问题一 :单点故障
问题二 :数据不一致
Narayana 事务恢复流程。
Narayana使用了单线程轮询RM,执行XA recovery语句,来判断是否有需要恢复的语句。
具体的代码 com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery.run()
public void run (){doInitialWait();boolean finished = false;do{boolean workToDo = false;// ok, get to the point where we are ready to start a scansynchronized(_stateLock) {if (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {// need to wait for some other scan to finishif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread waiting on other scan");}doScanningWait();// we don't wait around if a worker scan request has just come inif (getMode() == Mode.ENABLED && !_workerScanRequested) {// the last guy just finished scanning so we ought to wait a bit rather than just// pile straight in to do some workif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread backing off");}doPeriodicWait();// if we got told to stop then do sofinished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);}} else {// status == INACTIVE so we can go ahead and scan if scanning is enabledswitch (getMode()) {case ENABLED:// ok grab our chance to be the scanning threadif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread Status <== SCANNING");}setStatus(Status.SCANNING);// must kick any other waiting threads_stateLock.notifyAll();workToDo = true;break;case SUSPENDED:// we need to wait while we are suspendedif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread wait while SUSPENDED");}doSuspendedWait();// we come out of here with the lock and either ENABLED or TERMINATEDfinished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);break;case TERMINATED:finished = true;break;}}}// its ok to start work if requested -- we cannot be stopped now by a mode change to SUSPEND// or TERMINATE until we get through phase 1 and maybe phase 2 if we are luckyif (workToDo) {// ok it is now this thread's turn to run a scan. before starting we check if there is a// worker waiting and reset the waiting flag. we will check again after the scan has// completed to see if a worker request has come in after starting this scan.// if so we avoid notifying the worker ensuring a requst is only confirmed when a// full scan has happened afetr the request was madeboolean notifyRequired;synchronized(_stateLock) {notifyRequired = _workerScanRequested;_workerScanRequested = false;}// we are in state SCANNING so actually do the scanif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread scanning");}doWorkInternal();// clear the SCANNING state now we have donesynchronized(_stateLock) {if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread Status <== INACTIVE");}setStatus(Status.INACTIVE);// must kick any other waiting threads_stateLock.notifyAll();// check if we need to notify a listener worker that we just finished a scanif (notifyRequired && !_workerScanRequested) {notifyWorker();}if (getMode() == Mode.ENABLED && !_workerScanRequested) {// we managed a full scan and scanning is still enabled// so wait a bit before the next attemptif (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread backing off");}doPeriodicWait();}finished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);}}} while (!finished);// make sure the worker thread is not wedged waiting for a scan to completesynchronized(_stateLock) {if (_workerScanRequested) {notifyWorker();}}if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: background thread exiting");}}
//获取所有的RecoveryModule ,然后一个一个执行Vector copyOfModules = getModules();Enumeration modules = copyOfModules.elements();while (modules.hasMoreElements()){RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) modules.nextElement();// we need to ensure we use the class loader context of the recovery module while we are executing// its methodsClassLoader cl = switchClassLoader(m);try {m.periodicWorkFirstPass();} finally {restoreClassLoader(cl);}if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug(" ");}}// take the lock again so we can do a backoff wait on itsynchronized (_stateLock) {// we have to wait for a bit to avoid catching (too many)// transactions etc. that are really progressing quite happilydoBackoffWait();// we carry on scanning even if scanning is SUSPENDED because the suspending thread// might be waiting on us to complete and we don't want to risk deadlocking it by waiting// here for a resume.