Using Set Processing Effectively 有效地使用集合处理

2023-11-22 12:30

本文主要是介绍Using Set Processing Effectively 有效地使用集合处理,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Using Set Processing Effectively 有效地使用集合处理

The information in the topics that follow applies if you are developing new or upgrading older Application Engine programs to adhere to a set-based model.


SQL Expertise SQL专业知识

You should be a SQL expert if you are developing row-by-row programs with Application Engine and especially if you are developing set-based programs. The following concepts are particularly important:


  • Group by and Having clauses.
  • group by 和 having 子句。
  • Complex joins.
  • 复杂的联接。
  • Subqueries (correlated and non-correlated).
  • 子查询(相关的和不相关的)。
  • Tools for your database to analyze complex SQL statements for performance analysis.
  • 为您的数据库分析复杂的SQL语句进行性能分析的工具。

Typically, you use these SQL constructs to refine or filter a set to contain only the rows that meet specific criteria. In Application Engine, you code using SQL, and Application Engine passes that SQL directly to the database, where it is processed. If you have a complex SQL statement that works functionally, it may not perform well if it is not tuned properly.


Planning 规划

Well-constructed, robust, and efficient Application Engine programs are usually the product of a detailed planning stage in which loops, program flow, the use of temporary tables, sections, steps, and so on are discussed.


Ideally, you should address batch processing as a whole while you are designing the system. Sometimes, system analysts and developers focus primarily on the online system during the database design, and then they consider the batch component within the existing database design. Set processing works best in an environment in which data models are optimized for set processing.


For example, you could have a separate staging table for new data that has not been processed rather than having numerous cases of existing rows in a table being updated. In set processing, processing the data after moving it to a temporary table using an Insert or Select statement is easier than using an update.

Avoid performing updates on real application tables, and try to perform your updates on temporary tables. You can structure your data model to minimize updating real application tables.


Another important consideration is keeping historical data separate from active transactions. After the life cycle of given piece of transaction data is over, so that no more updates are possible, consider moving that data to an archive or history table and deleting it from the real transaction table. This action minimizes the number of rows in the table, which improves performance for queries and updates to your active data.


Temporary Tables 临时表

Although temporary tables are not required for set processing, well-designed temporary tables complement your set-based program in a variety of ways.


Creating temporary tables enables you to achieve one of the main objectives of set-based processing: the processing remains on the database server. By storing transient data in temporary tables, you avoid the batch program fetching the data, row by row, and running the business rule, processing the data, and then passing the updated data back to the database. If the program ran on the client, you would encounter performance issues because of the network round-trip and the diminished processing speed of a client compared to the database platform.


Design your temporary tables to:


  • Hold transaction data for the current run or iteration of your program.
  • 保存程序当前运行或迭代的事务数据。
  • Contain only those rows of data affected by the business rule.
  • 仅包含受业务规则影响的数据行。
  • Present key information in a denormalized, or flattened, form, which provides the most efficient processing.
  • 以非规范化或扁平化的形式呈现关键信息,这提供了最有效的处理方式。
  • Switch the keys for rows coming from the master tables, if needed.
  • 如果需要,为来自主表的行切换键。

A transaction may use a different key than what appears in the master tables.


Denormalized Tables 非正规化表

The most efficient temporary tables store data in denormalized form. Because most programs need to access data that resides in multiple tables, you should consolidate all of the affected and related data into one table, a temporary table. The program runs more efficiently against a flattened, temporary table rather than relying on the system to materialize complex joins and views to retrieve or update necessary data for each transaction.


If your program requires the use of a complex view to process transactions, then resolve the view into a temporary table for your program to run against. Each join or view that needs to materialize for each transaction consumes system resources and affects performance. In this approach, the system applies the join or view once (during the filtering process), populates the temporary table with the necessary information that the program needs to complete the transaction, and then runs the program against the temporary table as needed.


For example, consider the following situation:


A program needs to update 10,000 rows in the Customer table, which contains 100,000 rows of data. The Customer table is keyed by setID. To complete the transaction, the program references data that resides in a related table called PS_SET_CNTRL_REC. PS_SET_CNTRL_REC is used to associate setID and BUSINESS_UNIT values. The transaction is keyed by BUSINESS_UNIT.


Given this set of circumstances, the most efficient processing method would be similar to the following:


  • Isolate affected or necessary data from both tables and insert it into a temporary table.
  • ·从两个表中隔离受影响的或必要的数据,并将其插入到临时表中。

Now, instead of dealing with a 10,000-row Customer table and a join to a related table, the program faces a 10,000-row temporary table that contains all of the required data to join directly to the transaction data, which can also be in a temporary table. If all necessary columns reside in the temporary tables, then the program can modify all the rows at once in a simple Update statement.


This example presents two different uses of temporary tables. In one situation, the temporary table is designed to hold setup and control data in a modified form. In the other situation, the temporary table is designed to hold transaction data in a denormalized form, perhaps with additional work columns to hold intermediate calculations.


  • Make sure the data appears in a denormalized form for optimum processing.
  • 确保数据以非规范化的形式出现,以便进行最佳处理。
  • Because the transaction is keyed by BUSINESS_UNIT, you should also key the temporary table that holds the control data by BUSINESS_UNIT.
  • 因为事务是由BUSINESS_UNIT键控的,所以还应该由BUSINESS_UNIT键控保存控制数据的临时表。

In this case, the table that holds the control data is the Customer table.


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