hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路

2023-11-27 06:30

本文主要是介绍hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


为啥学习error code

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask. org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveExceptionat org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.copyFiles( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadTable( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask.execute( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Task.executeTask( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.TaskRunner.runSequential( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.launchTask( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.launchTasks( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.runTasks( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Executor.execute( org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver.runInternal( org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation.runQuery( org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation.access$700( org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation$BackgroundWork$ Method)at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.SQLOperation$ java.util.concurrent.Executors$ java.util.concurrent.Executors$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (state=08S01,code=40000)

但是这个错是hive的错,我们开发过程 中会遇到很多hive问题,都怎么解决呢?我建议看源码,但先不要看报错源码,直接看errorCode源码,别人hive的开发者也是人,也知道这里会报错,可能会好心告诉我们怎么解决。

 // 10000 to 19999: Errors occurring during semantic analysis and compilation of the query.// 20000 to 29999: Runtime errors where Hive believes that retries are unlikely to succeed.// 30000 to 39999: Runtime errors which Hive thinks may be transient and retrying may succeed.// 40000 to 49999: Errors where Hive is unable to advise about retries.

比如上面我们的措施40000,别人明确告诉我们 retries就行,实际情况就是重试确实ok。
但是还是想知道为什么报错,能不能有更好的解决办法。还是得看源码 哈哈哈。

at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.copyFiles(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadTable(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask.execute(


    HIVE_MOVE_FILES_THREAD_COUNT("", 15, new  SizeValidator(0L, true, 1024L, true), "Number of threads"+ " used to move files in move task. Set it to 0 to disable multi-threaded file moves. This parameter is also used by"+ " MSCK to check tables."),HIVE_LOAD_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_THREAD_COUNT("hive.load.dynamic.partitions.thread", 15,new  SizeValidator(1L, true, 1024L, true),"Number of threads used to load dynamic partitions.")

顾名思义 这个配置项是move files的线程数,后面会根据这个线程数new一个线程池newFixedThreadPool
然后开始move file
感受了 就是这里真正move的时候出错了。继续看mvFile干嘛。
insert into tableA select * from table1
insert into tableA select * from table2
比如说 table1中间有十个文件 table2也有10个文件 此时要把20个文件都mv到tableA目录下。此时默认开启了两个线程池各有15个线程。
从0开始命名 如果存在则+1
pool1 发现没有0文件 pool2也发现没有0文件。
pool1 mv table1/0000 to tableA/0001
pool2 mv table2/0000 to tableA/0001
1.设置线程数为1,线程数越少,产生bug的几率就越小 。
2.insert into 非分区表时 串行执行
4.union 将多个操作合并为一个操作

2.串行执行 多个插入同一个分区的操作
3.union 将多个操作合并为一个操作


public enum ErrorMsg {// The error codes are Hive-specific and partitioned into the following ranges:// 10000 to 19999: Errors occurring during semantic analysis and compilation of the query.// 20000 to 29999: Runtime errors where Hive believes that retries are unlikely to succeed.// 30000 to 39999: Runtime errors which Hive thinks may be transient and retrying may succeed.// 40000 to 49999: Errors where Hive is unable to advise about retries.// In addition to the error code, ErrorMsg also has a SQLState field.// SQLStates are taken from Section 22.1 of ISO-9075.// See Most will just rollup to the generic syntax error state of 42000, but// specific errors can override the that state.// See this page for how MySQL uses SQLState codes://, "Exception while processing"),//========================== 10000 range starts here ========================//INVALID_TABLE(10001, "Table not found", "42S02"),INVALID_COLUMN(10002, "Invalid column reference"),INVALID_TABLE_OR_COLUMN(10004, "Invalid table alias or column reference"),AMBIGUOUS_TABLE_OR_COLUMN(10005, "Ambiguous table alias or column reference"),INVALID_PARTITION(10006, "Partition not found"),AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN(10007, "Ambiguous column reference"),AMBIGUOUS_TABLE_ALIAS(10008, "Ambiguous table alias"),INVALID_TABLE_ALIAS(10009, "Invalid table alias"),NO_TABLE_ALIAS(10010, "No table alias"),INVALID_FUNCTION(10011, "Invalid function"),INVALID_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE(10012, "Function argument type mismatch"),INVALID_OPERATOR_SIGNATURE(10013, "Operator argument type mismatch"),INVALID_ARGUMENT(10014, "Wrong arguments"),INVALID_ARGUMENT_LENGTH(10015, "Arguments length mismatch", "21000"),INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE(10016, "Argument type mismatch"),@Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_1(10017, "Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN"),@Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_2(10018, "Neither