
2023-11-26 14:20


a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 山东省计算机会考基础题讲评




14.90 积分

作文讲评 Models in writing27分:徐宫冬子27 26分:胡凌飞 孙源26 25分:刘岫 林霄 曹歆雨 王鑫 宫琪 李嫣然24分:逄宗奇 顾莹莹 付笑楠 Models in writing27分:徐宫冬子27 26分:胡凌飞 孙源26 25分:刘岫 林霄 曹歆雨 王鑫 宫琪 李嫣然24分:逄宗奇 顾莹莹 付笑楠 Models in writing27分:王欣然 潘小飞26分:刘子琰25分:曲艺,黄稷琛,肖玮,——, ——24分:王雅琍,李璐琪,魏嘉诚, 李朝曦,刘雪,于小超,贺博岩,孙小楠 Models in writing27分:王欣然 (补)26分:刘子琰25分:曲艺,黄稷琛,肖玮,——, ——24分:王雅琍,李璐琪,魏嘉诚,李朝曦,刘雪,于小超,贺博岩,孙小楠The problems we should kill in writing1.We should do something for our school . B,e bceacuasues oeu oru src shcohoolo ils i sa mamoonngg t hthee bbeesstt schools in this province.2. The things mentioned above are that I am proud of.These are the reasons why I am proud of my school.The reason why …(句子)is that ….(句子)First (ly), Second(ly), 不用the first,the secondMost students= most of the students Dear teachers and students, I’m very glad to be here to make a speech. Our school is like our home, where we stay almost every day. So there’s no doubt that I’m very proud of our school. Not only has our school been well equipped with so much advanced equipment, but there is also harmonious atmosphere created by everyone. Furthermore, it’s our teachers’ devotion to teaching that makes us study better and get good grades. Thanks to our school, we have a brighter future. Our school has done a lot for us but what can we do to repay our school? It’s our responsibility to do something to make our school better and better. In my opinion, first of all we should respect the school rules and work harder so that we won’t let our teachers and parents down. Secondly, we should protect the environment. We should form a good habit of putting the rubbish into the dustbin. Besides, we are supposed to take an active part in the activities launched by school. Only in this way can we make our school more and more popular. Thank you for listening!Golden sentences 1. One of the reason why I am proud of it is that the atmosphere of study in my school is better than any other school in the city. On the other hand, the majority of the students in my school have more polite manners, which shorten the distance between people . As far as I am concerned, everyone in our school should make efforts to make our school better and better,so I will try my best to obey the school rules in my daily life.Only in these ways can we build a first-class senior high! (胡凌飞)2. Reading books is of good benefit us.(王鑫)3. It’s our duty to build up good fame of the school. (李凤)4. What’s more, it offers us students excellent classrooms to study in. We can learn all kinds of knowledge here. Last but not the least, the teachers here have a great sense of responsibility and very kind to us.Personally speaking, to study better is the best thing we can do .(逄宗奇)5. What’s more,I find the friends that I long for here. Students in our shool are outgoing and friendlly. They play an important part in my life.? There is no doubt that we should study harder to achieve our dream.Do every thing we can for our school.Only in this way can we make our school better and more beautiful.(林霄)6. What’s more,when we have trouble doing something,teachers at school always help us to overcome the problems we have,which is very kind of them.(孙源)7. As a consequence,our head master imports a large number of equipment which we can use to do e xperiment.Sparing no effort to study is of most importance.We are all supposed to get good grades to repay our teachers.So I call on everyone to start to do it.(曹歆雨)8. From my point of view, we also need to do something good to our school. Firstly,we shouldn’t throw wastepaper in school. And it’s our duty to keep it clean. Secondly, we ought to behave politely whenever you meet your teachers. Meanwhile, we should get along well with classmates to keep the school life friendly. (李嫣然)Golden sentencesThere are always many teachers around us ready to do me a favour. 王雅琍My school is among the best schools, thus making me proud of it. 王雅琍As a consequence, I want to appeal to everyone to do something for our school.(李璐琪,曲艺)We must show our respect to our teachers. In addition, we’d better behave ourselves in public. (黄稷琛)I love our school. Studying in it, I feel rich and happy. Living in it, I’m comfortable and feel at home……in a word, we live in harmony.( 刘子琰)Our school is of great beauty. (王欣然)They all have a sense of responsibility and are enthusiastic about their work. (孙小楠)There is no doubt that \ It goes without saying that the library is avery important place.(马瑶)To my pride, our school is famous in our city.(陈文龙)I think it’s the best way to make contributions to my school.(孙锐)Every time you meet difficul 关 键 词: 山东省计算机会考基础题讲评 ppt、pptx格式 免费阅读 下载 天天文库