// if we have been TERMINATED we bail out now// n.b. if we give up here the caller is responsible for clearing the active scanif (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED) {if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("PeriodicRecovery: scan TERMINATED at phase 1");}return;}}// move on to phase 2if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("Periodic recovery second pass at "+_theTimestamper.format(new Date()));}modules = copyOfModules.elements();while (modules.hasMoreElements()){RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) modules.nextElement();ClassLoader cl = switchClassLoader(m);try {m.periodicWorkSecondPass();} finally {restoreClassLoader(cl);}if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debugf("PeriodicRecovery: recovery module '%s' second pass processed", m);}}
public interface RecoveryModule
{/*** Called by the RecoveryManager at start up, and then* PERIODIC_RECOVERY_PERIOD seconds after the completion, for all RecoveryModules,* of the second pass*/public void periodicWorkFirstPass ();/*** Called by the RecoveryManager RECOVERY_BACKOFF_PERIOD seconds* after the completion of the first pass*/public void periodicWorkSecondPass ();
RecoveryModule的实现类有 XARecoveryModule ,AtomicActionRecoveryModule,SubordinateAtomicActionRecoveryModule,CommitMarkableResourceRecordRecoveryModule。等4个实现类。
XARecoveryModule :
它的作用就是执行XA recovery 命令从RM,获取 Xid数组。然后缓存起来。核心代码为:
trans = xares.recover(XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN);
//缓存刷新refreshXidScansForEquivalentXAResourceImpl(xares, trans);
// Transaction typeboolean AtomicActions = false ;// uids per transaction typeInputObjectState aa_uids = new InputObjectState() ;try{if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("AtomicActionRecoveryModule first pass");}AtomicActions = _recoveryStore.allObjUids( _transactionType, aa_uids );}catch ( ObjectStoreException ex ) {tsLogger.i18NLogger.warn_recovery_AtomicActionRecoveryModule_1(ex);}if ( AtomicActions ){_transactionUidVector = processTransactions( aa_uids ) ;}
首先执行的代码为 :
// move on to phase 2if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debug("Periodic recovery second pass at "+_theTimestamper.format(new Date()));}modules = copyOfModules.elements();while (modules.hasMoreElements()){RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) modules.nextElement();ClassLoader cl = switchClassLoader(m);try {m.periodicWorkSecondPass();} finally {restoreClassLoader(cl);}if (tsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {tsLogger.logger.debugf("PeriodicRecovery: recovery module '%s' second pass processed", m);}}
AtomicActionRecoveryModule: 进入
//省略无关代码if ( (_theStatus == ActionStatus.PREPARED) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.COMMITTING) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.COMMITTED) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.H_COMMIT) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.H_MIXED) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.H_HAZARD) ){super.phase2Commit( _reportHeuristics ) ;}else if ( (_theStatus == ActionStatus.ABORTED) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.H_ROLLBACK) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.ABORTING) ||(_theStatus == ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY) ){super.phase2Abort( _reportHeuristics ) ;}
XARecoveryModule : 尝试在进行恢复。核心代码为
private void bottomUpRecovery() {for (XAResource xaResource : _resources) {try {xaRecoverySecondPass(xaResource);} catch (Exception ex) {jtaLogger.i18NLogger.warn_recovery_getxaresource(ex);}}// JBTM-895 garbage collection is now done when we return XAResources {@see XARecoveryModule#getNewXAResource(XAResourceRecord)}// JBTM-924 requires this here garbage collection, see JBTM-1155:if (_xidScans != null) {Set<XAResource> keys = new HashSet<XAResource>(_xidScans.keySet());for(XAResource theKey : keys) {RecoveryXids recoveryXids = _xidScans.get(theKey);if(recoveryXids.isStale()) {_xidScans.remove(theKey);}}}}
Apache ShardingSphere是一套开源的分布式数据库中间件解决方案组成的生态圈,它由Sharding-JDBC、Sharding-Proxy和Sharding-Sidecar(规划中)这3款相互独立的产品组成。他们均提供标准化的数据分片、分布式事务、数据迁移、数据库治理和管控界面功能,可适用于如Java同构、异构语言、容器、云原生等各种多样化的应用场景。
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作者介绍:肖宇,Apache ShardingSphere Committer,开源hmily分布式事务框架作者,