left nor right aliases encountered in JOIN"),@Deprecated INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION_3(10019, "OR not supported in JOIN currently"),INVALID_TRANSFORM(10020, "TRANSFORM with other SELECT columns not supported"),UNSUPPORTED_MULTIPLE_DISTINCTS(10022, "DISTINCT on different columns not supported" +" with skew in data"),NO_SUBQUERY_ALIAS(10023, "No alias for subquery"),NO_INSERT_INSUBQUERY(10024, "Cannot insert in a subquery. Inserting to table "),NON_KEY_EXPR_IN_GROUPBY(10025, "Expression not in GROUP BY key"),INVALID_XPATH(10026, "General . and [] operators are not supported"),INVALID_PATH(10027, "Invalid path"),ILLEGAL_PATH(10028, "Path is not legal"),INVALID_NUMERICAL_CONSTANT(10029, "Invalid numerical constant"),INVALID_ARRAYINDEX_TYPE(10030,"Not proper type for index of ARRAY. Currently, only integer type is supported"),INVALID_MAPINDEX_CONSTANT(10031, "Non-constant expression for map indexes not supported"),INVALID_MAPINDEX_TYPE(10032, "MAP key type does not match index expression type"),NON_COLLECTION_TYPE(10033, "[] not valid on non-collection types"),SELECT_DISTINCT_WITH_GROUPBY(10034, "SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY can not be in the same query"),COLUMN_REPEATED_IN_PARTITIONING_COLS(10035, "Column repeated in partitioning columns"),DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAMES(10036, "Duplicate column name:"),INVALID_BUCKET_NUMBER(10037, "Bucket number should be bigger than zero"),COLUMN_REPEATED_IN_CLUSTER_SORT(10038, "Same column cannot appear in CLUSTER BY and SORT BY"),SAMPLE_RESTRICTION(10039, "Cannot SAMPLE on more than two columns"),SAMPLE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND(10040, "SAMPLE column not found"),NO_PARTITION_PREDICATE(10041, "No partition predicate found"),INVALID_DOT(10042, ". Operator is only supported on struct or list of struct types"),INVALID_TBL_DDL_SERDE(10043, "Either list of columns or a custom serializer should be specified"),TARGET_TABLE_COLUMN_MISMATCH(10044,"Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different"),TABLE_ALIAS_NOT_ALLOWED(10045, "Table alias not allowed in sampling clause"),CLUSTERBY_DISTRIBUTEBY_CONFLICT(10046, "Cannot have both CLUSTER BY and DISTRIBUTE BY clauses"),ORDERBY_DISTRIBUTEBY_CONFLICT(10047, "Cannot have both ORDER BY and DISTRIBUTE BY clauses"),CLUSTERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT(10048, "Cannot have both CLUSTER BY and SORT BY clauses"),ORDERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT(10049, "Cannot have both ORDER BY and SORT BY clauses"),CLUSTERBY_ORDERBY_CONFLICT(10050, "Cannot have both CLUSTER BY and ORDER BY clauses"),NO_LIMIT_WITH_ORDERBY(10051, "In strict mode, if ORDER BY is specified, "+ "LIMIT must also be specified"),UNION_NOTIN_SUBQ(10053, "Top level UNION is not supported currently; "+ "use a subquery for the UNION"),INVALID_INPUT_FORMAT_TYPE(10054, "Input format must implement InputFormat"),INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT_TYPE(10055, "Output Format must implement HiveOutputFormat, "+ "otherwise it should be either IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat or SequenceFileOutputFormat"),NO_VALID_PARTN(10056, HiveConf.StrictChecks.NO_PARTITIONLESS_MSG),NO_OUTER_MAPJOIN(10057, "MAPJOIN cannot be performed with OUTER JOIN"),INVALID_MAPJOIN_HINT(10058, "All tables are specified as map-table for join"),INVALID_MAPJOIN_TABLE(10059, "Result of a union cannot be a map table"),NON_BUCKETED_TABLE(10060, "Sampling expression needed for non-bucketed table"),BUCKETED_NUMERATOR_BIGGER_DENOMINATOR(10061, "Numerator should not be bigger than "+ "denominator in sample clause for table"),NEED_PARTITION_ERROR(10062, "Need to specify partition columns because the destination "+ "table is partitioned"),CTAS_CTLT_COEXISTENCE(10063, "Create table command does not allow LIKE and AS-SELECT in "+ "the same command"),LINES_TERMINATED_BY_NON_NEWLINE(10064, "LINES TERMINATED BY only supports "+ "newline '\\n' right now"),CTAS_COLLST_COEXISTENCE(10065, "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT command cannot specify "+ "the list of columns "+ "for the target table"),CTLT_COLLST_COEXISTENCE(10066, "CREATE TABLE LIKE command cannot specify the list of columns for "+ "the target table"),INVALID_SELECT_SCHEMA(10067, "Cannot derive schema from the select-clause"),CTAS_PARCOL_COEXISTENCE(10068, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT does not support "+ "partitioning in the target table "),CTAS_MULTI_LOADFILE(10069, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT results in multiple file load"),CTAS_EXTTBL_COEXISTENCE(10070, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT cannot create external table"),INSERT_EXTERNAL_TABLE(10071, "Inserting into a external table is not allowed"),DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS(10072, "Database does not exist:"),TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS(10073, "Table already exists:", "42S02"),COLUMN_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS(10074, "Column alias already