gongfu black tea can also be used instead of crushed black tea to make milk tea, which is also the best large-leaf kung fu tea produced in Yunnan.Crushed black tea is a kind of granular tea that has been chopped and processed. The soluble substances are simply leached during tea brewing, and its flavor is characterized as “strong and fresh”. After the tea is soaked well and milk is added, the milk tea has a strong tea flavor. The small kind of black tea and the time black tea belongs to bar tea. The soluble substance is not easy to leach when making tea, and the taste is thicker.

Where Are Black Tea Coming From?

After adding milk, the milk taste in the milk tea is heavy and the tea taste is weak, so the milk tea is usually made of crushed black tea, which is the main sales area of black tea in Britain and the United States, and other western countries, and their black tea consumption is mainly based on crushed black tea with milk, juice, sugar and other drinking methods.Crushed black tea is produced in India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and other tropical countries with the best quality and the highest output value. In China, the black crushed tea with large leaf seed from Yunnan and the black crushed tea from Hainan has the best quality. The black crushed tea with large leaf seed from Yunnan processed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other provinces have a slightly lower quality.The red crushed tea with small leaf seeds processed in Sichuan, Anhui, Zhejiang, and other provinces has a low quality due to the low temperature and low degree of “strong and fresh”. Therefore, the best choice for making milk tea is broken red tea produced in the above tropical countries, or crushed black tea produced in Yunnan, China. If time black tea is used to replace crushed black tea, time black tea produced in Yunnan big leaf species can be tea caketea with book and penpu er tea

Which Kind of Black Tea Is Used for Bubble Milk Tea?

Worldwide, the most suitable black teas for milk tea are Assam from India and Ceylon from Sri Lanka. Assam black tea leaves are thin and flat, dark brown in shape, dark red and slightly brown in soup color, with a light caramel flavor, rich taste, and sweet aftertaste. Ceylon black tea, on the other hand, is usually russet, and the best soup noodles have golden rings, like a coronation. Its flavor is stimulating, revealing such as mint, lily of the valley aroma, taste mellow, although bitter, but sweet aftertaste.A cup of milk tea looks easy to make, but its formula and materials are the best choice after countless experiments, which embodies the painstaking effort and sweat of the research team, and is far from mixing tea and milk tea

Choose Your Best Black Tea for Bubble Tea!

Good milk tea, is generally by a variety of tea, a single black tea to make a good milk tea is more laborious, this industry is more particular about the taste of tea people will feel Assam, Qi Hong, Darjeeling, and others fragrant black tea is more suitable for making milk tea. To make a good milk tea, not all the tea is mixed in all the time, but according to the characteristics of various tea, you have the auxiliary materials (creamer, sugar water), and local tastes, to match.
To make milk tea, choose India’s Assam black tea to make a better taste because that tea is thicker and stronger. Assam black tea and milk are the closest partners, clean drink Assam, but it seems to taste strong and heavy, but when you combine Assam with milk, a fantastic taste will come out with tea aroma and milk aroma.

Yucoo, the greatest bubble tea store in Boston that bind to your human principle of taste.

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