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零基础学习Redis(10) -- zset类型命令使用

zset是有序集合,内部除了存储元素外,还会存储一个score,存储在zset中的元素会按照score的大小升序排列,不同元素的score可以重复,score相同的元素会按照元素的字典序排列。 1. zset常用命令 1.1 zadd  zadd key [NX | XX] [GT | LT]   [CH] [INCR] score member [score member ...]

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【Linux 从基础到进阶】Ansible自动化运维工具使用

Ansible自动化运维工具使用 Ansible 是一款开源的自动化运维工具,采用无代理架构(agentless),基于 SSH 连接进行管理,具有简单易用、灵活强大、可扩展性高等特点。它广泛用于服务器管理、应用部署、配置管理等任务。本文将介绍 Ansible 的安装、基本使用方法及一些实际运维场景中的应用,旨在帮助运维人员快速上手并熟练运用 Ansible。 1. Ansible的核心概念

AI基础 L9 Local Search II 局部搜索

Local Beam search 对于当前的所有k个状态,生成它们的所有可能后继状态。 检查生成的后继状态中是否有任何状态是解决方案。 如果所有后继状态都不是解决方案,则从所有后继状态中选择k个最佳状态。 当达到预设的迭代次数或满足某个终止条件时,算法停止。 — Choose k successors randomly, biased towards good ones — Close


一、引言 从文章《音视频入门基础:WAV专题(6)——通过FFprobe显示WAV音频文件每个数据包的信息》中我们可以知道,通过FFprobe命令可以打印WAV音频文件每个packet(也称为数据包或多媒体包)的信息,这些信息包含该packet的pts、dts: 打印出来的“pts”实际是AVPacket结构体中的成员变量pts,是以AVStream->time_base为单位的显

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c++基础版 Windows环境搭建第一个C++程序c++程序运行原理注释常亮字面常亮符号常亮 变量数据类型整型实型常量类型确定char类型字符串布尔类型 控制台输入随机数产生枚举定义数组数组便利 指针基础野指针空指针指针运算动态内存分配 结构体结构体默认值结构体数组结构体指针结构体指针数组函数无返回值函数和void类型地址传递函数传递数组 引用函数引用传参返回指针的正确写法函数返回数组


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【MRI基础】TR 和 TE 时间概念

重复时间 (TR) 磁共振成像 (MRI) 中的 TR(重复时间,repetition time)是施加于同一切片的连续脉冲序列之间的时间间隔。具体而言,TR 是施加一个 RF(射频)脉冲与施加下一个 RF 脉冲之间的持续时间。TR 以毫秒 (ms) 为单位,主要控制后续脉冲之前的纵向弛豫程度(T1 弛豫),使其成为显著影响 MRI 中的图像对比度和信号特性的重要参数。 回声时间 (TE)


一、编程技能 熟练掌握编程语言 Python:在计算机视觉领域广泛应用,有丰富的库如 OpenCV、TensorFlow、PyTorch 等,方便进行算法实现和模型开发。 C++:运行效率高,适用于对性能要求严格的计算机视觉应用。 数据结构与算法 掌握常见的数据结构(如数组、链表、栈、队列、树、图等)和算法(如排序、搜索、动态规划等),能够优化代码性能,提高算法效率。 二、数学基础