exists:", "42S02"),UDTF_MULTIPLE_EXPR(10075, "Only a single expression in the SELECT clause is "+ "supported with UDTF's"),@Deprecated UDTF_REQUIRE_AS(10076, "UDTF's require an AS clause"),UDTF_NO_GROUP_BY(10077, "GROUP BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),UDTF_NO_SORT_BY(10078, "SORT BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),UDTF_NO_CLUSTER_BY(10079, "CLUSTER BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),UDTF_NO_DISTRIBUTE_BY(10080, "DISTRUBTE BY is not supported with a UDTF in the SELECT clause"),UDTF_INVALID_LOCATION(10081, "UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested "+ "in expressions"),UDTF_LATERAL_VIEW(10082, "UDTF's cannot be in a select expression when there is a lateral view"),UDTF_ALIAS_MISMATCH(10083, "The number of aliases supplied in the AS clause does not match the "+ "number of columns output by the UDTF"),UDF_STATEFUL_INVALID_LOCATION(10084, "Stateful UDF's can only be invoked in the SELECT list"),LATERAL_VIEW_WITH_JOIN(10085, "JOIN with a LATERAL VIEW is not supported"),LATERAL_VIEW_INVALID_CHILD(10086, "LATERAL VIEW AST with invalid child"),OUTPUT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES(10087, "The same output cannot be present multiple times: "),INVALID_AS(10088, "AS clause has an invalid number of aliases"),VIEW_COL_MISMATCH(10089, "The number of columns produced by the SELECT clause does not match the "+ "number of column names specified by CREATE VIEW"),DML_AGAINST_VIEW(10090, "A view cannot be used as target table for LOAD or INSERT"),ANALYZE_VIEW(10091, "ANALYZE is not supported for views"),VIEW_PARTITION_TOTAL(10092, "At least one non-partitioning column must be present in view"),VIEW_PARTITION_MISMATCH(10093, "Rightmost columns in view output do not match "+ "PARTITIONED ON clause"),PARTITION_DYN_STA_ORDER(10094, "Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition"),DYNAMIC_PARTITION_DISABLED(10095, "Dynamic partition is disabled. Either enable it by setting "+ "hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true or specify partition column values"),DYNAMIC_PARTITION_STRICT_MODE(10096, "Dynamic partition strict mode requires at least one "+ "static partition column. To turn this off set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict"),NONEXISTPARTCOL(10098, "Non-Partition column appears in the partition specification: "),UNSUPPORTED_TYPE(10099, "DATETIME type isn't supported yet. Please use "+ "DATE or TIMESTAMP instead"),CREATE_NON_NATIVE_AS(10100, "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT cannot be used for a non-native table"),LOAD_INTO_NON_NATIVE(10101, "A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD"),LOCKMGR_NOT_SPECIFIED(10102, "Lock manager not specified correctly, set hive.lock.manager"),LOCKMGR_NOT_INITIALIZED(10103, "Lock manager could not be initialized, check hive.lock.manager "),LOCK_CANNOT_BE_ACQUIRED(10104, "Locks on the underlying objects cannot be acquired. "+ "retry after some time"),ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_COULD_NOT_BE_INITIALIZED(10105, "Check hive.zookeeper.quorum "+ "and hive.zookeeper.client.port"),OVERWRITE_ARCHIVED_PART(10106, "Cannot overwrite an archived partition. " +"Unarchive before running this command"),ARCHIVE_METHODS_DISABLED(10107, "Archiving methods are currently disabled. " +"Please see the Hive wiki for more information about enabling archiving"),ARCHIVE_ON_MULI_PARTS(10108, "ARCHIVE can only be run on a single partition"),UNARCHIVE_ON_MULI_PARTS(10109, "ARCHIVE can only be run on a single partition"),ARCHIVE_ON_TABLE(10110, "ARCHIVE can only be run on partitions"),RESERVED_PART_VAL(10111, "Partition value contains a reserved substring"),OFFLINE_TABLE_OR_PARTITION(10113, "Query against an offline table or partition"),NEED_PARTITION_SPECIFICATION(10115, "Table is partitioned and partition specification is needed"),INVALID_METADATA(10116, "The metadata file could not be parsed "),NEED_TABLE_SPECIFICATION(10117, "Table name could be determined; It should be specified "),PARTITION_EXISTS(10118, "Partition already exists"),TABLE_DATA_EXISTS(10119, "Table exists and contains data files"),INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA(10120, "The existing table is not compatible with the import spec. "),EXIM_FOR_NON_NATIVE(10121, "Export/Import cannot be done for a non-native table. "),INSERT_INTO_BUCKETIZED_TABLE(10122, "Bucketized tables do not support INSERT INTO:"),PARTSPEC_DIFFER_FROM_SCHEMA(10125, "Partition columns in partition specification are "+ "not the same as that defined in the table schema. "+ "The names and orders have to be exactly the same."),PARTITION_COLUMN_NON_PRIMITIVE(10126, "Partition column must be of primitive type."),INSERT_INTO_DYNAMICPARTITION_IFNOTEXISTS(10127,"Dynamic partitions do not support IF NOT EXISTS. Specified partitions with value :"),UDAF_INVALID_LOCATION(10128, "Not yet supported place for UDAF"),DROP_PARTITION_NON_STRING_PARTCOLS_NONEQUALITY(10129,"Drop partitions for a non-string partition column is only allowed using equality"),ALTER_COMMAND_FOR_VIEWS(10131, "To alter a view you need to use the ALTER VIEW command."),ALTER_COMMAND_FOR_TABLES(10132, "To alter a base table you need to use the ALTER TABLE command."),ALTER_VIEW_DISALLOWED_OP(10133, "Cannot use this form of ALTER on a view"),ALTER_TABLE_NON_NATIVE(10134, "ALTER TABLE can only be used for " + AlterTableTypes.nonNativeTableAllowedTypes + " to a non-native table "),SORTMERGE_MAPJOIN_FAILED(10135,"Sort merge bucketed join could not be performed. " +"If you really want to perform the operation, either set " +"hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=false, or set " +"hive.enforce.sortmergebucketmapjoin=false."),BUCKET_MAPJOIN_NOT_POSSIBLE(10136,"Bucketed mapjoin cannot be performed. " +"This can be due to multiple reasons: " +" . Join columns dont match bucketed columns. " +" . Number of buckets are not a multiple of each other. " +"If you really want to perform the operation, either remove the " +"mapjoin hint from your query or set hive.enforce.bucketmapjoin to false."),BUCKETED_TABLE_METADATA_INCORRECT(10141,"Bucketed table metadata is not correct. " +"Fix the metadata or don't use bucketed mapjoin, by setting " +"hive.enforce.bucketmapjoin to false."),JOINNODE_OUTERJOIN_MORETHAN_16(10142, "Single join node containing outer join(s) " +"cannot have more than 16 aliases"),INVALID_JDO_FILTER_EXPRESSION(10143, "Invalid expression for JDO filter"),ALTER_BUCKETNUM_NONBUCKETIZED_TBL(10145, "Table is not bucketized."),TRUNCATE_FOR_NON_MANAGED_TABLE(10146, "Cannot truncate non-managed table {0}.", true),TRUNCATE_FOR_NON_NATIVE_TABLE(10147, "Cannot truncate non-native table {0}.", true),PARTSPEC_FOR_NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE(10148, "Partition spec for non partitioned table {0}.", true),INVALID_TABLE_IN_ON_CLAUSE_OF_MERGE(10149, "No columns from target table ''{0}'' found in ON " +"clause ''{1}'' of MERGE statement.", true),LOAD_INTO_STORED_AS_DIR(10195, "A stored-as-directories table cannot be used as target for LOAD"),ALTER_TBL_STOREDASDIR_NOT_SKEWED(10196, "This operation is only valid on skewed table."),ALTER_TBL_SKEWED_LOC_NO_LOC(10197, "Alter table skewed location doesn't have locations."),ALTER_TBL_SKEWED_LOC_NO_MAP(10198, "Alter table skewed location doesn't have location map."),SKEWED_TABLE_NO_COLUMN_NAME(10200, "No skewed column name."),SKEWED_TABLE_NO_COLUMN_VALUE(10201, "No skewed values."),SKEWED_TABLE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAMES(10202,"Duplicate skewed column name:"),SKEWED_TABLE_INVALID_COLUMN(10203,"Invalid skewed column name:"),SKEWED_TABLE_SKEWED_COL_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH_1(10204,"Skewed column name is empty but skewed value is not."),SKEWED_TABLE_SKEWED_COL_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH_2(10205,"Skewed column value is empty but skewed name is not."),SKEWED_TABLE_SKEWED_COL_NAME_VALUE_MISMATCH_3(10206,"The number of skewed column names and the number of " +"skewed column values are different: "),ALTER_TABLE_NOT_ALLOWED_RENAME_SKEWED_COLUMN(10207," is a skewed column. It's not allowed to rename skewed column"+ " or change skewed column type."),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_AGGR_NOMAPAGGR(10209,"Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed if map-side " +" aggregation is turned off. Set if you want to use grouping sets"),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_AGGR_EXPRESSION_INVALID(10210,"Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed if aggregation function " +"parameters overlap with the aggregation functions columns"),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_EMPTY(10211,"Empty grouping sets not allowed"),HIVE_UNION_REMOVE_OPTIMIZATION_NEEDS_SUBDIRECTORIES(10212,"In order to use hive.optimize.union.remove, the hadoop version that you are using " +"should support sub-directories for tables/partitions. If that is true, set " +"hive.hadoop.supports.subdirectories to true. Otherwise, set hive.optimize.union.remove " +"to false"),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_EXPR_NOT_IN_GROUPBY(10213,"Grouping sets expression is not in GROUP BY key"),INVALID_PARTITION_SPEC(10214, "Invalid partition spec specified"),ALTER_TBL_UNSET_NON_EXIST_PROPERTY(10215,"Please use the following syntax if not sure " +"whether the property existed or not:\n" +"ALTER TABLE tableName UNSET TBLPROPERTIES IF EXISTS (key1, key2, ...)\n"),ALTER_VIEW_AS_SELECT_NOT_EXIST(10216,"Cannot ALTER VIEW AS SELECT if view currently does not exist\n"),REPLACE_VIEW_WITH_PARTITION(10217,"Cannot replace a view with CREATE VIEW or REPLACE VIEW or " +"ALTER VIEW AS SELECT if the view has partitions\n"),EXISTING_TABLE_IS_NOT_VIEW(10218,"Existing table is not a view\n"),NO_SUPPORTED_ORDERBY_ALLCOLREF_POS(10219,"Position in ORDER BY is not supported when using SELECT *"),INVALID_POSITION_ALIAS_IN_GROUPBY(10220,"Invalid position alias in Group By\n"),INVALID_POSITION_ALIAS_IN_ORDERBY(10221,"Invalid position alias in Order By\n"),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_THRESHOLD_NOT_ALLOWED_WITH_SKEW(10225,"An additional MR job is introduced since the number of rows created per input row " +"due to grouping sets is more than There is no need " +"to handle skew separately. set hive.groupby.skewindata to false."),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_THRESHOLD_NOT_ALLOWED_WITH_DISTINCTS(10226,"An additional MR job is introduced since the cardinality of grouping sets " +"is more than This functionality is not supported " +"with distincts. Either set to a high number " +"(higher than the number of rows per input row due to grouping sets in the query), or " +"rewrite the query to not use distincts."),OPERATOR_NOT_ALLOWED_WITH_MAPJOIN(10227,"Not all clauses are supported with mapjoin hint. Please remove mapjoin hint."),ANALYZE_TABLE_NOSCAN_NON_NATIVE(10228, "ANALYZE TABLE NOSCAN cannot be used for " + "a non-native table"),PARTITION_VALUE_NOT_CONTINUOUS(10234, "Partition values specified are not continuous." +" A subpartition value is specified without specifying the parent partition's value"),TABLES_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMAS(10235, "Tables have incompatible schemas and their partitions " +" cannot be exchanged."),EXCHANGE_PARTITION_NOT_ALLOWED_WITH_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLES(10236, "Exchange partition is not allowed with "+ "transactional tables. Alternatively, shall use load data or insert overwrite to move partitions."),TRUNCATE_COLUMN_NOT_RC(10237, "Only RCFileFormat supports column truncation."),TRUNCATE_COLUMN_ARCHIVED(10238, "Column truncation cannot be performed on archived partitions."),TRUNCATE_BUCKETED_COLUMN(10239,"A column on which a partition/table is bucketed cannot be truncated."),TRUNCATE_LIST_BUCKETED_COLUMN(10240,"A column on which a partition/table is list bucketed cannot be truncated."),TABLE_NOT_PARTITIONED(10241, "Table {0} is not a partitioned table", true),DATABSAE_ALREADY_EXISTS(10242, "Database {0} already exists", true),CANNOT_REPLACE_COLUMNS(10243, "Replace columns is not supported for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible.", true),BAD_LOCATION_VALUE(10244, "{0}  is not absolute.  Please specify a complete absolute uri."),UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_TBL_OP(10245, "{0} alter table options is not supported"),INVALID_BIGTABLE_MAPJOIN(10246, "{0} table chosen for streaming is not valid", true),MISSING_OVER_CLAUSE(10247, "Missing over clause for function : "),PARTITION_SPEC_TYPE_MISMATCH(10248, "Cannot add partition column {0} of type {1} as it cannot be converted to type {2}", true),UNSUPPORTED_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION(10249, "Unsupported SubQuery Expression"),INVALID_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION(10250, "Invalid SubQuery expression"),INVALID_HDFS_URI(10251, "{0} is not a hdfs uri", true),INVALID_DIR(10252, "{0} is not a directory", true),NO_VALID_LOCATIONS(10253, "Could not find any valid location to place the jars. " +"Please update or with a valid location", false),UNSUPPORTED_AUTHORIZATION_PRINCIPAL_TYPE_GROUP(10254,"Principal type GROUP is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),INVALID_TABLE_NAME(10255, "Invalid table name {0}", true),INSERT_INTO_IMMUTABLE_TABLE(10256, "Inserting into a non-empty immutable table is not allowed"),UNSUPPORTED_AUTHORIZATION_RESOURCE_TYPE_GLOBAL(10257,"Resource type GLOBAL is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),UNSUPPORTED_AUTHORIZATION_RESOURCE_TYPE_COLUMN(10258,"Resource type COLUMN is not supported in this authorization setting", "28000"),TXNMGR_NOT_SPECIFIED(10260, "Transaction manager not specified correctly, " +"set hive.txn.manager"),TXNMGR_NOT_INSTANTIATED(10261, "Transaction manager could not be " +"instantiated, check hive.txn.manager"),TXN_NO_SUCH_TRANSACTION(10262, "No record of transaction {0} could be found, " +"may have timed out", true),TXN_ABORTED(10263, "Transaction manager has aborted the transaction {0}.  Reason: {1}", true),DBTXNMGR_REQUIRES_CONCURRENCY(10264,"To use DbTxnManager you must set"),TXNMGR_NOT_ACID(10265, "This command is not allowed on an ACID table {0}.{1} with a non-ACID transaction manager", true),LOCK_NO_SUCH_LOCK(10270, "No record of lock {0} could be found, " +"may have timed out", true),LOCK_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED(10271, "Current transaction manager does not " +"support explicit lock requests.  Transaction manager:  "),METASTORE_COMMUNICATION_FAILED(10280, "Error communicating with the " +"metastore"),METASTORE_COULD_NOT_INITIATE(10281, "Unable to initiate connection to the " +"metastore."),INVALID_COMPACTION_TYPE(10282, "Invalid compaction type, supported values are 'major' and " +"'minor'"),NO_COMPACTION_PARTITION(10283, "You must specify a partition to compact for partitioned tables"),TOO_MANY_COMPACTION_PARTITIONS(10284, "Compaction can only be requested on one partition at a " +"time."),DISTINCT_NOT_SUPPORTED(10285, "Distinct keyword is not support in current context"),NONACID_COMPACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED(10286, "Compaction is not allowed on non-ACID table {0}.{1}", true),MASKING_FILTERING_ON_ACID_NOT_SUPPORTED(10287,"Detected {0}.{1} has row masking/column filtering enabled, " +"which is not supported for query involving ACID operations", true),UPDATEDELETE_PARSE_ERROR(10290, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten merge/update or " +"delete query"),UPDATEDELETE_IO_ERROR(10291, "Encountered I/O error while parsing rewritten update or " +"delete query"),UPDATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_PART_VALUE(10292, "Updating values of partition columns is not supported"),INSERT_CANNOT_CREATE_TEMP_FILE(10293, "Unable to create temp file for insert values "),ACID_OP_ON_NONACID_TXNMGR(10294, "Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that" +" does not support these operations."),VALUES_TABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED(10296,"Values clause with table constructor not yet supported"),ACID_OP_ON_NONACID_TABLE(10297, "Attempt to do update or delete on table {0} that is " +"not transactional", true),ACID_NO_SORTED_BUCKETS(10298, "ACID insert, update, delete not supported on tables that are " +"sorted, table {0}", true),ALTER_TABLE_TYPE_PARTIAL_PARTITION_SPEC_NO_SUPPORTED(10299,"Alter table partition type {0} does not allow partial partition spec", true),ALTER_TABLE_PARTITION_CASCADE_NOT_SUPPORTED(10300,"Alter table partition type {0} does not support cascade", true),DROP_NATIVE_FUNCTION(10301, "Cannot drop native function"),UPDATE_CANNOT_UPDATE_BUCKET_VALUE(10302, "Updating values of bucketing columns is not supported.  Column {0}.", true),IMPORT_INTO_STRICT_REPL_TABLE(10303,"Non-repl import disallowed against table that is a destination of replication."),CTAS_LOCATION_NONEMPTY(10304, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT cannot create table with location to a non-empty directory."),CTAS_CREATES_VOID_TYPE(10305, "CREATE-TABLE-AS-SELECT creates a VOID type, please use CAST to specify the type, near field: "),TBL_SORTED_NOT_BUCKETED(10306, "Destination table {0} found to be sorted but not bucketed.", true),//{2} should be lockidLOCK_ACQUIRE_TIMEDOUT(10307, "Lock acquisition for {0} timed out after {1}ms.  {2}", true),COMPILE_LOCK_TIMED_OUT(10308, "Attempt to acquire compile lock timed out.", true),CANNOT_CHANGE_SERDE(10309, "Changing SerDe (from {0}) is not supported for table {1}. File format may be incompatible", true),CANNOT_CHANGE_FILEFORMAT(10310, "Changing file format (from {0}) is not supported for table {1}", true),CANNOT_REORDER_COLUMNS(10311, "Reordering columns is not supported for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),CANNOT_CHANGE_COLUMN_TYPE(10312, "Changing from type {0} to {1} is not supported for column {2}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),REPLACE_CANNOT_DROP_COLUMNS(10313, "Replacing columns cannot drop columns for table {0}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),REPLACE_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_CONVERSION(10314, "Replacing columns with unsupported type conversion (from {0} to {1}) for column {2}. SerDe may be incompatible", true),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_AGGR_NOMAPAGGR_MULTIGBY(10315,"Grouping sets aggregations (with rollups or cubes) are not allowed when " +"HIVEMULTIGROUPBYSINGLEREDUCER is turned on. Set hive.multigroupby.singlereducer=false if you want to use grouping sets"),CANNOT_RETRIEVE_TABLE_METADATA(10316, "Error while retrieving table metadata"),INVALID_AST_TREE(10318, "Internal error : Invalid AST"),ERROR_SERIALIZE_METASTORE(10319, "Error while serializing the metastore objects"),IO_ERROR(10320, "Error while performing IO operation "),ERROR_SERIALIZE_METADATA(10321, "Error while serializing the metadata"),INVALID_LOAD_TABLE_FILE_WORK(10322, "Invalid Load Table Work or Load File Work"),CLASSPATH_ERROR(10323, "Classpath error"),IMPORT_SEMANTIC_ERROR(10324, "Import Semantic Analyzer Error"),INVALID_FK_SYNTAX(10325, "Invalid Foreign Key syntax"),INVALID_CSTR_SYNTAX(10326, "Invalid Constraint syntax"),ACID_NOT_ENOUGH_HISTORY(10327, "Not enough history available for ({0},{1}).  " +"Oldest available base: {2}", true),INVALID_COLUMN_NAME(10328, "Invalid column name"),UNSUPPORTED_SET_OPERATOR(10329, "Unsupported set operator"),LOCK_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED(10330, "Query was cancelled while acquiring locks on the underlying objects. "),NOT_RECOGNIZED_CONSTRAINT(10331, "Constraint not recognized"),INVALID_CONSTRAINT(10332, "Invalid constraint definition"),REPLACE_VIEW_WITH_MATERIALIZED(10400, "Attempt to replace view {0} with materialized view", true),REPLACE_MATERIALIZED_WITH_VIEW(10401, "Attempt to replace materialized view {0} with view", true),UPDATE_DELETE_VIEW(10402, "You cannot update or delete records in a view"),MATERIALIZED_VIEW_DEF_EMPTY(10403, "Query for the materialized view rebuild could not be retrieved"),MERGE_PREDIACTE_REQUIRED(10404, "MERGE statement with both UPDATE and DELETE clauses " +"requires \"AND <boolean>\" on the 1st WHEN MATCHED clause of <{0}>", true),MERGE_TOO_MANY_DELETE(10405, "MERGE statment can have at most 1 WHEN MATCHED ... DELETE clause: <{0}>", true),MERGE_TOO_MANY_UPDATE(10406, "MERGE statment can have at most 1 WHEN MATCHED ... UPDATE clause: <{0}>", true),INVALID_JOIN_CONDITION(10407, "Error parsing condition in join"),INVALID_TARGET_COLUMN_IN_SET_CLAUSE(10408, "Target column \"{0}\" of set clause is not found in table \"{1}\".", true),HIVE_GROUPING_FUNCTION_EXPR_NOT_IN_GROUPBY(10409, "Expression in GROUPING function not present in GROUP BY"),ALTER_TABLE_NON_PARTITIONED_TABLE_CASCADE_NOT_SUPPORTED(10410,"Alter table with non-partitioned table does not support cascade"),HIVE_GROUPING_SETS_SIZE_LIMIT(10411,"Grouping sets size cannot be greater than 64"),REBUILD_NO_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(10412, "Rebuild command only valid for materialized views"),LOAD_DATA_ACID_FILE(10413,"\"{0}\" was created created by Acid write - it cannot be loaded into anther Acid table",true),ACID_OP_ON_INSERTONLYTRAN_TABLE(10414, "Attempt to do update or delete on table {0} that is " +"insert-only transactional", true),LOAD_DATA_LAUNCH_JOB_IO_ERROR(10415, "Encountered I/O error while parsing rewritten load data into insert query"),LOAD_DATA_LAUNCH_JOB_PARSE_ERROR(10416, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten load data into insert query"),//========================== 20000 range starts here ========================//SCRIPT_INIT_ERROR(20000, "Unable to initialize custom script."),SCRIPT_IO_ERROR(20001, "An error occurred while reading or writing to your custom script. "+ "It may have crashed with an error."),SCRIPT_GENERIC_ERROR(20002, "Hive encountered some unknown error while "+ "running your custom script."),SCRIPT_CLOSING_ERROR(20003, "An error occurred when trying to close the Operator " +"running your custom script."),DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS_TOO_MANY_PER_NODE_ERROR(20004, "Fatal error occurred when node " +"tried to create too many dynamic partitions. The maximum number of dynamic partitions " +"is controlled by hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions and hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode. "),/*** {1} is the transaction id;* use {@link org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.JavaUtils#txnIdToString(long)} to format*/OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_IMPLICIT_TXN(20006, "Operation {0} is not allowed in an implicit transaction ({1}).", true),/*** {1} is the transaction id;* use {@link org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.JavaUtils#txnIdToString(long)} to format*/OP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TXN(20007, "Operation {0} is not allowed in a transaction ({1},queryId={2}).", true),OP_NOT_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_TXN(20008, "Operation {0} is not allowed without an active transaction", true),ACCESS_DENIED(20009, "Access denied: {0}", "42000", true),QUOTA_EXCEEDED(20010, "Quota exceeded: {0}", "64000", true),UNRESOLVED_PATH(20011, "Unresolved path: {0}", "64000", true),FILE_NOT_FOUND(20012, "File not found: {0}", "64000", true),WRONG_FILE_FORMAT(20013, "Wrong file format. Please check the file's format.", "64000", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_INVALID_QUEUE(20014, "Spark job is submitted to an invalid queue: {0}."+ " Please fix and try again.", true),SPARK_RUNTIME_OOM(20015, "Spark job failed because of out of memory."),//if the error message is changed for REPL_EVENTS_MISSING_IN_METASTORE, then need modification in getNextNotification//method in HiveMetaStoreClientREPL_EVENTS_MISSING_IN_METASTORE(20016, "Notification events are missing in the meta store."),REPL_BOOTSTRAP_LOAD_PATH_NOT_VALID(20017, "Target database is bootstrapped from some other path."),REPL_FILE_MISSING_FROM_SRC_AND_CM_PATH(20018, "File is missing from both source and cm path."),REPL_LOAD_PATH_NOT_FOUND(20019, "Load path does not exist."),REPL_DATABASE_IS_NOT_SOURCE_OF_REPLICATION(20020,"Source of replication (repl.source.for) is not set in the database properties."),// An exception from runtime that will show the full stack to clientUNRESOLVED_RT_EXCEPTION(29999, "Runtime Error: {0}", "58004", true),//========================== 30000 range starts here ========================//STATSPUBLISHER_NOT_OBTAINED(30000, "StatsPublisher cannot be obtained. " +"There was a error to retrieve the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +"might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +"could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),STATSPUBLISHER_INITIALIZATION_ERROR(30001, "StatsPublisher cannot be initialized. " +"There was a error in the initialization of StatsPublisher, and retrying " +"might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +"could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),STATSPUBLISHER_CONNECTION_ERROR(30002, "StatsPublisher cannot be connected to." +"There was a error while connecting to the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +"might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +"could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),STATSPUBLISHER_PUBLISHING_ERROR(30003, "Error in publishing stats. There was an " +"error in publishing stats via StatsPublisher, and retrying " +"might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +"could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),STATSPUBLISHER_CLOSING_ERROR(30004, "StatsPublisher cannot be closed." +"There was a error while closing the StatsPublisher, and retrying " +"might help. If you dont want the query to fail because accurate statistics " +"could not be collected, set hive.stats.reliable=false"),COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_PART_KEY(30005, "Invalid partitioning key specified in ANALYZE " +"statement"),COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_PARTITION(30007, "Invalid partitioning key/value specified in " +"ANALYZE statement"),COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_PARSE_ERROR(30009, "Encountered parse error while parsing rewritten query"),COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_IO_ERROR(30010, "Encountered I/O exception while parsing rewritten query"),DROP_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PARTITION(30011, "Partition protected from being dropped"),COLUMNSTATSCOLLECTOR_INVALID_COLUMN(30012, "Column statistics are not supported "+ "for partition columns"),STATSAGGREGATOR_SOURCETASK_NULL(30014, "SourceTask of StatsTask should not be null"),STATSAGGREGATOR_CONNECTION_ERROR(30015,"Stats aggregator of type {0} cannot be connected to", true),STATS_SKIPPING_BY_ERROR(30017, "Skipping stats aggregation by error {0}", true),INVALID_FILE_FORMAT_IN_LOAD(30019, "The file that you are trying to load does not match the" +" file format of the destination table."),SCHEMA_REQUIRED_TO_READ_ACID_TABLES(30020, "Neither the configuration variables " +"schema.evolution.columns / schema.evolution.columns.types " +"nor the " +"columns / columns.types " +"are set.  Table schema information is required to read ACID tables"),ACID_TABLES_MUST_BE_READ_WITH_ACID_READER(30021, "An ORC ACID reader required to read ACID tables"),ACID_TABLES_MUST_BE_READ_WITH_HIVEINPUTFORMAT(30022, "Must use HiveInputFormat to read ACID tables " +"(set"),ACID_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_FILE_NAME(30023, "{0} file name is not valid in Load Data into Acid " +"table {1}.  Examples of valid names are: 00000_0, 00000_0_copy_1", true),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT(30030, "Concatenate/Merge only supported for RCFile and ORCFile formats"),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_BUCKETED(30031, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on bucketed tables"),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_PARTITION_ARCHIVED(30032, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on archived partitions"),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_NON_NATIVE(30033, "Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on non-native tables"),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_NOT_MANAGED(30034, "Concatenate/Merge can only be performed on managed tables"),CONCATENATE_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_TRANSACTIONAL(30035,"Concatenate/Merge can not be performed on transactional tables"),SPARK_GET_JOB_INFO_TIMEOUT(30036,"Spark job timed out after {0} seconds while getting job info", true),SPARK_JOB_MONITOR_TIMEOUT(30037, "Job hasn''t been submitted after {0}s." +" Aborting it.\nPossible reasons include network issues, " +"errors in remote driver or the cluster has no available resources, etc.\n" +"Please check YARN or Spark driver''s logs for further information.\n" +"The timeout is controlled by " + HiveConf.ConfVars.SPARK_JOB_MONITOR_TIMEOUT + ".", true),// Various errors when creating Spark clientSPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_TIMEOUT(30038,"Timed out while creating Spark client for session {0}.", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_QUEUE_FULL(30039,"Failed to create Spark client because job queue is full: {0}.", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_INTERRUPTED(30040,"Interrupted while creating Spark client for session {0}", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_ERROR(30041,"Failed to create Spark client for Spark session {0}", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_INVALID_RESOURCE_REQUEST(30042,"Failed to create Spark client due to invalid resource request: {0}", true),SPARK_CREATE_CLIENT_CLOSED_SESSION(30043,"Cannot create Spark client on a closed session {0}", true),SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPTED(30044, "Spark job was interrupted while executing"),REPL_FILE_SYSTEM_OPERATION_RETRY(30045, "Replication file system operation retry expired."),//========================== 40000 range starts here ========================//SPARK_JOB_RUNTIME_ERROR(40001,"Spark job failed during runtime. Please check stacktrace for the root cause.");

这篇关于hive 报错return code 40000 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MoveTask解决思路的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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